"Hold the grass, this, is this black widow confessing to our Brother Hang?"

"Don't tell me, who can stop such a situation?"

"Hmph, guys upstairs, if you can't stop it, it doesn't mean my husband can't stop it!"

"The Black Widow's nickname is not right, she should be called the Green Widow, it's just green tea!"

"You want to seduce my husband, don't you think too much? My husband is very dedicated to me. No matter how much you seduce me, my husband will never look at you again!"

"Which one of you has yellow urine? Help me wake up the girl upstairs, it looks like she won't be able to wake up!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, it was seen that the Black Widow actually said something similar to a confession to Luo Hang.

Coupled with the seductive aura of the Black Widow, which is as ripe as poppies, the discussion on the barrage becomes more and more cheerful!

Not to mention what kind of discussion is going on in the Longguo live broadcast room now.

At this moment, the black widow suddenly spoke and said to Luo Hang: "By the way, Luo Hang, you must not be a good person, right?"

Chapter 204: Beautiful Misunderstanding, Black Widow Blushes!

"I'm not a good person? Just because I don't accept your teasing, I'm not a good person?" Hearing what the black widow said, Luo Hang secretly rolled his eyes! "Is not it?"

Although Luo Hang didn't speak, but from his expression, the Black Widow could roughly guess what he meant.

Then explained: "First of all, you have mastered the evil black magic. You can make human corpses into puppets for you to drive. This is the magic possessed by evil people!" "Secondly, the magic you gave Hulk That dragon vein is actually a human spine, and you carry such a thing with you, can you still say that you are a good person?"

"Finally, and most importantly, people in Dragon Kingdom say that men are not bad and women don't love you. If you provoke women like this, you are not a bad person, who is a bad person?" The black widow said, giving Luo all her reasons. Hang explained it!


Needless to say, Luo Hang opened his mouth and wanted to defend himself, but found that he couldn't seem to find anything to refute? "Hold the grass, when this woman speaks the truth, she looks like Sherlock Holmes!"

"I'm stupid, that's why I say, don't offend a woman when you offend anyone. She can speak out against you when it makes sense, but she can still speak out against you when it doesn't make sense!" "Even our airline Brother is speechless!"

"To be honest, from the standpoint of the Black Widow, what she said is indeed reasonable!"

"Especially the last point, men are not bad, women don't love, ah, I like Brother Hang so much, is it because he is bad enough?" "My husband is good or bad, I really like it!"

The audience in the Longguo live broadcast room saw Luo Hang being speechless by the black widow, everyone loved it, and the atmosphere of discussion was very high!

Especially those female viewers, although they think Black Widow is a green tea.

However, they agree with the last words of the Black Widow! "Both, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time, I've already packed it!"

Not to mention the current atmosphere in the Longguo live broadcast room, Dr. Banner walked over carrying some important things at this time, which can be regarded as alleviating Luohang's current embarrassment!

"Okay, let's go!" Luo Hang nodded, and immediately constructed the space portal to S.H.I.E.L.D. again! "This, what a magical ability, it can actually construct a portal directly? What is the principle of this ability!?"

Although he has seen the portal since he came out of the mirror space, Dr. Banner was still very surprised to see that he was able to use the portal across half of the earth! "Okay, let's go. I'll introduce you to Tony when I have time. I think you will have a lot of common topics!" Seeing Dr. Banner's appearance as a qualified scientist, Luo Hang said with a slight smile.

Greeted Dr. Banner and went to S.H.I.E.L.D.!

S.H.I.E.L.D. is still searching for the whereabouts of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, so the progress is naturally not as good as that of Luo Hang!

Knowing that Luohang has brought Dr. Banner back, Fury welcomed Dr. Banner's arrival and asked Hill to arrange his daily affairs in person!

"Luo Hang, you said you can handle Hulk's problem well, how should you handle it?" After Dr. Banner left, Fury asked! "Let Natasha tell you, I'm going to rest first, don't come to me if you have nothing to do, let alone come to me if you have something to do!" However, Luo Hang looked like he was already very tired , said to Fury, waving his hand!

After the words fell, Luo Hang turned around and left!

Seeing his appearance, Fury shook his head helplessly, and immediately, he could only focus on Natasha!

"Boss, the situation is like this..." Black Widow said, explaining everything about herself and Luo Hang recruiting Dr. Banner in detail!

On the other side, after leaving, Luo Hang did not go to rest, but turned around and came directly to Captain America!

At this time, Captain America was wearing tights and obviously carrying hundreds of catties of lead weight on his body. He was contacting Leapfrog, sweating profusely!

Seeing Captain America's hard work, Luo Hang nodded secretly.

Originally, he was a person of high moral character, and the role of the super soldier serum, in addition to making people stronger, can also amplify people's character.

Simply put, the good guys are getting better and the bad guys are getting worse!

That's why, the lofty character of itself, coupled with the boosting effect of the super soldier serum, created the luminous soul of Captain America.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that Captain America can lift Thor's Hammer?

But in ordinary times, this appearance of exercising hard is indeed admirable! "Luo Hang, you are back. I heard that you have recruited Dr. Banner? How is the progress?" After the practice was over, Captain America came to Luo Hang and asked after wiping off his sweat.

"Oh? You also know Dr. Banner?" Luo Hang asked curiously!

"Fry told me, and also showed me Dr. Banner's information, after all, he will be a team member in the future!" Captain America nodded and said!

"Well, it should be!" Luo Hang also felt that Fury's approach was indeed good.

Then he replied: "Dr. Banner has arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D., once he settles down, you should be able to meet!" The topic turned to the situation of cultivation!

"Well, my cultivation has indeed gone very smoothly recently, and I can already feel that the Hugh Gate has shown signs of loosening recently!" Captain America replied with a nod!

"So fast!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang's eyes widened and he looked at him in astonishment!

It has only been a few days since I taught him the learning method of Bamen Dunjia, and he is about to open the second door?

Speaking of myself for so long, there is no sign of the second door loosening!

So, is this genius?Are you really mediocre?

"It should be the reason why I injected the super soldier serum back then, and my body has been strengthened, so it should be easier to practice Bamen Dunjia?"

It seemed that Luo Hang was a little hit, Captain America explained, and it was a comfort to Luo Hang!

"Okay, don't comfort me anymore, it's a good thing that your progress in cultivation is so good, and you can play a bigger role in the next big battle!"

Although Luo Hang felt a little bit shocked, he was not the protagonist, so how could he compare with the protagonists of these superheroes in the original plot?

In this way, after chatting about some knowledge about Chakra, Luo Hang turned and left!

In the following days, Luo Hang also practiced his Sacred Heart Art well!

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed...

True essence flows through the meridians, entering the stage of inner vision, Luo Hang's understanding of the mysteries of the human body is getting deeper and deeper!

And with the deepening of this understanding, Luo Hang can feel that the power of his divine sense can already control the blood flow of others from a long distance!

"This is me, have you comprehended the evil blood calamity?" Feeling that he could control the blood flow of others, Luo Hang was also very happy!

At the beginning, I was in the world of Fengyun, but I almost died under this evil blood!

"Luo Hang..." At this moment, the Black Widow happened to walk over!

"What's the matter?" Luo Hang looked at the Black Widow, and at the same time, the power of the evil blood robbery was activated!

Under Luo Hang's control, the blood flow in the Black Widow's body suddenly accelerated a lot.

As the blood flow accelerated, the face of the black widow also became much ruddy!

"Fry came to you and said there was something important!" Black Widow said!

"He's looking for me? What good can this do?" Hearing this, Luo Hang secretly complained in his heart!

However, he still got up and went over to Fury!

"Natasha, what's wrong with you? Are you in poor health?" After Luo Hang left, Captain America happened to walk over, seeing that the black widow's face was obviously flushed, and asked!

"Not in good health? Not at all!" The black widow shook her head and asked a little strangely!

"Then why is your face so red? It's like you have a fever!" Captain America continued!

"Is my face very red?" Hearing this, the black widow touched her face and found that it was indeed a little hot!

Then I walked to the mirror next to me and looked at it. Sure enough, my face was a little strangely red!

"For no reason, why did my face turn so red?" Now, the black widow herself was surprised?

"Could it be? It's Luo Hang just now!?" After thinking for a moment, the black widow thought of talking to Luo Hang just now!

impossible?Just because I saw Luo 5.9 Hang, I blushed?

Isn't this what happens to teenage girls?How could such a situation happen to me?

However, apart from this explanation, it seems that there is no other explanation, right? "Huh? His complexion seems to have recovered a lot now!"

The American team next to him was a little worried about the situation of the black widow, so he watched from the side, and suddenly found that the black widow's face had recovered!

Seeing that the black widow's face returned to normal, Captain America was a little relieved, and immediately, he looked stunned: "Oh, Luo Hang walked over just now, could it be..." This kind of love between men and women also came to tease himself ?

Black Widow opened her mouth as if to refute.

However, the fact seems to be true, how can I refute it?No matter how you refute it, it is pale and powerless, right?

"Okay, Natasha, if you really love, go for it bravely, don't be like me, if you miss it, you can only regret it, this is the advice given to you by a centenarian!" Captain America cheered said to the black widow. "Fry, what do you want me to do?"

Leaving aside what kind of beautiful misunderstanding caused by the temptation of an evil blood robbery, Luo Hang came to Fu Rui at this time.

Chapter 205: Luo Hang, I have a little more vibrating gold, would you like it?

"After these days of investigation, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch have been found, so..." Fury didn't mean to beat around the bush, and his words went straight to the point!

"and many more!"

However, without waiting for Fury to speak, Luo Hang interrupted him, raised his hand as if begging for mercy, and said, "Please, didn't you agree before? I'll take care of Dr. Banner, and you go take care of the two of them." , Now, is this job handed over to me again?"

"The so-called ability is too much work. Besides, you have emphasized that if the Scarlet Witch's ability is fully developed, she can beat Thanos. She is the most important thing!" Fury persuaded!

"No, you should handle this matter yourself!" However, Luo Hang shook his head and directly refused!

Anyway, whether it's Little Spider, Captain America, Black Panther, or Dr. Banner, if you want to maintain a good relationship, you just need to help them!

However, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are in more trouble.

Because they are to Tony.There was hatred in Stark's heart.

And this kind of thing of being a peacemaker?It's really too troublesome, but these methods should be the specialties of agents, right?

Don't they expect to do these troubles themselves?

Luo Hang directly gave an ugly rejection!

Well, seeing that Luo Hang was determined not to intervene in Kuaiyin's affairs, Fury shook his head helplessly.

Then he said: "Since you don't want to go, then you can go to Wakanda!"

"Wakanda? What's wrong?"

Although he secretly complained in his heart that Fu Rui made it clear that he would not let him rest, but Luo Hang was still very interested in the matter of W12 Kanda.

"Regarding the Battle of New York, Wakanda has already provided a batch of high-tech weapon theoretical support. This time, I asked you to bring a batch of samples!" Fury said!

"That's fine, this task is not difficult for me!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and agreed.

After asking some detailed questions about receiving the weapon samples, Luo Hang directly cast teleportation magic and came to Wakanda!

This magic portal opened directly at the gate of the Wakanda palace. Naturally, it aroused the vigilance of the Wakanda female guards.

All of them pointed at Luo Hang with spears in their hands.

"It turns out to be Mr. Luo Hang. Your ability is indeed miraculous and convenient, but it's where it appears. It's a bit sensitive!" The leader of the female guard obviously recognized Luo Hang, and said after letting go of his vigilance!

"I'm already relatively restrained, otherwise, this portal might open directly in the palace!" Luo Hang replied!

"This..." Luo Hang's words made the female guard hesitate for a moment, speechless.

"Mr. Luo Hang is here for the weapon samples, right? His Royal Highness is already waiting for you, please come with me!"

Without further entanglement on this issue, the female guard continued.

"Prince?" Hearing this, Luo Hang glanced at him with some surprise.

Shouldn't the handover of this kind of work belong to the king?

"Your Majesty is receiving guests right now, so if you want to see Your Majesty, you may have to wait a while!" Seeing Luo Hang's doubts, the female guard replied!

Well, is there a first-come, first-served situation?

It seems that the people who come to Wakanda are not simple people!

"By the way, I have an immature confusion. I don't know if I should say it or not?" Followed the guard into the palace, and at the same time, Luo Hang asked casually!

"Please tell me!" the female guard asked.

"Your Wakanda's technology is very high, and it can even be said to be the highest place on the whole earth. Why are your weapons still such primitive cold weapons?" Luo Hang asked the doubts in his heart.

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