Tony next to him, with anger and killing intent on his face, asked Luo Hang.

Have you become a sharpening stone for others to assess?With Tony's temper, of course he couldn't accept it!

"Don't worry, in a sense, we are even competitors. The reason why I didn't kill him just now is because I don't like violent killings very much!" Luo Hang replied.

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and then continued: "As for the organization's revenge, you don't have to worry about it. If you lose your life, it can only be regarded as your own incompetence. There will never be any retaliation in the organization!"

"."That's good! "Hearing Luo Hang's answer, Tony was completely relieved!

And Fu Rui and the others next to him also took a look at him when they heard the words, knowing that Tony has been troubled for more than a month, and they are already very annoying, and they are ready to kill!

However, since they are all people from outside the earth who have come to invade Stark Industries, Fury and the others will naturally not stop Tony!

"By the way, since it's an assessment, then, Mr. Luo Hang, you should do the same, right? Could it be? Aren't you interested in the technology of the Ark Reactor?"

The little spider next to him suddenly interrupted again, giving him a sense of presence!

This question is considered to be a topic that everyone has tacitly asked, but no one has taken the initiative to bring it up!

Tony and the others also looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes!

That's right, Luo Hang and the others belong to the same organization, so the assessment criteria are naturally the same. If others are so interested in the technology of the Ark Reactor and continue to follow suit, isn't it possible that Luo Hang is not interested?

"Of course I am also interested, but my harvest is not only on the Ark reactor, but also, in terms of technology, I know that in some places, technology is completely ahead of all places in the world ..."

Luo Hang smiled confidently and replied!

Well, what Luo Hang said was indeed pretending, but what he said was the truth!

Just like a job with a monthly salary of over [-], many people will rush to apply for it.

However, with Luohang's ability, although interested, it is not necessary.

"Oh? Where else is the technology ahead of all places in the world!?"

Now, Fury widened his eyes curiously, and asked Luo Hang!

Similarly, Tony also looked at Luo Hangzhao curiously!

High tech?And is it a world-leading high-tech?

Talking about this topic, I will not be sleepy anymore!

"The Kingdom of Wakanda, if you are interested, you can go and learn more about it!" Luo Hang smiled, and directly revealed the name of Wakanda.

"In addition, although Captain America's shield was originally made by Howard Stark, the material actually came from Wakanda, and there are many such materials in Wakanda!"

Then, Luo Hang reminded Tony again!

In other words, after talking about the topic of Zhenjin, Luo Hang's heart is actually a little bit excited!

Vibrating gold is like a magic material, also known as sound-absorbing steel.

In Marvel's original book, apart from being cut to pieces by Thanos in the heyday with a tyrant's butcher knife, it is almost like an absolute defense, able to withstand any attack!

If I can get some vibrating gold, even if I don't build a full-body battle suit like the Black Panther, it must be of great help to my future, right? .

Chapter 192: Iron Man was manipulated to death

"Wakanda, boss, what do you know about this country?"

Hearing Luohang say that Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country on earth, Black Widow turned her head and asked Fury!

"I don't have a deep impression, I only know that this is a relatively closed African country!" Shaking his head, Fury replied!

Although he is also black, Fury has to admit that most African countries are a sign of backwardness.

However, now Luo Hang said, is your Wakanda in Africa the most technologically advanced place in the world?

So, if you think about it carefully, a closed country with little sense of existence has the world's top technology?

This possibility is not impossible!

"It seems that our S.H.I.E.L.D.'s contact with Wakanda will deepen!"

Hawkeye didn't talk much, but, like his archery skills, what he said was right in the middle of it!

Not only is SHIELD thinking like this, Tony also silently wrote down the name of the country Wakanda in his heart!

"Okay, it's getting late!" Tony said after looking at the sky!

Yes, it was already night when Luo Hang traveled to New York.

Then, I went to S.H.I.E.L.D. and came back to New York. Several hours have passed, and it is already midnight!

"Okay, we're all going back!" Fury got up and said!Luo Hang then raised his hand, and used teleportation magic again, connecting to SHIELD!

"This ability is really convenient!" After passing through the portal of Luo Hang and returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the blink of an eye, Hawkeye sighed with emotion!

The Black Widow next to them also nodded in agreement. This ability to easily cross space is indeed too convenient.

"Luo Hang, wait..."

However, when Luo Hang turned around and was about to leave 130, Tony said something!

"What? Is there anything else you want to ask?" After dissipating the portal, Luo Hang and the little spider stopped and asked!

"Mr. Luo Hang, do you have any suggestions for those guys like you?" Then, Tony asked again!

"Suggestion? If you don't want to kill people, you can give me the technology of the Ark reactor. Moreover, this matter is made public. In exchange, I can provide you with protection! After other people hear the news, they must not I will come to bother you again, at least, it can save you more than [-]% of your troubles!"

Hearing Tony ask for his own suggestion, Luo Hang said with a light smile!

"Also said that you are not interested in my Ark reactor!" Listening to Luo Hang's words, Tony looked like he saw through you.

"I didn't say I wasn't interested, I just said that the Ark reactor is not necessary for me!" Luo Hang corrected it!

"Not enough..." But, listening to what Luo Hang said, after thinking for a while, Tony shook his head and said!

"Although you saved Pepper, I do owe you a great favor, and you are willing to publicly announce that you will protect me, but I also have the ability to protect myself."

"That's all, wanting to exchange my ark reactor, I always feel that it's a little bit less interesting!"

Of course Luo Hang understood what Tony meant by this, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

In fact, he is already willing to give the Ark reactor to himself, but he wants to fight for more benefits, right?

So, is it worthy of being a businessman?

This ability to bargain is really good!

"Really? In exchange, I can let Pepper learn ninjutsu!" After thinking for a moment, Luo Hang thought (bcfj) that he had a condition that Tony could never refuse.

"Ninjutsu? Do you mean to let Pepper have the ability to protect himself in the future?" Hearing this, Tony looked uninterested!

If you really want Pepper to have the ability to protect herself, wouldn't it be better to design a steel armor for her in the future?

"You can see what kind of ninjutsu I taught her before you decide?"

Seeing Tony's disinterested appearance, Luo Hang was confident.

"Okay, then let me see it!" Hearing this, Tony nodded and said!

"First of all, this is the technique of shadow clone!" Luo Hang said, first showing off a wave of shadow clone techniques.

one, two, three...

In the blink of an eye, dozens of shadow clones appeared in front of Tony!

"Avatar technique? Can one person divide this many?" Tony asked in surprise!

So, when you encounter danger, use these shadow clones to confuse the enemy's sight, and you take the opportunity to escape?

It does seem to be a good ability to protect oneself?

"That's right, these are all physical avatars, and each one can be regarded as an independent me!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

Immediately afterwards, all the shadow clones cast their transformation techniques at the same time!

In an instant, dozens of men appeared!

Some are feminine, some are sunny, some are strong, some are thin...

"This is?" Seeing Luo Hang suddenly transforming into so many men, each with different handsomeness, made Tony a little baffled!

"This is the transformation technique. With the shadow clone, it can become anyone's appearance, even an object!" Luo Hang explained again!

"So? Is it still for self-protection?" Hearing this, Tony asked!

Self-protection with avatar technique and transformation technique?There is indeed room for maneuverability!

"No, no, think about it, if Pepper learns these two tricks, she can transform into any look you want, all kinds of beauties..." Luo Hang shook his head, leading Tony to change his mind.

Hearing this, Tony stood up as if getting an electric shock, and looked at Luo Hang with bright eyes: "Divine skill, this is a proper divine skill, Luo Hang, please teach me these two moves of ninjutsu. Pepper, please!"

Before establishing a relationship with Pepper, Tony was a well-known playboy, and his female partner can be said to change every day!

However, since I established a relationship with Pepper, I stopped messing around!

To be honest, it is God's will that a man wants to mess around.

It's just because of loyalty and responsibility, so I control myself!

But now?As long as you have learned these two techniques of ninjutsu, use them together...

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

Luo Hang wrote a scroll on the method and knowledge of chakra refining, and handed it to Tony!

And Tony also downloaded and packaged all the technical knowledge of his Ark reactor, and sent it to Luo Hang.

He even kindly sent a reactor as a sample!

"Mr. Luo Hang, although the transformation technique and the shadow clone technique are miraculous, why is Mr. Stark so excited?" The little spider next to him spoke again, looking like a curious baby!

First, he showed off his avatar technique, but Mr. Stark didn't respond!

He showed off the transformation technique again, but there was no response.

But Mr. Luo Hang seemed to remind him that Mr. Stark's reaction became so strong.

What does this reminder mean? The little spider said that he didn't understand it at all!

"You're still a child, it's normal to not understand. At this age, you should study hard!" Looking at Peter, who was only twelve or thirteen years old, Tony said with a smile that only a man could understand!

"Well..." Listening to Tony's words, the little spider could only nod helplessly!

"By the way, Tony..."

I have done everything that should be done, and got what I wanted, Luo Hang said suddenly.

Tony looked at Luo Hang with a questioning look.

"This is Peter. Parker, he can be regarded as my disciple. Besides, he is also a member of the Avengers Alliance!" Luo Hang formally introduced it to Tony!

Tony still looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes, not quite understanding that he suddenly introduced Peter to himself so seriously.What does parker mean!

It's just, thinking of Fury's comments to himself back then, and looking at it now, even a twelve or thirteen-year-old kid can join the Avengers team?

Tony felt even more uncomfortable. Do you dare to feel that you can't even compare with a child?

"I think, you and Peter are very destined, so I plan to host Peter at your house for a few days, how about it?" Luo Hang smiled slightly, and continued!

The relationship between Tony and Little Spider in the original book is like the relationship between father and son. This relationship still moves movie fans.

Therefore, Luo Hang did not hope that with his intervention, the butterfly effect would cause deviations in this relationship.

"Fate? No, no, no, Luo Hang, you must have read it wrong. I only have fate with women, not men, even though this is only a half-grown child!"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Tony shook his head simply.

"Mr. Stark, please take care of me!" The little spider walked up to Tony seriously, bowed and said!

"Well, it's only for a few days, after all, my place is not a nursery..."

Seeing the little spider's eyes, Tony opened his mouth, and the words that he wanted to refuse came to his lips, but he agreed in a strange way.

"Okay, Peter, this is Lingbo Weibu, you should learn this first, the Holy Spirit sword technique, I will teach you later!"

Seeing that Tony actually agreed, Luo Hang also sighed in his heart.

It seems that the relationship between the little spider and Tony is really destined.

Immediately, he handed over the cheats about Lingboweibu that he had prepared a long time ago to the little spider!

"Okay, got it! Teacher Luohang!" After taking Lingbo Weibu with both hands, the little spider nodded and said.

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