If that's the case, it can be regarded as acquiescing that people with official power will go to him, right?

Nick naturally seized the time, the first one passed!

Luo Hang and Peter were still drinking coffee, talking and chatting at the same time.

"By the way, Mr. Luo Hang, you said you want to teach me some tricks, what kind of ability do you want to teach me?"

Peter was obviously looking forward to what kind of abilities Luo Hang would teach him, so he asked Luo Hang!

"What kind of ability can I teach you? Shall I teach you Lingbo Weibu and Holy Spirit swordsmanship?" Luo Hang thought for a while and said to Peter!

Spider-Man, after all, is a melee combat superhero.

(bcfj) Therefore, in Luo Hang's opinion, it would be very appropriate for him to teach him Lingbo Weibu and Holy Spirit swordsmanship!

Besides, Lingbo Weibu himself has taught those mages of Karma Taj a long time ago, and now one more is not too much!

"Okay, as long as you teach me, I will not dislike it!"

Although it is not clear what the so-called Lingbo Weibu and Holy Spirit swordsmanship are, Peter nodded and responded happily!

The people gathered around suddenly dispersed quickly, making the place much quieter.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a black leather windbreaker, bare head, and wearing a big blindfold, who looked very burly and very cool, walked over.

Sitting at the table of Luo Hang and Peter with a very familiar appearance!Beside, a few agents in black suits cleared out all the onlookers!

"Sir, do we know you? This is you?"

Looking at the man in the windbreaker sitting down, Peter asked in surprise!

However, Nick didn't pay attention to Peter's words, and just focused on Luo Hang.

More precisely, it was looking at Luo Hang's pair of lavender reincarnation eyes.

"Sir, your eyes don't look like human eyes. It seems that you are not a local?"

"It's just the appearance of a pair of eyes. As long as I want, I can change no matter what kind of person it is!" Luo Hang said after glancing at Nick!

The voice fell, and with a bang, the white smoke exploded!

Luo Hang's appearance changed into that of Nick!

Then, the transformation technique was performed again, and then it turned into the appearance of Peter next to him.

In the end, he unlocked the transformation technique and became his original appearance!

It's not clear what kind of thoughts are in his heart, but Nick's surface is at least very calm, as if he has long been familiar with it.

Then he said: "Besides, these abilities of yours don't seem to be possessed by our locals!"

"What? Is it illegal to have some special abilities?" Luo Hang looked back at Nick Fury and asked!

"Of course not, but your eyes are obviously different from other people's. You see, it's not good to cause such a big commotion just by appearing in such a grand manner?" Nick continued!

"So? What do you mean, my appearance is a bit too showy?" Luo Hang then asked Nick again!

"That's not what I meant, but, well, that's probably what I meant!"

Nick shook his head first, as if he wanted to find a more tactful sentence to explain.

However, after thinking about it, I can't seem to find any more tactful sentences?

He simply nodded and admitted it.

"Hehe..." However, Luo Hang didn't mean to be angry when he heard Nick's nod in acknowledgment, but laughed out loud instead.

It looked like he saw something funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Hang's sudden laugh made the corners of Nick Fury's mouth twitch slightly, and asked!

"What I'm laughing at is that state officials are only allowed to set fires, but people are not allowed to light lamps!" Luo Hang replied!

"What do you mean?" Nick Fury asked in surprise.

Of course Nick understood the meaning of this sentence.

However, for no reason, Luo Hang suddenly said this?What means?

"You said I was too showy? But look at yourself, wearing a big windbreaker, looking miserable, wishing to attract people's attention wherever you go?" "Tell me, do you only allow state officials to set fires, but not People lighting lamps?" Luo Hang asked Nick Fury back!

"That's right, what Mr. Luo Hang said makes sense, uncle, isn't your outfit more showy?" Peter next to him nodded, as if calling for Luo Hang!Nick: "..."

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Luo Hang's words seemed to make sense, right?People can't refute it at all!

Chapter 188: I recommend Little Spider to join the Avengers

"It seems that Brother Hang really likes this kid named Peter!"

"However, I was always bullied at school, but after gaining power, the most essential idea is to help the weak. Although he is young, this kid named Peter has a bright soul, indeed It makes people like it!"

"Send Holy Spirit swordsmanship and Lingbo Weibu directly? I don't know how this kid named Peter can impress Brother Hang!"

"Spider-Man? Could it be possible to transform into a spider? It all started when the kid said his name, and Brother Hang treated him differently!~"

"Wait, this black man looks so cool, who is he? He can drive away all the onlookers around him?"

"If Peter is Spider-Man, what about this cool black hunk? The bald Caped Man?"

"Hangcao, my brother Hang is right, that's right, our brother Hang is too showy? Don't even look at his own attire, is there anyone cooler than him?"

"My brother Hang is like a firefly in the dark night. Wherever he goes, he is always so flamboyant. Can you blame our brother Hang for being in the limelight?"

"Yes, yes, my husband also wants to keep a low profile, but his strength does not allow it!"

"Also, what is the origin of this bald cloaked man? Isn't this too lenient?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the audience heard that Nick actually said that Luo Hang was too high-profile, and then when Luo Hang retorted that Nick's dress was only high-profile, these audiences agreed very much!

Of course, my first impression of Nick was not too good!

"The director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the king of secret agents in the world, Mr. Nick Fury, you took time out of your busy schedule to visit me, didn't you just come here to complain that I'm too showy?"

One sentence made Nick speechless, and then Luo Hang asked casually.

"Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? What is S.H.I.E.L.D.? But, the king of secret agents in the world? This title seems unusual!"

Glancing at Nick, the little spider opened his mouth, and he had ten thousand questions in his mind to ask!

"Shut up! Adults talk, children don't interrupt!"

If the little spider really spoke, it would probably be able to chatter all day long.

So, without waiting for his words to come out, Luo Hang stopped him.

It seems that Luo Hang is very strict with the little spider, but with the eyesight of Nick Agent King, it can be seen that this is actually a manifestation of Luo Hang's very closeness to the little spider!

This made Nick take a deep look at the little spider.

Thinking about investigating his situation afterwards.

Perhaps, using him as a medium, he can maintain a good relationship with the person in front of him.

Thoughts turned, but in an instant, Nick said calmly, "It seems that you know me very well, but I don't know you at all, isn't it unfair?"

"Then what? Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., King of Agents, etc. You were all in one suit just now, and when it came time to introduce yourself, just a name?" After waiting for a while, except for the name, Luo Hang did not wait. What to say, Nick Fury asked strangely. "You can call me Luo Hang!" Luo Hang said his name! ……""unmarried! Luo Hang then held back another sentence! Nick: "Hahaha, okay, don't be so dark, you are black, even if you are so dark, I can't tell it!" Seeing Nick's appearance, Luo Hang couldn't help laughing out loud.

After his face straightened, he didn't intend to make any more jokes, and said, "Actually, compared to other things, you should ask me, how do you know that you are the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the king of agents!" "It must be yours." The intelligence capabilities are top-notch, right?" Nick was not surprised. "Is the intelligence capability top-notch? You can say the same!"

I thought that I knew this because I was prophetic about the plot of the original work.

Based on my own understanding of the plot of the original work, it can be justified! "The situation is like this..."

Bringing the topic to the main topic, Nick's expression became a lot more serious, and said: "Our S.H.I.E.L.D.A. has a plan for the Avengers. The purpose of the plan is to find a group of powerful beings to deal with conventional A crisis that cannot be dealt with by the power of sex!"

"Well, I know this too!" Luo Hang nodded.

Avengers, are there still fans who don't know?

"You actually know this? Then what else do you know?"

On the one hand, Yu Luohang was surprised that he knew about his unannounced Avengers plan.

On the other hand, seeing that Luo Hang seemed willing to show off his intelligence capabilities, Nick asked.

"What else do you know? For example, the legendary Thor, the god of thunder, has actually descended on the earth. These mythical and legendary characters actually exist? And they also have power beyond the earth. That's why the Avengers Alliance came into being." Advancement of the plan?"

Luo Hang glanced at Nick, then asked. "You actually didn't even..."

Didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. block the news about Thor's arrival in a remote town?Know this too? "its not right……"

However, before Nick finished speaking, Luo Hang followed up and said, "If you want to talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, you didn't know about it because of Thor, did you?"

"Didn't you meet Captain Marvel when you were young? She even left you a communicator. When it's critical, let you contact her in the universe, right?"

"You, who are you!?"

Now, even the king of secret agents, Nick Fury couldn't sit still, and looked at Luo Hang with eyes full of shock!

It stands to reason that, as the king of secret agents, his mind has long been as strong as steel, and there are almost nothing that can make him lose his composure like this!

However, Luo Hang's words broke Nick's defense!

No one knew what happened between me and Carol back then, right?

And Carol gave himself a communicator, which was his secret.

Nick can confidently say that there will never be another person on the entire earth who knows!

But Luo Hang yelled at him as soon as he opened his mouth?

What kind of intelligence ability is this? This is definitely not something that the so-called intelligence ability can do!

"By the way, is your eye still hurting now? I'll give you a cat another day? The fun of being a shit-shoveling officer is pretty good!" With a slight smile, Luo Hang continued to expose Nick's scar and said!

When these words came out, Nick felt his eyes really hurt!

At the beginning, I really took a Yuan Devouring Beast as an ordinary cat to masturbate.

But who knows, in the end, I lost one of my eyes!

Now that I hear the topic of raising cats again, I really feel my eyes hurt because of conditioned reflex! . .Ask for flowers.

"Okay, Mr. Luo Hang, I won't talk more about these nonsense. I invite you as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to join the Avengers. I wonder if you would like to?" I don't want to get entangled in the topic of cats, Nick asked seriously.

"It's so easy to invite me? Logically speaking, isn't the assessment of your Avengers members very strict?"

"It's like Tony Stark, just because his character doesn't match, so he's not qualified to join?" Luo Hang didn't answer in a hurry, but asked strangely.

Well, I even know the reasons for my rejection of Tony Stark joining the Avengers. This intelligence ability really shocked Nick Fury!

However, after all, he is the king of agents. After the gaffe just now, he has regained control over his expression management.

There is still no flaw on the surface, Nick Fury said: "Although I don't know much about your situation, but first, you have great power."

"Secondly, you are not an evil person. When you showed your strength before, although the strength you displayed was terrifying, it did not cause death. This is a rare quality! Finally..."

... 0 Speaking of which, Nick paused slightly, and then said: "Finally, with your intelligence capabilities, you are deliberately appearing now, in order to attract the attention of many people, right?" Duo, I also deliberately showed off your intelligence capabilities, I will make a bold guess, in fact, you are also willing to join the Avengers Alliance?" "Okay, since you can see it, I won't deny it!"

He secretly sighed in his heart that Nick Fury deserved to be the king of secret agents, and he saw through his original purpose. Simply, Luo Hang had no intention of denying it!

"Welcome..." Although he had guessed for a long time, Nick Fury still felt very happy when he heard Luo Hang's nod and agreed!

"In the future, please take care of it. By the way, is Captain America dug out at this time? How is the recovery?"

He also smiled, followed Luo Hang and asked again.

"Captain America? You even know this?" Luo Hang's words surprised Nick Fury again.

Then he replied: "The captain is still digging. According to the progress, it will be dug out soon, but what do you mean? Captain America is still alive?"

"Well, if there is no accident, he is still alive, so he can become the spiritual leader of the Avengers Alliance!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

Having said that, he looked at the little spider beside him, and said, "In addition, I will recommend another talent for you. Here, it is him. I suggest that he also become one of the Avengers!"

"Me? Mr. Luo Hang, you want me to join the Avengers? That's cool!"

Although the Avengers haven't come out of the public eye yet, the little spider probably understood what the Avengers were after the conversation just now.

Now, let yourself join the Avengers?The little spider was surprised and delighted!

Doesn't this mean that I can become colleagues with Mr. Luo Hang in the future?


Nick Fury was also taken aback, never expecting Luo Hang's topic to jump so fast!

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