Looking at the little spider next to him, Nick Fury was also very weird, and said, "Luo Hang, is he still a child? If he is allowed to join, the masses will say that our S.H.I.E.L.D. employs child labor, right?" Dead body.


Chapter 189: Luo Hang, it's time for you to give it a try

"Hehe, are there still few child laborers in your S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Luo Hang curled his lips.

In the original book of Avengers 1, how was Dr. Banner tricked into chatting with the Black Widow?

It was a little girl, holding money, begging Dr. Banner to treat her father.

That lifelike expression even fooled Dr. Banner.

Please, the little girl in the original book looks only six or seven years old, much smaller than the current little spider!

"Okay, since this is your recommendation, I can think about it, but what about his ability? You also know that the future Avengers will have to deal with super criminals who cannot be dealt with by conventional forces, so if the ability is not enough , will only harm him!"

After a moment of silence, Nick felt that Luo Hang should still be given this face, but everything should be made clear, right?

"Don't worry, I won't harm him, he will practice with me in the future!" Luo Hang replied.

"Your strength is obtained through practice?" Now, Nick was really surprised!

According to the superheroes that Nick knows, Captain America is because of the genetic potion, which can be replicated.

But unfortunately, with Dr. Erkins being killed that year, the formula of the super soldier serum has been lost!

Iron Man Tony's power is technological power.

"One Thirty Zero" Hulk and Marvel Captain Carol are due to mutation, and Thor is due to racial talent, these cannot be copied!

However, Luo Hang possessed such terrifying power, did he actually obtain it through cultivation?

"I said before, can't my strength be taught?" Seeing Nick's surprised look, Luo Hang asked rhetorically!

"I never said that, Luo Hang, you are welcome to join the Avengers..."

He was happy in his heart, but he didn't say anything in a hurry. Nick just welcomed Luo Hang's joining again!

After the business was settled, Nick then invited Luo Hang to find a connection with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course, it can be regarded as letting Luo Hang meet with the other two members, Hawkeye and Black Widow!

"Peter, did you call your Aunt Mei and say that you will be home later today?" Since he was going to S.H.I.E.L.D., and Little Spider had also joined the Avengers, of course he was going to go with him!

"Oh, by the way, I'll call right away!" Hearing Luo Hang's reminder, Peter came back to his senses, nodded and said!

"Hey, wait, Mr. Luo Hang, I don't seem to have mentioned my family situation, have I? How do you know? You know Aunt Mei?"

Then, the little spider seemed to come back to his senses, and asked Luo Hang!

"In this world, there are really not many things that I don't know!" Luo Hang replied with a slight smile.

"Let's go, don't worry, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. will make it clear about Peter!" Nick stood up and said!

With people from S.H.I.E.L.D., this is of course not a problem!

A private jet took off directly, and soon arrived at SHIELD!

At this time, the Avengers Alliance is still in the initial stage, with three or two big cats and kittens.

Therefore, the Avengers have not gone out independently, let alone have their own base, so they are all staying with S.H.I.E.L.D.!

After the plane landed, Luo Hang walked into SHIELD with Nick, which caused many people in SHIELD to cast strange glances!

Not long ago, Luohang demonstrated a power comparable to that of a human-shaped nuclear bomb, and it exploded all over the world.

Naturally, everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. knows Luo Hang.

Seeing that Chief Nick came with him, he couldn't help but take a second look!

"Boss, this is a celebrity!" Hawkeye and Black Widow who were notified came over, and Natasha said with a smile as if looking at Luo Hang.

"Well, he is a new member of the Avengers team, so I'll let you recognize him, so that you don't know him when you meet him in the future!" Nick said.

"Boss, that's amazing!" Hawkeye glanced at Nick in surprise, obviously he didn't expect Nick to be able to invite such tasks as Luo Hang to the Avengers team!

"Don't praise him, it's not that he's great, but I volunteered to join in!" Luo Hang stretched out his hand and said to Hawkeye.

"I see, you are still welcome, my name is Clint. Barton!" Hawkeye stretched out his hand and shook Luo Hang!

The corner of Nick's mouth twitched slightly.

Just now, I wanted to show off my ability as the bureau chief, so I invited such a great god to join.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he was demolished by Luo Hang!

"Hello, my name is Luo Hang!" Luo Hang also reported his name!

"Hello, my name is Peter Parker!" The little spider next to him also extended his hand and said hello to Hawkeye, brushing up his sense of existence!

"Natasha Romanov, you are welcome to join us. You are very famous here!" The black widow also extended her hand generously and shook Luo Hang!

"You are very famous with us!" Luo Hang smiled and said with a pun!

The so-called us, of course, does not refer to the blue star, but refers to our original earth!

Generally speaking, this is the first time I came to S.H.I.E.L.D., Luo Hang and Hawkeye met each other, and the overall atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Then, Agent Hill again, Mayfair.Agent Coulson and the other important figures from S.H.I.E.L.D. came over to meet Luo Hang!

It has long been heard that Luo Hang has come to S.H.I.E.L.D., although Agent Coulson and the others have guesses in their hearts.

However, when they really heard that Luo Hang had joined the Avengers, they also felt very welcome and very pleasantly surprised.

At least now, SHIELD has a member with real powerful superpowers, right?

"Hey, Luo Hang, through the video, we can all see that you have great power. I don't know what your specific ability is? Can you give me an introduction? If this is the case, we will also have a better understanding of your ability when we go on missions in the future. Already!" After a good meeting, Natasha opened her mouth and asked Luo Hang a question!

Well, beautiful women ask how powerful a man is, which is always easy to arouse a man's desire to express.

Natasha's understanding of human nature is very clear.

Therefore, people feel very comfortable in dealing with people and talking, and at the same time can achieve their own goals!

"My ability? It's a bit too much, I can't even count it myself!" Hearing this, Luo Hang replied!

This remark made the corners of Hawkeye's mouths twitch, and they always felt that Luo Hang's remark was a little pretentious!

"However, let me pick a few more important ones!"

"First, the power of my eyes can control the gravitational and repulsive forces, and now I can make dead bodies into puppets, which can retain the power of life. For example, if you die, Clint, I will count as having A puppet with extraordinary archery!"

Luo Hang first talked about his current reincarnation eye ability.

"You use me as this metaphor, it's enough!" Clint's face turned dark...

"Secondly? I also know some ninjutsu, such as avatars, transformations, and water escapes. You should have seen all of them! As for the one that wiped out a mountain at the end, it's called the Tailed Beast Jade. It is my most destructive move right now!"

"In addition, I am also proficient in swordsmanship. One of the tricks can freeze material space and time. You have seen this trick!"

"Also, I recently learned a trick of teleportation magic, you should have seen it too!"

"By the way, as long as I don't die for too long, so that my body rots, or if vital organs such as the heart are missing, I still have the ability to bring the dead back to life!"

Luo Hang roughly took stock of some of his more important abilities!


Hearing the last sentence, everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. gasped and looked at Luo Hang in disbelief!

Everyone has seen the abilities of teleportation magic, water escape, and tailed beast jade.

But, in the end, he was able to come back to life?Is it true or not?

How could this ability be possible?

"Mr. Luo Hang, you have counted so many. These are your best abilities. What about Lingboweibu and Holy Spirit swordsmanship?" The little spider next to him couldn't help but interrupted!

Didn't Mr. Luo Hang teach him Lingbo Weibu and Holy Spirit swordsmanship? Why didn't he hear it just after taking stock?

"I just said that I have a sword technique that can freeze matter, time and space, and it belongs to the sword technique of the Holy Spirit!" Luo Hang explained!

"So that's the case, so that move is the Holy Spirit Sword Technique!"

Listening to Luo Hang's explanation, the little spider also thought of what he saw in the previous video, thousands of bullets and cannonballs were thrown, and all of them were frozen in mid-air. This is the trick of the Holy Spirit Sword Art, right?

Thinking about it this way, the little spider also felt very excited!

Not to mention the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, Luo Hang dictated his own abilities, which surprised several members of S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the other side, Pepper Pepper.Potts is downloading information from Tony's computer.

"Sir, something has happened. Miss Pepper is stealing information about the Ark reactor!"

Upstairs, Tony was taking a break at 5.9, when he was suddenly awakened by the voice of the artificial intelligence Jarvis!

"Pepper? She..." Hearing this, Tony.There was some surprise on Stark's face!

Pepper will betray himself?Tony can't believe it!

"Could it be? Isn't she Pepper?"

After thinking about it for a while, thinking of many guys with strange ninjutsu recently, and even guys with superhuman powers, they want to go to their own ark reactor either explicitly or secretly, and Tony reacts accordingly!

Cursing inwardly, Tony immediately put on his steel armor and rushed downstairs!

Although his own ark reactor will attract many people's covetousness, but since he gave the war machine to Rhodes, there is a tacit understanding, and the United States no longer pesters him.

But recently, so many people with super powers have come one after another, what is going on?

"Director, something has happened. According to observations, Miss Pepper Potts has been kidnapped. Some criminals have turned into Miss Pepper and are stealing information about the Ark's reactor. Now Iron Man is fighting the opponent!"

On the SHIELD side, the agents monitoring the situation in Stark Tower quickly reported the news!

"Luo Hang? This time, it's your turn to try your hand at it?" Nick looked at Luo Hang curiously and asked. .

Chapter 190: The Soldier of the Conflict

"The explorers from Taiguo kidnapped Tony's girlfriend, and used a trick of transfiguration to become Tony's girlfriend. They are stealing the technical information of the Ark's reactor!"

"Is it really worthy of Taiguo? After being a rough old man, after becoming Pepper, he is so charming!"

"By the way, there have been more than a dozen explorers who have been killed at the Stark Tower. Will the explorers from Taiguo succeed in picking the fruit?"

"It's okay, don't worry, S.H.I.E.L.D., please invite our brother Hang to come forward. This is an invitation for our brother Hang to sanction the other party!"

"Hahaha, all the explorers, my brother Hang is the absolute king, and I don't accept anyone's rebuttal!"

Many viewers from other countries are watching the live broadcast room of Dragon Country. Naturally, many viewers from Dragon Country also go to watch the live broadcast room of other countries, which can be regarded as gathering information!

Besides, it’s also a good experience to always watch your own anchor Niu B, and occasionally watch how other countries’ anchors go on adventures like survival in the wilderness.

It's like eating too much delicacies from mountains and seas, and you always want to eat some radish and green vegetables, right?

The explorer who discovered the Tai Kingdom turned into a woman and was copying the information of the Ark Reactor. Immediately, the audience from the Dragon Kingdom came back to report the news.

It's just that Longguo didn't seem to care about such news.

After all, it can be seen from the live broadcast that Luohang is about to pass!

With Luohang in the past, can explorers from other countries survive any troubles?

"Someone turned into Miss Pepper and was found to have stolen information about the Ark 12 reactor, but now they hijacked Miss Pepper instead?"

Knowing what happened to Stark Loudly, Luo Hang knew in his heart that if nothing else happened, he should be an explorer!

After all, he just returned from the world of ninjas, so it shouldn't be difficult to learn the basic transformation technique.

"Okay, let me go for a walk. What's the scene over there at Stark Tower? Show me? I need to see the scene over there before I can immediately build a portal!"

Knowing what was going on in his heart, Luo Hang didn't mind taking a trip.

After all, the move also gets Tony.Stark's gratitude, right?

"What's the situation over there? Hurry up and contact the agent on the scene, and make a video call!" Hearing Luo Hang's request, Nick of course complied unconditionally.

Then, he immediately contacted the agent at the scene, opened a video call, and the video call also showed the situation in Stark Tower!

Outside the building, Iron Man in a red steel suit was confronting a man.

This man grabbed Pepper, making Tony beware, not daring to make a move at will!

Seeing the scene in the video call, Luo Hang had a corresponding impression in his mind.

Immediately holding the hanging ring, he began to construct the magic of the portal. With his movements, the tiny sparks turned into a ring of fire.

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