"Really? Then you have to be more careful!" Hearing that Luo Hang took the initiative to compete with him, Rogers was a little surprised, and followed up with a reminder!

Hearing this, Luo Hang smiled slightly, reminding himself to be careful?How confident is he in his own strength?


Rogers stepped forward directly, and at the same time, punched Luo Hang in the face!


However, when Luo Hang made a move, he was the first to come first, and directly pinched Rogers' wrist!

Frowning slightly, Rogers moved quickly, and kicked Luo Hang again!

However, Luo Hang seemed to have anticipated Rogers' movement long ago, and he made the shot first, pointing at Rogers' thigh, which made his leg go numb all of a sudden!

Gritting his teeth, Rogers looked a lot more serious, and continued to move!

However, every time Luo Hang was able to predict the way he would make moves, he would strike first and stop his moves in advance!

"Well, if you really want to say it, your motor nerves and strength are beyond the limit of ordinary people, but this way of fighting is a little behind!"

After simply going through a few tricks, Luo Hang has a rough idea of ​​Rogers' combat ability of 130!

No wonder Tony unceremoniously commented on Captain America's movements in Avengers 1, which was a bit like aerobics for the elderly.

Although this remark is a bit poisonous, it can indeed explain to a certain extent that Captain America's tactics are a bit aging.

It can even be said that it has been eliminated by the times!

In this way, after dozens of moves, Rogers also clearly felt the gap between himself and Luo Hang, so the movements of his hands also stopped!

"Don't fight anymore. Are the soldiers now so capable of fighting?"

After stopping, Rogers said with emotion.

During World War II, his own strength was enough to defeat the Red Skull.

But 70 years later, others can easily crush themselves?

Is it because my strength has regressed?Or is it that the soldiers of this era have all made progress?

"Your strength still needs special training, how about it? Do you want me to arrange a special training for you?" Looking at Captain America, Luo Hang asked with a smile on his face!

Luo Hang wanted to establish a good relationship with every Avenger.

After all, in the world of Marvel, there are too many things worth planning for yourself. Only when you have a good relationship can you have many people to help you!

Therefore, after the relationship between Tony and the little spider has been cultivated, Luo Hang wants to get closer to the relationship between himself and the US team!

In addition, many of my abilities were handed over to the country when I was in Blue Star, and then promoted to all the people in the Dragon Kingdom!

And the world of adventure will leave after one year, no matter how many abilities you teach, there is no actual loss for yourself!

If this is the case, why use the power of these cultivation systems to gain favor?

"Oh? What's the training method for the current soldiers? Tell me about it?"

After a few simple moves, Captain America understood that Luo Hang's strength was superior to his own.

Hearing that he wanted to guide him in special training, the US team didn't mean to refuse, but looked at Luo Hang curiously!

"Well, the ability I want to teach you is called Taijutsu..." Luo Hang said!

Immediately, he told Captain America all about the Chakra training system in the ninja world, including Maitekai's Gangquan knowledge!

"Seventy years have passed. So, is this the way soldiers practice now? This is not just pure physical training!"

Hearing about the Chakra system and the martial arts of Gangquan, Captain America was secretly shocked!

No wonder I am no longer Luo Hang's opponent. It turns out that soldiers nowadays don't need to be injected with super soldier serum. Can they become super soldiers just by practicing?

In this way, the American team also restrained their minds, and followed Luo Hang to practice physical skills!

The refining of chakra is mainly based on the energy of physical cells and spiritual energy.

Today, the US team who has been injected with the super soldier serum has a physical fitness that is many times better than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, after refining Chakra, and mastering the corresponding method under the guidance of Luo Hang, the speed of the American team refining Chakra is much smoother than ordinary people's cultivation!

However, there is no difference between physical training in the ninja world and physical training in this world.

Therefore, watching the US team conduct various high-intensity special training.

For example, [-] push-ups, [-] kicks, [-] leapfrogs...

Although the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. were shocked by the inhuman physical ability of the US team, these methods of cultivation did not seem supernatural.

Therefore, I feel that I can understand it!

Only the US team knows that their own cultivation is not just purely physical training.

But with the practice, after my physical fitness became stronger and stronger, my chakra level also increased with the tide!

Two days passed in a flash.

The American team has mastered the method of cultivation, and Luohang is also planning to go to Wakanda with Fury.

Therefore, I explained to Captain America that he should not slack off in his training, and that he would teach him the cultivation method of Bamen Dunjia when he came back!

Immediately, Luo Hang and Fu Rui boarded the plane and headed directly for Wakanda (bcfj)!

Sitting on the plane, Luo Hang closed his eyes and fell asleep. At the same time, he secretly thought about what he should do after going to Wakanda!

It can be seen from the original book that Wakanda has extremely powerful high-tech, and even has a high-energy shield barrier, which can protect the entire Wakanda. , This kind of high technology is absolutely ahead of the earth, and it is a technological means that Blue Star does not even have!

Of course, these technologies have little effect on themselves, and they are mainly handed over to the country.

If you can develop something that you can use, it will be useful to you!

However, from a personal point of view, what really moved Luo Hang's heart was naturally the Zhenjin, a specialty of Wakanda!


Just when Luo Hang's mind was full of thoughts, the plane was already slowly landing.

Then, the hatch opened, and Fu Rui and Luo Hang came out!

"Welcome!" Wakanda looked very hospitable, the king came over in person and said to Luo Hang and Fury!

"Your Majesty, excuse me..."

I also know that Wakanda is a closed country and rarely communicates with the outside world. Therefore, Fury is very polite and understands that his arrival may have disturbed the tranquility of Wakanda's autonomy!

"You're welcome, please!"

The king of Wakanda looks very kind, about five or sixty years old.

He is also black, and next to him is the prince of the Kingdom of Wakanda, a man of about 30 years old.

Not only the heir to the throne of Wakanda, but also the patron saint of Wakanda, Black Panther!

On the surface, he got along very well with the king of Wakanda, but in fact, Fury looked at the scene in Wakanda. , And the sight as far as the eye can see makes Fu Rui secretly surprised!

It seems that this Wakanda is now a purely backward agricultural kingdom.

Just like this, it has nothing to do with high technology!

However, Luo Hang said that Wakanda is the most technologically advanced place in the world?

Is he really right?

"Wakanda, what a hospitable place!" At the invitation of the old king, after finding a room to sit down, there were melons and fruits on the table, and Fury followed up!

"Our Wakanda is indeed a hospitable country!" The old king nodded, and accepted Fury's praise with pleasure!

He opened his mouth, the person who should have exchanged greetings has already been exchanged, is it time to ask Director Fury the purpose of coming here?

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, which is directly responsible to the World Security Council, is an agency independent of the country. The director's sudden visit to Wakanda cannot be purely for tourism, right?

However, before the old king could speak, Luo Hang next to him suddenly spoke! "Old king, you said that Wakanda is very hospitable, is this wrong?" "What do you mean by that!?" The prince next to him asked with a frown!

The old king raised his hand, signaling his son not to be impulsive.

Following his gaze to Luohang, he said, "My friend, what do you mean when you say I'm wrong? Is there any place in Wakanda where the hospitality is not good? Please tell this friend clearly!" When a guest comes, but hides his home from people to see, does this really count as hospitality? Your Majesty, what do you think?" Luo Hang's pair of lavender reincarnation eyes burst into a dense light. , At the same time, staring at the old king asked!

This sentence made everyone in Wakanda change their faces!

"My friend, these eyes of yours..." Looking at Luo Hang's lavender reincarnation eyes, which are completely unlike the eyes that humans should have, the old king continued!

"My pair of eyes are reincarnation eyes. In front of my pair of eyes, I can see through illusory, that is to say, I can see through some blindfolds!" Luo Hang explained! "Oh, well, that would make you laugh!"

Hearing Luo Hang's answer, he also knew everything about Wakanda, and the other party saw through it, the old king said apologetically!

As his words fell, the space next to him distorted slightly.

Then, a city full of science fiction appeared in front of Luo Hang and Fu Rui.

It turns out that Wakanda used the ability of holographic projection to cover up the original city...

Chapter 198: No brain knows that the water in this world is so deep, right?

"Wakanda, Brother Hang, are you going to Wakanda?"

"I'm looking forward to it. Iron Man's Ark reactor is awesome enough, but Brother Hang said that Wakanda is the blue star. Oh, no, is it the most technologically advanced place on earth?"

"Okay, let's take a good look at what Wakanda, which is hailed by Brother Hang as the most developed, looks like!"

"It's here, wait, that's it?"

"I, did I read something wrong? This is past, isn't it just a poor and backward African country?~"

"Here, is this brother Hang's guess wrong for the first time?"

"Nonsense, how could my husband make a wrong calculation? This is already the fourth world. Tell me, when did my husband make a wrong calculation in the four worlds?"

"Well, how do you say it, but people make mistakes, and horses make mistakes, right? Looking around, there is not even a slightly taller building. How can this be considered the most technologically advanced place!"

"This one……"

"Wait, what did Brother Hang say? The king of Wakanda hid his home from people to see?"

"This is a bit scary!"

"Hold the grass, shit, shit, what did I see?"

"This, this city full of sci-fi, this, this blinds my 24K titanium krypton gold dog eyes!"

"Unexpectedly, the entire city can be wrapped up with holographic images. No wonder Brother Hang said that Wakanda is the most technologically advanced place on earth!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, following Luo Hang's perspective, it was discovered that he was going to Wakanda, and many viewers were full of curiosity and anticipation.

I am looking forward to seeing what the legendary place Luohang called the most technologically advanced place on earth is like!

However, when they really saw Wakanda, they were dumbfounded.

Where is this most developed country? It looks like a backward area, right?

Many people even suspected that Luo Hang had miscalculated!

The hope is as great as the disappointment.

The scene in front of me was completely different from Luo Hang's original statement!

However, when Luo Hang opened his mouth to unlock Wakanda's concealment, and when the coverage of these holographic images was completely torn off, the shock was as great as the disappointment.

Everyone watched a completely epoch-making sci-fi city appear in front of their eyes, and everyone was dumbfounded!

"This this……"

Even Fury, who is the king of agents, suddenly saw such a city full of science fiction appear in front of him, and his face also showed a shocking look!

"Okay, two, please come in!"

Now that his disguise was seen through, the king of Wakanda stood up and invited Luo Hang and others to enter the real palace! "It's unbelievable, the whole world has been fooled by you!"

When he came to the palace of Wakanda, Fury had calmed down, but he still said to the king of Wakanda with emotion!

Yes, when it comes to the Kingdom of Wakanda, it can be said that even the World Security Council will not have any impression.

Even if it has an impression, it is still a backward, small African country with no sense of existence! ?

However, who would have thought that after a real look, it would be so shocking?

Wakanda has developed to the point where it can hide the entire city and even the entire country!

"What's the reason for Chief Fury's visit here?" Regarding his own situation in Wakanda, the old king didn't mean to say much!

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