The scene on the other side of the fire circle is near the Stark Tower!

"Sir, put Miss Pepper down, I can let you go!" Wearing a steel suit, Tony said nervously to the explorer from Taiguo! "Hmph, do you think I will believe your words? Back off, back off, otherwise, I'll kill her!" The explorer from Taiguo held a pair of short knives and pressed Pepper's neck fiercely. Said!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tony felt anxious, but he was too cautious to do anything!

The person in front of him was, after all, a criminal with superpowers, and Tony was not sure that he could kill him before the other party did anything.

Therefore, even though he owns the steel battle suit and is stronger than this guy, he dare not make a random move.

"What should I do?" Tony was secretly eager!

The current situation is so deadlocked here, but Little Pepper is always in a dangerous situation!

First of all, I wouldn't believe the man in front of me, let alone really retreat, handing over the initiative before my eyes!

But in the same way, this man would not believe in himself, and really let Xiaojiali go, thus giving himself the initiative.

Therefore, the current situation is that everyone has no initiative, and Xiaojiao is held hostage, and the situation can only be stalemate here for a while!chi chi chi...

Just when Tony Stark was secretly anxious and didn't know what to do for a while, suddenly, in the void next to him, countless small sparks appeared, forming a circle.

The scene inside the ring is completely different from the same space.

Immediately afterwards, a man walked out of the circle!

It was Luo Hang.

Following behind Luo Hang, the little spider Parker also came over!

"Wow, Mr. Luo Hang, your magic is really cool, you can go back to New York in the blink of an eye!" "If I can learn this trick, I don't know how much I can save on air tickets!" The little spider's broken mouth , can be regarded as one of the three big mouths in the Marvel world, which is as famous as Tony and Deadpool.

He walked over, as if he didn't notice the tense situation at the moment, and chattered endlessly!

As Luo Hang and Little Spider walked over, Nick from S.H.I.E.L.D., Black Widow and Hawkeye also walked over.

After all, this is really just one step away, of course I also want to experience this teleportation magic! "Sir, he is a very famous man recently, with the power comparable to a human-shaped nuclear bomb!"

As Luohang walked out of the portal, Jarvis, who was equipped with the steel suit, appeared in front of Tony's eyes, showing the online video of Luohang's battle with the armed forces, reminding Tony of Luohang's identity!

"It turned out to be him!" Upon being reminded, Tony suddenly realized!

Although Tony has never paid much attention to men, but he really can't stand the recent reputation of Luohang!

Moreover, besides Luo Hang, Tony also found two acquaintances, Nick and Black Widow!

"Luo Hang, yes, it's you!?"

Not to mention what Tony and the others are thinking now, with the appearance of the teleportation magic, and looking at Luo Hang who came out of it first, this explorer from the Tai Kingdom, his face changed in horror, and his face looked horrified!

As the king of explorers, there are nearly 200 explorers in the world, and there is no one who does not know Luohang!

"Let me go, I can let you go!" Luo Hang said to the explorer in front of him!

"I, I..." Hearing what Luo Hang said, the explorer from the Tai Kingdom showed a look of horror.

He didn't dare to fight against Luo Hang, but now that he was surrounded by powerful enemies, if he really let him go, would he really lose his only amulet?

"You should know, if I make a move, it doesn't make much difference whether you have hostages or not!"

Seeing the explorer's hesitant expression, Luo Hang followed suit.

These words made the explorer's face extremely ugly, and at the same time, he was speechless!

Indeed, not to mention Luo Hang's sword 23, has the ability to freeze matter, time and space.

Even if he really killed this woman, judging from his actions in the ninja world, he was able to bring the wife of the fourth Hokage back to life, can he resurrect this woman?

So, holding this woman as a hostage and facing the existence of Luo Hang, it seems that it really does not have any protective effect?

"Mr. Luo Hang, you, you have to keep your word and let me leave safely. So many people are watching. If you don't keep your promise, it will be a stain on your reputation? For someone like me, let you Your reputation is stained, isn't it worth it?"

After a moment of silence, the Taiguo explorer reminded him!

The so many people watching in his mouth did not refer to Tony and Nick at the scene, but to imply the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room and the Taiguo live broadcast room!

"Okay, let go, you can go!" Luo Hang nodded and replied.

Now, the explorers of Taiguo felt a little relieved.

He let go of the dagger he had put on Pepper's neck, and then performed lightness kung fu, and fled far away!

Luo Hang did not make a move, and when he heard Luo Hang made his promise, Tony next to him didn't take the opportunity to make a move either!

Luo Hang made a promise in order to save people, if he made a move, wouldn't it be revenge for kindness and loss of Luo Hang's face?

Tony still has the bottom line of being a human being!

"Pepper, are you alright?" Besides, at this moment, Tony's thoughts were all on Pepper, and he hurried forward and lifted his steel mask.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Pepper shook his head when he heard the words. He was not injured, but he was a little scared, feeling undecided!

Taking a closer look, Pepper was indeed fine, and Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Luo Hang, right? I heard the kid next to you call you that, thank you for your rescue!" After relaxing, Tony opened his mouth and thanked Luo Hang!

Being able to thank Iron Man Tony himself shows how grateful he is to Luo Hang now.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of little effort!" Luo Hang said indifferently!

"Mr. Luo Hang, you didn't even raise your hand just now, you just moved your mouth and scared people away?" The little spider next to him said, showing another wave of presence!

As long as there is a chance to interrupt, the little spider will never let it go!

"I just cast a magic portal, didn't I raise my hand?" Luo Hang gave the little spider a supercilious look.

"That's amazing, Luo Hang, although I know that you came here to try something small, but you can solve the problem without taking any action!" Nick, who was next to him, also praised Luo Hang.

Although I originally wanted to give Luo Hang a small test to show off his abilities, but now he doesn't need to make a move, which is a bit disappointing!

However, to subdue the enemy without fighting, you can solve the matter perfectly without using your hands, which seems to reflect the strength of Luo Hang even more!

"Ji Cao, don't be six!" Luo Hang smiled slightly, not surprised!

Unlike the natives of this world, those explorers all regard themselves as research targets.

Therefore, be very aware of your situation!

But it is precisely because he understands his own strength that he knows his own strength and knows that he is not his opponent at all!

Then, it is also reasonable to retreat in spite of difficulties!

(PS: By the way, is my book still read? If so, please vote for it? Vote for an evaluation? Alas, insomnia in the middle of the night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, get up and write a chapter~~~).


Chapter 191: This time, it's Luohang's turn to take the initiative to reveal the explorer

It is said that the biggest happy events in life are unexpected encounters, false alarms, lost and found!

For Tony, although this incident happened today, it was a false alarm, and Pepper was fine.

Therefore, Tony is still in a good mood today!

And since Fury and the others have all arrived at the entrance of Stark Tower, they naturally went up to sit down!

Soon, Luo Hang and his party sat down, and Xiaojiao personally poured them a few drinks for everyone!

"Hey, Pepper, just give Luo Hang and Peter what to drink. They can pour it themselves..." Tony said to Pepper!

I am grateful to Luo Hang, but Tony doesn't have a good impression of these people from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Whether it was the Black Widow who sneaked into his company at the beginning, or Fury's comments on his character later, saying that he was not qualified to join the Avengers, this made Tony unhappy.

If you are upset, then show it?

With Tony's temperament, he can do whatever he wants, no need for hypocritical responses!

Of course, Tony can be so ignorant, like a child throwing a temper tantrum, but of course Pepper can't be so ignorant!

"By the way, do you know the person who left just now?"

Simply put, Fury didn't necessarily mean to chat with Tony. He had a drink and immediately asked Luo Hang.

"How should I put it? This is the first time I've met him!" Luo Hang replied!

"But, you know each other, right? I can tell!" The black widow next to her said to Luo Hang with a charming smile.

"You can say that!" Luo Hang nodded, but did not deny it.

"As far as we know, many people have come to Tony's Ark reactor recently. These people should all belong to the same organization?" Fury interjected and asked Luo Hang.

"Oh? Are those people really from the same organization?"

In recent days, Tony has indeed been burned by those explorers. Now that he hears this topic, he immediately feels relieved!

One by one, the explorers came here, openly or secretly, doing everything they could, as if they were fighting guerrilla warfare.

For more than a month, Tony felt that his spirit seemed to be in a trance!

"It can be said that, it can even be said that I am a member of the same organization as them!"

Facing all the top agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Luo Hang didn't expect to be able to fool them, so he nodded and answered frankly!

"Are you with them?" Tony frowned slightly, looking at Luo Hang in surprise!

On the contrary, Fury and Black Widow next to them didn't change their expressions, obviously they had already guessed.

"Since you are with them, it's easy to handle. Now you are with us, so can you tell us about the situation of your organization?"

The black widow smiled again, and said that she and she were also in the same group, fascinated.

"Too many things, it's inconvenient for me to disclose, let me just say this, in a way that you can understand, you can think of us as a killer organization, or a mercenary group or something like that." "

"And this time? We have a one-year assessment plan!"

"As for the content of the assessment? It's very simple, it is to see what kind of gains each of you can have in this year!"

"As for so many people staring at Tony, it's natural that Tony's Ark reactor technology is good enough. In addition, it's too high-profile, so it has attracted the attention of these people!"

Regarding the situation of the exploration of the heavens, Luo Hang introduced it in a more convenient form.

"So, everything is caused by being pushy!" Fury said, glancing at Tony!

"One year? In other words, there will be at least ten months to come. Is it possible that I will be coveted by these people?"

Hearing Luo Hang talk about the one-year deadline, Tony's face also collapsed.

It's been just over a month, and I feel a little bit in a trance!

"Wait, Luo Hang, what is the purpose of your organization? This is just an assessment. What is the purpose of the organization? To collect money for employment? Or something else? For example, to maintain world peace? Or to destroy the world, etc.? "

It's just a one-year assessment, which is not important. The important thing is that SHIELD doesn't even know about such a powerful organization hidden in the dark?

So, what kind of purpose does this force have, is the most important thing?

"Purpose? For you, the purpose of this year's assessment is everything. As for the future situation, you can ignore it. After this year, maybe you and the people in this organization will never meet again in this life. Already!" Luo Hang followed up!

"That is to say, if the one-year deadline is up, you may leave, and we will never meet again in this life?" Fu Rui asked Luo Hang with a change of expression!

"It can be understood in this way!" Luo Hang nodded and admitted!

"This, such a situation, is really strange. It seems that your organization only treats the earth as a trial ground. After a one-year trial, you leave and never come back!"

After sorting out the words that Luo Hang said just now, Fu Rui spoke, giving his own understanding!

Luo Hang was noncommittal, and did not directly answer his understanding.

Luo Hang didn't answer anymore, the topic seemed to be stuck at this point, a bit embarrassing!

Then, the Black Widow followed suit, with a look of admiration in her eyes: "It seems that in this faction organization, the people who participated in the assessment, Luo Hang, you are very famous, even enough to make everyone else scare away!"

"Well, you can also say that!" Luo Hang nodded without being too modest.

In the words of Blue Star, there are nearly 200 explorers in the world, divided into two categories.

One is Luo Hang, and the other is explorers other than Luo Hang.

From this, you can see your status among the entire group of explorers!

This is like throwing a group of people onto the prairie to survive in the wilderness.

Others are still working hard to make a fire, for food, and even to shelter from the rain!

It's as if I have prepared supplies a long time ago. I found a lighter in the grass, a bed in the woods, and even a fish when I was hungry in the middle of the night. It was still baked!

This is like two completely different assessments from other players of Survival in the Wild!

"Mr. Luo Hang, let me ask you, if there are other people in your organization who come to seize my ark reactor and I kill them all, will you stop them? Or, will your organization send People come to take revenge?"

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