I was thinking secretly in my heart, should I use the technique of multiple shadow clones, divide into hundreds or thousands of shadow clones, and knock on the door one by one?

"Sir, are you looking for Maca Taj?"

Just when Luo Hang was thinking about whether he should use this trick, a cool-looking man wearing a cloak with a big hood covering his head said to Luo Hang!

"You are?" Luo Hang looked at the man and asked!

"Please come with me!" The man didn't explain so much, turned around and left!

Luo Hang is also a bold person with high skills, so he didn't have anything to worry about, so he followed the man and walked forward!

Besides, there is no need to worry about any evil forces occupying the vicinity of Kama Taj.

In this way, after walking for a while, the man brought Luo Hang to a small, unremarkable door.

Open the door and invite Luo Hang in!

Good guy, after entering, I saw many mages in the square, all practicing magic!

These magics seem to be composed of many small sparks, which look very cool!

Then, through the square, came to the main hall of Karma Taj!

"Hello, please drink tea!" The bald-headed Master Gu Yi personally handed Luo Hang a cup of tea!

"Thank you, Mage Gu Yi!" Luo Hang took it with both hands and thanked him.

"Oh? Do you recognize me?" Master Gu Yi asked back.

Without waiting for Luo Hang to answer, she followed up and said: "In the countless future pictures I have seen, you do not exist. Who are you? Where did you come from?".

Chapter 181: Shocked, the two people who got the script?

"Kama Taj? It seems that this Karma Taj is a place where many treasures are hidden?"

"That's natural. It must be a place like Langhuan Blessed Land, or Lingyun Grotto, right? Otherwise, it would be worth our Brother Hang's time to inquire about it for several days!"

"Yeah? Found it? Is it someone from Karma Taj who discovered Brother Hang? So, is there anyone else from Karma Taj? Could it be an organization? Or a sect?"

"Hangcao, magician? There are all magicians here. So, is Brother Hang planning a magic system?"

"Most of the people from other countries have come to the United States, thinking of going to Stark Industries to plan the technology of cold nuclear fusion, but, should we, Brother Hang, learn magic first?"

"Master Gu Yi? Hahaha, although it's the first time for our brother Hang to come to this world, he can call out other people's names as soon as he opens his mouth!"

"It's coming, it's still a familiar feeling, it's still a familiar taste!"

"Brother Hang's ability to predict the past and the future, is it going to be activated again?"

"Wait, what's going on with this ancient master? Did I hear wrong just now? She said, he saw a lot of futures? But didn't see our brother Hang?"

"Does this Ancient One mage also have the same ability as Brother Hang to speculate on the past and the future?"

"It's terrifying to think about it carefully, this is a bit scary!"

As Luo Hang entered the world of Marvel movies, many viewers followed Luo Hang's perspective to watch the live broadcast.

Of course, I saw Luohang's search for Karma Taj, and also saw that Karma Taj was a place where a group of mages practiced!

But the first conversation between Luo Hang and Master Gu Yi shocked the audience!

Besides Luo Hang, it seems that this Master Gu Yi also has the ability to calculate the past and the future?

If this is the case, wouldn't Luo Hang's highly sought-after calculation ability be useless?

Let's not talk about the thoughts of the audience in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, Luo Hang's attention is on the ancient master in front of him!

It looks like a bald man with an unattractive appearance, but in fact, the strength of the Ancient One mage can be regarded as the ceiling level of the powerhouse in the Marvel movie world!

"It can only be said that the future you see is not all!" Hearing this, Luo Hang said with a slight smile!

"Well, this is true. I haven't been able to peek into all the futures. It's just that when I have nothing to do, I have browsed 800 million possible futures, but I have never seen you. Can you tell me identity?"

Although Ancient One is a supreme mage, he doesn't have Uchiha Madara's lofty attitude, but gives people a kind of approachable feeling.

After nodding slightly, he asked Luo Hang again.

"It seems that you still don't quite believe it, or in other words, you believe too much in the future you see!" "

Answering irrelevant questions, Luo Hang smiled slightly, and then asked: "By the way, in the future you see, have you ever seen the future supreme mage, Steve. What about the future where Strange handed over the Time Stone to Thanos?"

"You..." Luo Hang's words immediately changed Master Gu Yi's face!

Although it was just one sentence, the amount of information contained in Luo Hang's sentence was too great!

For one thing, he knows the future Steve.Strange is the supreme mage of Maca Taj in the future?

Second, he still knows the existence of the time gem?

In the end, he was actually able to see farther and see the future Strange handing the Time Stone to Thanos?

This is indeed something I have never seen before, so, does this mysterious person in front of me see more future than himself, and also farther than what he sees?

"Okay, let me introduce myself. My name is Luo Hang. Well, according to the concept of the multiverse, I should be from the Dragon Kingdom of other universes!"

At this time, Luo Hang introduced himself to Master Gu Yi!

These words are true, whether it is the blue star before this crossing, or the earth before the blue star crossing, in fact, applying the setting of the Marvel universe, it can be regarded as other multiverses, right?

"So that's it. Then, Mr. Luo Hang, what is the purpose of coming to Karma Taj after you have been looking for it for three days?"

I don't know how many years he has lived, Master Gu Yi thought his eyesight was still very precise, and he could see that Luo Hang's words were not lies, so he nodded slightly and followed up with the question.

"The purpose of my visit this time is to be able to practice magic. I still admire Karma Taj's magic system. Of course, I won't ask for it for nothing. I can exchange it with other abilities!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and revealed his purpose!

In front of the supreme mage, don't lie, otherwise, once you lie, things will be even worse!

"Okay, no problem!" Listening to Luo Hang's purpose, Master Gu Yi simply nodded and agreed!

"Uh, wait, aren't you afraid that I'm an evil person? Or, like Iker Casillas, I will betray Kama Taj later?"

"Or, you don't want to know, what kind of things can I offer in exchange?"

Now, it was Luo Hang's turn to be astonished.

Did the ancient master nod and agree so easily?

"Don't worry, I can tell that you are not an evil person, and you can even be considered a good person!"

Master Gu Yi said calmly, his wise eyes seemed to be able to see through Luo Hang's mind!

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "In addition, as for Casillas, I already knew about his situation. This is a historical inevitability, and it is also an important sharpening tool for Mr. Strange's growth. Shi, why should I change this history?"

"Niu B, you really deserve to be the supreme mage in the original book, who can peep into the future existence of the multiverse at will!"

Hearing Master Gu Yi's answer, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart!

"By the way, there is another question. When is the current timeline? For example? Has Thor been to Earth?"

"For example, how long will Strange come to Karma Taj?"

"For example, has the Battle of New York begun?"

Chatting with Master Gu Yi, there is no need to hide anything, and asking about the timeline, Luo Hang directly mentioned several important time nodes!

"Well, according to the timeline, there is still about half a year before the battle in New York!" Master Gu Yi thought for a while and replied!

"Okay, thank you, I probably understand the timeline now!" Hearing this, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly, and he nodded immediately!

"Holding the Grass, this Ancient One mage looks like a master!"

"Yeah, and, whether it's demeanor, words or deeds, it makes people feel very comfortable. This is completely different from Uchiha Madara's power!"

"If it is said that Uchiha Madara's strength is like a volcano full of aggressiveness, then the strength of this ancient mage is like a piece of Wang Yang, calm but tolerant of everything!"

"666, the upstairs summed it up very aptly, this is indeed the feeling!"

"However, what is the chat between Brother Hang and Master Gu Yi?"

"." Casillas?who is thisThor?Who is that?And what about the battle in New York?Another half year? "

"So, when the two bosses who got the script in advance chat with each other, the people next to them can't understand at all?"

"Don't say it's us, even if it's people on this earth, probably no one can understand it?"

"However, there is still half a year to go. Will a war break out in New York? And, did Brother Hang and Master Gu Yi know it in advance?"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, all the audience listened to the conversation between these two people, and they all looked dumbfounded, a little dumbfounded!

Because, the thinking channel where the two chatted, everyone couldn't keep up at all!

Not to mention the astonishment of the audience in Longguo.

Since Master Gu Yi agreed, he would not be perfunctory to Luo Hang, and even expressed his willingness to teach Luo Hang himself!

"Mr. Luo Hang, although you don't know magic, I can feel the powerful power in your body, how about it? Shall we have a sparring session? It also allows me to understand your ability? How can I teach you in accordance with your aptitude? "

Seeing that Luo Hang was indeed very interested in magic, Mage Gu Yi followed suit and suggested.

"If that's the case, then ask the mage for advice!" Hearing this, Luo Hang didn't mean to be hypocritical, and nodded and said!

"That's all right, please follow me!" Master Gu Yi didn't talk nonsense, stretched out his finger, and tapped lightly.

(Good) Then, the space immediately shattered like a mirror.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Master Gu Yi stepped into the mirrored space first!

"Is this the magic of the mirror space? Seeing it with my own eyes, it is really strange!"

Following behind Master Gu Yi, they entered the mirrored space together, looked left and right, Luo Hang was secretly amazed in his heart!

Master Gu Yi waved his hand, it seemed that his movements were gentle and understated.

However, as she moves, the matter in this mirror space twists, folds, and reassembles the claws as she moves.

It feels like a god, who can control everything in the world at will!

Immediately afterwards, the matter overlapped, turning into a huge arena and appearing under Luo Hang and Master Gu Yi!

"Okay, Mr. Luo Hang, you can start now!" After easily setting up a ring, Master Gu Yi said to Luo Hang!

"Okay, let's take a look at my close combat ability first!" Luo Hang nodded.

Stepping on Lingbo and taking small steps, he quickly approached Master Gu Yi, and then raised his palm and hit Master Gu Yi.

The shot is Tianshan Liuyang Palm!

Master Gu Yi raised his hand, and the bright magic gathered in his palm, turning into a fan, moving like an antelope's horns, and greeted him.

Two people, fighting together...

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 182: The sword that made the ancient capital envious 23

To be honest, the magicians in the Marvel world are very different from the magicians in Luo Hang's traditional impression!

In Luo Hang's impression, a magician should wear a robe, hold a staff, chant magic spells, and then cast all kinds of powerful and gorgeous spells, right?

In short, it's like a humanoid spell fort, pure long-range fire suppression!

but?The magician in the Marvel world, although he also has magic.

However, if you don't move, you will grab the magic in your hand and rush up to fight close to you, dare you believe it! ?

Yes, the one who rushed up to fight close to him was actually a magician!

Not to mention how Luo Hang complained in his heart, the Tianshan Six Suns Palm was cast, and the ancient mage held magic in his hand, using magic as a weapon.

The back-and-forth battle with Luo Hang, it seems, is even the same!

Luo Hang's strength in close combat lies in his own very exquisite martial arts.

Tianshan Liuyang Palm, Tianshan Zhemeishou, occasionally interspersed with the sword energy of two six-veined swords for mid-range strikes, these martial arts were created entirely for close combat, very exquisite!

And what about the power of the Ancient One mage?It is because of her combat experience that she has lived for so many years!

In terms of close combat, Master Gu Yi does not have routines and tricks like martial arts.

However, even without these, her reactions and experience are very superb. It is purely a competition of moves. Mage Gu Yi is not weaker than Luo Hang at all!

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