"Hello, Luo Hang!" Since Dr. Banner took the initiative to greet him, Luo Hang also spoke, expressing his kindness!

"Sure enough, it's you, Mr. Luo Hang's reputation, even in this backward and remote place, I know. Well, Mr. Luo Hang, have you also joined this S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Dr. Banner asked!

"To be more precise, it is a team called the Avengers under the S.H.I.E.L.D., whose purpose is to form strange people to fight against enemies that are difficult to deal with by conventional forces on Earth!" Luo Hang explained!

"So it is!" Hearing this, Dr. Banner suddenly realized!

"Then, Mr. Luo Hang, what is the purpose of you coming here to find me?"|? "Followed, Dr. Banner asked again!

"It's very simple, I want to invite you to join the Avengers!" Luo Hang answered frankly without so many twists and turns!

"That's it! Then I am willing to join!" Dr. Banner nodded and said upon hearing this!

The black widow next to her opened her mouth, as if she wanted to speak.

However, when I got here, I didn't know what to say!

It seems that I have no chance to speak at all?

Didn't you originally specify a strategy and let yourself communicate?

This is his forte, Luo Hang exists only to ensure his own safety!

But now?It seems that I have become a superfluous person?

Moreover, Dr. Banner took Luo Hang to chat for a few words, and he agreed to join the Avengers in a few words? "Dr. Banner, welcome to join us!"

Well, although what happened was completely unexpected, the result is still good, the Black Widow interrupted, and said with a wave of presence!

"Thank you!" Dr. Banner just nodded slightly in response to Black Widow's words.

Then, he continued to look at Luo Hang, and asked curiously: "Since you have invited me, you should know about my situation, right? Are you not afraid that I will cause you trouble after I go?" Don't worry, with me around, you won't be able to cause any trouble!" Hearing this, Luo Hang said with a slight smile, showing great confidence in his words!

"Well, it seems that Mr. Luo Hang really has sufficient confidence in his own strength!" Hearing this, Dr. Banner nodded with some emotion! "And you?"

Luo Hang asked Dr. Banner back, "Why did you agree so simply?"

"First of all, since you have even joined Mr. Luo Hang, the Avengers Alliance must not be too bad, and I don't want to be a special person!"

"Secondly, just now, since you have come to me, you must have a way to restrict me, and I don't want to hurt other people!" "Finally, if I join, I won't worry about it every day." I'm afraid that one day the army will show up!" "Dr. Banner, he is a kind person in essence!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said.

Regarding the matter of Dr. Banner's transformation into the Hulk, Luo Hang actually had his own thoughts.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Then, doctor, do you want to control your troubles? If you want, I can put a chain on Hulk!" "Oh? What kind of chain?" Hearing this, Dr. Banner After thinking about it, I asked! "Okay, let's change the place, it's not suitable here!"

Seeing that Dr. Banner didn't mean to be disgusted, Luo Hang followed suit!

After the voice fell, I stretched out my finger, and then, the space shattered like a mirror!

It is the magic of mirror space!

Then, Luo Hang walked in first!

"Is it another way to control the space?" Seeing Luo Hang walk in, the curious Black Widow also followed in!

Dr. Banner thought for a while, and followed in!

"Here?" Seeing everything in the mirror space, which was completely different from the real world, Dr. Banner asked in surprise!

"This is a mirrored space, a place independent of the real world. Anything that happens here will not cause any danger to the real world!" Luo Hang explained casually!

"What's next?" Dr. Banner looked at Luo Hang curiously, and asked, "You're talking about putting a chain on Hulk? How should I tie it?"

"I'm coming right now!" Luo Hang said, and immediately the eyes of Samsara burst into dense light.

Hand Seal: Necromancy!

With a bang, as Luo Hang's spiritism was performed, the puppet of the Hungry Ghost Dao appeared beside Luo Hang!

"This? Could it be what Luo Hang said, that when a person dies, the corpse can be made into a puppet?"

Thinking back to Luo Hang's first introduction to S.H.I.E.L.D., he talked about the ability of Samsara Eye, and even used Hawkeye as a metaphor!

Looking at it now, this figure summoned by Luo Hang seems to be the puppet made of the corpse he mentioned!

No matter how you look at it, this ability really looks like the evil necromantic black magic in the legend!

Not to mention the Black Widow next to her, what kind of thoughts are she thinking.

After the puppet of the Hungry Ghost Dao was summoned, the Hungry Ghost Dao, who appeared to be the Samsara Eye on the surface but was actually the Sangouyu Sharingan, came forward.

Sealed with both hands, a transfer seal was imposed on Banner's side, and an illusion was implanted in Dr. Banner's body!

Transfer seal is a specific pupil technique of Sharingan, which can seal ninjutsu, illusion, and even pupil technique on others.

When a certain condition is met, it will be triggered automatically!

For example, Uchiha Itachi in the original book is the most familiar with this trick!

Transcribed and sealed a cannibalistic illusion to Anbu members, killing each other when they betrayed themselves!

Also use this trick to seal Amaterasu in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, and it will be triggered automatically when he sees Obito!

Also use this trick to seal Uchiha Shisui's other gods in Uzumaki Naruto's body, and set it to be automatically triggered when he sees the kaleidoscope.

But by chance, when I was reincarnated in the dirt, it was triggered by my kaleidoscope Sharingan!

In the original book, Uchiha Madara also used this trick to seal Izanagi on himself. If he is set to die, he will use Izanagi to resurrect!

Now, Luo Hang borrowed the Sharingan from the puppet of the Hungry Ghost Dao to cast a transfer seal, sealing an illusion on Banner's body.

What about the set conditions?It must be a certain mantra.

When Banner heard this spell, he would activate this illusion, and let him fall into a deep sleep of illusion!

". "Okay, Banner, the chain is on, you can now let the Hulk out and see (well done)! "The transfer seal setting has been completed, Luo Hang said to Dr. Banner!" Luo Hang, this, this is too dangerous! ? "

Although Luo Hang was by her side, the Black Widow felt quite safe, but she was still taken aback by hearing Luo Hang's words that Hulk was going to come out!

"Mr. Luo Hang, are you sure?" Hearing this, Dr. Banner said to Luo Hang seriously!

"Sure!" Luo Hang nodded! "Alright then, I'll try it!"

Thinking of seeing Luo Hang blowing up a mountain with one move in the previous video, Banner still trusts his strength, so he nodded and said!

After the words fell, Banner calmed down, mobilized his anger, and let Hulk out!

It's just that after working so hard for a long time, it didn't work!

"I'm sorry, give me some more time. I've held him down for too long, and I suddenly want to release him. I'm really not used to it!" After struggling for a long time with an expression as if he was constipated, Banner said with some embarrassment!

"Forget it, let me help you!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

As soon as the words fell, the Hungry Ghost Road next to him formed a mudra with his hands, put his hands next to his mouth, and blew in Banna's direction!

Art fire escape ho fireball!

The raging flames turned into a huge fireball and smashed towards Banner... Claw.

Chapter 202: Luohang VS Hulk

"Brother Hang, are you going to form a team with the Black Widow? Speaking of which, the Black Widow is really pretty!"

"However, just like brightly colored wild mushrooms, the more beautiful they are, the more poisonous they are, right?"

"One thing to say, I'm willing to drink the black widow's bath water!"

"Comparatively speaking, I'm still more curious about that Dr. Banner, what is his strength? How can Brother Hang recommend him to join the Women's Federation!"

"Upstairs, God damn Women's Federation, this abbreviation is really enough!"

"However, since even the Black Widow is so scared, this Dr. Banner must be not only very powerful, but also very dangerous, right?"

"Huh? This is Dr. Banner? Doesn't he look like a very kind uncle?"

"This uncle said that he was afraid that he would cause trouble? Listening to their conversation, it seems that this uncle has a dual personality!"

"Dual personality? This is a bit scary!"

"Here it comes, Brother Hang said to ask Banner to release the Hulk? It turns out that another personality has its own independent name?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers followed Luo Hang's perspective and watched him recruit Banner to join the Avengers. The barrage of these viewers' discussions was very fast.

Let's not talk about the situation in the live broadcast room.

On the other side, in the mirror space, after the powerful fireball technique blasted out, the raging fire instantly engulfed Dr. Banner's body completely!

Just when the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room watched this scene and secretly exclaimed, wondering whether Dr. Banner would die under this fire escape ninjutsu.

Suddenly, a terrible roar sounded!

Then, the flame was torn apart, and a Hulk who was two meters away jumped out of the flames, roaring and rushing towards Luo Hang!

However, 130 Luohang's expression was calm when he saw Hulk rushing towards him.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"

Then he opened his mouth and shouted the spell he had set up a long time ago towards the Hulk!

Sure enough, as the spell was shouted, the illusion of transcribing the seal was triggered, and the Hulk who had just started roaring suddenly fell into a deep sleep.

Because of the rushing too hard, the sleeping Hulk fell to the ground directly, and a long mark was wiped on the ground on his face.

Thanks to the Hulk's body, if it was someone else's body, this time, it would be absolutely disfigured!

"Hey, what's going on here? Why did you let him fall asleep after yelling a word?"

Seeing that the Hulk was sleeping with his eyes closed and snoring, the black widow next to him stepped forward and said in surprise!

"It seems that it is still useful!" Seeing that the Hulk was controlled by the illusion and fell into a deep sleep, Luo Hang nodded secretly in his heart.

I have to say that the transfer seal of Sharingan Pupil Art is indeed a very practical ability!

Moreover, although the strength of the Hulk is strong, no matter how strong it is, it is only the strength of the physical body. His soul power is actually not very good!

Looking at the original plot of Avengers 4, when facing the Ancient One mage, he knocked out the soul with one move.

The incomparably strong Hulk can only be instantly killed by the targeted ability of the Ancient One!

"With this ability, we are indeed much safer when facing the Hulk, but we are all asleep, so there is still no chance for his power to be used?" Staring at the sleeping Hulk, he took a good look. , Immediately, the Black Widow shook her head and said!

Yes, what is needed is not a sleeping Hulk, but a Hulk that can exert power, but will not threaten (bcfj) his own people!

"If that's the case, then we have to find a way and deal with it properly!" Hearing what the black widow said, Luo Hang also nodded in agreement.

Besides, transcribing the seal is only able to seal an illusion in Hulk's body.

In other words, it can only be triggered once. After using it, you must seal the illusion again. This is just a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause!

"Then, we can only try another method!" So, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang said.

He signaled the Black Widow to step back, and followed Luo Hang to undo the illusion on Hulk!

"Roar..." As the illusion was undone, Hulk woke up, and another terrifying roar came out of his mouth.

A pair of eyes full of ferocity stared fiercely at Luo Hang, and at the same time, punched Luo Hang!

Taking a deep breath, the 400-year-old skills in the body surged.

Luo Hang also wanted to test how strong the Hulk was, so he also raised his fist and greeted Hulk!

With a bang, fists collided with each other, Hulk's body remained motionless, but Luo Hang felt as if he had been hit by a high-speed train, and his body was completely out of control. It flew out.

After flying a full ten meters away, he stabilized his figure.

Feeling numbness in his arm, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart, is he worthy of the legendary Hulk?

His 400-year skill was completely crushed in front of him?

Hulk didn't have so many thoughts. After seeing Luo Hang being sent flying by his punch, Hulk's figure moved and rushed towards Luo Hang again.

At the same time, another punch came down!

"Ji Fu!" Luo Hang shouted in his heart!

The blue chakra coat appeared, covering Luo Hang's whole body, making Luo Hang look much more handsome.

After entering the rocky caressing mode, looking at Kankan punching him again, Luo Hang raised his fist again and greeted Hulk!

With a bang, a strong hurricane erupted from where the two fists wanted to connect.

Even the black widow, who was standing tens of meters away, felt that she was about to lose her balance and retreated a lot!

Gritting his teeth, Hulk was condescending, and his arms, which were thicker than ordinary people's thighs, pressed down fiercely!

Luo Hang also gritted his teeth, and with the blessing of Ji Fu's strength, he also raised his fist to meet him.

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