"Sword three, sword eight, sword fifteen..."

In this way, after fighting back and forth with dozens of moves, Luo Hang's attack method changed.

Fingers together, pinch firmly, and then, the holy spirit swordsmanship was displayed, and the dense sword energy shot towards Gu Yi!

Seeing this, Mage Gu Yi raised his hand, magic turned into a shield, and stood in front of him.

No matter how densely these sword qi are shot at, the Ancient One mage can block all of these sword qi with his magic 130 spell shield.

Even if the sword 22 emits more than a hundred sword qi, it only allows Mage Gu Yi to cast an extra magic shield, that's all!

"Sword 23!"

I never expected myself to be able to defeat Master Gu Yi. After Sword 22, Luohang Sword 23's attack came out!

In an instant, the entire material time and space froze, and everything in the material space seemed to have pressed the pause button!

"That's right, is this ability the ability of time? But it's not quite right, it can only act on material time..."

Although the material time and space were frozen, the spiritual aspect was not affected. The soul of Master Gu Yi came out of his body, nodded to Luo Hang, and gave a high evaluation!

Although it is only in the form of a soul body, Master Ancient One is not without power.

He rubbed his hands together, and immediately after, the small sparks turned into a long whip and swung towards Luo Hang, directly binding Luo Hang's body, making him unable to move!

The power of magic is not matter, so it is not affected by Sword 23!

Being bound by magic chains, Luo Hang didn't intend to persist any longer, his mind moved slightly, and the sword field of sword 23 was put away by him.

Naturally, everything in the material time and space was restored!

"Not bad, your ability is very good, especially the last trick, which can freeze material space and time. This kind of ability can play a huge role at critical times!" Also withdrew his magic chain, the ancient one mage Highly praised!

Although he can also control time, even more thoroughly than Luo Hang, he can speed up time, or even reverse it.

However, all of this is borrowed from the power of Agamotto's (bcfj) eye, not his own power! "I'm not done yet. The warm-up is over. Next, it's time to get serious?"

However, for Master Gu Yi's high evaluation, Luo Hang didn't mean to be happy about it, and continued. "Oh? Do you have other abilities? Well, let me see!" Hearing this, Master Gu Yi was a little surprised, and said to Luo Hang in amazement.

At the same time, his face became more serious!

No nonsense, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly, and the blue chakra instantly covered Luo Hang's whole body, making him look even more imposing.

It's the Isofu mode!

Then, Luo Hang made a seal with both hands: Water escape, the technique of the Great Waterfall!


As the water escape ninjutsu was performed, a large and terrifying tsunami appeared immediately, rushing fiercely towards Mage Gu Yi.

Seeing this terrifying water flowing over like a tsunami, Master Gu Yi's expression changed slightly!

Of course, she wasn't frightened by the power of Luo Hang's water escape.

But just started, Luo Hang's fighting style is mainly based on melee combat, but he didn't expect that he was also amazed by this magic-like ability?

However, no matter what kind of thoughts in his mind, Gu Yi's movements were not slow.

With a light wave of his hand, a large piece of matter was folded over and stood in front of Gu Yi.

Like a rock, no matter how violent your waves are, I will stand still.

Under the protection of this substance, Gu Yi was not hit! "Water escape, hard vortex water blade!" "Water escape, water dragon bullet technique!" "Water escape, water rushing wave!"

With Sanwei Isofu's Chakra as the backing, Luo Hang used the water escape ninjutsu, showing no intention of cherishing the chakra at all, and threw all kinds of powerful water escape ninjutsu towards the ancient one one after another!

These water escape ninjutsu smashed over densely, which made Mage Gu Yi feel a little troublesome.

Immediately, the mind moved slightly, using its own magic power to manipulate the surrounding matter, folding and twisting.

The ground under Luo Hang's body seemed to come alive, covering it towards Luo Hang's side. It was like a huge palm gathered together, preventing Luo Hang's dodging position!

Seeing this, Luo Hang's reincarnation eyes flashed a ray of light, and then, Luo Hang raised his hands flatly, and whispered in his mouth: "Shenluo Tianzheng!"

With a bang, the invisible repulsive force centered on Luo Hang's body and exploded instantly.

These substances that were originally photographed towards Luohang were immediately shattered!

The art of psychic!

Immediately after Shenluo Tianzheng, Luo Hang performed a psychic spell, and white smoke flashed with a bang, and then, the Hungry Ghost Road of the Uchiha card appeared beside Luo Hang!

Staring at a pair of sharing eyes with three hook jade, this hungry ghost quickly rushed towards Master Gu Yi!

What was originally a one-on-one single-challenge fight, at this moment, seems to have turned into a two-on-one gang fight!

The dynamic vision of Sangouyu Sharingan endows Hungry Ghost Dao with very subtle movements, avoiding magic attacks one after another!

"Master Gu Yi, be careful!" Luo Hang followed suit and shouted at Gu Yi!

Countless bits and pieces of matter gathered together at a high speed in front of Luo Hang, and then turned into a deep-colored sphere!

"This is? What a rich energy!"

Looking at the gathered sphere of Luo Hang, Mage Gu Yi's expression became much more serious.

Tailed Beast Jade, as the ultimate ultimatum common to all tailed beasts, its destructive power is unquestionable, even Mage Gu Yi felt extremely dignified when he saw it!

When the tailed beast jade gathered to the extreme, Luo Hang directly released the tailed beast jade!

With magic in one hand, he blocked the attack of Hungry Ghost Dao. At the same time, Mage Gu Yi raised his other hand and quickly drew a circle in front of him!

Fragmented small sparks appeared, forming a circle.

The scene in this circle is astonishingly like a sea of ​​Wang Yang!

It is the teleportation magic of Master Ancient One!

Then, this tailed beast jade directly passed through the portal and landed in the sea!

After closing the portal, the powerful Tailed Beast Jade was just transferred away!

Taking a deep breath, Master Gu Yi shot again, and immediately, the matter in the entire mirror space moved, sweeping towards Luo Hang and the puppet of Hungry Ghost Dao!

Why is the coming of the tree world of wood escape ninjutsu so terrible?

That's because all the branches are sweeping towards you, and you can't dodge at all!

And now?

The Ancient One master controlled all the matter to sweep over, which was even more terrifying than the arrival of the tree world!

In the blink of an eye, Hungry Ghost Dao was covered by matter, unable to move!

Luohang's reincarnation eye was operating to the extreme, and at the same time, Shenluo Tianzheng's ability was fully released, and the invisible repulsive force was thrown towards the surroundings!

However, the dense matter was pressed up layer by layer, even though Luo Hang's Shenluo Tianzheng opened up an invisible force field to block these materials.

However, as more and more substances were pressed down, the invisible force field propped up by Luo Hang was also continuously compressed!

Finally, when this position was compressed to the extreme, Master Gu Yi waved his hand and took all these substances back!

"As expected of the supreme mage, this power is indeed powerful!" Luo Hang also felt a bit tired, and the consumption of the eyes of reincarnation was a bit high, and he said to the ancient mage in amazement.

"Your eyes are very special, and your strength is also very strong. If you really fight to the death, I may not be able to defeat you!"

"However, you have abilities similar to magic, why do you need to learn Kama Taj's magic?"

After making a mistake, Master Gu Yi had a clearer understanding of Luo Hang's ability, and immediately asked in surprise!

That's right, don't the abilities of water escape ninjutsu and tailed beast jade have effects similar to magic?

It can also be regarded as a magical ability, right?

Why go out of your way to practice the magic of Karma Taj?

"What I value more is the mirror space and the magic of the portal!"

Other spells, whether they are offensive or defensive, are indeed not too important to Luo Hang, but Luo Hang is determined to obtain the mirror image space and the portal!

"That's it, I understand!" Hearing this, Master Gu Yi suddenly nodded.

"Also, did you take a liking to the abilities I showed just now?" Luo Hang asked if it was already agreed to be a deal.

"Well, can the ability to freeze matter, time and space be learned?"

Master Gu Yi also took a fancy to Sword 23 and asked. .

Chapter 183: The army is capturing the fire unicorn?

"Yes, the last move of the Holy Spirit swordsmanship needs to be comprehended. Of course, if it is a supreme mage, it must not be difficult to comprehend this move!"

Seeing that Master Gu Yi was very interested in the move of Sword 23, Luo Hang nodded and said without hesitation!

After all, it's another adventure world, so what if I learned sword 23 and the like?

A year later, if you pat your ass and leave, even if you learn to be threatening to yourself, right?

So, of course Luo Hang didn't give up!

"No, I'm actually starting to pay more attention to the footwork you just moved!"

However, after hearing Luo Hang's promise, Master Gu Yi shook his head after thinking for a while, expressing that he wanted Lingbo Weibu even more!

"Huh? You want to choose Lingbo Weibu?"

Looking at Master Gu Yi in astonishment, Luo Hang didn't quite understand these~!

If you want to say that you have taken a fancy to Jian 23, you can understand.

However, faced with the choice of Sword 23 and Lingbo Weibu, Master Gu Yi chose Lingbo Weibu?

Luo Hang didn't quite understand this choice!

"For me, or for Karma Taj, Lingboweibu is more suitable!"

Seeing Luo Hang's stunned expression, Master Gu Yi explained with a smile on his face!

"As you said, the move just now can freeze matter and time and space. It is indeed powerful, but the more powerful it is, the more difficult it should be to learn!"

"Even if it is stored in Karma Taj's library, other mages will definitely put in more energy to learn it, and there is even the possibility of failure!"

"And this move is of little use to the Supreme Mage!"

"So, your Lingbo Weibu is actually more suitable for Karma Taj's mages. With this moving skill, the survivability of all mages will be greatly improved!"

Master Gu Yi followed up with an explanation!

This time, Luo Hang finally understood, and at the same time, he nodded silently in his heart, feeling that Master Gu Yi's choice was indeed correct.

For all the mages of Kama Taj, if these mages who rushed up with their magic at every turn learned how to walk slowly, their survivability and combat ability would indeed be greatly improved!

As for the supreme mage?

There is a time gem itself, so it really doesn't make much difference whether you want Sword 23 or not!

"Okay, everything is as the mage wishes!" Knowing that Gu Yi's choice is indeed the most suitable for her, Luo Hang also nodded.

The direction of Luohang's practice is very clear, mainly for the two tricks of mirror space and portal!

As for other attack and defense magics, they are of little use to me!

The supreme mage also understands Luohang's purpose, so the teaching is also very targeted!

The most important thing is that Luo Hang's own spiritual power is stronger than that of ordinary people. Learning magic naturally has a higher starting point! "The magic of the portal, in fact, in Kama Taj's magic system, can only be regarded as elementary magic..."

It took half a month for Luo Hang to understand what magic is, and after getting familiar with the atmosphere of magic, he felt that the time was almost up, and the supreme mage gave Luo Hang a suspension ring!

Taking the suspension ring solemnly, Luo Hang nodded seriously, and listened to Master Gu Yi's teaching!

"However, the magic of the portal is easy to learn and difficult to master. If you just want to learn this magic and let it move you long distances, you can." "But if you want to use it flexibly in battle, you need to grow up." It takes time to practice!" Then, Master Gu Yi continued!

At this point, Luo Hang also understands that the casting speed determines whether it can only be used in daily life or in battle!

Just like when facing Thanos in the original book, Doctor Strange's portal is fancy, and it plays a very powerful role in cooperation with other superheroes.

Basic doesn't mean it's bad!

"In addition, the starting condition for the portal is to think about where you are going in your mind. The clearer the scene in your mind, the faster the magic will be cast." "Therefore, there is a limitation. You never There is no way to build a portal to a place that you have never been to!" Then, Master Gu Yi talked about the restrictions on the portal!

This, Luo Hang also understands. In the original book, when Doctor Strange was learning magic, he did say the same thing.

If you can't build a clear place in your mind for a place you haven't been to, naturally you won't be able to successfully build a portal! "Okay, now, the casting technique of this magic is..."

After explaining some things that need Luo Hang's attention, Master Gu Yi began to teach the spellcasting skills of the portal!

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