Without the slightest bells and whistles, the two are now competing in pure strength!

In the eyes of the Black Widow, it can be seen that Luo Hang's strength is still slightly inferior to that of Hulk.

In the fist-to-fist competition, Luo Hang's arm was bent more and more. It was obvious that Luo Hang's strength was not as strong as Hulk's!

"The first door, open it, open it!" Taking a deep breath, Luo Hang's eight-door armor activated.

As the first door opened, the veins on Luo Hang's forehead burst.

At the same time, the chakra on his body seemed to be catalyzed and became stronger!

Although the increase in opening the door is not large, compared to Hulk, Luo Hang's strength is only half a chip behind.

With the increase of the eight-door Dunjia, Luo Hang's arm stabilized. Judging from the situation, it seems that the strength of Hulk and Luo Hang are almost the same!

"No, this kind of strength is not enough, my eight-door dunjia cannot be maintained for a long time!"

In his boosted state, he was barely comparable to the Hulk. Of course, Luo Hang understood that such a state would be difficult to maintain for a long time!

It seems that I have to refine 400 years of skill into chakra, so that I can compare to Hulk?


However, just when Luo Hang was thinking in his heart that he should convert his true essence into chakra, suddenly, Hulk let out another terrifying roar.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang felt Hulk's strength, which suddenly increased by a large amount again!

The second time, Luo Hang was directly sent flying by Hulk's power!

"This guy is indeed more angry and stronger!"

Feeling that Hulk's strength has increased a lot, Luo Hang secretly exclaimed in his heart!

"Isn't even Luo Hang the Hulk's opponent!?" Seeing that this was the second time Luo Hang was sent flying by the Hulk, the Black Widow was secretly surprised!

With a movement of Hulk's figure, he rushed towards Luo Hang again, without too many bells and whistles, Hulk punched Luo Hang again!

Pure strength, high defense, this is the Hulk!

This time, Luo Hang raised his arm and made a blocking posture!


Hulk's fist hit Luo Hang's arm fiercely.

It stands to reason that with Hulk's strength, this punch, let alone a flesh and blood body, even a steel plate can be penetrated like a piece of paper!

However, this punch hit Luo Hang's arm, but was blocked, and Luo Hang's body didn't even shake!


After launching the first half move to block, Luo Hang secretly groaned in his heart, and then launched the second half move to counterattack!

This time, it was Hulk's turn to fly out! £7...

With a wave of his arm, Hulk's huge body flew tens of meters away like a ball being knocked into the air!

The power possessed by this counterattack is completely returning all the power of Hulk's anger to the opponent!

The Hulk that was thrown out was like a ball, and it actually rolled several times on the ground!

From Hulk's roar, he can feel his anger, even more so! "Sword 22!"

Luo Hang squeezed a sword formula with both hands, and immediately raised his hand, hundreds of sword qi burst out in an instant, turning into a torrent of sword qi, sweeping away!

With pure strength, Luo Hang knew that he was no match for the Hulk!

However, why should I use my own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths?

Hulk's strength is indeed very strong, but his many fighting skills are not just for display!

Despite roaring and burning with anger, these dense sword qi fell on Hulk's body, like countless glass shards pouring down on ordinary people!

Under these dense torrents of sword energy, even Hulk's physical body can hardly resist it completely.

There are more and more sword marks on his body!

Although these wounds are just fine skin trauma, they are still ahead of Hulk!

"Okay, I have a clear idea of ​​Hulk's power, and next, let him calm down!" Sword 22 broke out, temporarily using the sword's pressure to overwhelm Hulk, and immediately, Luo Hang thought to himself !

Chapter 203: Black Widow: Luo Hang, you are not a good person, are you?

Although Sword 22 is more than a hundred sword qi pouring down together, there is always a time to complete it.

As the tricks got old, these sword qi disappeared, and there were fine sword marks all over his body, which on the contrary aroused Hulk's fierceness even more.

The ferocity in his eyes became even more fierce, and he rushed towards Luo Hang again!

"Sword 23..."

However, after the move of Sword 22, Luo Hang's thoughts moved, and the sword field of Sword 23 opened again.

Then, no matter how fierce the Hulk was, he was frozen in front of Luo Hang, unable to move!

Immediately, Luo Hang walked up to Hulk, touched the storage belt around his waist with his hand, and a piece of spine was removed by Luo Hang, and it was forced into Hulk's hand!

It is the dragon vein obtained from Fengyun World!

In Fengyun's world, after Nie Feng became demonic, the dragon veins can help Nie Feng suppress the demonic nature in his body~. Therefore, Luo Hang feels that it should not be a problem to suppress Hulk's anger!

Although physical space and time are frozen, spirit and consciousness are not affected.

Handing the dragon vein to Hulk's hand, Luo Hang stared into Hulk's eyes.

It can be clearly seen that the anger and violence in Hulk's eyes are quickly dissipating, and his eyes have become much clearer.

Seeing this, Luo Hang was a little relieved, and put away Jian 23's sword field!

Hulk looked at the dragon vein in his hand, then at Luo Hang, and said, "You, what are you?"

"Oh my God!?" The black widow next to her heard Hulk speak, covering her mouth with her hands, with a shocked expression on her face.

In the form of the Hulk Hulk, he actually spoke! ?

According to the information known by S.H.I.E.L.D., Dr. Banner never spoke in the form of Hulk, right?

Why are people afraid of mad dogs?

Since a mad dog can't communicate at all, you never know when it will attack you!

And Hulk's situation is similar, every time Hulk appears, it is in a violent state, you can't communicate with it at all, this is the scariest thing!

But now, Hulk can actually speak?

And it seems that they can communicate normally?

If this is the case, then the situation is different!

Not to mention how shocking Black Widow's heart was.

Holding the dragon vein in his hand, Hulk did feel that although he was still in a state of anger, he was not completely engulfed by the anger!

"This of mine is called the dragon vein, and it's my treasure. It looks like it can help you control your own consciousness!" Seeing that the dragon vein really worked, Luo Hang said! "Hulk, love it!"

Although able to communicate, Hulk doesn't talk much, it seems that he can only speak a few simple words and sentences to express his thoughts!

"If you like it, I'll lend it to you!" Luo Hang said to Hulk! "Thank you, I like you too!"

Hulk's mind seems to be very simple. Hearing that Luo Hang is willing to lend him the dragon veins, he also has a good impression of Luo Hang!

"Dragon veins, after all, are just foreign objects. If you really want to cure your situation, you should reconcile with Banner!" Luo Hang followed up and persuaded him! "No, the Hulk is always angry, angry, everyone hates the Hulk, and Banner hates the Hulk!"

Although he was more grateful to Luo Hang for being willing to lend him the dragon veins, Hulk shook his head and refused after hearing Luo Hang's words to reconcile himself and Banner!

Well, Luo Hang didn't expect Hulk to listen to him obediently with a single word.

After nodding his head, he stopped talking!

As Hulk's mood gradually calmed down, Luo Hang also chatted with him a few more words!

Under the influence of the dragon's veins, Luo Hang discovered that Hulk's current state is a bit like the Hulk in the plot of Thor 3. Ragnarok.

Can communicate, talk, and even joke with you!

And the Black Widow next to her, seeing Luo Hang and Hulk sitting and chatting together, even chatting and laughing, was completely stunned!

Even, the black widow secretly pinched her own thigh!


So, the scene in front of me is really not a dream?But true! ?

Hulk didn't appear for a long time. After he chatted with Luo Hang, after about half an hour, the green color on Hulk's body quickly faded, and he changed back to Dr. Banner's appearance! "What's the matter? Did you put Banner on the chain?"

When Hulk came out, Dr. Banner seemed to be unconscious. He recovered and asked Luo Hang.

"It's meaningless to be tied by a chain, Luo Hang has already become friends with Hulk!" Before Luo Hang could answer, the black widow next to him spoke up and said to Dr. Banner!

"This is impossible!?" Hearing this, Dr. Banner said in disbelief, shaking his head decisively!

In Dr. Banner's view, Hulk is completely irrational, and it is absolutely impossible to be friends with him! "Huh? What is this?"

At this time, Banner seemed to be belatedly aware that he was holding the dragon vein in his hand!

Looking down, Dr. Banner said strangely: "This, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a human spine? What's going on here?"

"You're right, this is a spine, but it has a mysterious power that can make the Hulk stay sane when he comes out, so for the time being, I will lend you this piece of dragon vein !"

Luo Hang nodded without denying it.

Speaking of this, Luo Hang persuaded Dr. Banner again, saying: "You and Hulk should also make a good reconciliation. This is not only letting him go, but also letting yourself go!"

"Are you reconciling with yourself? Let me go?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Dr. Banner fell silent!

For a long time, Hulk has not been regarded as a life. Banner has always regarded him as the embodiment of anger and disaster, and never thought that Hulk has his own thoughts.

But this time, from Luo Hang's mouth, Banner knew that Hulk also had his own ideas, but he was just a big guy who lost his temper easily.

This made Dr. Banner have a different concept of Hulk for the first time!

"Okay, let's go!"

If you need to persuade, you can just click and stop. Seeing the thoughtful look on Dr. Banner's face, Luo Hang didn't say anything more, raised his hand to build a magic portal, and several people left from the mirror space! . .Ask for flowers.

Then, Dr. Banner began to pack his things, ready to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Unexpectedly, Hulk doesn't look so angry, he looks like a child!"

Standing next to Luo Hang, the Black Widow thought of Hulk's appearance in the mirrored space just now, and said with a sigh of emotion!

"What?? Are you more interested in Banner? Others say that when a woman falls in love with a man, it all starts with her curiosity about this man!"

Glancing at the black widow beside him, Luo Hang said with a slight smile!

"Really? Relatively speaking, I'm more interested in you!" Turning her head, the Black Widow said with a smile.

Needless to say, the Black Widow is a super beautiful woman. If you are a normal man, you will be moved by such teasing words.

In other words, looking at the appearance of the black widow, Luo Hang was also a little moved.

However, Luo Hang is not the kind of person who is easily dominated by the lower body.

... 0 Besides, what's her nickname?Black Widow!

Most of the unlucky guys under her hands had a crush on her, right?

Leaving aside, let’s just say that when she sneaked into Stark Tower, Tony also fell in love with her, and the result?

She was there to spy on Tony.

If her goal is to destroy Stark Industries, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Before you said that you were from the Dragon Kingdom, I didn't quite believe it. I thought you were more like an alien, but now it seems that you are quite similar!"

Seeing Luo Hang deal with herself in silence, the Black Widow said.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Luo Hang asked back!

"Because, countries like Europe and the United States fight for what they like, and they don't think too much about it."

"Only men in the Dragon Kingdom will think about the long-term, even about responsibilities when facing the relationship between men and women!" The black widow continued.

It can be said that there are countless men, and the black widow can certainly see that Luo Hang has no feelings for her.

However, he chose to reject himself in a silent way!

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