It's almost over, Luo Hang didn't intend to stay in Stark Tower any longer, waved his hand, cast the portal, and disappeared from the portal immediately!

"Tony: I won't hand over the Ark reactor to you, don't even think about it, wow? The combination of transformation and shadow clone? It's delicious!"

"Hahaha, the truth is revealed, this Tony is being manipulated to death by Brother Hang!"

"However, Brother Hang said that Wakanda is the most technologically advanced on earth? I'm so curious, I want to see what kind of technology Wakanda has reached!"

"My brother Hang is amazing, YYDS! Other explorers tried their best to not be able to take the Ark reactor. My brother Hang came out, and Tony almost cried and begged our brother Hang to accept it!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, seeing that Luohang got the Ark reactor, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly high! .

Chapter 193: Was it Luo Hang? Captain America is still alive?

A few days later, Stark Industries held a press conference!

With the energy of Stark Industries and the fame of Tony Iron Man, this press conference is naturally very lively!

And at this press conference, Tony introduced the existence of Luohang to everyone!

Click click!

As Luo Hang appeared in front of the camera, countless guns and short cannons were transferred from Tony's body to Luo Hang's body in an instant!

"Mr. Luo Hang, so your name is Luo Hang!"

"Mr. Luo Hang, don't you have a pet fire unicorn? Where is that pet now?"

"Mr. Luo Hang, how did you meet Mr. Tony Stark?"

The long guns and short guns were all aimed at Luo Hang, and the questions of these reporters seemed to be fired in succession~!

Tony next to him saw that the reporters were all focusing on Luo Hang, and he, as if he was an abandoned star, sighed silently in his heart!

I have never tasted this kind of treatment in the cold.

For a person who likes to show off, his limelight is completely covered by others, this feeling is really uncomfortable!

"Everyone, we have something important to announce, please don't ask questions yet!"

Tony Stark opened his mouth and said loudly to the reporters, let them all control their excitement!

After Tony's words fell, these reporters slowly restrained their emotions.

However, the camera is still mainly on Luo Hang's body!

"Everyone, I hit it off with Mr. Luo Hang, so I announce today that Mr. Luo Hang will keep all the information on the Ark reactor for me!" Tony Stark announced!


I have to say, Tony's words really hit the ground like a thunderbolt!

Everyone knows what the technology of the Ark reactor means. This is the core of the steel suit, and it is the energy technology that is ahead of the world!

But now, Tony Stark said that all the scientific and technological information of the Ark reactor should be kept by Luohang?

For one thing, everyone was surprised by Tony's trust in Luo Hang. Isn't he afraid of Luo Hang's guarding and stealing?

Second, Luo Hang's strength is known to everyone.

If it is really handed over to Luohang for protection, there really is no one in this world who can snatch the Ark reactor from him, right?

The purpose of this press conference is mainly to announce this!

And after the news spread, it caused a lot of repercussions!

What about the official side?Originally saw that Tony handed over the Ark reactor to Luo Hang for safekeeping, and expressed his objection.

However, after some investigation, it was found that Luo Hang had already joined the Avengers!

And the Avengers belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.!

What about S.H.I.E.L.D.?Belonging to the World Security Council again!

So, the current high level of the country is not qualified to control Luo Hang?

Therefore, although these high-level officials in the United States are upset, there is nothing they can do!

On the other side, it was the other explorers who were even more sad to see!

Seeing that all the technical information of the Ark reactor was given to other explorers, for a while, the reactions of these explorers were varied! "Damn it, Luo Hang of the Dragon Kingdom has taken the lead again. This brand new energy technology was actually obtained by Luo Hang!"

"Really? Luo Hang is still Luo Hang. So many people have tried to attack one after another but failed. When Luo Hang makes a move, he hits it with one blow!"

"Hey, with Luo Hang and Tony together, that is to say, if someone plans to plan the technology of the Ark reactor, it will be against Luo Hang. This, what should we do!"

All the explorers from other countries have very ugly faces.

With Luo Hang suppressing the materials and information of the Ark reactor like a magic pearl in the sea, how can people like himself still seek it?

It seems that I can only think of other ways to plan other gains?

Under the distant sea of ​​ice, a plane that had been frozen for many years was dug out.

Borrowing high-tech means, the person who had been frozen in the plane for decades was slowly dug out!

Agent Coulson specially took a special plane and came to the excavation site!

Although it was a freezing scene, Coulson's expression was very excited.

No one else, because the identity of this frozen person is ready to be revealed. It is the legendary hero who disappeared many years ago, Captain America!

As an avid fan of Captain America, knowing that the captain should be dug out today, Coulson of course applied for the transfer himself.

If he couldn't witness such a historic scene with his own eyes, Coulson felt that he would regret it for the rest of his life! "It has been dug out!"

Suddenly, a loud cry rang out, attracting Coulson's attention!

Hearing this, Coulson immediately ran up.

Sure enough, Captain America, who was originally frozen in the ice, has been dug out.

Wearing mainly blue clothes, it is exactly the same as the original costume of Captain America in the legend!

"Oh my God! He, he's still alive..." After a while, another SHIELD staff member exclaimed!

This remark shocked everyone present!

A person who has been frozen for an unknown number of years is still alive?

Coulson stepped forward and personally checked Captain America's physical functions.

Sure enough, the news from the feedback made Coulson very excited!

Not only did I witness the scene where Captain America was dug out, but even, is the dug up Captain America still alive?

After that, Coulson immediately contacted SHIELD.

"Mr. Coulson, do you have any good news to report?" Director Fury asked after connecting with Coulson's communication.

"Boss, there is indeed good news. Captain America has been dug out. Moreover, after my personal detection, he is still alive, and his body still has signs of life!"

On the phone, Coulson's voice was extremely excited!

"Still, still alive!?" Hearing Coulson's words, Chief Fury's expression changed, and at the same time, he was a little dumbfounded!

real or fake?Captain America reappeared after being frozen for decades, is he still alive?How is this possible! ?

"and many more……."

While being shocked, Director Fury suddenly heard what Luo Hang said before, and asked if Captain America had been dug out, and he also concluded that Captain America was alive!

"So, not only is Luo Hang's intelligence capability terribly strong, but even the fact that Captain America is still alive, can he know in advance?" Director Fury was secretly shocked in his heart!

If this is the case, then I seem to have to rethink Luo Hang's ability. . .Ask for flowers.

After all, being able to determine in advance that Captain America is still alive is not something that can be done simply by relying on intelligence capabilities!

"Boss, boss? Why aren't you talking!?"

On the other end of the communication, Coulson couldn't help but yelled loudly without waiting for Director Fury's words!

"Oh, it's okay, Mr. Coulson, I just thought of something important, so I was distracted!" Hearing Coulson's yell on the phone, Director Fury said after recovering!

"Agent Coulson, since the captain is still alive, he must be transported back as soon as possible. In addition, he must be recovered!" Then, Director Fury ordered seriously!

"Don't worry, boss, even if you don't order it, I will do it well!" Hearing Director Fury's order, Agent Coulson replied in a serious tone!

Who are you facing?It's my idol Captain America, how could I make a mistake! ?

"Really? Did Luo Hang tell you about Captain America again?"

After hanging up the communication, Chief Fury's face flashed with a dignified look!

As for the previous incident, it can also be said that Luo Hang's intelligence capabilities are extraordinary.

... 0 However, Captain America didn't even dig it out, so he deduced the news that the captain was still alive in advance, which is not something that can be done by intelligence capabilities!

So, does Luo Hang have any special ability to obtain information that others don't know?

"By the way, if what Luo Hang said is true, then what is said about Wakanda is also true?"

Then, Director Fury thought about what Luo Hang said that Wakanda is the place with the highest technology on earth, which made Director Fury a little bit impatient!

"Hill!" After a moment of silence, Fury said!

"Boss, what instructions?" Agent Hill came over! "How is the connection about our visit to the Kingdom of Wakanda?" Director Fury asked!

"We are already in contact with Wakanda, and it is estimated that there will be a reply in the next two days!" Agent Hill replied!

"Well, that's good!" Hearing this, Fury nodded!

"Also..." At this moment, Agent Hill seemed to think of something, with a look of hesitation on his face.

"Anything else? Just say it!" Director Fury asked!

"In addition, there is that, members of parliament have been asking about the development progress of new weapons recently!" Agent Hill followed up!

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, this is a very magical thing, since Howard back then.After Stark found it in the ocean.

It was originally well preserved.

But because of Thor's incident, people realized that there are so many powerful forces beyond the earth. Therefore, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was taken out as the core of researching new energy weapons!

"Ah..." Hearing Agent Hill's words, Director Fury sighed silently in his heart!

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he must be subject to the World Security Council. If they want to study energy weapons, they have no choice but to follow suit.

However, in fact, what Fury expects more is the plan of the Avengers, rather than this so-called energy weapon!

I have been alone for some days, and I have been practicing the Sacred Heart Jue these days.

Thinking about how the little spider's Lingbo Weibu learned?Also, what's going on with his relationship with Tony?

On this day, Luo Hang used a teleportation magic and returned to the Stark Tower again.corpse.

Chapter 194: Peter was bitten by a spider?

"Pepper, how is your recent practice? The mastery of Shadow Clone and Transformation!"

Stark Tower, at a dining table, Tony picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip, and asked Pepper!

"Recently, the refinement of chakra has been quite smooth, but the learning of ninjutsu is not so easy!" Pepper replied as he sat down in front of Tony!

"Really? It seems that you have to work hard and try to master these two ninjutsu as soon as possible!" Hearing this, Tony cheered Pepper up and said!

"You, this is the only thing on your mind, can't you think about something else?" Of course Pepper knew what Tony was thinking, and gave Tony a supercilious look!

"What am I thinking? Am I doing this for your safety? If you learn the Shadow Clone and Transformation techniques, you will have a certain ability to protect yourself against the enemy in the future!"

Tony's face straightened up!

Even though he didn't believe what he said.

However, the ability to tell lies with eyes open is plausible!

Pepper didn't answer Tony's blatant lie.

"Oh? By the way, I always feel that there seems to be something wrong today!" He didn't dwell on this issue, and suddenly, Tony seemed to think of something and said "one three zero"!

"By the way, where's Peter?" After thinking for a while, Tony came to his senses.

Ordinarily, at the dinner table Peter would always chatter and say this, more than he could say, making people feel like flies buzzing around his head.

"What? I usually think Peter is a bit noisy, but he's gone, do you miss him?" Pepper glanced at Tony and asked with a smile!

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