What's more, it's still in the prison of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is it so easy to escape?

"I don't know!" Coulson shook his head and said!

"Not sure?"

Luo Hang's face turned dark, and he said, "It's because you didn't catch him, so when you locked him up, didn't you have the heart to keep an eye on him? You don't even know how he was rescued?" ?”

"Mr. Luo Hang, I'm sorry!" Hearing this, Coulson simply apologized~!

Indeed, the man was captured by Luo Hang and locked in the S.H.I.E.L.D.-prison.

Now that he was rescued by someone, even by whom, and how he was rescued, even if Luo Hang was angry, it was reasonable!

"What about the guards? Don't they have anything to say?" Luo Hang didn't really say how to blame the other party, and asked.

"They? They disappeared, and they haven't been found until now!" Coulson shook his head and said!

"Have even the guards disappeared?" These words made Luo Hang think secretly in his heart!

Sneaked into the prison of SHIELD, and disappeared all the guards without anyone noticing.

And can rescue Loki, in Marvel's original book, what kind of person has such ability?

Or what kind of person has such a motive?

In Luo Hang's heart, he was thinking secretly, let's use the method of elimination to think!

First of all, the person who saves lives cannot be a warrior type.

If it was a soldier, there would have been a huge commotion long ago!

Therefore, the one who saves lives should be a mage-like existence!

Then, for the existence of mages, who would have such abilities and motivations?

Queens of Asgard?

Forget it, let alone whether the people of Asgard will come to save people, even if they save people, they won't be sneaky, right?

Then what?Is it the mages of Karma Taj?

However, the mage of Karma Taj has no motive to save people!

So, what kind of mage can do this step?

"Ebony Maw!?"

Suddenly, a figure flashed in Luo Hang's mind.

Ebony Throat, one of Obsidian's five-star generals, is even known as the most elegant mage in the Marvel movie world!

"By the way, it's very likely that it's Ebony Throat. He has such ability and motivation!" Thinking of Ebony Throat, Luo Hang secretly nodded in his heart!

As one of Obsidian's five-star generals, Ebony Maw's magical ability is beyond doubt.

In the original book, even if Iron Man and Doctor Strange join forces, they are not the opponent of Ebony Throat, which is evident!

"How? Mr. Luo Hang, do you know anything?"

Coulson next to him didn't say a word, and didn't mean to disturb Luo Hang's thinking.

However, looking at the change in Luo Hang's face, one could probably understand what he was thinking of, so he asked!

"Why are you sure I know something?" Hearing this, Luo Hang glanced at Coulson angrily and asked!

"Mr. Luo Hang, you have a unique intelligence capability. It's no secret in S.H.I.E.L.D.!?" Hearing this, Coulson said as if it was a matter of course!

Well, what Coulson said left Luo Hang speechless!

indeed so!In front of everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D., I have never hidden my prophetic ability about the plot!

"I have a target of suspicion, one of the obsidian five-star generals under Thanos, Ebony Maw."

"His magical ability can be regarded as the best in the universe. If he sneaks in secretly and rescues people, there is still a possibility of this!"

Luo Hang didn't hide his intentions, he revealed the target of his suspicion!

"One of the five-star generals of Obsidian, Thanos' subordinate? It seems that Thanos has really started to attack!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Coulson's expression also became serious!

After Loki was captured, the next preparations on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side were all prepared for how to deal with the possible Thanos.

Now, has Thanos finally made his move?

"Let's go, Mr. Luohang, about the situation of Ebony Throat, let's tell Fury in person!" After thinking about it, Coulson said.

Luo Hang and Coulson came to Fu Rui.

At this time, the US team and the others obviously also learned that Loki was rescued, so they all gathered on Fury's side!

"Boss, the guards have found it!"

Before Luo Hang could explain the situation of Ebony Throat, Agent Hill came over and said solemnly!

"Oh? Are they all still alive? Where?" Fury asked!

"They're all dead, the corpses are all integrated into the walls and floors!" Agent Hill said, shaking his head.

"Well, this seems to be really Ebony Maw's method!"

Hearing that the original guards of S.H.I.E.L.D. had all merged into the walls and floors, Luo Hang could be sure that the person who took the shot was indeed Ebony Throat!

"By the way, the most important thing is, what about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

Luo Hang suddenly remembered something and asked Fu Rui!

The fact that Loki was rescued is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the appearance of Qi Rita's army, which must rely on the power of the Rubik's Cube to descend on the earth!

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube? No way, turn the tiger away from the mountain!?"

Hearing Luo Hang's question about the Rubik's Cube, Fury's expression changed drastically!

Now that the person who rescued Loki can appear in S.H.I.E.L.D. without anyone noticing.

Then, it should not be difficult for the other party to get close to cosmic magic, right?

drop by drop...

As if to confirm Luo Hang's conjecture, at this moment, a sharp and rapid siren sounded suddenly in SHIELD!

"Let's go!" Fury was the first to run out, and the uneasy thoughts in his heart were confirmed at this moment!

Sure enough, the place where the Rubik's Cube was hidden was attacked, and there were corpses everywhere!

"Oh, this time, it's really embarrassing and embarrassing!" Looking at the scene, Luo Hang sighed secretly and shook his head at the same time!

Yes, it's fine for people to be locked up in SHIELD, but with just an ebony throat, the entire SHIELD is played with applause. . . .Ask for flowers.

Not only did he successfully rescue Loki, but he even won the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?

How come people like myself don't even know where Ebony Throat is?

"Hmph, want to go? Is it that easy?"

Feeling a little ashamed, at the same time, Luo Hang was also a little angry, and snorted coldly.

I shouted in my heart: "Jifu!"

"Here we come, Luohang!" Sanweiji said in a caressing voice while sealing the space.

Immediately, a huge chakra surged out, which can be called by Luo Hang at will!

The American team next to them all watched Luo Hang turn on the caressing mode, and they all looked over with unison!

At this time, Luo Hang transformed into this form with an astonishing momentum, what is this for?

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang formed a seal with both hands!

There is a low voice in my heart: the technique of multiple shadow clones!

The technique of multiple shadow clones and the technique of shadow clones are almost two completely different ninjutsu!

The technique of multiple shadow clones is forbidden.

And the simple shadow clone technique is an ordinary B-level ninjutsu, even a middle ninjutsu or even a lower ninjutsu can master it!

Because the more clones there are, the greater the burden on oneself will be, and even too much fatigue will cause the craftsman to directly crush and die.

Therefore, the technique of multiple shadow clones has been designated as a forbidden technique!With the technique of multiple shadow avatars cast out.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of Luo Hang's shadow clones were released!

"Hiss..." The American team and the others next to them, seeing the densely packed, thousands of shadow clones, were all dumbfounded and gasped!

Although Luo Hang didn't show any anger, but seeing the appearance of thousands of shadow clones, each of them deeply understood that Luo Hang's heart must be full of anger at this moment! "Go, find Ebony Maw and Loki!"

After releasing thousands of shadow clones, countless Luo Hang said in unison.

In a simple sentence, thousands of voices say it at the same time, giving people the feeling that thousands of people are shouting at the same time, and the voice is loud!

Then, thousands of Luo Hang's shadow clones all moved, scattered away, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye! "Well, there are so many Luo Hang shots, and, do we still need to find someone?" Coulson next to him, with a look of shock on his face, whispered in his mouth! "Okay, Luohang has Luohang's means, we have ours..." Fury, who was next to him, had a shocked expression on his face, but he didn't pin all his hopes on Luohang. The meaning of the person, speak out!

Immediately, the S.H.I.E.L.D. side also took action, and began to use their own methods to search for Loki's whereabouts!

It's just that, along with thousands of Luo Hang, they all rushed out.

All of a sudden, the whole of New York was like a boulder had been dropped from a calm lake, causing turbulent waves!

Luo Hang was originally a very famous person, if he saw Luo Hang's appearance, it would be like seeing a super star!

However, thousands of Luo Hang scattered?

Those who are a little bit luckier can see two or three Luo Hang appearing at the same time.

This is completely bewildered!corpse.

Chapter 214: The Magical Earth Explosion Star

A woman, dressed in fashion, is walking on the street. , Suddenly, a vigorous figure appeared, fell from mid-air, and landed directly in front of this woman!

Seeing this falling figure, the woman was slightly stunned, and then shouted ecstatically: "Luo Hang!? You are Luo Hang!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang glanced at him, did not speak, jumped up, and disappeared in the blink of an eye In the distance!

"Oh, I was really serious just now, why didn't I take out my phone earlier, I should have taken a photo of Luo Hang, then, everyone will envy me, I can see the legendary Luo Hang with my own eyes! The real Luo Hang !" Watching Luo Hang disappear so far away, the woman said in a low voice with a look of regret!

After scolding herself a few words in her heart, the woman continued to walk forward.

However, just after walking a few steps, another figure was running on the wall of a high-rise building, as if walking on the ground, which made the woman a little dumbfounded!

"Again, it's Luo Hang again? What's going on? Didn't Luo Hang run over just now?" The woman whispered in her heart!

However, although she was puzzled, the woman reacted quickly, immediately took out her mobile phone, and faced Luo Hang in mid-air!

But, immediately after, dozens of Luohang appeared in "[-]" almost at the same time, and spread like a virus, quickly spreading in all directions!

And this, the woman was dumbfounded, almost dumbfounded!

With a thud, the mobile phone in the woman's hand fell directly to the ground, but she didn't feel it at all, she just watched dozens of Luo Hang scattered in the air, and quickly disappeared.

The woman's mind is blank!

"There are so many Luohangs!" This was the last thought left in the woman's mind!

There is also a man who is resting on a rocking chair on his balcony with a leisurely expression.

Because I was busy working almost all night yesterday, my mental state is not good today!

However, people are so cheap, they can hardly open their eyes when they doze off, but when they close their eyes and want to rest, they feel that they can't fall asleep no matter what!

Helpless, this man can only use the cheapest method to hypnotize himself!

"One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, one Luohang jumped over, two Luohangs jumped over, thirteen Luohangs jumped over, by the way, there are so many Luohangs, why are they all jumping, it seems, Am I really going to fall asleep? I've seen so many Luo Hang..."

The man muttered secretly in his heart, slowly closed his eyes, and snored!

"No. 17, No. 12, No. 22, No. [-], yeah, all of them won..."

On the other side, a middle-aged woman was holding a prize ticket with an excited expression, staring at the lottery numbers on the TV.

Number by number, in the end, the woman yelled out ecstatically!

"After buying lottery tickets for so many years, have you finally won the first prize? This is 100 million US dollars! So much money, how should I spend it?"

"Buy a car of your own first, and then..."

"Wait, am I dreaming? My God, I need to calm down, take a deep breath, don't get too excited, calm down first!"

The woman kept talking to herself like self-hypnosis, then turned off the TV, took a deep breath and walked to her balcony to take a breath of fresh air!

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