So, for things like Zhenjin, did Tony keep a copy for himself?

"Luo Hang, you are not the same as Peter, are you? If a beautiful woman looks at me with such eyes, I will be very happy, but you are a man!" Seeing Luo Hang's eyes staring at him was a little moved, Tony was annoyed Said!

These words immediately ruined the atmosphere completely.

Luo Hang's face turned dark, and he said, "It seems that Pepper's shadow clone technique and transformation technique have been practiced well recently? So, you still remember me!" "Hehehe..."

Talking about this topic, Tony didn't feel sleepy any more. A smile that men could understand appeared on his face. He nodded and said, "Don't tell me, Luo Hang, the transformation technique and shadow clone technique you taught are really good. Those who can invent these two tricks are all geniuses, these days..."

Speaking of this, Tony couldn't help swallowing when he thought of the crazy energy of himself and Pepper these days.

The little spider next to him leaned forward and stared at Tony and Luo Hang very curiously.

Although he is only twelve or thirteen years old, looking at Tony's appearance, he still seems very curious and interested in what the two of them are talking about! ","Okay, kids, don't eavesdrop on what adults are saying, go and test your new suit! "

Seeing the little spider approaching, Tony didn't intend to continue the conversation, his face straightened, and he said to the little spider angrily! "Oh, I see!"

It seems that in the little spider's heart, Tony is quite majestic. Hearing this, the little spider obediently went to the side to test the performance of his new suit!

"The vibrating gold is indeed not enough to make a shield, so why not make me a glove!" After thinking about it, Luo Hang said to Tony!

Luo Hang is very aware of Zhenjin's defensive ability. If the shield is not enough, it is okay to make a glove and use it as a shield.

It doesn't even affect my other actions!

"Well, your idea is indeed good!" Hearing this, Tony also nodded, approving Luo Hang's idea.

Follow along and use the last vibrating gold to make gloves!

Seeing that Tony continued to get busy, Luo Hang didn't feel bored, and waited curiously beside him!

As a very famous Zhenjin in the Marvel world, it is naturally not easy to build things with Zhenjin, so the speed of building is very slow!

However, after all, this is to use vibration gold to build things for himself, Luo Hang even watched it with relish!

And the little spider tested the performance of a (good) fan spider suit, and found that it didn't seem to have changed much!

"Peter, you are mainly testing the anti-strike ability of the new battle suit!" Luo Hang said with a reminder!

"Oh, I see, Mr. Luo Hang!" Listening to Luo Hang's suggestion, the little spider nodded in response!

Go ahead and start experimenting!

The ability to withstand stress is constantly improving, but Peter found that after wearing this suit, it seems that all attacks are automatically absorbed by the suit!

With the continuous increase of tests and the continuous improvement of the strike force, the little spider still feels that it can do a job with ease!

"Okay, that's amazing!" With more and more striking abilities, the tone of the little spider became more and more amazed!

Is it true that the material alone is worth tens of billions of dollars?

Wearing this battle suit on his body, the little spider felt that there might not be any attack in the world that could bring him any harm. "Okay, little spider, the anti-strike ability of fighting spirit is not tested in this way!"

Looking at the little spider's calculations, anyway, it will take a while to make his own gloves, Luo Hang said to the little spider!

After the words fell, the Chakra in Luo Hang's body surged, and at the same time, his hands formed seals!

Water escape, water blade slash!

The water spit out of the mouth, like a high-pressure water knife, cut towards the little spider's body... Don't.

Chapter 207: The Selfish Iron Man

Luo Hang's ninjutsu fell on the little spider, and it had no effect at all!

Even, the ninjutsu attack did not leave even a trace on the battle suit!

Then, Luo Hang stretched out his finger, and pointed like a sword, raised his hand and shot several sword qi towards the little spider's body!

Unable to dodge in time, the sword energy completely fell on the little spider.

Similarly, these sword attacks still have no effect!

"Ji Fu!" Luo Hang shouted in his heart!

The three-tailed Isofu in the body immediately cooperated with Luo Hang, contributing all the chakra, and let Luo Hang enter the Isofu mode!

Then, Luo Hang raised his hand again, and the ninjutsu was displayed!

The same water blade slash, performed by Luohang under normal conditions, is naturally completely different from when performed in Jifu mode!

However, the ninjutsu of water escape fell on the spider battle suit made by Zhenjin, and it only left a light white mark on the suit!

"Hold the grass, my grass, the defense ability of this battle suit made of Zhenjin is too abnormal!"

"Even under normal circumstances, my Hang brother can be regarded as the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse, right? This ninjutsu doesn't hurt at all?"

"Even the sword energy has no effect? ​​Is the defensive power of this Zhenjin invincible?"

"Even using the Jifu mode? Brother Hang, calm down, don't be impulsive, don't kill the little spider!"

"It's over, Brother Hang's move, even if it is a skyscraper, can you cut it off lazily? Is this Brother Hang thinking of killing the little spider?"

"This, how is this possible? The attack in the Jifu mode actually barely left a shallow mark on the suit?"

"Zhenjin, so this is Zhenjin? No wonder Brother Hang was so happy when he heard that Tony 143 wanted to give him some Zhenjin!"

"From the perspective of the game, this vibrating gold material is 99% immune to damage?"

"No wonder Brother Hang said that the material of this suit is worth tens of billions of dollars!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, Luo Hang personally tried the damage caused by the Zhenjin.

At the beginning, I just felt that the defense of the shock is very strong, even the attack of the shadow-level powerhouse can be blocked!

However, when Luo Hang even showed the Jifu mode, these people were all dumbfounded!

Similarly, while being dumbfounded, everyone was very excited!

Since the armor made by Zhenjin has such a strong defense, doesn't it mean that the gloves obtained by Luo Hang also have such a defense?

It is said to be a glove, but it is actually a miniature version of a vibrating gold shield, right?

"It seems that if I want to break the Zhenjin's defense, I have to show my Xuanyuan Sword and attack with all my strength!"

Even the ninjutsu in Jifu mode has been performed once, but seeing that there is still no substantial effect, Luo Hang stopped, nodding secretly in his heart!

The purpose of Luohang is just to try to see how far Zhenjin's defense ability has reached, not to really break the defense of this battle suit.

The test is here, and it is already satisfied!

Although the shield of the American team in the original book was chopped to pieces by Thanos, it was also done by Thanos with the help of weapons, right?

"Okay, what a powerful defense, and more importantly, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will be absorbed by this battle suit!"

Seeing Luo Hang put away the rocky caressing mode, the common sense of this defense ability is over, the little spider puts away the mask, and a look of surprise appears on his face!

"This vibrating metal, also known as sound-absorbing steel, its defensive ability is not simply solid, but it has the power to absorb kinetic energy."

"So, even if you put the battle suit on the egg, it is very difficult to break the egg protected by Zhenjin!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and explained the material properties of vibrating metal to the little spider!

"It's no wonder that it can absorb kinetic energy, but this kind of material is just like the legendary magic material!"

Hearing Luo Hang's explanation, the little spider nodded to express his understanding, but he still felt deeply shocked in his heart!

Yes, it can absorb kinetic energy, isn't this the legendary magic material, what is it?

"In a sense, this is indeed a magic material!" Even Luo Hang nodded, affirming Little Spider's evaluation!

For this new spider suit, the little spider is of course very satisfied.

Moreover, the strength of his own cultivation also made the little spider's combat power not bad.

From the perspective of comprehensive strength, although the current little spider is only twelve or thirteen years old.

However, it is definitely stronger than his strength in the original book!

With such a spider suit, the little spider is extremely excited.

Moreover, the value of tens of billions of dollars made the little spider feel very shocked. Just a small piece of his battle suit, it is enough to make people rich, right?

In addition to being excited, this made the little spider feel very moved!

On the other side, the gloves Tony made for Luo Hang are still going on.

In this way, after working for several hours, finally, Luo Hang's glove was finished!

"Okay?" Seeing that the glove was finished, Luo Hang leaned forward and said!

"It's not finished yet!" However, after hearing what Luo Hang said, Tony shook his head!

"Isn't this already completed?" Luo Hang asked Tony strangely!

"It hasn't been painted yet, this glove should also be painted with bright red, so it looks a little more low-key?" Tony opened his mouth and suggested to Luo Hang!

"So, bright red is low-key? Is this your understanding of low-key?" Luo Hang heard the words, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he complained angrily!

Well, no matter how you complain, Luo Hang clearly understands that Tony's so-called low-key is actually its antonym, right?

However, the gloves have already been made (bcfj), and there is no rush for this moment!

Tony Jarvis is in charge of coloring, what about myself?Then sat aside, poured a glass of wine, and took a break!

"Mr. Stark, this suit is amazing, I like it very much!"

At this time, the little spider next to him came over and said excitedly!

"Well, as long as you like it, I hope you don't rely too much on the defensive ability of this battle suit. There is no absolute defense in the world. The reason why you think absolute defense is because you haven't encountered enough power to break it!"

First nodded, Tony followed and urged.

Having said that, Tony himself felt a little unaccustomed, so he complained about himself: "I'm talking more and more like my old man!"

Hearing Tony's appearance full of paternal love, the corners of Luo Hang's mouth raised slightly.

It seems that even he himself has noticed that his attitude towards Little Spider is completely the same as his father's attitude towards him back then?

Well, this kind of person who clearly loves to death in his heart, but pretends not to care on the surface, doesn't know how to deal with feelings at all...

This also seems to be the inheritance of the Stark family?

"By the way, Luo Hang, while there is still some time, let's talk about the New York War?" Turning his head and looking at Luo Hang, Tony followed up!

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Luo Hang smiled slightly and asked back!

Although I never talked about the New York War in front of Tony, SHIELD and even Wakanda knew about it.

No surprise, then, that Tony would have been informed accordingly!

"Where do I want to talk? I don't know anything, of course you are the one who started this topic!" Tony said seriously!

"That's true, so let's start with Asgard and Thanos?" Luo Hang nodded and asked!

"No, I'm not interested in this. I just want to know how to protect myself when it really comes to the battle in New York!"

Shaking his head, Tony stopped Luo Hang from talking, showing a selfish look.

Listening to Tony's words, Luo Hang didn't think he was selfish!

After all, people who usually behave selfishly are truly selfless when it comes to critical moments!

And, looking at the entire Marvel series, what is Tony's biggest change?

Maybe it's the two words of the US team!

The first sentence was in Avengers 1, the US team said that Tony was a hero hiding in a steel armor.

He is definitely not the kind of person who will lie on the barbed wire and let his teammates step on him, the kind who will dedicate himself!

But what?Although Tony didn't refute the US team's words at the time.

But when the sky fortress was about to fall, in order to start the engine, Tony rushed in without hesitation as the engine's thrust, and was almost torn apart by the engine!

He never said any lofty words, but he completely proved himself with actions!

The second sentence is that in Avengers 2, facing the Scarlet Witch's illusion, Tony saw what he was most afraid of!

So, what is Tony's greatest fear?

What he fears most is that all the team members will die.

Before his death, the US team said: "You could have protected everyone!" It was the US team's words in this illusion that made Tony feel more urgent.

Therefore, I desperately want to protect everyone, even the earth, and secretly carry out research on Ultron!

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