After all, there is no reason to borrow power.

However, these barrage discussions, discussions and discussions, turned into discussions about Luo Hang.

And this discussion, combined with the previous few world adventures and Luo Hang's actions, many people secretly admire Luo Hang's methods!

Not only to be able to speculate on the past and future, but also to have a sincere friendship with these natives, this is really a skill!

Let's not talk about how the audience in the live broadcast room are discussing!

At this moment, Tony happened to walk into the training room, and seeing the little spider's sword aura, he felt a little silly.

This sword energy can leave a deep sword mark on the wall. Such destructive power also surprised Tony!

"You, you have reached such a point in your practice these days? If I knew it earlier, what kind of spider armor would I build!"

Looking at the power of the little spider's holy spirit swordsmanship, Tony suddenly felt that the armor he had been building these days was completely in vain.

With Peter's strength, it seems that he can't use it, right?

130 "Mr. Stark, I didn't succeed in my own cultivation. Teacher Luo Hang lent me a hundred years of skill. That's why I have such power!"

Hearing this, the little spider stopped the holy sword technique and explained!

"Hey, Luo Hang, you are not being kind!" Hearing this, Tony felt a little unbalanced.

"Even if it's a loan, you can also lend it to Pepper. If she has enough energy, wouldn't it be easier to practice transformation and shadow clone? Then I also..."

"Mr. Stark, it's not a time of war. Why are you so eager to let Miss Pepper learn transformation and shadow clone?" Little Spider asked curiously!

"Then I should feel relieved earlier!" Tony paused after glancing at the little spider, and changed the topic!

"It's not that I don't want to borrow it, but that the little spider's cultivation system is different from Miss Pepper's. I can't borrow Chakra's ability!" Luo Hang explained!

Do you really want to lend your skills to Pepper, and then teach her to refine them into chakra?

With such twists and turns, it's better to let her practice chakra carefully!

"Mr. Stark, did you really help me build the armor? That's great!" The little spider next to him asked Stark excitedly!

Iron Man's battle armor has long been famous all over the world!Now, Mr. Stark helped him build his own armor?

The little spider felt very curious and looked forward to it!Brighten your eyes!

"Well, I have nothing to do recently, so I just built it for you, go and try it!" Compared to the little spider's excitement, Tony deliberately showed a dull look!

The little spider didn't think too much, nodded happily, and went with Tony!

The corners of Luo Hang's mouth raised slightly, and he also secretly smiled in his heart!

It was so plain on the surface that he even refused at the time, but it's only been a few days?The spider suit is built?

Tony, and you said you don't like little spiders? .

Chapter 196: Awakening Captain America

In Tony's research room, a big red battle armor was worn on the little spider.

Well, the bright red color is the same color as Tony's steel suit. It looks very cool and has an extremely high-profile style!

There are also eight metal spider legs on the back, which can be retracted at will.

The most important thing is that there is a retractable long sword on the arm, which can be ejected automatically.

This was obviously prepared by Tony considering the little spider's holy sword skills!

On the wrist, there is also a spider web launcher!

"Oh, Mr. Stark, this suit is really cool!" Inside his suit, the little spider looked in the mirror and said happily!

Listening to the surprise voice of the little spider, it was like a child finally got the toy he dreamed of, and Tony felt happy in his heart.

However, on the surface, it still looks calm and breezy: "It's just made by hand, it only took a few days!"

"Mr. Stark, you are such a genius, you have created such a powerful armor in just a few days!"

Didn't realize that Tony was acting calm on purpose, and the little spider admired him even more!

The words of admiration made the corners of Tony's mouth rise uncontrollably.

Then he said: "By the way, I have added many functions to this armor, such as keeping warm, heating, internal breathing circulation, diving, etc. You should study these functions carefully..."

"Really? This, this is too cool!" Hearing this, the little spider was very interested in studying his armor.

There is also a spider web launcher, which can shoot out spider silk. With my super motor nerves, when I do it myself, my ability has been improved to a greater extent, right?

It's exactly like a person who got a new phone and couldn't put it down.

In this way, after studying it carefully, the little spider then ejected the sword at the elbow!

The blade is very short, but when you hold it in your hand, three sections of the blade automatically pop out, and it becomes a long sword!

In this way, wearing a Spider-Man suit, stepping on Lingbo microsteps, and practicing the Holy Spirit swordsmanship in his hands, the sword spirit is vertical and horizontal.

Seeing this appearance, Tony nodded secretly. He felt that the little spider's ability was matched with the increase of the battle suit, and his strength had been greatly improved!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room kept exclaiming. This is the perfect fusion of martial arts and technology, right?

Only Luo Hang looked at the Spider-Man in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

No matter how you look at it, it always feels a little spicy!

Spiderman is performing swordsmanship and Lingboweibu, can you believe it?

Well, this can only be said to be the various versions of Spider-Man film and television dramas in the previous life, which are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Therefore, compared with the situation in the original book, I feel that it is a bit eye-catching!

drop by drop...

Just as Luo Hang was staring at the little spider in front of him, suddenly, Luo Hang's cell phone rang!

Look, it's Fury calling!

"Director Fury, call me at this time, is there any task for me〃|?" Luo Hang connected the phone, and that was the first sentence!

"Are you saying that, when there is nothing wrong, can't I call and chat with you?" Chief Fury said angrily on the phone!

"Oh, it seems that this matter is not urgent, do you want to chat for a while first?" Luo Hang didn't believe Fu Rui, so he followed suit!

On the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, hearing what Luohang said on the phone, Fury felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to chat a few words to get closer, but if this is the case, the chat can't go on!

"The situation is like this, two things!" Fury was silent for a moment, and went straight to the point!

"The first thing, Captain America has been dug out, and it is now in S.H.I.E.L.D., as you expected, Captain America is still alive!"

"Second thing, we have already contacted the Kingdom of Wakanda, and we will officially visit Wakanda in a few days, would you like to accompany us?" "Oh? Really? That's fine, I'll go and have a look !" Hearing this, Luo Hang's eyes lit up slightly!

Luo Hang is willing to maintain a good relationship with these members of the Avengers.

Now that Captain America has come out, Luo Hang really wants to see it!

In the hearts of three-dimensional movie fans, Captain America has the title of [-]-[-]!

In short, it feels like [-]/[-] to hit anyone!

Also, is S.H.I.E.L.D. going to visit Wakanda?

Pulling myself to go with him, on the one hand, he took a fancy to the intelligence capabilities of what he did.

On the other hand, I also know that I want all kinds of gains, so finding myself is a win-win situation, right?

After finalizing the business, Luo Hang waved his hands and built a magic portal, leading directly to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then, Luo Hang said goodbye to Little Spider and Tony, and left through the portal!

"Did Luo Hang leave?" Following Luo Hang's turn, Pepper Pepper came over and said!

"Well, I have to be busy with some things, so I left first!" Tony nodded and said!

"However, when he left, you didn't yell for him to take Peter away with you. It seems that you are used to Peter's life here!" Pepper said with a smile!

"Nonsense, I just forgot it just now, you should have reminded me just now!" Hearing this, Tony said with the same arrogant expression!

On the SHIELD side, the agents of SHIELD have long been familiar with Luo Hang's teleportation magic.

Luo Hang stepped through the portal, and the magic dissipated!

"Agent Hill, where is Captain Rogers? Where is he now?" Luo Hang asked Agent Hill!

"Follow me!" Hill seemed to be waiting for Luo Hang, nodded, and turned around with Luo Hang!

After a while, Luo Hang was taken to a well-equipped hospital, where he could see Ferry, Coulson, and Black Widow staying here!

"Luo Hang, you are here. Captain Rogers has just been transported here. His body still has vital signs, but it seems that it will take some time to wake up!" Director Fury explained the current situation to Luo Hang! "Okay, I'll do it!"

Nodding his head, with Luo Hang's understanding of the human body, everyone can be resurrected, let alone just wake people up!

"Wait, let's leave first. After all, the world has passed for decades, and his memory and thinking should still be stuck in World War II. I specially arranged this scene to let him accept it step by step..." Ting Luo Hang is going to wake Captain America up now, Director Fury thinks it's better to be safer!

"It's okay, he will have to face it sooner or later, the more he cheats, the more he will be on guard?" Luo Hang shook his head and said indifferently!

Besides, it can be seen from the original book that Fury's thoughtful layout is actually a waste of effort.

After a while, Captain America realized that what was in front of him was a hoax! "Well, since you suggest that, then listen to you!" "

Fu Rui still trusts Luo Hang's ability. Seeing that Luo Hang doesn't care, Fu Rui didn't say much!

Luo Hang stretched out his hand and hovered in front of Captain America in the air. After that, the Sacred Heart Art began to work!

If the human body is compared to a machine, then a dead person is like a machine that has stopped working!

And Rogers is not dead yet, at best it can only be regarded as a standby sleep state.

It didn't take long before Luo Hang withdrew his palm.

And Captain America, who lay on the hospital bed and had been comatose for decades, slowly opened his eyes!

"Where is this place, who are you?" Opening his eyes, seeing that Luo Hang and the others were all strangers, Captain America said with a vigilant look on his face!

"Hello, soldier, this is the country of America, and you have been sleeping for 70 years!" Director Fury said frankly!

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Rogers felt relieved that he was in the United States.

However, when he heard that he had slept for 70 years, Rogers was a little silly and sat up from the bed!

"Really!?" Somewhat unbelievable, Rogers asked!

"That's true!" Director Fury nodded and said!

"Can I go outside and have a look?" After thinking about it, Rogers asked.

(Good) "Okay!" Fury nodded, and then accompanied Rogers out, not to the street, but to the window.

Looking at the world outside the window, there is a lot of traffic. This bustling appearance was completely absent during World War II, especially the high-rise buildings with dozens of floors at every turn!

"It seems that we have won!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Rogers said with some emotion!

As a veteran of World War II, seeing the prosperous and peaceful scene of the United States 70 years later, I feel in my heart that all the hardships and so many sacrifices were worth it! "It's just that I'm late for a date, a very important date..."

As a veteran, he first sighed with emotion about the current peace, and then Rogers thought of the date he had originally made with Agent Carter, which made him look gloomy!

"Don't worry, Captain Rogers, it's not because you haven't had a chance to make up for your late appointment!" Knowing Rogers' regret for the original relationship, Luo Hang said something!

As soon as this remark came out, not only Rogers turned his head to look at Luo Hang, but Director Fury and the others also looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

This has been sleeping for 70 years, but he said that he can still catch up with the late date?

What did he mean by this? .

Chapter 197: Captain America, do you want to learn Bamen Dunjia?

Although Luo Hang doesn't mind revealing some plots that he knows, some plots are not suitable for revealing!

So, after just saying this sentence, Luo Hang didn't intend to explain in detail!

What Captain America saw and heard also convinced him that he had been frozen for 70 years.

Therefore, I settled down under the arrangement of S.H.I.E.L.D. with peace of mind.

As for the symbol of Captain America, the shield made of vibrating gold was also handed over to the captain!

"Captain, after sleeping for 70 years, is your body rusted? Do you want to do a few tricks?"

There are still two days left to go to Wakanda. On this day, seeing Captain America running with the self-discipline of a veteran, Luo Hang said hello!

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