To be honest, I was originally a female high school student, and I have traveled the world for three or four years, and now I am in my early 20s, the best age for a girl, right?

However, she was willing to accompany him at night, but said she was taking advantage of him?

Opening her mouth, Mieko really wanted to curse!

However, when the curse word came to his lips, he couldn't say it again!

Although she doesn't want to admit it, Mieko has to admit that Luo Hang's words do have some truth!

With his reputation and status, in the real world, there must be more beauties who are willing to accompany him at night, right?

"This Mieko, it's really miserable, to contact the AIM organization? This looks like a villain's organization, is he able to grasp it?"

"Extremis virus? This thing is indeed very powerful, but from the looks of it, this Extremis virus can only be regarded as a semi-finished product, and the side effects are too great!"

"It was by chance that she saw Brother Hang haunting SHIELD, so, do you want to ask Brother Hang to help her? Or do you want to borrow a knife to kill people, and use the power of AIM to deal with our Brother Hang!?"

"I don't think Mieko is that stupid. She should know that it is impossible to deal with Brother Hang with AIM alone!"

"That's right, even if Mieko doesn't know it herself, AIM should know how great our Brother Hang is!"

"Sure enough, the people from AIM are very decisive. When they saw our Brother Hang appear, they immediately endured their injuries and ran away!"

"Holding the grass, Mieko's expression makes people feel a little bit unbearable!"

"Hahaha, Brother Hang answered beautifully. Is this a repayment? Is this a contribution? He is clearly greedy for our Brother Hang's body, despicable!"

"This green tea whore, I'm so mad, I want to kill her, but she actually seduced my husband in front of 70 billion people in the world!"

"Fortunately, my husband's concentration is good enough, it's not something she can fool with green tea!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, they were still discussing the fact that Mei Huizi committed suicide and then begged Luohang to save her!

Although for Luohang, other explorers are not qualified to be called competitors.

But all explorers are competitors after all, right?

How can Mieko be sure that Luo Hang will help her?

Sure enough, when Mei Huizi said that she was willing to agree with her body, and Luo Hang's answer, the entire Longguo live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

All the audience felt that Luo Hang's answer was too domineering!

When a man tells a woman that others are greedy for his body and is cheap, it really makes all men feel a sigh of relief!

Of course, compared to the male audience, the female audience also exploded, cursing Mieko loudly!

"If you really want to talk about it, the reward I can give is gone!"

So, after a moment of silence, Mieko shook her head helplessly!

Since it's a transaction, it must come up with a value that can make Luo Hang's heart flutter, right?

However, with Luohang's current strength and his achievements, do you want to show something that makes his heart beat?Mieko really doesn't think it's okay!

"If that's the case, then there's nothing I can do..." Luo Hang shook his head and said, expressing that there was nothing he could do to help!

Since it is a transaction, both parties must be satisfied before the transaction can be made, right?

"Wait, don't rush to refuse!"

Listening to Luo Hang's words, and seeing him rejecting herself so simply, Mieko hurriedly said, "What do you need me for? Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will obey you!"

Not to mention whether the AIM organization will let him go, even if they can let him go, the Extremis virus must stand up and find a way to cool down its body temperature.

Therefore, if Luo Hang didn't help her, in Mieko's view, she would definitely die.

At the moment of life and death, I can only beg for Luo Hang's help!

"Oh? You can do anything?" Hearing this, Luo Hang, who was about to get up and leave, glanced at Mieko!

"Yes, you can do whatever you want!" Mieko nodded heavily and said!

"That's fine, if that's the case, we can talk a little more!" After thinking for a while, Luo Hang sat down again.

"I need you to go back to the AIM organization!" Luo Hang sat down and said directly!

"Ah!?" Hearing these words, Mieko's eyes widened, she was dumbfounded!

I finally escaped from AIM, and even in order to capture myself, two core members were injured.

However, Luo Hang let him go back?

Isn't this pushing yourself into the fire pit again?

"Although the Extremis virus is only a semi-finished product, if we continue to study it, it may not be impossible to optimize it, so I want to take it back to have a look, and I want all the information on the Extremis virus!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and proposed his own purpose!

"But, if I go back, I will definitely die!" Shaking her head, Mieko replied!

"No, you won't die!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

"Those two people just wanted to capture you back, but didn't execute you on the spot. It can be seen that you still have a great role in Killian's heart, so he won't kill you!" "Of course, It is inevitable that you will suffer after you go back!"

"As long as you can gain a firm foothold in AIM, as long as you can get all the information about the Extremis virus, I can help you eliminate the threat of the Extremis virus!" Luo Hang said!

"This, this..." Listening to Luo Hang's words, Mieko's expression was very ugly, and she was also very helpless!

From the point of view of her heart, she didn't want to go back. If she went back, she would be close to death!

However, if he doesn't agree to Luo Hang, he will die even more!

Now, in front of me, it seems that there is only this ray of hope!

"By the way, I can give you another important clue!" Luo Hang thought for a while, then followed up!

"Mr. Luo Hang, please tell me!" Hearing that Luo Hang wanted to reveal information to herself, Mieko stared at him closely!

He has never been in contact with AIM, but he can tell that the leader of AIM is Killian.  …

Mieko understood that the current Luohang should have calculated the situation of AIM by using his calculation ability.

Naturally, the information he wants to disclose to himself must be very important!

"AIM has a very important female biologist, right? The development of the Extremis virus has an indispensable relationship with her!" Luo Hang asked!

"Yes, it's Maya. Miss Hansen!" Mieko nodded in response!

"That's right, you can ask her for help. She is very uncomfortable with Killian's actions, so she should be able to help you!" Obsession like a demon!" "And Maya Hansen? He had a dewy relationship with Tony Stark!"

"That's all the information I can tell you. Next, whether you can complete my task or not, and whether you can protect yourself depends on your own means!" Luo Hang waved his hand at this point, and there was nothing to continue It means to go on!

In Luo Hang's view, to do this, and even give 5.9 so much important information, he has done his best!

If knowing this, Mieko still can't succeed, it can only prove that she is only this level of person!

"Wait, Mr. Luo Hang!" But, watching Luo Hang get up again and prepare to leave, Mieko said again!

"What? If you still don't have confidence, forget it!" Luo Hang paused, and replied!

"I've known Mr. Luo Hang since the first world, and I've never had a photo with Mr. Luo Hang. I wonder if I can take a photo with him?" Mei Huizi suddenly asked.

"Well, it's okay..." After thinking about it, she must be doing something with the group photo?

However, to Luo Hang, it's just harmless!

If a photo of himself could help, Luo Hang would not be so stingy!

In this way, Mei Keiko took out her mobile phone, adjusted the angle, took a beautiful selfie with Luo Hang, and also made a relatively intimate gesture! "Okay, Mr. Luohang, I'm leaving first, I hope we can have a chance to meet again!"

After putting away her mobile phone, Mieko bowed deeply to Luo Hang to thank her, and then left the cafe! .

Chapter 210: Loki Attacks

AIM organization!

At this time, AIM is still in the stage of accumulating strength, but Killian already has a very clear plan!

Moreover, a drama actor has been hired, and he has been rehearsing for him recently!

Just wait until the confidant matures, then withdraw the actor and pretend to be the head of AIM, while hiding behind the scenes.

All in all, the plan is perfect!

Today, after watching the rehearsal of the Mandarin, Killian is quite satisfied, and his acting skills are quite good!

In a good mood, Killian returned to his office, sat on the computer, and browsed the web casually!

It's been a long time, but Tony.Stark's announcement that the Ark reactor will be handed over to Luohang for safekeeping is still hot news at the moment!

"Luo Hang..." Killian fiddled with the mouse casually, thinking secretly in his heart.

Back then, it was because I believed what Tony said casually that I went through the process from full of hope to despair!

What if he could make this Luo Hang willingly give him the Ark reactor?

Tony will also experience a brutal betrayal, right?

This blow to him is definitely no less than the despair he experienced on the roof back then!

It's just that I watched the video materials about Luo Hang on the Internet, especially the scene where Luo Hang blew up a mountain with a tail beast jade at the end.

This made Killian purse his lips!

Well, from the looks of it, Luo Hang's strength is really terrifying. It seems that it is not easy to get him to hand over the Ark reactor willingly!

Moreover, with such power, even if the Extremis virus is finally researched completely, it is difficult to have the destructive power to blow up a small mountain with one move, right?

"Boss, the two people who chased Mieko are back!" At this time, a person came to Killian and said!

"Really? Bring Mieko here!" Hearing this, Killian's spirit was shaken!

Although the current Extremis virus seems impossible for people to have Luohang's strength, Mieko is a superpower.

If she is used as a material, maybe an enhanced version of Extremis virus can be developed?

At that time, it is hard for anyone to say what kind of power you can have!

A man and a woman came over, bowing their heads!

"So, did you fail? Did the two of you work together to catch Mieko?"

Seeing how both of them had broken their arms and lowered their heads and did something wrong, Killian shook his head in disappointment and said.

"It's not Mieko, but someone intervened, it's Luo Hang!" The man hurriedly said, explaining.

"Luo Hang?"

Killian was slightly taken aback, and asked in surprise: "How could this matter have anything to do with Luo Hang?"

"We didn't know either. When we were attacking Mieko, Luo Hang attacked the two of us. We thought we were no match for Luo Hang, so we withdrew!" The woman next to her also followed suit and replied.

"Since Luo Hang intervened, you are not opponents, and I don't blame you!" Nodding, Killian seemed quite reasonable.

One person can face an entire armed force, and the armed forces can't hold their heads up. Such a force is indeed beyond their ability to deal with!

It's just that without the research material of Mieko, the loss is too great.

It is not so easy to obtain research materials with superpowers like this!

"Did Luo Hang know Mei Huizi a long time ago? Or did he just see it and intervene in a heroic rescue?" After thinking about it, Killian still asked a little bit reluctantly!

"I don't know!" The two AIM members shook their heads!

Being attacked by Luo Hang, the moment they saw him, the two retreated decisively!

"That's fine, let people continue to stare at Mieko, but don't rush to make another move!" So, after thinking about it, Killian said helplessly!

"Yes!" The two AIM members, a man and a woman, nodded, turned and left!

As for the injury of the broken hand?The Extremis virus has the ability to regenerate broken limbs, so it doesn't matter. After a while, it will grow back by itself!

"Boss, Mieko is back!" However, after another 10 minutes or so, suddenly, a member of AIM hurried over again, and brought a piece of news that surprised Killian!

"came back!?"

Killian couldn't believe his ears, he had already escaped, but why did Mieko come back for no reason?

"Okay, I'll go and have a look!" So, after a moment of silence, Killian got up and said!

Sure enough, several AIM members caught Mieko!

"Welcome home..." Killian greeted Mieko with a smile on his face!

"Since you are going home, what does this look mean?" Mieko motioned for the behavior of the person next to her grabbing her.

Killian waved his hand and asked the person next to her to let her go.

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