"So, Thanos has already got an Infinity Gem?" Hearing this, Fury's face became a little ugly!

He knows how powerful the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is. Since they are all infinite 5.9 gems, each one should be very powerful, right?

Such a terrible gem, such a dangerous guy like Thanos, already got one?

This is not good news!

"It turns out that it's no wonder..."

The sense of urgency in his heart was even stronger, and immediately, Fu Rui looked suddenly enlightened.

"Huh?" Seeing Fury's dazed look, Luo Hang looked at him strangely!

For no reason, why did he look suddenly enlightened?

"No wonder you accepted Peter Parker as an apprentice, and taught him great power, and even asked Tony Stark to give him a fighting spirit and join the Avengers!"

"No wonder you still care so much about the improvement of Rogers' combat effectiveness, drill him, and let him undergo special physical training!"

"Even deliberately told me the technological power of Wakanda, let me come and contact Wakanda!"

"At first I thought it was strange, why did you do this?"

"Now, I understand it! You have already seen the hidden threat of the earth, so you started to prepare early to prevent problems before they happen, right?"

Fury said with a sudden realization!

"No, you misunderstood. It's not about taking precautions against the future. In more than three months, Thanos will tentatively attack the earth!"

Chapter 200: Teaming up with the Black Widow

"What did you say? About three months later, Thanos is going to attack the earth!?" Luo Hang's words made Fu Rui's body startled, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face!

This is a bit scary, isn't it a good time for two people to chat and chat?

From Luo Hang's mouth, he also learned a lot of information that he didn't know. Although the information has not been fully confirmed yet, at least he can't think of Luo Hang's motive for deceiving himself, right?

But suddenly he told himself, after more than three months, Thanos will attack the earth?

Dare to come up with a ruthless person who can wipe out all ordinary creatures in the universe, how terrifying is the power of such a guy!

"Yes, about three months!" Luo Hang nodded.

The time given by Master Ancient One should be right!

Besides, although I and other explorers came to this world, although it will cause a butterfly effect, but no matter what, the butterfly effect is only on the earth, right?

Loki and Thanos are still in the depths of the universe and cannot affect them.

Therefore, in the original book, the time when Loki will descend on the earth should not change!

"Why are you talking about such an urgent matter now..." Fu Rui looked at Luo Hang with some reproach.

For such an important matter, shouldn't you tell yourself early so that you can make corresponding preparations in advance?

"Didn't I happen to talk about this topic today, so I just said something casually? If I told you in advance, would you definitely believe it?" Luo Hang asked Fu Rui back!

"This..." Luo Hang's words left Fu Rui speechless again!

Indeed, if Luo Hang had reminded himself of the news that Thanos would attack the earth earlier, he might not have believed it, would he?

After all, this incident was too shocking. "So, do you have any suggestions!?"

So, after a moment of silence, Fury asked!

That's right, facing Thanos' attack, I have no idea at all. Since Luo Hang has some understanding of Thanos, what suggestions does he have?

"Your Avengers' plan is useful, so, I think, you should recruit a group of powerful people to join the Avengers!" Luo Hang thought for a while and said! "Do you have any suitable people to give advice? Like Peter..."

Thinking of Luo Hang's previous suggestion to include the little spider in the Avengers, Fury asked again to see if Luo Hang had any recommendations for the selection!

"Speaking of which, I really have a few candidates to recommend!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said.

"For example, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, both of them are good, and they can join the Avengers. Of course, there are some disputes between them and Tony, which you need to deal with yourself!" Luo Hang said.

"Witch? Quicksilver? Is this just a nickname?" Fury asked after silently writing down these two people!

"Well, their real names are Pietro and Wanda, one has super-fast movement, and the other has power similar to mind magic!"

"Among them, Wanda's magical power lies in her heart. If she is really firm in her beliefs, she can theoretically defeat Thanos single-handedly!" Luo Hang said in detail!

I remember in Avengers 4, the Scarlet Witch, who was holding thousands of hatreds, actually hanged and beat Thanos. This scene was shocking to watch!

Think about it again, Thanos' tyrant's butcher knife directly chopped off Captain America's shield!

but?The scarlet witch's angry move can interrupt the tyrant's butcher's knife.

It can be seen how terrifying the Scarlet Witch who really exploded with power is!

The guy who can single-handedly defeat Thanos! ?

Speaking of this, Fury won't be sleepy anymore!Silently wrote down the name of the Scarlet Witch Wanda in my heart!

Knowing the nickname and real name, it shouldn't be a problem to find these two people with the power of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Any other suggestions?" Fury asked again.

"Well, the Hulk is also a good power!" Luo Hang thought about it!

"Dr. Banner!?" Hearing this, Fury's face changed slightly!

The horror of Hulk is well known to all military forces, and it is simply invincible.

"Yes, although Hulk is extremely dangerous, he seems to have managed his emotions pretty well these days!" After a moment of silence, Fury nodded!

However, as soon as he said this, Fury shook his head again, and said: "No, if you really want to fight against Thanos, you will have no fighting power if you don't become a Hulk, but if you become a Hulk, you will be against us again." No difference!" "Don't worry, this situation can be resolved!" Luo Hang said!

"Do you have a solution?" Hearing this, Fu Rui asked Luo Hang curiously!

"Yes, yes!" Luo Hang nodded, looking confident!

"That's great, I'll leave the big guy to you, and leave Wanda to me!" After receiving Luo Hang's affirmative answer, Fury said hastily!

"You really know how to pull strong men!" Luo Hang's face turned dark.

Let's just chat, chat well, and suddenly assign me a task, what the hell is this?

"Isn't this all for the safety of the entire earth?" Fury opened his mouth and threw out the high hat of righteousness!Without waiting for Luo Hang's answer, Fu Rui followed up and said, "Is there anything else? Do you have any other candidates?" "No more!" Luo Hang shook his head simply after hearing this!

"It's really gone?" Fury looked at Luo Hang suspiciously.

"Well, it's really gone!" Luo Hang nodded and said along the way!

"Aren't you afraid that I will send you another mission, so you said it's gone?" Fury still asked with some doubts!

However, Luo Hang just rolled his eyes at Fu Rui's words, and stopped talking.

Just at this time, the plane had arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D.

After getting off the plane, Fury immediately assigned a task to ask S.H.I.E.L.D. to find the whereabouts of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and then investigate the two and Tony.What kind of knot is there between Stark!

Regarding the situation of going to Wakanda this time, Hill asked curiously!

Fury didn't hide Hill's meaning, and simply answered the situation in Wakanda!

This answer surprised Hill!

Who would have thought that such a non-existent place like Wakanda actually possesses technology beyond the world?

How is this done?

"Boss, are you looking for me?" After a while, Natasha, the black widow, came over and said to Fury!

"Well, Natasha, you go to the big Dr. Banner!" Nodding, Director Fury said!

"I, I'm going to find Dr. Banner!?" Hearing this, Natasha looked at Fury in horror, as if a basin of ice water had suddenly poured down from her head.

The horror of the Hulk, the entire high-level S.H.I.E.L.D., no one does not know!

"Don't worry, you are mainly leading the way, communicating verbally with Dr. Banner, as for safety, there is Luohang!" Seeing the look of the black widow, Fury followed suit!


Hearing that Luo Hang would also go together, the black widow breathed a long sigh of relief: "Boss, next time I trouble you to speak, finish it in one breath!"

On the other side, after Luo Hang returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., he looked at Captain America's situation.

"That's right, Rogers, your Gang Fist system is well practiced!" Looking at all aspects of Captain America's training movements, Luo Hang nodded and praised!

"Well, the amount of chakra has increased a lot recently!" Nodding his head, Rogers wiped the sweat off his face and said!

"About the move of Bamen Dunjia, I will teach you now. However, at 130, I have to remind you that a strong move will damage yourself. This ability will be very heavy on the body, especially if the last door of death is opened. There is no doubt that he must die!"

Luo Hang had promised to teach Bamen Dunjia a long time ago, so before he taught it, he specially reminded him!

"Well, don't worry, I wrote it down!" Rogers also said seriously!

Immediately, Luo Hang told Rogers all the cultivation methods of Bamen Dunjia.

Rogers listened very carefully, and firmly memorized the precautions of Bamen Dunjia and the way to open the door!

As the situation here was almost over, the black widow appeared in a tight leather jacket and came to Luo Hang!

Not to mention, a close-fitting leather jacket sets off the black widow's figure very hotly!

"Luo Hang, when are we leaving?" The black widow walked up to Luo Hang, and at the same time, handed over a photo!

"This is?" Looking at the scene in the photo, Luo Hang looked at him questioningly!

"With your teleportation magic, do we still need to fly there?" Black Widow said with a smile!

"Okay!" Nodding, Luo Hang looked at the photo, then took out the hanging ring, and drew a few circles in midair.

Then, a quick construction of a magic portal was completed!

Followed, Luo Hang walked over directly!

Black Widow nodded to Captain America, and after saying hello, she followed Luo Hang through the portal and walked over!

"Luo Hang, what happened when we went to Wakanda this time? Why did Fury go to find the big guy after he came back? Besides, he wanted to persuade the big guy to come to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Following Luo Hang across the portal, Black Widow asked Luo Hang curiously.

"By the way, it's quite right that Fury called you here. You and Dr. Banner are destined to each other!" Looking at the black widow beside him, Luo Hang smiled slightly, and answered the wrong question! .

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 201: Shall I tie a chain to Hulk?

"Banna and I are destined? What does this mean?" Luo Hang's words made the black widow Natasha look at Luo Hang in surprise!

Although Luo Hang did not explicitly tell the people in SHIELD that he has the ability to calculate the past and future.

However, with more and more days together, he can occasionally throw out some information.

And this information cannot be obtained by relying on intelligence forces at all.

With the disposition of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., they can more or less guess that Luo Hang should have the ability similar to that of a prophet!

But now, Luo Hang actually said that he and Dr. Banner were destined?

"Literally, if there is no accident, maybe you will have some feelings for Dr. Banner?" Luo Hang said to the black widow!

"This is impossible!" Hearing this, the black widow categorically denied it with a straight face!

Are you kidding me?Love between men and women?Isn't that a game for children?

Besides, even if you want to find a partner, you will never find a time bomb like Dr. Banner by your side!

No one wants the person next to him to go crazy suddenly in the middle of the night, and he doesn't even know how he died, right?

Seeing the Black Widow's firm denial, Luo Hang smiled slightly, not intending to argue with her!

Seeing that Luo Hang didn't want to continue talking about this topic, the Black Widow didn't say anything either.

It's just that, walking all the way, obviously the interest is not high!

In this way, after walking for a few minutes, Luo Hang and the Black Widow walked over in a simple and chaotic attic!

"You two? Who are you?" Dr. Banner, who was arranging his things, glanced at the two handsome men and women, Luo Hang and Black Widow, and asked! "Hello, Dr. Banner, we are from S.H.I.E.L.D., responsible for the World Security Council..."

With such an amulet as Luo Hang by her side, the Black Widow didn't intend to lure him into a trap like in the original book!

"World Security Council? It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. is a capable organization!" Hearing this, Dr. Banner said calmly! "Oh, wait..."

However, although Luo Hang sat aside and didn't speak, and the communication was mainly with the black widow, Dr. Banner still noticed Luo Hang next to him.After staring at Luo Hang for a while, he said, "You look familiar!"

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