"How is this possible!? I just promised Luo Hang to take care of him. If I didn't take care of him well, wouldn't it be a breach of trust?" Hearing this, Tony shook his head simply!

What kind of temperament is Tony, how can Pepper not know?

He's the kind of person who has emotions inside and is ashamed to express them!

"He said..." Opening his mouth, Pepper was about to answer.

Just at this time, Peter had already walked over, and, stepping on his feet with nimble footwork, his posture was as graceful as dancing, and he came to the dining table in the blink of an eye, the speed was ridiculously fast!

"Hey, Mr. Stark, my Lingbo Weibu has made a breakthrough, and my internal strength has also become a little deeper!" Peter said with a big smile on his face as he stepped on Lingbo Weibu!

"Well, not bad!" I was also happy for Peter in my heart, but Tony looked very calm on the surface.

Then he said to Pepper: "Look at Peter, and then look at yourself, it seems that you have to make persistent efforts!"

Peter picked up the red wine next to him, took his empty glass from Tony's hand, poured half of it for him, and brought it to Tony.

"Say it, there is nothing to be courteous about, is there anything I can do for you?"

Tony naturally took the wine that Peter poured for himself, and followed suit!

"The situation is like this, Mr. Stark, my practice of Lingbo Weibu has come to an end, can you help me contact Teacher Luo Hang, should I practice the Holy Spirit Sword Technique next?"

Peter was obviously still thinking about Luo Hang's sword 23 that could freeze time and space!

Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, suddenly, countless small sparks appeared, turning into a portal.

Then, Luo Hang stepped out from the portal, just in time to see the scene where Peter handed Tony the red wine.

"Oh? Sure enough, the two of you are very destined. It's only been over a week since we met, and your relationship is pretty good!" Luo Hang said with a bit of surprise on his face!

"Nonsense, nothing at all, such a guy has completely affected our two-person world!" Tony shook his head, denying Luo Hang's words.

Seeing Tony's denial, he also understood that he was the kind of person who was ashamed to show his feelings, so Luo Hang didn't expose his intentions either!

However, as any Marvel fan knows, Tony has a very special quirk.

That is, he would not pick up what others handed him!

He will pick up only those who are very close in his heart.

For example, Pepper, for example, when he was teaching time and space, he met his father Howard.What Stark handed him!

Now, he was able to take the wine handed to him by the little spider so naturally, which is enough to show that the little spider really has a different status in his heart! "By the way, Luo Hang, you came at a good time. There are some problems with Pepper's cultivation progress. Just give me some advice!" Tony continued as if he didn't want to get entangled in the relationship between himself and the little spider!

"Oh? Did you encounter any problems?" Luo Hang looked at Pepper and asked!

While Luo Hang was here, Pepper also explained his situation.

Following the difficulties Pepper encountered, Luo Hang gave her some pointers, and then said: "Actually, this is not a problem, it just needs more time to practice. Although the transformation technique is an elementary ninjutsu, but It is impossible to learn it in just a few days!"

"So let me just say, it's not my problem, but you are a little too eager for success!" Pepper gave Tony a supercilious look, and complained.

"Mr. Luo Hang, my Lingbo Weibu practice is a bit melee!" Peter also interrupted at this time!

"Oh? Let me see!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said!

Immediately, Peter showed off his ability to walk gently in front of Luo Hang!

With mysterious footwork under his feet, the little spider moved very fast, even a little unbelievably fast!

"Wait, Peter, why is your Lingboweibu so fast?" Luo Hang asked the little spider in amazement!

"I, I don't know, it seems that suddenly, I feel that everything seems to have become much slower, so my speed is getting faster and faster!" Scratching his head, the little spider I don't know why!

Originally, the little spider thought that this was the growth that he would have after he practiced Lingbo Weibu.

However, after Luo Hang said this, he discovered that this was not the improvement brought about by practicing Lingbo Weibu?

"Have you been bitten by a spider recently?" After a moment of silence, Luo Hang suddenly asked the little spider!

"Oh? Teacher Luo Hang, how did you know?" Hearing this, the little spider looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

Well, this is understandable. It turns out that he was bitten by a spider, which caused his body to undergo evolutionary mutations!

"So, can you spin silk?" Luo Hang followed, and asked curiously again!

"Mr. Luo Hang, are you kidding? After being bitten by a spider, I will spin silk? Then one day I will be pecked by an eagle, should I also be able to fly?" Hearing this, the little spider's expression He looked at Luo Hang strangely! "Well, sure enough, in this time and space, Spider-Man doesn't know how to spin silk himself, he mainly borrows the spider silk launcher!?" The answer of the little spider was expected by Luo Hang!

However, the little spider in the original book has studied the silk launcher by himself, but now, because of his own teaching, his mind is focused on cultivation?

"Tony, if you have time, help Little Spider make some suits for him!" Luo Hang followed suit and said to Tony!

"Battle suit? Let such a child have a steel battle suit?" Tony looked at Luo Hang strangely and asked! "No, it's different from your battle uniform..." Luo Hang shook his head. …

Followed by the original book of Marvel, the situation of the iron suit that Tony made for the little spider is roughly described.

Of course, the concept of the spider silk launcher was also mentioned!

"Make such a battle suit for such a child? I don't have that much time to spare..." Shaking his head, Tony said with a face of rejection!

Seeing Tony's refusal, Luo Hang didn't say anything more!

On the surface he refused, but Luo Hang believed that with his relationship with the little spider, he would make it!

"Okay, Peter, your Lingbo Weibu practice has indeed made some progress, and I will teach you the Holy Spirit Sword Technique!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to the little spider!

Hearing the holy spirit sword technique, the little spider nodded with gleaming eyes.

He has been looking forward to the kind of swordsmanship that can freeze time and space! "Hey, what's going on with Luo Hang..."

Originally he refused, and Tony thought that Luo Hang would persuade him a few more words, but seeing that he followed, he took Peter to learn swordsmanship.

This was completely determined by his appearance, which made Tony complain secretly in his heart.

"Hahaha, this Tony. Stark, I'm in a hurry. How many days has it been? He expects his wife to learn the shadow clone and transformation skills?" "Yes, is it too urgent? My daughter It took my friend more than a month to learn these two tricks!" "Hold the grass, upstairs, are you sure you're not from Versailles? I'm crying with envy, a winner in life!" "Well, my husband only recently learned 5.9 Yes, recently I am looking forward to getting off work every day after dark!"

"Upstairs, enough of you..."

"By the way, what's the matter with this Peter? Isn't Lingbo Weibu's speed too fast?" "Yeah, I've only been practicing Lingbo Weibu for a few days now? It's faster than I've been practicing for more than two years!"

"Could it be that this Peter is also a super genius, do you think Uchiha Itachi is the same as Matt Kai? That's right, only such a genius can make Brother Hang admire you?" "Wait, was bitten by a spider? Was bitten by a spider? Spider bites, can it become so powerful?" "I still remember that when we first met, Brother Hang called Peter that way. Parker's?" "Spiderman?"

"Holding the grass, showing off makes my scalp troublesome, so Brother Hang has already guessed that Peter will be bitten by a spider and become very powerful?" "Brother Hang, YYDS!"

"Hahaha, Brother Hang is asking Tony to help Peter make a new battle suit. Peter and Tony are related? In fact, Peter and Brother Hang are more destined?" "The appearance of Tony is also very interesting." , looks a little arrogant!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, Luohang and Tony are both on good terms, and everyone's barrage is also very cheerful! .

Chapter 195: Borrowing Your Century-old Skills

In the practice room of Stark Tower, Peter is holding a superalloy long sword and is practicing the Holy Spirit swordsmanship.

This set of Holy Spirit swordsmanship, after comprehending every move and every move, Peter can feel that with the practice of swordsmanship, the power in his body is also improving, and the speed is very fast!

Luo Hang sat quietly and watched!Maybe it's because of Peter's destiny, or because he has evolved more after being bitten by a spider, or because he has good aptitude... In short, Luo Hang can see that Peter's progress is very good with this set of holy spirit sword skills the smooth.

It's even much smoother than when I first practiced!

In this way, after a good rehearsal, Peter put away his sword and stood up, spitting out a foul breath.

The meager skill in the body is slowly absorbed into the dantian.

"How is it? Teacher Luo Hang, is my set of Holy Spirit swordsmanship not bad?" Peter asked Luo Hang with a smile on his face!

"It's nothing but airs, the skills are not enough, and you can't display the true power of the Holy Spirit's swordsmanship!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

This is the truth, no matter how exquisite the swordsmanship is, if it is not motivated by skill, it is just a beautiful show!

"Skill? My skill can only be cultivated step by step. Doesn't it mean that the improvement of skill can only be accumulated over time?" Hearing this, Peter said helplessly!

"No, for others, it may only be accumulated over time, but I can lend you some of my skills!" Luo Hang thought for a while, but suddenly shook his head and said.

"Borrow?" Hearing this, Peter's eyes widened, and he looked at Luo Hang in astonishment.

Obviously did not understand, what does this loan mean!

Skill, can I borrow 12?

"I have a Beiming magic skill, which can absorb other people's skills for my own use. Similarly, I can instill my own skills to others!"

"If that's the case, then the situation will be easier to handle. I'll instill a century-old skill in you for now, and after three months, after the New York War is over, you can just return it to me!" Luo Hang said!

The power of Beiming Shengong can be imparted to others, and similarly, it can also absorb the power of others.

Theoretically speaking, Luo Hang did have the conditions to lend his skills to Peter! "Ah? Teacher Luo Hang, do you still have such ability?"

After practicing for a few days, Peter also thought that he understood what the inner strength was, and it was precisely because of this that Peter was even more surprised when he heard that his inner strength could be lent to him!

"Remember, I just lent it to you. When the time comes, I will have to take it back, so don't forget your own cultivation!" Luo Hang said, telling the little spider.

Immediately, she stretched out her finger and tapped directly between the little spider's eyebrows!

The true essence that contained divine thoughts went against the current and poured into the little spider's body!

The little spider could clearly feel that the turbulent power, like a great river, was rapidly pouring into his body.

At the same time, flow around in your own meridians!

In this way, Luo Hang controlled the power in his body, and after pouring about 100 years of power into the little spider, he stopped!

Letting out a mouthful of turbid air, the flushed color on his face flashed away!

For Luo Hang, with the backing of Chakra with three tails, he simply borrowed 100 years of skill to the little spider, which has little effect on his overall strength!

However, for Little Spider, lending him a century-old skill has greatly improved him!

Besides, it's okay to just lend it to him, not give it to him!

Taking a deep breath, after the true essence circulated in the body for a few laps, the fleeting feeling of fatigue was quickly eliminated!

And what about the little spider?Then sit cross-legged, controlling the movement of the true essence in the body.

This huge true energy, with a hundred years of skill, made the little spider feel a strong sense of power for the first time!

In this way, after getting acquainted with the real essence in his body for a while, the little spider raised the super alloy sword in his hand again, and performed the holy spirit sword technique again!


Following his movements, with the backing of true energy, the power of this holy spirit sword technique is naturally completely different, and sword energy is shot out with his sway.

"Hangcao, is Brother Hang stupid? No matter how much you like Peter, you won't give away your skills, right? And once you give it away, it will last for a hundred years!?"

"Is the one upstairs stupid? Did Brother Hang say it was a gift? Is this a loan!?"

"That's right, the Beiming Divine Art can absorb the energy back, which can completely repay the loan!"

"It's just that this will greatly affect Brother Hang's combat effectiveness, right?"

"Unless Brother Hang encounters a strong enemy, even the Jifu mode is not enough to deal with it, and he must activate his true energy to refine Chakra, otherwise, it will not have any impact on Brother Hang's strength. Counterattack, even Sword 23, these skills that require real energy to activate, the impact of skill strength is not particularly great!"

"Oh? It seems that this is really the case!"

"Can you borrow all your skill and then get it back? This is a stretch, only Brother Hang can do such a thing, right?"

"Brother Hang, YYDS, Niu B is done!"

"But what if Peter is killed?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Hang's Sacred Heart Art can usually resurrect the dead. My Brother Hang is just so capricious!"

"By the way, everyone thinks that Brother Hang has gained so much because he has the ability to predict the past and the future, but in fact, Brother Hang's way of life is the real reason why he has gained so much, right?"

"Oh? Upstairs, why did you say that? Explain?"

"Think about it, the purpose of other explorers is to obtain resources, but what about Brother Hang? When obtaining resources, it is more about getting along with people from other worlds sincerely!"

"It's like giving gifts when you ask someone to do something. It's a completely different concept than maintaining a good relationship in normal times!"

"That's right, giving gifts in ordinary times, but when it's time to ask for help, isn't it unnecessary?"

"Huh? It seems to be the reason. From the first world, recognizing Wu Yazi as the master has really fulfilled the duty of a disciple!"

"If other explorers have agreed to the promise of the sweeping monk and obtained the cultivation method of refining Qi and transforming gods, maybe they have already forgotten their promises?"

"There is also a second world. After recognizing the Juggernaut as a teacher, Brother Hang will also fight Xiongba as a disciple of the Juggernaut to maintain the reputation of the Juggernaut..."

"When you come to Peter again, do you really treat Peter as your disciple?"

"Although he went to various worlds to explore and search for resources, Brother Hang is not the kind of person who gets along with people with a strong purpose. Even when he gets what he wants, he can give back gifts, either information or The exercises I sent out!"

"That's right, if you take such an inventory, Brother Hang is indeed like this!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers were blown away seeing Luo Hang borrowing a hundred years of skill to Little Spider!

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