Knowing that Ye's father was cured by the internal energy master, the hospital also attached great importance to it, and out of prudence, they still pulled Ye's father to do a kidney examination carefully.

As a result, not only was the uremia really cured, but even all the indicators had reached a very healthy level!

Using internal strength to actually cure uremia?

This news was also quickly notified to the senior management of the hospital!

"Okay, sit down when you have time, I'm leaving first!"

Seeing that the commotion caused by his little effort seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, Luo Hang didn't want to make a scene known to everyone. After saying hello to Ye Li, he performed lightness kung fu and jumped directly from the window!

In the past two years, martial arts masters who come and go at high levels, and the general public are no strangers to it...

Therefore, watching Luo Hang perform qigong and leave, apart from taking a few more glances and feeling the exquisiteness of Luo Hang's lightness kung fu, it will not cause any commotion.

It's like walking on the main road and seeing a supercar, everyone stops and takes a second look!

Following Luo Hang's departure, the hospital's senior management couldn't find anyone, and they were heartbroken. They could only ask Ye Li and his daughter about Luo Hang's situation. open!

Can uremia be cured by internal strength alone?

If such a martial arts master sits in the hospital, it will definitely have an inestimable effect!

However, no matter how high the conditions of this hospital are, Ye Li also knows that it is impossible to invite such a great god as Luo Hang.

He responded politely, and only verbally agreed to tell the story for the hospital, and then left the hospital!

However, because of a martial arts master like Luo Hang, the hospital generously waived the Ye family's medical expenses, which was considered a good fortune!

The next day, Ye Li sent a message to ask Luohang to have a meal as a thank you.

Before Luo Hang left, he agreed to come down.

After eating, chatting, and talking about the hospital, Luo Hang smiled knowingly!

While eating, chatting about some interesting things that happened three years ago, the time passed quickly.

Seeing that there was nothing important to do, Luo Hang and Ye Li bid farewell, and then went shopping in other cities to relax.

In this way, more than half a month has passed!

Seeing that it was only a few days before the fourth crossing, Luo Hang returned to the Expedition Department!

"My ancestor, you are finally back!" Li Limin looked like he was about to cry when he received the news that Luo Hang had returned at 5.9!

This disappearance lasted for more than half a month, and there was no news at all. If something really happened, how would the entire Expedition Department explain to the people of the whole country!

"Don't worry, I've been maintaining the transformation technique all the time, and nothing will happen!" Luo Hang said with a wave of his hand.

Although Luo Hang's words are correct, if he maintains the transformation technique, even if he and others can't find him, others should not be able to find him!

However, Luo Hang's fate is related to the fate of the country!

If there is something wrong with him, another random explorer from Longguo, can he have the ability of Luohang?Therefore, seeing Luo Hang's nonchalant attitude, Li Limin was angry again, and felt helpless. This was probably the head teacher's thoughts when he saw the No. 1 in the school acting like a fool, right?

"Okay, Lao Li, has the basic information of the fourth world, the intellectual brain, been given to all countries?"

Regarding the matter of sneaking out to relax, Luo Hang is of course unwilling to get entangled in this aspect, so he changed the subject and asked!

Hearing this, Li Limin took out a document and gave it to Luo Hang.

He also secretly complained in his heart, he came back at the right time!

After receiving the information, Luo Hang scanned it, and the basic information of the fourth world came into Luo Hang's eyes! .

Chapter 180: Ancient One Mage

"This is a strange world, with black technology, protoss, and magic..."

"There is a powerful genetic medicine that can allow ordinary people to possess strength beyond the limit of the human body!"

"There is the Asgardian Protoss, who claim to rule the nine universes, and the Rainbow Bridge can teleport between stars in any universe!"

"There are cold nuclear reactors, which will bring human clean energy into a new stage!"

"There is a group of mages who practice various spells, involving the mysteries of the multiverse!"

"There are even treasures, with the cold air that freezes the entire planet!"

"There are also treasures, which contain almost infinite energy!"

"And the technology to forge a weapon from the core of a dying planet!"

"The most peculiar thing is that this planet called Earth has more than 90% similarity with Blue Star!"

Luo Hang's eyes scanned the latest information of the world, and looked at the description of the basic information about the inner world inside, and his heart was no longer fluctuating!

The first world is Tianlong, the second world is Fengyun, and the third world is Hokage, all of which are works of film and television dramas and animations from previous lives!

So, is this fourth world the previous Marvel universe series?

The Asgardian Protoss can understand from this point!

It's just that I don't know whether it is the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the Marvel Comics Universe?

"It seems that it should be a Marvel movie, right?" Looking carefully, there is no information about mutants in the information, Luo Hang was able to confirm 12!

After all, in the world of Marvel comics, mutants, these Avengers, and even the Fantastic Four belong to the same time and space!

However, in the movie universe, there are no mutants.

Uh, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are exceptions...

"Old Li? Do you have anything else to say?"

After flipping through the information roughly, Luo Hang found that Li Limin was still standing beside him, and he didn't appear to have left. He probably guessed that he had something to say!

"Well, Luohang, this time around the world of adventure, the higher-ups said that if possible, without affecting yourself, try to get these black technologies of cold fusion..."

With a troubled expression on his face and a little hesitation, Li Limin said immediately.

From Li Limin's words, Luo Hang understood that compared to martial arts, ninjutsu, etc., they all needed to be practiced to become stronger.

Simply put, it is related to the fortune of the country, but it is a long-term investment!

But black technology is different. If it can be obtained, it will be able to make a large leap in national strength in a short period of time.

Therefore, with the emergence of this kind of world with black technology, it is reasonable for the country to want to get the black technology!

"It seems that Tony Stark's side is going to be so lively this time!"

In this way, after thinking for a while, Luo Hang suddenly laughed secretly in his heart.

Indeed, the existence of black technology and the new energy of cold nuclear fusion, even the high-level leaders of the Dragon Kingdom are envious, and naturally, other countries are also envious!

Then, it can be predicted that in order to obtain the energy technology of steel armor, many explorers will definitely use everything, openly or secretly.

Just thinking about it, I feel that Tony Stark's next life will be very difficult!

"Okay, I will pay attention to this point!" Luo Hang nodded, expressing his understanding!

"Well, remember, as long as it doesn't affect you, if it's inconvenient, then forget it!" Li Limin then emphasized again!

Black technology, for the current Dragon Kingdom, is the icing on the cake, not necessary!

So, no need to take any chances!

"Well, I understand!" Luo Hang nodded and said.

Regardless of the reason, the attitude of the country's top leaders is still good!

Now that he knows which world is coming next, Luo Hang has followed suit to formulate a strategy for the Marvel world!

First of all, the first point of entering the Marvel world, of course, is to determine the timeline!

Only after determining the timeline can I know what will happen next!

Secondly, it is to formulate strategies and obtain things!

To paraphrase a saying in the Marvel world, the poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology!

Exploring other worlds, it is not the treasures such as Tailed Beast, Blood Bodhi, Xuanyuan Sword, and Dragon Vein that are related to the fate of the country.

Rather, it is the secret books of various cultivation systems that can be given to the general public and enhance the strength of the nation as a whole. This is what will help the country's destiny the most!

Therefore, from the perspective of national destiny, the biggest gain is not only the black technology, but also the magic power system.

Because magic power can be inherited and learned, and can be passed on to the public!

Plus, something worth reaping from the Marvel universe?

Needless to say, there are really many!

The Eternal Flame of Odin's Vault?Frost treasure box?Six Infinity Stones?And all kinds of powerful weapons made by the dwarves?Karma Taj's magical system?The black technology of cold nuclear fusion?Or even the super-soldier serum that Captain America injected?

And so on, there are so many things worth planning by yourself!

After sorting out the Marvel movie series I watched in my previous life, a few days passed by in a flash!

Immediately, Luo Hang found Huo Qilin, took Huo Qilin through the dimension gate, and chose the Dragon Kingdom on Earth as the landing place.

When it appeared, it was near the Himalayas!

That's right, no matter what the timeline is, Luo Hang is planning to come to Karma Taj first!

As for Tony Stark?

Come on, many explorers will go to the past one after another, and I am not missing one!

After those explorers have failed, go on your own!

Of course, if any explorer can succeed, Luo Hang doesn't mind being black and white!

"It's coming, it's on, it's on, Brother Hang's fourth adventure world travel has begun!"

"Brother Hang is going to take the fire unicorn with him this time? With the fire unicorn, the cards will be big!"

"Brothers, go and have a look. According to statistics, about 70% of the explorers have chosen the United States of the earth as their landing location! It seems that in the next few days, these explorers will kill randomly!"

"Brother Hang came to the territory of Dragon Kingdom? I don't know what kind of harvest Brother Hang is rushing for?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, many viewers were already waiting.

As the live broadcast screen came on, seeing Luo Hang crossing directly with the fire unicorn, everyone felt very much looking forward to it!

Karma Taj is located near the Himalayas, so the temperature is relatively low. After crossing over, Luohang is fine, but Huo Qilin said that he is not used to it!

Next, my primary goal is to find Karma Taj. Remember that the entrance is on a street in the original book?

Therefore, it was not suitable for Fire Qilin to go with him, so he patted Fire Qilin on the head, signaling it to find a suitable place to stay, and immediately, Luo Hang left by himself!

Then, Luo Hang spent three days looking for Karma Taj everywhere!

In other words, with Luo Hang's current cultivation base, his divine sense is also very powerful, but after letting it out to experience it, he can't feel the presence of Kama Taj at all.

This made Luo Hang secretly sigh in his heart, is it indeed the place where the legendary supreme mage practiced?

"Master, on the street outside recently, there is a man who is looking for Kama Taj's whereabouts. It has been two or three days!"

On this day, in the main hall of Karma Taj, a man said to the bald-headed Master Gu Yi!

"Oh? Really?" Hearing this, Master Gu Yi showed a surprised look on his face!

If it is said that Luo Hang knew the plot in advance and was jokingly called by the audience in Longguo that he got the script in advance.

Then, the Ancient One mage who mastered the time gem and was able to roam freely in the multiverse is the one who really got the script in advance.

She is even more aware of what will happen in the future!

However, in the future as far as I know, no one will come to look for Kama Taj in this time period!

"Okay, you bring him to see me!"

In any case, there are some deviations in the "history" I know?Master Gu Yi couldn't remain indifferent, so after a moment of silence, he spoke!

"Yes!" The mage nodded seriously, then turned around and left!

"Excuse me, do you know where Karma Taj is?" Luo Hang asked people on the street as usual!

However, all the people he questioned shook their heads, expressing that they were not very clear!

"Oh, is it possible that you want me to come up with a trick?"

Luo Hang felt helpless!There are a lot of buildings in the surrounding towns, and I don't know where the entrance of Karma Taj is, so I can't knock on the door one by one, right?

However, after several days of asking, there was no result, Luo Hang became a little impatient!

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