After all, this is the headquarters base of AIM. Can you be afraid that she will cause some troubles?

"It seems that after going out for a while, you are completely different!" Killian continued to look at Mieko and said with a smile!

"It's nothing different, I just went to meet a friend!" Mieko said!

"Friend? Luohang?" Hearing this, Killian's heart moved slightly.

"Not bad!" Mieko nodded and said!

"Who knows if you are really friends with him, or if he just passed by, so he just helped you?" Killian said noncommittally!

"Then look at my phone? There are photos of me and Luo Hang in it. If it's just a stranger, would he take a photo with me?" Mieko took out her phone and said.

Killian took Mieko's cell phone, there was indeed a photo of her and Luo Hang in it, and they looked quite intimate, not like strangers they didn't know at all!

Looking at the photos on the phone with an uncertain expression, after being silent for a while, a smile appeared on Killian's face: "I never thought, Mieko, you have such a relationship with Luohang! You If we had said earlier, then, um, we wouldn't have so many misunderstandings!"

Having said that, Killian said to a staff member next to him: "Miss Mieko has gone home, why are you still standing there stupidly? Aren't you going to make a cup of coffee for Mieko?"

"I want to drink tea!" Mieko followed suit and said!

"Yes, go make tea!" Kilian nodded following Mieko's words.

He had already thought about how he would retaliate against Tony if he could get the Ark reactor technology from Luohang.

Now, since Mei Huizi and Luo Hang are close friends, then there is a channel to know Luo Hang, right?

Killian's attitude towards Mieko has naturally undergone a 180-degree change!

"Sure enough, Luo Hang's fame is really useful!"

She used to look aloof, but now she looks like a dog licking. Mieko knows very well that this is all due to the power brought by a photo of Luo Hang.

And this also made Mieko feel a lot of emotion in her heart.

Everyone is an explorer, but Luo Hang is really different from other explorers!

Just a photo of Luo Hang, can there be such an effect?

Even though she saw it with her own eyes, Mieko still felt very shocked!

On AIM's side, the fox pretended to borrow Luo Hang's name, and Mieko's situation in AIM was completely different.

In this way, as the days passed, Luo Hang's cultivation was mainly focused on the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Jue!

It is worth mentioning that SHIELD is all agents with good abilities after all, plus Fury personally came out, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and soon came to the Avengers team!

And these days, Dr. Banner is also trying to reconcile with Hulk.

The US team is also working hard to practice its eight-door dunjia!

On the Stark Tower side, the functions of human-computer interaction have become more and more perfect.

A frame of steel battle armor was produced, and Tony was also busy with how to deploy his forces to protect the safety of Stark Tower in the war!

Of course, 143 these days, the little spider's cultivation has not stopped, the holy spirit swordsmanship has been practiced, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, coupled with a battle suit made of vibrating gold, the little spider's strength has far surpassed that in the original book!

In this way, the earth is already actively preparing for war.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed!

On this day, Fury got the news that the Rubik's Cube has become extremely unstable recently!

Hearing the news, Fury immediately summoned the members of the Avengers!

Luo Hang, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Dr. Banner, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow!

"Has the Cosmic Rubik's Cube become unstable recently? It seems that Loki is coming soon, let's go and meet him!"

Luo Hang learned about the situation of the Rubik's Cube from Fu Rui's mouth, of course he knew that Loki was coming, so he nodded and said!

Everyone who has been preparing for several months, went to the research institute of the Rubik's Cube together!

In the huge underground research institute, sure enough, the blue cosmic Rubik's Cube was quietly embedded in a container!

The translucent cosmic Rubik's Cube can clearly see a dark blue gemstone at the core!It is the space gem, one of the six infinite gems! "Okay, Dr. Eric, next, it's not your battlefield, retreat quickly!" After briefly understanding the situation of the Rubik's Cube, Fury waved his hand and said!

The underground base quickly organized everyone's evacuation work!

"Hey, it's just one person. There are so many of us. Is there anything to be afraid of?" Quicksilver next to him felt that Fury's reaction was a little too cautious!

(:?Recognize,accurate?:If,!,Water!!!First!Send:.,!'Pirate:",Book:,Sell,?:Money;,,Death?Mom;.) "Be careful, there is no big mistake , It is always good to reduce losses as much as possible! "Looking at Quicksilver, Fury explained.


At this moment, the Universe Rubik's Cube pulsed again, causing the entire underground base to tremble!

Immediately afterwards, a beam of faint blue light shot out from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, opening a space channel in the air!

Loki strikes! .

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 211: Thank you, Lao Tie, for sending the soul gem across the universe

With the overflow of energy in the Rubik's Cube, a door of time and space was opened.

Immediately afterwards, an elegant and handsome man appeared in front of everyone.

He also held a blade stick in his hand, and a pale yellow gemstone was inlaid on the blade stick, which was the mind gemstone, one of the six infinite gemstones!

"It seems that this way of welcoming me is not bad!" Loki said with a wicked smile on his face, looking at Luo Hang and the others who were waiting in full force!

"Sir, please put down the spear in your hand!" After all, it is the contact between the earth civilization and the alien civilization, and Fury thinks it is better to be polite before fighting!

"No, no, no, this is not acceptable. I am here, but I have a mission that you can't even imagine!"

Looking at the blade staff in his hand, Loki shook his head and directly rejected Fury's request!

"So? Do you want to kill us? We should have no grievances with you, right?"

Frowning slightly, Fury still restrained himself and negotiated with words!

"The ants and my shoes have no grievances or enmity!" Loki followed suit and said something very pretentious!

As the prince of Asgard, even surrounded by these people, Loki is already full of confidence.

These people in front of them are nothing but ants!

"Okay, stop talking so much nonsense, who will go up and fight him a few tricks?"

Luo Hang felt that Luo Ji's words were harsh, so he said it angrily!

It's all said and done, what else is there to talk about?

Just take the person down!

However, after Luo Hang's voice fell, everyone in the Avengers did not speak.

However, including Fu Rui, everyone's eyes fell on Luo Hang!

Obviously, Luo Hang's strength is recognized as the strongest among the Avengers. If he wants to do something, naturally Luo Hang should do it first, right?

"Well, it seems that I am what everyone expects me to do!" Luo Hang shook his head helplessly as everyone stared at him, and immediately took two steps forward!

"Oh? Your courage is good, you dare to face the majesty of God!" Seeing Luo Hang stepping forward, Luo Ji looked very much admiring Luo Hang!

However, Luo Hang didn't talk nonsense, and walked directly towards Luo Ji.

At the same time, the sword field of Sword 23 is opened, and the material space-time is frozen in an instant!

On Luo Ji's face, there is still that admiring expression, it can be seen that he appreciates Luo Hang's courage!

However, feeling that the material time and space were frozen, and feeling that he couldn't move, Loki's eyes revealed a look of shock and horror!

The admiring expression and the terrified eyes are very incompatible!

what happened?This feeling is not simply the ability to fix the body, but to freeze the entire material time and space?

This, the earthlings are so likely to possess such terrifying power! ?

"Human, you pissed me off!"

Luo Ji stood still, but suddenly, in a flash of the void, another Luo Ji appeared, rushing towards Luo Hang!

Luo Hang turned a blind eye to Luo Ji who was rushing towards him, and let his attack fall on him.

Then, it penetrated through his body!

Sword 23's special effect of freezing time and space has never been broken by anyone!

And Luo Ji is the kind of guy who has a lot of tricks, especially the illusory avatar technique, he is good at it, Luo Hang is naturally impossible to be deceived by him!

Under the control of Jian 23 Sword Domain, Luo Hang came directly in front of Luo Ji.

Then, with his terrified expression, he directly snatched the blade staff from his hand!

At the same time, he pointed at Loki!

The pitch-black rune spell, like a tadpole, instantly covered Loki's body, freezing him in place!

In this way, Luo Hang put away his sword field!

Loki struggled as hard as he could, trying to break free.

However, the sealing technique of this Naruto world can seal even a tailed beast, so naturally it is not so easy to break free!

"Ants? Shoes"|? "It was almost a second of Loki's move, and a mocking look appeared on Luo Hang's face immediately!

While speaking, he looked at the blade stick in his hand, and put it away with satisfaction.

At the same time, I did not forget to thank Loki: "Thank you, Lao Tie, from the other side of the universe, for rushing over to send the Soul Stone!"

"What a powerful ability, does it freeze time directly? Such an ability completely restrains me!"

Kuaiyin next to him looked at Luo Hang in shock and said!

Yes, Kuaiyin's ability is good, and his speed is extremely fast, but no matter how fast he is, it is useless in the face of Luohang's power to freeze matter, time and space, right?

"That's it? Fortunately, we have prepared such a lineup. I didn't expect it, but that's it!"

Seeing that Luo Hang had subdued Luo Ji with one move, Hawkeye next to him curled his lips, thinking that such a lineup is ready for battle, it is indeed a waste of effort!

"It's not that this person's strength is too weak, but Luo Hang's strength is too incomprehensible, right?" Dr. Banner said beside him, and he didn't mean to underestimate Luoji!

"Okay, everyone, let's arrest him first!" Fury didn't say so much, but seeing Loki being bound by the sealing technique, he opened his mouth and said!

Immediately, several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stepped forward, grabbed Loki and left!

After glancing at the scene where Luo Hang put away the blade staff, Fury didn't say much.

Anyway, the person who just made the move is also Luo Hang, so it is understandable that it is his trophy?

"What's next? Is the crisis of the Battle of New York resolved just like this?" Fury asked Luo Hang!

"Locky is just a forerunner. If you take him down, do you think Thanos behind him will give up so easily?" Luo Hang asked back!

Well, Luo Hang's words still make sense.

Winning Loki doesn't mean that Thanos will give up so easily, so we still can't relax!

Even, the subsequent battle will be even more terrifying!

In any case, being able to easily take down Loki this time is good news for S.H.I.E.L.D. and even for Earth, and it's a good start!

Then, the members of the Avengers dispersed, busy with their own affairs, and each improved their own strength, waiting for the next big battle!

And what about Luo Hang?Ignoring Loki's situation, he moved away from S.H.I.E.L.D. and arrived at Stark Tower!

"Hold the grass, is this the Cosmic Rubik's Cube of the Space Gem? It really looks extraordinary!"

"People are still on the other side of the universe, and they can borrow the power of the Rubik's Cube to appear in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"This Loki looks very arrogant, comparing everyone present to ants!?"

"Let's not talk about it, he really has the sense of sight of a villain boss. Facing the siege of superheroes, he is not worried at all. It seems that this guy's ability is very terrifying!"

"These fellows from the Avengers Alliance, it's true, in the face of such a villainous BOSS, they are all counting on Brother Hang to take action?"

"Come on, Brother Hang really made a move. The first move is the big move of Jian 23? My God, it seems that Brother Hang also attaches great importance to this guy's strength, and I dare not underestimate it!"

"Hold the grass, in the sword field of sword 23, this Loki can still move? Is this similar to the shadow clone? But even the shadow clone should be affected by the sword 23, right?"

". "Uh, it turned out to be just a false phantom, hahaha..."

"This weapon was easily taken away by Brother Hang!"

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