But now, I have instilled in her the idea of ​​leaving a thread of uncertainty in everything, maybe in the future if I capture the infinite gems, Gu Yi won't stop me?

Of course, for Luo Hang, this is an idle move.

As for whether it will play a role in the end, let's see later!

Luo Hang left Huo Qilin at Karma Taj, while he himself wanted to go to New York!

It has been more than a month since I came to this world, and I don't know what's going on with Tony Stark?

In half a year, it will be the day of the New York War. What is the situation of the other Avengers now?

In other words, although Luo Hang wants to use the magic of the portal to go to New York.

But I have never been to New York, so I have no idea about it.

I can't visualize the scene of New York in my mind, so naturally, there is no way to open the space door to New York!

However, this is not difficult. Karma Taj is not a savage. There are also technologies, computers, and even wifi here!

Searching for pictures of New York on the Internet, Luo Hang immediately had a concept in his mind.

Following the casting of the teleportation magic, a piece of small sparks turned into a portal, and Luo Hang walked out directly.

The place Luohang chose to open the portal was in a remote alley.

And according to the time difference between Long Country and Mi Country, it happens to be night on the side of Mi Country at this time!

However, when Luo Hang walked out through the portal, his footsteps paused slightly!

At this time, there happened to be a twelve or thirteen-year-old child standing on the other side of the portal, staring at him.

"Shh, just pretend you didn't see anything, okay?" Stretching out his finger and making a silent gesture, Luo Hang said with a slight smile.

"You, you are the man who is very famous on the Internet recently, right?"

"Hey, hello, I, it's an honor to meet you!"

"By the way, what's your name? Do you know that rumors about you have exploded on the Internet? But, no one knows your name!"

"By the way, where's your pet? Where's the big monster with flames all over it?"

(;;recognize,:, quasi;,! If. water': first:! send ";,; steal;;. book, sell? Money"': die,! mother.) "Oh, I understand, it should be Is it inconvenient to carry it around?"

"Also, what is the principle of your ability? Where did you come from? The God Realm where the gods live? Or aliens?"

After Luo Hang opened his mouth, the twelve or thirteen-year-old child seemed to realize that he had actually seen the legendary figure, and immediately said to Luo Hang with an excited expression.

The crackling words were thrown out, as if they would never stop!

Luo Hang's face turned dark, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

These words hit you like a fly, no, it’s like a swarm of flies buzzing around you!

"Okay, I still have some important things to do now, so I'll leave first, and we'll talk later when I have a chance!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth, found a random reason and said, turned around while speaking and was about to leave!

"Really? Will you really talk to me if you have a chance in the future? You haven't told me your name yet, my name is Peter Parker, I live in No. [-], Queens..."

But anyone with a little bit of social experience would know that Luo Hang's words were just polite.

However, this young man didn't know, and took Luo Hang's words seriously!

"What did you say? Your name is Peter Parker?"

Originally, he was just a young man with a bad mouth, but after hearing what this young man said, Luo Hang turned his head and looked at him in surprise!

So, is this a coincidence?

I just came to New York using the magic portal, did I happen to meet this Spider-Man?

"That, Spider-Man?" Staring at the boy in front of him, Luo Hang asked tentatively immediately.

"Spider-Man? What do you mean?" The young man asked Luo Hang with a confused look on his face!

"Well, it seems that it's because of the timeline, the current Peter. Parker hasn't become Spider-Man yet, and, um, this age doesn't look right either!" The boy's reaction made Luo Hang understand.

The time of the New York War was 2012, and the timeline of Captain America 3. Civil War was 2016!

So, when Spider-Man in the original book made his debut, it was in 2016, when he was just a high school student.

So, it's 2012, and Spider-Man looks like he's only [-] or [-] years old?

"Okay, Parker, are you okay now? If it's okay, may I buy you a drink?"

After a moment of silence, is this Spider-Man in the original book? Maybe using him as a medium, we can have a good meeting with Iron Man?

After all, in the original book, Iron Man treats Spider-Man as his son, which is something everyone knows.

Although the current Iron Man and Spider-Man have never met!

""Yeah?Really?That's great! "

Hearing that Luo Hang wanted to treat him to a drink and chat with him, Peter said with an excited look on his face!

Then, the two walked out of the alley!

"By the way, Peter, why are you in this alley?" Walking outside, at the same time, Luo Hang asked casually!

"That..." Hearing Luo Hang's question, Peter's face was somewhat embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Is there anything you can't say?" Luo Hang asked casually.

"Well, when I was passing by, some classmates dragged me into this alley and made a joke with me!" Somewhat embarrassed, Peter replied!

Well, it turned out to be like this!

Luo Hang's heart suddenly realized!

School bullying is more or less common in any school, and children without parents are always particularly vulnerable to being bullied!

That's all Peter followed his uncle and aunt's children, so it made sense that he was more likely to be bullied at school!

"Okay, if you want to learn, I can teach you some methods to ensure that no one will bully you again!" Luo Hang thought for a while and said!

"Really? That's great, I want to leave like you, and then, protect the weak from being bullied!"

(Good) Hearing this, Peter's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly!

"Are you really worthy of being Spider-Man? This kind of personality really makes people feel distressed and likes it!" Seeing Peter's clear eyes, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart!

When the two were talking, they had already walked out of the alley!

"Brother Hang is really unlucky. He just stepped through the portal and met witnesses!" "By the way, what's the matter with this child? Isn't that too telling?"

"Hahaha, Brother Hang, this is really bad. He just found an excuse to deceive the child, but the child still takes it seriously!" "Eh? Brother Hang turned around? Is there anything different about this Peter? "

"Spider-Man? What do you mean? Could it be? Brother Hang sees this kid, and he will become a very powerful person in the future? But why is he called Spider-Man?"

"However, this kid's heart is really likable. Brother Hang is willing to teach him his abilities. The first thought is not to take revenge, but to protect more weak people!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, as Luo Hang and Spider-Man met for the first time, the dialogue between them, and the character of Spider-Man Peter, made the audience feel a lot of emotion.

Of course, these audiences are also more curious about what Peter's future looks like.

It's impossible for Luo Hang to be so nice to a boy for no reason, right?Especially a very annoying teenager! .

Chapter 187: Nick, your dress is more in the limelight, right?

S.H.I.E.L.D., the bald-headed Nick sat in his seat, looking solemnly at the information in front of him!

"Boss, more and more people are coveting Tony recently. Stark's Ark reactor energy technology has been developed, both open and dark, and various methods emerge in endlessly..."

Hill stood in front of Nick and said!

"Hey, have you investigated the origins of these people?" Nick asked after a moment of silence.

"I haven't found out, these people seem to have appeared out of thin air, and I can't find their origin at all. Moreover, these people have strange powers, look at these..."

While Hill was speaking, he handed a tablet computer in front of Nick!

Nick looked carefully, and it turned out to be several battle videos.

Judging from the video, they are all scenes of being chased and killed by agents and soldiers alone.

These people run fast, jump farther, and have great strength, as if they have been injected with super soldier serum!

Even, in another video, an Asian man can use the ability of avatar.

He deceived everyone with a false phantom, and he escaped successfully!

"Are these people all from the same organization?"

After flipping through a few video clips, I found that most of them had the effect similar to that of super soldier serum, Nick was thinking secretly!

If this is the case, then the situation is a bit bad!

Doesn't this mean that there is another force that S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know about, and has recently targeted Tony's Ark reactor?

And, more importantly, does this force seem to have mastered genetic medicine projects such as super soldier serum?

"In this way, find a way to catch a few such people, and in addition, increase the protection of Stark Tower!"

Nick was silent for a while, and then ordered!

"Understood!" Hill nodded with a serious expression on his face!

Ding Dong!

Just as the two top agents were talking, suddenly, Hill's cell phone rang!

Hearing the sound of the mobile phone, Hill's expression changed slightly, and he took out the mobile phone and connected it.

After a while, he hung up the phone and said, "Boss, the man from the Dragon Kingdom that you asked us to pay attention to has appeared!"

Following the tablet in Nick's hand, a brand new video appeared!

Nick opened the video and looked at it. Well, in the video, you can see that Luo Hang is drinking coffee with Peter, surrounded by people on the inner and outer third floors!

Luo Hang's own purpose was to attract the attention of the forces of S.H.I.E.L.D., so he didn't use the ability of transformation to hide his intentions!

As for Luohang's current reputation, it can be said that it has already resounded all over the world.

He showed his true colors, as if a superstar suddenly appeared in the public eye, naturally, it immediately aroused great reactions.

Many people surrounded Luo Hang!

Moreover, many people took photos and videos of Luo Hang and posted them on social networks, letting more people know about Luo Hang's appearance.

I know more about his appearance in the coffee shop.

Many people around came to take a look in the spirit of watching the fun!

"Hey, Luo Hang, your reputation is really big now, even bigger than that of Iron Man Tony Stark!"

Although Peter next to him was not surprised that Luo Hang had such a reputation, he still said with emotion when he saw more and more people gathered around him!

"Really? It seems that if we meet next time, he won't like me very much!" Hearing this, Luo Hang said with a slight smile!

That's right, Tony likes to show off the most. He can't wait for all the eyes of the world to focus on him and not move away!

Now that his own fame has crushed him, it is completely reasonable for him to hate himself!

"By the way, what do you think of this much-anticipated situation?"

Luo Hang himself was not surprised, and asked Peter!

"I, I think it's cool, but I feel a little uncomfortable!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Peter thought for a while and answered frankly!

"Then you should get used to it early, there will be many such situations in the future!" Luo Hang smiled at Peter and said!

Let's not talk about the situation at the coffee shop.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick smiled when he saw that Luo Hang in the video did not intend to hide his figure, but just appeared in such a grand manner.

"This person seems to have the same personality as Tony. Stark is somewhat similar. They are people who like to be lively and are not afraid of making things big!"

"Prepare the plane for me, I'll go there myself!"

After making a comment in his mouth, Nick said immediately!

"Okay, boss!" Hearing Nick's words, Hill nodded in response!

Immediately, a special plane was quickly launched, headed for New York!

Since the other party chose to appear in public, it meant that he had no intention of hiding his tracks.

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