"The situation is like this, Your Majesty..." Director Fury restrained himself and contacted the old king.

At the same time, I will tell you about the formation of the Avengers Alliance, hoping to establish a good relationship with the Wakanda Palace!

Luo Hang didn't mean to intervene in the communication on these scenes, it was enough for Fu Rui to do it!

Luo Hang also looked at everything in the Wakanda palace curiously.

It seems that a lot of things here have quite strange effects!

If you insist on describing it, the level of technology here is decades ahead of the world!

Moreover, here, Luo Hang also saw a group of very famous female warriors in the Kingdom of Wakanda!

"How? How does our kingdom look like?" At some point, the prince came to Luo Hang's side and said!

"Well, yes, the technology here is indeed second to none in the world!" Luo Hang nodded and said.

"What's the matter with your eyes? Also, I know you, Luo Hang, the owner of the Dragon King's mythical beast, Fire Unicorn, and Tony Stark's Ark reactor technology, I leave it to you for safekeeping!" the prince said as Wakanda's most powerful warrior, the Black Panther, is obviously very interested in Luo Hang.

Moreover, Luo Hang's fame can be said to have spread throughout the earth, so the prince has long known of Luo Hang's existence.

"The prince of the palace of Wakanda, the first heir to the throne, and also the Black Panther warrior of Wakanda, um, a combat uniform made of Zhenjin, right?" Luo Hang followed suit, showing an appearance that he knew himself clearly, and he also shared his information! "You, why do you..."

Hearing that Luo Hang kept everything about his own situation in detail, the prince showed a look of surprise on his face!

Wakanda is almost a closed country. Logically speaking, no one would set their sights on Wakanda, right?

Not to mention the news that he is a black panther and his battle suit is made of Zhenjin, which is even more secret.

However, the stranger who met for the first time actually knew it clearly?

"I've said it a long time ago, my pair of reincarnation eyes are very peculiar. Apart from being able to see through many illusions, they can actually see the past and the future!" Luo Hang said calmly!

"Are you a human on Earth?" So, after staring closely at Luo Hang for a while, the prince asked!

Yes, being able to see the past and the future, and even having a power comparable to a human-shaped nuclear bomb, is such an existence really something that people on Earth can do?

"Although in terms of technology, Wakanda is indeed ahead of the entire earth, but in terms of vision, with all due respect, do you know that there is a word in the Dragon Kingdom called sitting into the sky?"

Luo Hang's words are not polite, so he said to the prince!

"Are you insulting us Wakanda!?" Hearing this, a look of anger appeared on the prince's face!

"Then, let me ask you, do you know who Thanos is?" Luo Hang followed suit!

"Well, I don't know..." Although the prince was still angry, he shook his head.

"So, what about the Celestial Group? Do you know what kind of group it is?" Luo Hang asked again.

"This, I'm not sure..." The anger on the prince's face gradually subsided.

"So, what about the nine universes? Do you have a clear idea?" Finally, Luo Hang asked again!

"This, this..." Now, only embarrassment remained on the prince's face!

"Come on, it looks like you don't even know what an infinity gem is?" Finally, Luo Hang followed suit!

One question and three questions, the anger shown on his face just now seems to be too pale and powerless at this moment!

"What about you? Do you know everything?" So, after a moment of silence, the prince then asked Luo Hang.

(:;Recognize:?Quasi.If;;Water'head, send!:,:Steal?,,Book;''Sell?:.Money?!"Dead":"Mom':) "Of course I know, off Ba, that is a powerhouse in the universe that is so distasteful. Well, his goal is to devote himself to the balance of life in the universe. Life achieves sustainable development! "...ask for flowers.

"As for the Tenjin group? This is a very mysterious existence."

"As far as I know, there is a planet that actually gave birth to consciousness, and then wandered around multiple intelligent planets, and even reproduced with local women! The will of this planet is transformed into a member of the Celestial Group!"

"And the concept of the Nine Universes? It was proposed by the Asgard Protoss. In ancient times, God King Odin defeated existences such as the Frost Giant and the Flame Demon, thus gaining the dominion over the Nine Universes. The earth also belongs to one of the nine universes."

"By the way, a few years ago, Thor, the heir to the throne of Asgard, was thrown to the earth by Odin to practice. If you are interested in this matter, you can ask Fury!"

"As for the six infinity gems, they are the gems produced by the six singularities that appeared with the big bang, each with unique and incomparable abilities."

"By the way, Thanos' goal is also to collect the six infinite gems, because as long as he succeeds, he only needs to snap his fingers lightly, and he can randomly destroy the creatures in the universe and fulfill his dream!"

... 0 Luo Hang doesn't mind revealing some things about the future to the prince in advance!

"You, what myths are you talking about?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, the prince shook his head. £Although I was shocked by the news Luo Hang said, I didn't believe it!

"Okay, in a few months, Thanos will instigate the second prince of Asgard, Loki, to lead an alien army to attack the earth. By then, you will know!" Seeing that the prince didn't believe his appearance , Luo Hang didn't find it strange either!

After all, what I said was indeed too shocking. It is normal not to believe myself without seeing it with my own eyes! "Hahaha, this prince, is he stupid? He actually looks like he wants to overwhelm our Brother Hang in terms of intelligence?" Haha!" "Grass the grass, Thanos? Want to wipe out half of the life in the universe?" "Can a planet give birth to consciousness?"

"Nine universes, the earth is just one of them?" "Six infinite gems?"

"In a few months, Thanos will find a way to invade Earth?"

"Hold the grass, is this the origin of the New York War that Brother Hang said a long time ago?"

"This world, isn't it scary? The water in this world is too deep, right?"

"Such a terrifying world, which kills half of the life in the universe at every turn, is this the fourth world of exploration?" "How terrifying is the world behind?"

"Do you think that perhaps the intelligence brain doesn't know about the information that Brother Hang said, it simply figured out some situations on the earth, and it put this world in the fourth place!" "Well, I think This explanation seems to be the most suitable for the actual situation!"

Originally, the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room watched Wakanda's prince pretending to be B being slapped in the face, and they liked the discussion.

However, with so much terrible information coming out of Luo Hang's mouth, the audience in the entire live broadcast room were all dumbfounded!

After some discussion, they all felt that since the water in this world is so deep, it is absolutely impossible to rank in the fourth world.

It must be that the brain doesn't know this information!

However, Luo Hang knows the information that the brain doesn't even know! ?corpse.

Chapter 199: Talking about the Six Infinity Stones

The S.H.I.E.L.D. plane takes off and leaves Wakanda!

The purpose of coming to Wakanda this time is mainly to confirm whether Wakanda's technology is really as Luo Hang said.

This time the goal was achieved.

Moreover, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury and the old king of Wakanda have established a good relationship!

Although it doesn't mean that the relationship between the two parties is very close now, but at least, it has already had a good start!

The old king of Wakanda, with his son and daughter, waved in the direction of the plane as a farewell to Fury and the others!

"What did you chat with that Luo Hang just now?" After watching the plane go away, the old king looked at his son beside him and asked curiously!

After chatting with that Luo Hang for a while, the old king could clearly feel that his son seemed to be a little out of his mind!

"Father, I'm thinking about the truth of this world that Luo Hang just said..." Hei Bao replied after hearing this! "Oh? The truth of the world? How to say?"

I also know that Luo Hang is the master of the legendary mythical beast Fire Qilin, listen to him tell the truth of the world?The old king also felt a little curious!

Facing his father, of course Black Panther would not hide it, and gave his father all the information about Thanos, Infinity Gems, "One Thirty Zero" Asgard, and the Nine Universes that Luo Hang had just told about. Explained a bit!

"Is that so?" Hearing this, the old king's face also changed slightly.

"Father? You don't believe his words, do you?" Seeing that something was wrong with his father's expression, Hei Panther was even more surprised and asked! "I'm not sure about the news about Thanos, but..."

The old king shook his head at first, then changed the subject immediately, and said: "However, just a few years ago, a guy who claimed to be Thor came to the earth and led to Asgard, but this news was blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D. That's all!"

"Ah? Could it be? Is what Luo Hang said actually true!?" Hearing this, Hei Bao's expression changed!

"Although we can't be sure that it's all true, at least we know that there is nothing wrong!" The old king said seriously!

"Then, in another three or four months, will the Great War in New York really happen?" Hearing this, the Panther's expression became even more serious!

"If this is the case, we have to prepare in advance!" The old king said.

In the face of possible wars, there is always nothing wrong with taking precautions!

"Luo Hang said, it's the New York game, and the home game should be in New York. Doesn't that have much to do with our Wakanda?" Looking at his father strangely, the panther said!

"Now, our Wakanda has been exposed, and we know about the New York War in advance. If we can provide help at that time, it will greatly establish a good image of our Wakanda in the world!" Looking at the black panther, said the old king!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, the old king continued: "Actually, the purpose of the director of SHIELD coming here this time is nothing more than to maintain a good relationship with us in Wakanda, so that we can work together in times of danger. Defend against the enemy!"

"And what happened to Thor, the god of thunder, did make me understand that there are so many powerful dangers beyond the earth!"

"That's why I gave a positive response to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s overtures!"

"After all, the Dragon Kingdom has a good saying, there are no eggs under the cover of the nest. If the earth is really hit by a devastating blow, how can we Wakanda survive?"

"I understand, father!" Black Panther nodded heavily, firmly remembering what his father said.

"What did you talk to the prince of Wakanda just now?"

On the plane, Fury seemed to be in a good mood, so he casually asked Luohang!

After all, it proves that Wakanda does have super high technology, and the old king has also expressed his goodwill towards S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Did Luo Hang come to Earth to participate in the assessment?The content of his assessment is the harvest on earth?

So, in Wakanda, he should have something to plan, right?

"I didn't talk about anything, I just told him the truth about this world!" Luo Hang replied with the same appearance of chatting!

"Oh? The truth of this world? Tell me?"

He also knew that Luo Hang's vision was different from his own on Earth, and Fury was also very interested and asked Luo Hang!

Now that he has already told the Black Panther, there is no need for Luo Hang to hide it from Fu Rui.

Give Fury a good explanation of some of the topics I just talked about with the Panther!

"Thanos? Want to eliminate half of the life in the universe to achieve a new balance? To avoid the mass extinction of life in the universe due to insufficient resources?"

"The six infinite gems? All have many magical effects?"

"There is also a mysterious group of gods?"

"Apart from the earth, does Asgard rule the nine universes?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Fury began to think secretly.

Fury has known about Asgard and the Nine Universes for a long time.

After all, Thor had already told his girlfriend on Earth, so he couldn't hide it from S.H.I.E.L.D.!

However, what Fury didn't expect was that there is such a dangerous figure as Thanos in the universe!

"By the way, the six Infinity Stones? Which six are they? Can you tell me?" After a moment of silence, Fury suddenly asked!

"It's fine, I'm idle anyway, so I'll tell you about it!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

"First of all, it's the Space Gem. You should be most familiar with this Infinity Gem. The Space Gem is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Hydra used this to make weapons. Later, with the battle between Captain Rogers and the Red Skull, this A cosmic magic fell to the bottom of the sea, director, do you know the whereabouts of this gem?"

At the end, Luo Hang asked Fury.

Hearing Luo Hang questioning himself, Fu Rui reflexively wanted to deny it.

However, considering that Luo Hang seems to know everything, if he denies it, it is very likely that he will be exposed!So, when the words came to his lips, Fury replied: "It's in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Hearing Fu Rui's answer, Luo Hang nodded noncommittally, and then said: "This second gem is the Time Gem, also known as the Eye of Agamotto, and it is now in the hands of the supreme mage Gu Yi!" "Well, Mage Ancient One is the leader of Karma Taj in the Himalayas, there are a group of mages there, and my portal magic was taught by Mage Ancient One!" "It turns out that two of the six infinite gems are on Earth! ?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Fury's heart tightened!

Since the so-called Thanos wants to collect the six infinite gems.

Then, if the earth has two, it will definitely become his goal! ?

The so-called ignorant is fearless, now that he knows this information, Fury's heart is full of urgency!

"In addition, the third one, the power gem, this gem protrudes from the universe, as for where it is stored now, I can't tell!" Luo Hang continued...

The power gem is stored in the cosmic spirit ball, so it should not be taken by Xingjue yet, right?

"The fourth is the Reality Gem. This gem was taken from the Dark Elves when Asgard was fighting with the Dark Elves. It should be in a strange space now!" Luo Hang followed up the inventory. "There is also the soul gem. This gem is very special. In the Vormir star in the universe, if you want to get this gem, you must sacrifice a life that you really love to get it." "By the way, Vormir star The guide of the Soul Gem is the Red Skull!" Luo Hang followed up!

"Red Skull? Is he still alive?" Hearing this, Fury's face changed slightly!

However, it doesn't seem to matter whether the Red Skull is dead or not?

"You said, the soul gem is on Vormir? Where is this Vormir?" Fury then asked Luo Hang again! "how?"

Hearing this, Luo Hang raised his eyelids and said, "It seems that if I tell you the location of Vormir Star, you can get there? Do you have a spaceship in your hand?" Fury: "..."

Luo Hang's words left Fu Rui speechless!

Indeed, so what if we know the location of Navormir Star?I can't go by myself!

However, you all know that I can't go, and you specifically tell me which planet it is, what kind of thing is this!Are you greedy for me on purpose?

"In the end, what kind of gemstone is there?" Fury took the initiative to ask, dissolving the embarrassment in the atmosphere!

"The last one is the Soul Gem, it should be in the hands of Thanos now!" Luo Hang replied!

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