Even, at the end, he used his life without hesitation to snap his fingers!

So, although the current Tony, on the surface, seems to be very selfish, he only wants to protect himself during the New York War.

However, Luo Hang did not despise him.

Because Luo Hang knew that he was the one who could take on the responsibility when the critical moment came!

"Self-protection, then you have to plan in advance these days, when the time comes, the whole of New York should be reduced to a battlefield!" Whatever thought was in his mind, press it for now, Luo Hang opened his mouth and provided Tony with some information support.

It is suggested that he increase the protection of Stark Tower recently!

"It seems that these days, I should study more interactive steel armor, and the large energy shield must be done!" Tony nodded and said. .

Chapter 208: Extremis Virus

Already knew that three months later, an alien invasion would break out in New York, so Tony felt a sense of urgency in his heart!

When aliens invade, the whole of New York will be reduced to a battlefield. Therefore, it is not an easy task to protect the Stark Tower!

However, thanks to Tony's steel suit, the research on physical interconnection has already begun.

Using artificial intelligence Jarvis to control the steel suits, multiple steel suits can be dispatched at the same time, without having to do it yourself~. Therefore, as long as this technology is perfected and matured, dozens or even hundreds of steel suits will be manufactured In the case of a battle suit, it should have the power to protect Stark Tower, right?

"Sir, the coloring of the gloves is done-!"

Luo Hang chatted with Tony about the New York War. After all, it was not a full-body spray paint like a steel armor, so soon Jarvis' voice rang out and reported the situation!

"Okay, let's have a look!" Hearing this, Luo Hang also said impatiently!

While speaking, Luo Hang also saw the vibrating gold gloves that had been painted.

The big red glove on the left hand is completely customized according to the size of Luo Hang's palm. Luo Hang puts the glove on the palm, which feels very comfortable!

Looking at his gloves, Luo Hang felt quite satisfied.

The left hand wears a glove, which can be used as a shield at critical times, leaving the right hand free to hold a sword!


After looking at his vibrating gold gloves, suddenly, Luo Hang couldn't help but burst out laughing!

"Luo Hang, you seem to have lost your composure, it's just a glove, why can't you help laughing like this?"

Seeing Luo Hang laughing out loud, Tony thought it was because he got the vibrating gold gloves, so he couldn't help but laugh so happily!

"I'm just laughing at my current situation. Am I now one-handed cultivation of immortals and one-handed technology?" Luo Hang glanced at Tony, and then said!

Indeed, the vibrating gold glove on the left hand has proper technological power!

What about Xuanyuan Sword in the right hand?I have reached the realm of refining qi and transforming into gods. Is it considered a proper power to cultivate immortals?

"This, this can be said so..." Hearing this, Tony was also silent for a moment, then nodded and said!

"Okay, thank you very much!"

Although it was just a glove, for Luo Hang, it was very satisfying to get such a vibrating gold glove.

I just tried the defensive ability of the spider suit, so I don't need to try the defensive ability of this glove again.

Luo Hang waved his hand, turned around and left Stark Tower!

After watching Luohang leave, Tony quickly threw himself into the next work, preparing to produce steel suits in large quantities!

With the help of Jarvis, an artificial intelligence program, Tony's work is progressing very smoothly!

After Tony had been busy for several hours and finally came to an end, the little spider came to Tony's side at some point.

"Mr. Stark, do you want to make so many steel suits to deal with the New York War three months later?" the little spider asked!

"Don't worry about so many things, you just need to study hard. When it's time for the New York War, you should stay in Stark Tower!"

Glancing at Peter Parker, who was twelve or thirteen years old, Tony followed suit!

"No, Mr. Stark..."

However, the little spider who heard the words shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten? I am also a member of the Avengers Alliance. At that time, everyone will fight. How can I hide?"

"During war, protecting the elderly, women and children is the iron law, and you are the child!" Frowning, Tony said emphatically!

"But I'm a soldier!" Little Spider looked determined!

"You are not allowed to participate in the war!" Tony said in a non-negotiable tone!

However, the little spider stuck its neck and stared at Tony.

Normally, he is very obedient, but at this time, the little spider looks like he would rather die than surrender!

"Luo Hang, here is a letter from you!"

When Luo Hang came back to S.H.I.E.L.D., suddenly, Black Widow came over and handed over a letter!

"My letter? Where did it come from?" Luo Hang stretched out his hand to take it, feeling stunned.

How could someone write to me for no reason?

I traveled to this world by myself for a few months, but the people I came into contact with were mainly the mages of Karma Taj, and the characters from the original plot of the Avengers!

write a letter?This is because you can't contact yourself, so you use this method, right?

"I heard that she is a pretty girl!" Black Widow replied.

Confused, Luo Hang took out the letter from the envelope.

Well, there's only one photo in it.

Luo Hang is very familiar with the person in the photo, she is Mieko, an explorer from the island country!

Looking at it again, there is an address written on the back of the photo, which is in a coffee shop not far from S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Sure enough, men are not bad, but women don't love them. Did you abandon them before, and they came to your door?" Seeing that the one in the photo is not dead, the black widow said!

Opening his mouth, Luo Hang wanted to explain something.

However, when the words came to his lips, he felt that there was no need to explain!

After all, he and the Black Widow are not a couple.

Besides, a woman deliberately asks a man to meet, this kind of thing will only get darker and darker, right?

"I'll go out for a while!" After thinking about it, although she didn't understand why Mieko dared to ask her to meet her as an explorer and even a competitor.

However, Luo Hang still went over to take a look, let's see what she has planned!

After walking out of S.H.I.E.L.D., there was a coffee shop not far away. When Luo Hang came over, he happened to see a fight not far away!

A man and a woman are attacking Mieko!

Speaking of which, Mieko has experienced several worlds after all, and has more or less combat power.

However, the strength of this man and woman is even stronger.

Moreover, it seemed that lava could be seen rolling in the flesh and blood. The water escape ninjutsu performed by Mieko raised her hand, the level was relatively low, and it didn't have much power!

"Hey, chick, is your ability to bathe me?"

The man was hit by the water escape ninjutsu, but he only took half a step back, and said to Mieko with a smile.

"Okay, stop playing, take her back, the boss is still waiting!" The woman next to her glanced at her companion and said!

While talking, the man and woman shot again!

The people in the coffee shop, seeing the battle here, were inspired by the power of super criminals, so they naturally fled far away.

Seeing that the man and woman next to him shot at Mieko, Luo Hang thought for a while, raised his hands, and shot out two sword qi at the same time!

A sword qi shot at the man's wrist, cutting off the man's wrist directly! . . .Ask for flowers.

Another sword energy fell on the woman's hand, and the overbearing sword energy directly blasted the woman's palm!

"You, you are Luo Hang!" A man and a woman turned their heads, and when they saw Luo Hang, their faces changed drastically!

After the words were finished, the man and the woman exchanged glances. They didn't even care about the injury of their severed hand. They jumped out of the window and escaped from the coffee shop. They retreated very decisively.

The left and right are just two jumping clowns. Before the problem was clarified, Luo Hang had no intention of killing people.

Luo Hang sat down in front of Mieko!

"Thank you, Mr. Luo Hang, for your rescue!" Mieko calmed down a little while still in shock, and thanked Luo Hang.

"You specially asked me to come here just to save your life?" Luo Hang asked Mieko!

"I came here to look for Mr. Luo Hang. I did ask for help from Mr. Luo Hang, but I also came here with the intention of making a deal!" Mei Huizi said very frankly!

She deeply understands how terrible Luo Hang is, so Mei Keiko dare not hide anything from Luo Hang, so what to say!

"Well, deal? Make it clear!" Hearing the deal, Luo Hang became a little interested, and said with a slight nod!

Immediately, Mieko told Luo Hang all about her experiences in the Marvel world!

It turned out that after Mieko traveled to this world, by chance, she came into contact with an organization called AIM for short.

Moreover, this organization has extremely high research on genetic engineering, and even allows people to obtain superpowers and regenerate limbs!

The other explorers stared at Tony.For Stark's Ark reactor, Mieko felt that she was lucky. When she encountered such a high-tech product, naturally, Mieko seemed to get such a genetic product!

"The name of this product is Extremis Virus. The effect is indeed very powerful, but the side effects are also very strong..."

When talking about the Extremis virus, Mieko's eyes flashed with horror.

When he was at AIM, he saw with his own eyes that many people who had been injected with the Extremis virus blew themselves up because they couldn't control their hyperthermia.

"So that's the case, I understand!" But, after hearing Mieko's words up to this point, Luo Hang nodded and interrupted her!

In the situation just now, there seemed to be lava burning in the bodies of the man and the woman, Luo Hang hadn't thought of this yet.

Now hearing the Extremis virus, Luo Hang understood.

Isn't this what appeared in the original Iron Man 3?

It is indeed very strong, and it does have great side effects!

Mieko, how bold is this?Treating the Extremis Virus as a treasure and wanting to plan?

Moreover, take the initiative to contact AIM! ?

Isn't this the villain organization of the Marvel world?

She couldn't grasp it, so that she couldn't protect herself now, and it was reasonable that she was being hunted down by members of AIM!

Perhaps, in the eyes of the AIM organization, a superpower like Mieko who has cultivated internal skills and mastered ninjutsu is more important to the study of the Extremis virus?

Before she could finish her sentence, Luo Hang interrupted herself, which made Mieko startled!

However, thinking of Luo Hang's ability to calculate the past and the future, Mieko was stunned.

"Then, what is the goal of your transaction?" Luo Hang asked after interrupting Mieko's words!corpse.

Chapter 209: Mieko: Mr. Luo Hang pushed me back into the pit of fire again?

Yes, since it is a transaction, there should be some bids and some shipments! ?

Mieko said she was looking for a deal with herself, so what can she offer?

Will she be able to bid, or will she be able to ship?

"My trading purpose is simple!"

Mieko looked at Luo Hang and said, "I have been injected with the Extremis virus, but this Extremis virus is too dangerous, so I want you to help me eliminate the side effects of the Extremis virus, maybe eliminate the Extremis virus directly All functions, this will do!"

"So, what can you give?" Luo Hang didn't agree, nor did he say no!

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Mieko's eyes suddenly lit up!

Luo Hang only asked what he could give, but didn't say he couldn't do it.

In other words, Luo Hang can really help him eliminate the threat posed by the extremis virus, right?

"As long as you can help me eliminate it, I will do whatever you ask me to do. It doesn't matter even if I accompany you at night..."

Mieko showed a bit of shyness and a bit of innocence on her face, and said boldly to Luo Hang!

"Be serious, does this count as giving? You're greedy for me. "One, four, three, you're despicable!" Luo Hang's face turned dark, and he complained angrily at Mieko!

Mieko: "..."

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