The soldiers in the tanks and planes all looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces.

Although Luo Hang had only just appeared on the stage, these people could tell that Luo Hang was very powerful and possessed supernatural powers.

However, in this scene, all the shells and bullets stopped in mid-air?

In this case, wouldn't the heavy firepower be useless?

Shen Luo Tianzheng!

Seeing that the attacks of the planes and tanks outside the Sword Domain stopped, Luohang's reincarnation eyes flashed a purple light, and then, a powerful repulsion erupted instantly!

These bullets and shells, which were originally suspended in half, flew out in an instant under the influence of Shenluo Tianzheng, as if it was raining flowers all over the sky!

The bullets are just fine, and there is nothing serious about falling on the ground.

But the case of those shells is different!The sound of rumbling explosions can be heard endlessly!

"Water escape, the technique of the great waterfall!"

Looking at several tanks and dozens of heavily armed soldiers, the chakra in Luo Hang's body surged.

In an instant, the monstrous water escape turned into waves, leaning towards the tanks and those 5.9 soldiers!

All the soldiers seemed to be thrown into the washing machine, and their bodies were swept away with the terrible water flow.

The tank is very heavy, even the technique of the Great Waterfall cannot shake it!

It's just that this is a tank after all, not a submarine!

Those monstrous water waves pressed down, and the tank car seemed to have sunk directly into the bottom of the water, and it was immediately paralyzed!

Then, Luo Hang glanced at several fighter jets in the sky!

Seemingly overwhelmed by Luohang's force value, these fighters hurriedly distanced themselves!

As if feeling that such a shock was not enough, Luo Hang followed suit, and a tailed beast jade was formed!

The deep tailed beast jade gives people a very dangerous feeling at first sight!

Then, Luo Hang threw the tailed beast jade towards a mountain not far from the valley!

There was a loud bang, like a small nuclear bomb exploding.

After a long time, when the aftermath of the explosion slowly dissipated, all the people, whether they were on the scene, or through the TV or live broadcast screen, looked at the flattened mountain, all dumbfounded!

This, is this the power that humans can possess?

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a human-shaped nuclear bomb, right? .

Chapter 185: S.H.I.E.L.D. can't sit still

Shocked, stupefied!

All the people on the plane, the TV station, and even the TV and the live broadcast, witnessed the destruction caused by the Tail Beast Jade at this moment, and saw that the entire mountain was blown up directly, and they were all dumbfounded.

He looked at the top of the mountain in disbelief, and then at Luo Hang, all of them were stunned!

Today's timeline, although there are some superheroes in the Marvel world.

But after all, Captain America is a product of technology, and Iron Man is also a product of high technology. As for Thor?Only a small number of high-level officials know!

For the general public, they still feel that this world is a world of technology, and supernatural powers do not exist!

Even if there is, it is a high-tech product such as genetic engineering!

But what about now?

It's nothing more than the appearance of a legendary divine beast, the fire unicorn, but there is actually a man who can come across space?

Forget it, the power displayed by this man is almost like a god!

Blow up an entire mountain with one blow?Is such an attack really something that humans can possess?

So, the owner of this divine beast, Fire Qilin, is really not a mortal?

When a tailed beast jade went down, everyone was shocked, and Luo Hang gave a strong warning.

Seeing that the fighter jets in the sky had no intention of attacking 12 anymore, Luo Hang reopened the portal, followed by Huo Qilin into the portal, and returned to Karma Taj!

Seeing that Luo Hang and Huo Qilin left just like that, no one present dared to stop them, they just watched him and Huo Qilin leave helplessly!

Then, regarding this video of Luohang's appearance, it went viral and spread on the Internet!

The legendary beast appeared in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom?Even this divine beast has an owner?Possess a power as powerful as a god?

Coupled with this video, the whole world was shocked.

This is the first time that people around the world have seen such a supernatural power in public, right?And it's so powerful!

"Luo Hang? This is?" Returning to Karma Taj, Master Gu Yi looked at the fire unicorn beside Luo Hang and asked!

"Master, this is my pet, Fire Qilin!" Luo Hang replied.

"I didn't expect you to have such a beast as a pet. This beast is extremely extraordinary..."

The mage's eyes looked at the fire unicorn, and the ancient mage said in amazement.

Of course, Gu Yi could see that this fire unicorn was not only strange on the surface, but most importantly, the entire life form was very strange.

"However, I didn't expect that you are also a person who protects the weak!" After feeling the situation of Huo Qilin, Gu Yi followed with a smile!

Of course she understood that if Luo Hang simply wanted to save Huo Qilin, it would not be difficult.

However, he had to show off his own strength, especially the destructive power of the last beast jade, which was a warning in his eyes.

However, fortunately, Luo Hang only showed off a wave of muscles, but in fact, it did not cause any death.

It can be seen that Luo Hang is really not a bloodthirsty person!

Following Luo Hang's walk in the valley, he also showed off his muscles. When he returned to Karma Taj, many mages looked at Luo Hang with amazed eyes, and respected Luo Hang even more. point!

Just now on the TV, Luohang's magic attack is not necessarily comparable to the supreme mage, but in Karma Taj, it is definitely the strongest existence besides the supreme mage, right?

Next, Luo Hang continued to practice in Karma Taj. At the same time, Master Gu Yi also began to try to teach Luo Hang the magic ability of the mirror space.

As for the fire unicorn, it lived in Karma Taj, which surprised the mages of Karma Taj.

It seems that Karma Taj has such a pet, it seems not bad?

However, after Luo Hang showed off his muscles, he returned to Karma Taj and continued to practice, hiding his identity and fame, but outside, the whole world was shaken!

Explorers from other countries, of course, also noticed the existence of Luohang.

"Sure enough, this fire unicorn that is making a lot of noise belongs to Luo Hang. Didn't expect this world, did he bring all the fire unicorns?"

"Wait, what kind of ability is Luohang? Directly break through the space and appear? What is this long-distance space-time transmission ability? When did he learn it?" "Hold the grass, how long have you been in this world? I haven't gained anything yet, and he has already learned this ability of long-distance teleportation?"

These explorers, after seeing Luo Hang in the video, were all frightened by the magic of his portal!

Fire Unicorn?Water escape?Or even Tailed Beast Jade?Everyone knows these explorers!

However, the magic of this portal has never been obtained by Luo Hang in the previous three worlds!

However, now he can show such ability, doesn't it mean?He just came to this world, has Luo Hang started to learn powerful abilities again?

Of course, in addition to these explorers, the reactions of the world's top leaders are also different!

Among them, the organization of the World Security Council is naturally the most important!

"Sir, what do you think about this video?" Several members of the council held a video conference and asked Nick, the current head of S.H.I.E.L.D., about the situation of Luo Hang's attack.Fury.

The minds of these councilors are very simple, aren't you clamoring all day long to form some kind of Avengers team?

Now, in the face of such powerful forces, what coping mechanisms do you have?

To be more precise, if you face this person in the video in the future, will your so-called Avengers team be able to stop it? "Well, this kind of power is very powerful. If he can join S.H.I.E.L.D., it will definitely be a sharp sword for us!" Cyclops Nick said.Fu Rui stared at Luo Hang's attack seriously, especially the destructive power of the last move of the tailed beast jade, and finally answered.

"Huh?" I have to say that Nick's brain circuit stunned several members of the council.

Immediately, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, with astonishment on their faces.

In other words, after seeing the existence of Luo Hang and knowing that there is such a powerful force in the world, the first reaction in these people's minds is, if such a force does evil, if it threatens them, what kind of means should they have? Can we fight against, or even subdue him?

However, Nick's first reaction was to recruit him into the Avengers team?

These are the two different reactions of the Council and S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the face of such a powerful force, the first consideration of the council is how to deal with it in a hostile situation, while the consideration of S.H.I.E.L.D. is how to recruit!

"Director Nick, are you sure you can recruit this person to your Avengers?" So, after a moment of silence, one of the members asked.

If it is really possible to recruit such a powerful existence to the Avengers, it would indeed be a great thing.

Not only do you not have to worry too much about such power threatening yourself, but you can even use it for yourself?

"Not sure!" Nick shook his head simply.

Just kidding, I haven't met before, I just watched the video of the other party's shot, and asked myself if I was sure?

Nick's words almost caused myocardial infarction to several members of the council!

After co-authoring such a passage, you are not sure about it yourself?

"If that's the case, you'd better think about how to deal with such power!" After a moment of silence, the councilors thought it would be better to take precautions before they happen!

"Actually, from this video, it can be seen that 130, this person doesn't seem to have any bloodthirsty intentions. At present, it really meets the recruitment criteria of the Avengers Alliance!" Nick said, wanting to fight for it ! "Okay, you can try to recruit. If it succeeds, it would be great. If it fails, we must find a way to deal with it. We don't want to see this person threaten the whole world one day in the future, but we are helpless!"

Finally, after some deliberation, the members of the council made a final decision and said.

Having said that, this video conference is over, and then, these congressmen went offline one by one! "Hill, this man, find him in the shortest time..."

After this video conference is over, Nick.Fu Rui opened his mouth and arranged the task. He needs to find Luo Hang's existence as soon as possible! "Understood, boss..."

The existence of Luohang is also very loud in S.H.I.E.L.D., these days. Of course, I understand why Nick is looking for him so much. Hill nodded and went down to make arrangements.

Today's Avengers are only Hawkeye and Black Widow.

In other words, although their strength is very good, they are only in a normal state after all.

The so-called Avengers Alliance is really just a joke!

But now, what the Avengers need most is a more powerful existence like Luo Hang in the video!

Now, S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking for Luo Hang, and this kind of development is within Luo Hang's plan.

However, now is not the time to be in a hurry to meet SHIELD, Luo Hang's current focus is still on the cultivation of magic.

Today's Master Gu Yi can already take Luo Hang to swim in the mirror space.

As for how to open the mirror space, Luohang is also training recently! .

Chapter 186: That year, Spider-Man was still a child

"Your current practice, the magic of the mirror space, has barely mastered, what's next? But is there anything else you want to learn?" This day, I watched Luo Hang open the mirror space with my own eyes, and then went in After strolling around, he came out again, Master Gu Yi asked Luo Hang.

"There's nothing to learn, it's good like this!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

There are portals for long-distance movement, and short- and medium-distance movement. In the future, as the practice of Sacred Heart Jue deepens, you can use the ability of Sacred Heart Jue.

Luo Hang is quite satisfied now!

"You can learn the portal and the mirror image space in such a short period of time. Although your mental power is very strong, but your own magic talent is not bad!" Some sighed and sighed, and knew that this was Luo Hang. Ready to leave, Gu Yi said!

"Lingbo Weibu's ability is also good, and the mages of Karma Taj are also good at it!" Luo Hang nodded, and also praised it! "Because of your appearance, the development of this universe will be completely different in the future!"

Thinking of the countless futures I have seen, but none of them are about Luo Hang, coupled with Luo Hang's strength, Master Gu Yi said with a sigh of relief! "It's different if it's different. According to our Longguo, Dao 49, Tianyan [-], there is a escaping one, which means a first-line variable. There is nothing wrong with it." "Otherwise, you can see it at a glance." The ending of life is tragic."

"Similarly, it is also tragic to be able to see the future direction of the world at a glance!" Luo Hang thought for a while, then continued!

"Fifty Dao, Tianyan 49? In fact, the study of the mysteries of the universe and nature is more relevant to the people of the Dragon Kingdom!" After living for countless years, Master Gu Yi certainly knows the cultural knowledge of the Dragon Kingdom. Make her nod! "Okay, I've planted a seed of historical change in the heart of Master Ancient One!"

Seeing Master Gu Yi's reaction, Luo Hang nodded silently. He is still very satisfied with this situation!

In the original book, faced with the situation where the Hulk came to borrow the Time Stone, Mage Ancient One refused!

Because, according to her, if the time gem was borrowed but failed to return, her own universe would lose an important weapon to fight against evil forces!

However, in a sense, it is precisely because of the existence of infinite gems on the earth that it attracts Thanos' coveting, isn't it?

And what is Luo Hang's purpose?

If possible, collect the Infinity Stones and take them away.

Therefore, if Master Gu Yi still sticks to the character in the original book, Luo Hang is really afraid that she will try to stop him!

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