Indeed, Wakanda's pro-guards are mainly armed with spears?

This does not seem to match the level of technological development in Wakanda!

"Is there anything wrong with cold weapons? Our weapons are made of special metal materials. If we really want to talk about attack power, our spears can pierce where the bullets can't penetrate with one shot! "The female guard asked back.

Well, Wakanda is the birthplace of Vibranium, and the material technology must be a must on the entire planet.

It's not surprising that their weapons can have such an effect!

After a while, Luo Hang saw the Prince Black Panther of Wakanda again.

"Mr. Luo Hang, we meet again, these things are ready!" Hei Bao greeted Luo Hang with a smile on his face!

"This time it looks quite different from last time!" Looking at the appearance of the black panther, Luo Hang said with a smile.

"That's because I understand that Mr. Luo Hang's words, although ugly, are not false!" Black Panther replied.

"Oh?" Luo Hang looked at the other party with searching eyes.

"These days, I have confirmed that Asgard really exists, and the news about the Infinity Stones has also been confirmed..." Black Panther explained.

Luo Hang nodded slightly, Wakanda has already given S.H.I.E.L.D. preparations for the Battle of New York in advance.

Hei Panther believed everything he said, so it made sense!

This time, the Black Panther was indeed much more enthusiastic about Luo Hang!

On the one hand, Luo Hang's vision is not comparable to his own. If he makes friends with him, he can broaden his vision!

The second is Luohang's strength, it is indeed very powerful, and there is no harm in making friends with him!

In the end, Luo Hang's identity is still a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., a member of the Avengers. If he makes friends with him, he can also be regarded as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Naturally, the Black Panther's attitude towards Luo Hang is very enthusiastic!

And Luohang is also willing to establish a good relationship with Wakanda.

Therefore, after a while, the two became very familiar with each other.

This is a world with a high-tech background. If it is a world with a martial arts background, maybe the two of them will burn yellow paper and chop off the chicken head now. Please help me!

After chatting for a while, the samples of these weapons were carried by people, and the black panther personally escorted Luo Hang to the outside of the palace!

Although Luo Hang's teleportation magic can be opened anytime and anywhere, but it is more respectful to people to cast it outside the palace, right?

It's like you have a very close friend who lives on the first floor, so you can't just jump out of the window and enter someone else's house, right?

The truth is the same!

"Huh?" But, just as Luo Hang was walking outside the palace, suddenly, a figure not far away attracted Luo Hang's attention.

This is a man who looks a little fat, he is none other than Tony.Happy next to Stark!

If you want to say that the most trusted person around Tony is Pepper Pepper, followed by Happy!

That means Tony is now Iron Man, so he doesn't need guards anymore.

Before becoming Iron Man, Harpy always followed Tony as a bodyguard.

He almost handed over his wealth and life to Harpy. Naturally, in Tony's heart, his importance is self-evident!

"Mr. Luo Hang, why are you here?" Of course Hubby also recognized Luo Hang, and he took the initiative to say hello, and asked with a surprised look on his face!

"I should be the one asking you this question, right? I'm here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. How about you?" Luo Hang said!

"There are some business contacts and technological interactions between Tony and the old king. I am here this time to represent Tony!" Hobby replied!

I see!Hearing this, Luo Hang suddenly realized and nodded.

When I said that Wakanda's technology is the best on earth, it was in Stark Tower that Fury heard it, and Tony heard it too.

As one of the top scientists in the world, it is reasonable for Tony to contact Wakanda.

Besides, with Tony's achievements in science, it must be quite attractive to Wakanda, right?

After chatting for a few words and saying hello, Luo Hang activated the teleportation magic outside the house and returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Some weapons samples, of course, people from Wakanda will help move them here!

"Harbi, do you need me to help you open a portal to Stark Tower?" Luo Hang greeted Habi!

"No need, thank you, Mr. Luohang, my plane will go back to 130!" Hubby declined with a smile!

Back at S.H.I.E.L.D., Luo Hang explained to Fury.

I also looked curiously at the weapon samples supported by Wakanda, and they turned out to be a batch of energy weapons and energy shields.

Well, Wakanda in the original book was even able to protect an entire city with a power shield to stop Thanos' endless army of monsters.

The corresponding energy technology is used to make shields and weapons, which is also reasonable!

"Here you are!" After handing over the work and looking at the samples of weapons and armor, Fury then handed Luo Hang a USB flash drive!

"This is?" Luo Hang looked at Fu Rui with some surprise.

"This is the technical information of the weapons and armor supported by Wakanda, take it!"

Fury also knew that Luo Hang still had more than half a year to go before the assessment was over. He felt that these technological knowledge should be able to give Luo Hang more or less points in the assessment!

"Then I won't be polite!" Hearing this, Luo Hang was a little moved, but he didn't mean to be polite to Fu Rui!

"If you really thank me, go recruit Scarlet Witch!" Fury said!

"Pretend I didn't say it!" Luo Hang rolled his eyes!

Fury: "..."

"Okay, let's go!" Waving his hand, Luo Hang didn't think much of anything, turned and left!

Seeing Luo Hang's appearance, Fu Rui was angry and funny, and then shook his head helplessly!

"I got the technology of the Ark reactor from Tony, and now I have the corresponding technology of Wakanda's energy weapons and armor. This is more cooperative!"

"Bringing these technologies back will be of great help to Longguo, right?"

Looking at the USB flash drive in his hand, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction, and immediately put the USB flash drive into his storage belt!

Just at this moment, Luo Hang's phone rang.

Luo Hang took a look, and it was Tony who contacted him.

"Luo Hang, I have a little extra vibration gold, do you want it?" Tony's voice sounded when the phone was connected, giving off a lazy feeling.

Chapter 206: Does Tony really regard Little Spider as his own son?

"I have always thought that this bald cloaked man, as the king of agents, is too calculating, and I don't like him very much. However, I gave Brother Hang a copy of all the information on Wakanda? I have changed my opinion of him. Already!"

"Not bad, this bald cloaked man has really changed people's outlook!"

"The most important thing is Brother Hang's strategy, right?"

"Strategy? What do you mean?"

"This is the role of connections. When you become friends with many rich people, you can't be poor!"

"Connections? Hehe, it is said that the prerequisite for becoming friends is that everyone has the ability to turn the table and the cultivation of not to turn the table. The circle is different, so don't force it!"

"That's right, what's the meaning of the word friend? If they are separated, they will be two strings of money. If everyone has the same money, then they are friends. If anyone loses a coin, the word friend will become the word Ming. It's clear." !"

"What kind of superiority does the show upstairs have? You mean, my husband and the bald man in a cape have different circles?"

"Not bad, so, Brother Hang has a good relationship with them. Whether it is the Ark reactor or the technology of these energy weapons, you can easily obtain it. This is something that no other explorer can do!"

"Yeah? Tony. Stark also called? I have a little extra vibrato, can I ask Brother Hang if you want it?"

"What is Zhenjin?"

"Regardless of what Zhenjin is, can it be a bad thing to make Tony take the initiative to call and ask?"

"Look, I can't help the smile on Brother Hang's face. This Zhenjin is definitely a good thing. I have never seen him so happy about the USB flash drive that the bald cloaked man gave him just now!"

"So, Brother Hang has made friends with so many awesome characters, is the benefit starting to work now?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers also know that energy weapons and Ark reactors are very well matched.

Now, I saw Tony again.Stark made a special call to ask Luo Hang if he wanted Zhenjin, which made many viewers very excited.

This is Luo Hang starting to gain something again, right?As long as Luo Hang has something to gain, the audience in Long Kingdom will be happy for him!

Whether it is cultivation cheats or scientific and technological materials that they can use, or dragon veins and Xuanyuan sword that only Luo Hang can use, everyone is happy.

After all, Luo Hang's own strength has increased, which also means that the gains he can get will be bigger and bigger, right? ?

Let's not talk about what kind of thoughts these viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room have!

On the other side, Luo Hang was naturally very excited when he heard that Tony had given him Zhenjin.

Limara opened a magic portal and came to Tony's research room!

"Hey, you're really useless and can't afford it!" Before the phone hung up, Luo Hang appeared, Tony said viciously!

"Why do you have to get up early without benefit?" Luo Hang looked as if he was not ashamed, but rather proud!

"Mr. Luo Hang" l! "The little spider next to him seemed to have put on a brand new battle suit, and said hello to Luo Hang!

"Peter, is this battle suit on you?" Luo Hang asked in amazement seeing Peter's brand new spider suit!

"That's right, this is the vibrating gold that Mr. Stark got recently, and it helped me make a suit!" Peter said with a nod!

"Hiss..." Hearing this, Luo Hang took a breath, and immediately looked at Stark in surprise!

Zhenjin, Stark was so extravagant that he made a whole set of spider suits for the little spider?

This is simply closer than his own son, right?

"It seems that Tony, you got a lot of vibration gold from Wakanda!" Luo Hang said!

"It's not much. I barely made such a fighting spirit, and there are a little scraps left!" Tony said deliberately showing a look of indifference!

"Wait, just made such a suit? What about you?" Luo Hang asked after noticing Tony's words!

"I've been researching nano-molecular materials recently. Except for its strong defense ability, this vibration metal is not portable. Therefore, it is not suitable to use it to build me a battle armor!"

Tony still said with that indifferent look!

Looking at Tony's appearance, Luo Hang didn't mean to expose him.

However, it can be seen that in the past two months, the relationship between Tony and Little Spider has really reached a very deep level.

Perhaps, in Tony's heart, he really regarded Little Spider as his son?

Don't look at what Tony said, his real emotions will not be expressed with his mouth.

It's about what he does.

He got a share of vibration gold, but he didn't use it on his steel armor. Instead, he imitated the black panther and made a spider suit for the little spider?

"What's wrong? Mr. Luo Hang, is this vibration gold very precious?"

The little spider next to him is not stupid, but rather smart. Listening to the conversation between Luo Hang and Tony, he probably heard that the material of his own fighting spirit seems to be very extraordinary!

"If you want to measure it in terms of money, the material of this body alone may be worth tens of billions of dollars!" Luo Hang said!

"Ten billion dollars? Is it just the cost of materials?" Hearing this value, the little spider took off his hood and looked at his battle suit in disbelief!

The little spider has been boarding at the house of his uncle and aunt for many years, so he naturally attaches great importance to money.

Even if it's one hundred dollars, it's not a small amount of money to the little spider, but his battle suit is worth tens of billions of dollars! ?

"Okay, Peter, don't look at me like this. It's just money. I can't spend it all. The problems that can be solved with money are not problems!"

Seeing the moved look on Little Spider's face, Tony waved his hand again, and said with a look of indifference!

"Okay, Luo Hang, there is still a little leftover material left here, not to mention making battle suits, even making shields is not enough, look, what do you want to use it for?"

Unwilling to stay longer in this greasy and moving atmosphere, Tony turned his head and asked Luo Hang!

While talking, he pointed to Zhenjin next to him!

Speaking of which, there are really not many, probably only the size of a duck egg!

The so-called leftovers, are you kidding me?

Zhenjin still has leftovers?

Even one gram is extremely precious, right?

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