"Even, Brother Hang's sealing technique restrained him, that's all? That's the end!"

"Hahaha, my husband is really bad. He took away his weapon and thanked others for sending the soul gem from all the way!"

"Wait, Mind Gem? Is the one inlaid on this blade staff the Mind Gem, one of the six Infinity Gems?"

"Brother Hang got this gem easily?"

All of Longguo's live broadcast room exploded at this time!

First, the Space Gem is directly transmitted across the universe, allowing these audiences to feel the power of the Infinity Gem!

Secondly, it was Luo Hang who made a move, and Luo Ji was killed in a second, which made everyone stunned!

This way of appearing on the stage looks so handsome, it has a proper visual sense of the villain BOSS. , But, Luo Hang killed him with one move?

More importantly, is the blade stick that was won from the other party actually inlaid with the mind gem, one of the six infinite gems?

In other words, has Luo Hang already obtained one of the legendary infinity gems?

This is an indescribably huge gain!

Not to mention Longguo's live broadcast room, what are the thoughts of many viewers now!

In SHIELD's prison, Loki's body was covered with sealing spells, which made him unable to move!

However, compared with the physical restraint, Loki's greater is the psychological blow!

Die before leaving the teacher! (is it good)?

Now Loki has a deep understanding of this sentence!

Originally holding the Infinity Gem, Loki came to Earth with the intention of suppressing the entire Earth, and even being able to rule the entire Earth!

As for the resistance of the earthlings?

It's just the resistance of some ants, don't care!

However, who would have thought that he came to the earth in high spirits, and before it was his turn to make a move, he would end up in this situation!

Such a situation made Loki completely confused!

Staying in prison, until now, Loki finds it difficult to accept such a fact, and has been in a state of confusion all the time!

How Luo Ji stayed in prison and doubted the situation of life, Luo Hang ignored it.

At this time, Luo Hang has arrived at Stark Tower!

"Mr. Luo Hang, are you here to look for me? The battle in New York is about to start, are you here to let me go back to the team?" Seeing Luo Hang's arrival, the little spider moved forward excitedly. "Even if the war starts, it has nothing to do with you. If you continue to do this, I will have Jarvis confiscate your battle uniform!"

The little spider's battle suit is also equipped with Jarvis' artificial intelligence assistance, so if Tony wants to, he can restrict the little spider's right to use it!

"I used this to study carefully..." Luo Hang raised his hand and took out the spiritual scepter.

Chapter 212: Embedding the Soul Gem on the Glove?

The little spider next to him, this time is exactly the time when his sense of justice is bursting!

Knowing that the New York War was about to start in the near future, he couldn't wait to gear up to deal with the invading alien forces.

However, Tony Stark's words, his attitude of blocking himself, made the little spider feel very helpless!

what else can we do?Since Mr. Stark does not allow himself to participate, at least verbally he can only follow him!

Otherwise, if he really cut off the right to use his battle suit, then he would lose a powerful supporter!

However, at this time, Tony's attention was not on the little spider, but on Luo Hang next to him!

"What is this!?" Looking at the blade stick that Luo Hang took out, Tony asked curiously!

"The body of this blade stick is not important, what is important is this, this is one of the six infinite gems, the soul gem!"

Luo Hang pointed to the gemstone inlaid on the finger blade staff, and said to Tony!

"Oh? Is this one of the six legendary Infinity Stones!? How did you get it!?" Hearing this, Tony's eyes lit up, and he stared at the Infinity Stone curiously and asked!

Now that he already knows the existence of Thanos, of course, Tony also knows that Thanos wants to use the six infinite gems to destroy half of the creatures in the universe!

"Loki took this and came to Earth as a pioneer, and what about me? I took it from him!"

There is nothing bad to say, Luo Hang replied!

"Did you take it from Loki? I really don't know whether to say you are powerful, or to pity that Loki!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Tony said a little dumbfounded!

Everyone has been preparing for the New York War early.

However, just after Loki arrived, the Infinity Gem was taken away by Luo Hang?

Is this really for the purpose of invading the earth?Instead of delivering food?

Of course, no matter how much 143 complains in his heart, Tony has no hesitation in his work!

Now that he knew it was the soul gem, Tony immediately took the scepter and tested it in the laboratory!

Being able to detect artifacts like the Mind Stone, this is not a chance to have this opportunity at any time!

"Well, this gem is mainly based on gamma rays..."

Checking the Infinity Gem on the Blade Staff, Tony reported the approximate data to Luo Hang!

"Don't tell me these are useless, do you have a way to remove this gem, and then put it on my vibrating gold glove!?"

Luo Hang expressed that he was not interested in the so-called gamma rays. What he was interested in was whether he could take off the soul stone and inlay it on his gloves!

"Gloves!? Do you want to turn the vibrating gold gloves into infinite gloves?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Tony asked in surprise!

After all, the operation of embedding infinite gems on gloves is too sensitive.

As Luo Hang said before, Thanos collected the six infinity gems and snapped his fingers, which is to embed the infinity gems on the infinity gloves!

"It's just for convenience. After all, the power of the six infinity gems cannot be perfectly displayed by just a single glove!" Luo Hang shook his head and said!

As far as the Infinity Gauntlet in the original book is concerned, only Odin's treasure house has a right-handed one, and Thanos has a left-handed one.

Immediately afterwards, after Thanos snapped his fingers, Tony took Thanos' gloves and made one just like that!

Now, Tony just randomly shaped Zhenjin into the shape of a glove according to the size of his palm.

Can this be used as an infinity gauntlet (bcfj)?Luo Hang didn't quite believe it!

"Well, what you said makes sense!" Hearing this, Tony thought for a while and nodded in agreement!

"This scepter is not simply inlaid with gems. The main function of this scepter is to bring out the power of gems!" Tony studied the blade staff carefully and said!

"It's like an integrated circuit board. To ordinary people, it's just a board with some colorful patterns on it, but in fact, the function of the circuit board is of course not as simple as its appearance!"

"Well, your idea is also reasonable, so you should study it carefully!" Luo Hang nodded and said after hearing this.

He simply handed over the blade staff and his vibrating gold gloves to Tony, and asked him to notify himself when he finished making them!

"You are really good at calling people..." Hearing Luo Hang's words, Tony rolled his eyes angrily.

"Isn't it that those who can do more work? Besides, when you finish, can I do you any favors?" Luo Hang said!

"Oh? Benefits? What benefits can there be!?"

Hearing this, Tony became more interested, stared at Luo Hang with bright eyes, and said: "Pepper has already learned the transformation technique and shadow clone, I have nothing else to ask for, do you have anything to enhance my strength?" Is there a way of time?"

Luo Hang: What are you pretending in your mind every day?Can't you have some serious thoughts?

Luo Hang complained in his heart!

However, he didn't say this out of his mouth. If he could really change it, then he wouldn't be Tony.Stark!

Shaking his head, Luo Hang didn't mean to say anything, just opened the magic portal and left the Stark Tower!

"Oh? Luo Hang, don't leave, speak clearly!"

Seeing Luo Hang turn around and leave, Tony still looked unwilling to give up, and yelled at Luo Hang!

It's just that the magic portal composed of countless small sparks disappeared in an instant!

"This guy, he said that he will benefit me when the time comes, isn't it just a lip service?" Seeing Luo Hang leave like this, Tony said helplessly in his heart!

However, despite what he said, Tony's work did not stop, and he continued to devote himself to the research of the blade stick!

After a thorough study of how the Blade Staff exerts the power of the Mind Gem, apply this technique to the Vibrating Gold Gloves!

Although such a job was difficult for Tony, it was not hard enough to get Tony!

The little spider next to him opened his mouth, wanting to say something nice for Luo Hang. After all, Luo Hang is also his teacher, right?

However, looking at the tofu-hearted look of Tony's knife mouth, although he was complaining, he didn't want to stop working.

The little spider who opened his mouth didn't say anything more!

"Infinity gauntlets? This is a bit scary, Brother Hang, are you going to make infinite gauntlets?"

"That's right, it shouldn't be easy to make a glove that can carry the power of six infinite gems at the same time!"

"But Brother Hang has a good idea. It's a good idea to inlay the Soul Gem on your vibrating gold gloves!"

"However, Brother Hang is too ambitious, right? Vibrating Gold Gloves are nothing more than the treasure of the Soul Gem, just give it to Tony as soon as you say it? Isn't he afraid that Tony will take it for himself?"

"So, this is what Brother Hang is capable of! After handing over such a treasure to Tony himself, just say, will Tony be moved!?"

"If it's a woman, maybe Tony has agreed with her body?"

"Such trust, such capacity, is truly admirable!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, the attention was originally focused on the soul gem!

Now, seeing Luo Hang simply gave the things to Tony, and left with such peace of mind, the audience was a little dumbfounded!

As the saying goes, it is necessary to guard against others, right?

Although the relationship between Luohang and Tony seems to be quite good, and Tony even gave him some vibranium and helped him make gloves, but can vibranium be compared with infinite gems?Just throwing it to Tony like this, I'm not afraid to make him tempted! ?

Of course, when Luo Hang's heart was so big, after some discussions, many people felt that Luo Hang's move had such a high degree of trust!It will touch Tony's heart very much!

It's not that Luo Hang has a big heart, but his stamina and courage, that's how high he is!

Not to mention the emotion and admiration of the audience in the live broadcast room!

At this time, Luo Hang returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. after leaving the Stark Tower!

As for Tony's greed for his own infinite gems?

Luo Hang has never had such doubts at all, and naturally, there is no so-called trust or distrust in mind!

In the depths of the universe, on a desolate and dead planet, Thanos with purple skin all over his body sat quietly on his throne.

In front of him, a subordinate was bowing his head!

"So, do you mean that Loki was subdued the moment he arrived on Earth?" Thanos asked calmly!

"Yes, not only is Loki subdued, even the scepter you gave to Loki has become a trophy of mankind!" The subordinate nodded and replied!

"Hmph, sure enough, it's unreliable!" Hearing this, Thanos shook his head slightly and said!

"Ebony Throat..." So, after a moment of silence, Thanos spoke.

"My lord..." Following Thanos' words, the elegant Ebony Throat came out and knelt down in front of Thanos!

"Go to the earth and rescue Loki. Remember, you can only help him in the dark. As for the invasion of the earth, let Loki be at the forefront!" Thanos said!

"Okay, Lord Thanos!" Hearing what Thanos said, Ebony Maw nodded seriously, and immediately rushed towards the earth!

At the same time, Asgard, Thor came to Odin's palace.

Beside Odin, there was a man holding an Excalibur, who was the guardian of Asgard, Heimdall!

"Thor, I need you to go to the earth and bring Loki back!" Odin didn't mean to talk nonsense, and said directly to Thor!

"Loki, did he go to Earth? I know!" Hearing this, Tony nodded heavily! .

Chapter 213: One Thousand Shadow Clones

"Loki, escaped..."

Luo Hang was practicing his Sacred Heart Jue this day, when suddenly, Coulson came in front of Luo Hang and said with a solemn expression!

"Escaped? How did you escape!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang was slightly taken aback, feeling very surprised!

It is not so easy to untie his own sealing technique.

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