Suddenly winning the first prize, this kind of pie-in-the-sky feeling made the woman almost feel like she was knocked out!

"Huh? Wait, that's Luo Hang!?"

Standing on the balcony, the woman suddenly saw a figure running past from the opposite building.

The building is perpendicular to the ground, Luohang actually seems to be running on flat ground!

Then, more than a dozen Luohang appeared together, some ran or jumped, and disappeared soon!

This woman is completely stupid!

Suddenly, it didn't matter if he saw Luo Hang, or even, he saw so many Luo Hang in one go?

"Sure enough, how could I win the first prize? I'm really dreaming?"

The woman shook her head in a self-deprecating manner, and immediately raised her hand and threw the prize ticket in her hand from the balcony.

It's bombed, at this time, New York City is bombed!

Luo Hang's existence was already very famous.

Today, thousands of Luo Hang's shadow clones have scattered in New York City.

Moreover, these Luohangs are not simply walking slowly on the ground, but running up and down the high-rise buildings in New York City like walking on the ground.

It's like a thousand Spider-Mans spinning their webs in New York City.

If a thousand people are scattered in New York City, it may not be very noticeable, but if a thousand Spidermen are dangling in mid-air, the situation is completely different!

Therefore, as thousands of Los Airlines spread out in New York, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

At the same time, it also shocked countless people.

How could Luohang have so many?What exactly is going on! ?

Many people even took videos and posted them on the Internet!

Even the media in New York City are scrambling to report it!

So, only a few months later, the existence of Luo Hang has once again become the focus of everyone's attention!

Let's not talk about what kind of movement caused by thousands of shadow clones mobilizing together!

At this time, thousands of shadow avatars were scattered to New York, not simply to show off their presence.

Scattered everywhere, all the shadow clones are looking for Loki and Ebony Maw's whereabouts!

At this time, Ebony Throat walked gracefully on the street, and the magic power affected the people around him, making everyone ignore his existence!

And Loki?Under the control of his magic power, he floated behind him!

Although Loki was rescued, the sealing technique on him was, after all, a power system completely different from the magic in this world.

Therefore, even for Ebony Throat, it is not so easy to unlock this sealing technique.

I can only rescue the person first, then find a relatively safe place, and slowly find a way to break the seal on this body! "Huh? This is..."

Walking on the street, suddenly, Ebony Throat's expression changed slightly.

I happened to see several figures of Luo Hang moving rapidly on the tall buildings in the distance, obviously looking for something!

Seeing this, Ebony Throat immediately pulled Loki into hiding!

Hiding in a remote alley, Ebony Maw secretly looked out.

One Luohang after another, patrolling back and forth, and the chaotic search frequency made Ebony Throat feel tricky too!

"What kind of ability is this? How can it be turned into so many clones? What should I do? In this situation, it seems impossible to leave quietly!" After observing for a few minutes, Ebony Throat found The frequency of Luo Hang's coming and going is chaotic...

Moreover, the scope of this search is still shrinking. It's not just running around, but it looks very methodical!

"What to do!?" So, after a moment of silence, Ebony Throat felt a little tricky!

In this case, if you rush out by yourself, you will definitely be discovered, but what if you don't rush out?It's only a matter of time before they are discovered! "I found it, so you are here!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded!On the roof of the alley, a figure stood and said condescendingly to Ebony Throat!

It is a shadow clone of Luo Hang!

"Sure enough, he was discovered!" Seeing Luo Hang's eyes condescendingly staring at him, Ebony Throat's heart trembled slightly.

Then using magic, a large piece of matter flew up, turned into sharp spikes, and shot towards Luo Hang densely!


However, before Ebony Throat's magic hit Luo Hang, his figure immediately disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

It was Luo Hang's shadow clone who automatically dispelled his own ninjutsu!

With the disappearance of Luo Hang, naturally, all the magic attacks that flew out also fell through! "Let's go, we've been found!"

Although Luo Hang's shadow clone disappeared, Ebony Throat's heart was secretly anxious, pulling Luo Ji to turn around and leave! £ However, it was still a step too late!

The moment his shadow clone disappeared, Luo Hang's body knew where Loki and Ebony Maw were.

Immediately after raising his hand, the skill of the magic portal was cast, and countless small sparks appeared in midair, turning into a huge portal.

Luo Hang stepped over, facing Ebony Throat who was about to flee!

Although Luo Hang's body has never been to this alley, but the shadow clone has been there, it is no different from Luo Hang's body.

Therefore, building a portal is not difficult!

"Ebony Throat? One of the five obsidian generals under Thanos, you are very capable. You played with the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Throat, speak!

5.9 With a bang, Loki, who was controlled by the magic of Ebony Maw and floated in the air, hit the ground heavily!

Obviously, Ebony Throat is ready to deal with Luo Hang wholeheartedly, so he has no intention of paying attention to Luo Ji anymore!

"Luo Hang, I also know you. You have incomparably powerful strength. You can even destroy a mountain with one blow. Your strength is not bad!" Ebony Throat also spoke!

After the words fell, Ebony Throat stretched out his palm, facing Luo Hang!

Under his control, the countless substances around Luo Hang seemed to come alive at this moment, pressing towards Luo Hang!

The magical power of Ebony Maw is mainly to control the substances in the real world. This kind of power is very powerful, and it is even more difficult to guard against!

But now, with the move of Ebony Throat, countless surrounding substances are squeezed towards Luohang's package, which is somewhat similar to the move of Earth Exploding Sky Star.

Luo Hang is precisely the center point of Earth Explosion Star!

Boom boom boom!

Countless substances pressed towards Luo Hang's body, and quickly turned into a sphere.

Moreover, the sphere is still getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding substances are also quickly gathering and pressing on it, making the sphere bigger and more solid!

The magic version of Earthburst Star! .

Chapter 215: Thanos Was Scared

The mages of Karma Taj, in the mirror space, can control everything in the mirror space as long as they are powerful.

The recombination and folding of matter; even the law of gravity that manipulates the mirror space and so on!


The ability of Ebony Maw is almost able to operate like a mirror image space in the material of this world.

Facing such an ability, you have to be on guard against all the substances around you suddenly attacking you, so this ability is very troublesome!

Visible to the naked eye, countless substances squeezed towards Luohang and turned into a huge sphere, just like a magic version of the earth-exploding star!


Seeing a large ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters formed in an instant, Ebony Throat was moved, and took this opportunity to escape quickly!

As for whether his big ball can trap Luo Hang?

Ebony Throat didn't have such thoughts at all...


However, although Ebony Throat knew that such a method would not be able to stop Luo Hang for too much time, he did not expect that it was almost useless.

Just when he was about to escape, the huge sphere was directly blasted away.

At the same time, Luo Hang in Jifu mode rushed towards Ebony Throat like lightning, the speed was so fast that Ebony Throat could hardly react!

"The strength of Earth Explosion Star does not lie in the extrusion of those substances, but the most important thing is the sealing power 12! It's just such a sphere, it seems to trap me? Isn't it too childish?"

After breaking through the surrounding matter, Luo Hang secretly mocked in his heart, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Ebony Throat!

With a dignified mind, Ebony Throat manipulated the underground matter again, turning into dozens of sharp vertebral bodies, and stabbing straight at Luo Hang's body!

The movement of Luo Hang's feet remained unchanged, and at the same time he raised his hand, and the pupil power of the reincarnation eye was activated: "Shenluo Tianzheng!"

The invisible repulsive force erupted instantly, and the substances that were stabbing towards Luo Hang collapsed.

Even Ebony Throat flew out under the power of Shenluo Tianzheng, and hit the street lamp fiercely!

The pillars of the street lamp were bent, and at the same time, there was a click!

Well, the old waist of the ebony throat seems to be broken, and it fell to the ground like a dead dog, unable to get up again!

"That's right!" Looking at Ebony Throat lying on the ground like a dead dog, Luo Hang secretly nodded in his heart!

A mage-type profession should be a profession that properly attacks high blood thinness, and Ebony Throat perfectly interprets this point!

In terms of combat effectiveness, Ebony Maw in the original book may be stronger than Thor, but what?

Ebony Maw went to the universe and died in the blink of an eye, but Thor wandered in the universe for a long time and was still alive.

This fully reflects the crispy skin of the mage!

As for Kama Taj's fighting style of rushing up with magic at every turn?

It's like heresy among mages!

Shaking his head slightly, putting away all the messy thoughts in his mind for the time being, Luo Hang raised his hand directly!

Ding, the pet Ebony Throat was successfully captured*1. In Luo Hang's mind, he made a reminder sound for himself!

Then opened the magic portal!

At this moment, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also mobilizing its own power to search for Loki's whereabouts!

"Boss, now, all cameras, whether it's CCTV, laptops, or even mobile phones, are all under surveillance. As long as we can see Loki, we can find it!"

Hill spoke and reported the situation to Fury!

"Hmm!" Fury's expression was calm, and he nodded silently upon hearing this!

"These shots show that there are too many Luohangs. The whole country of America and even the whole world must be shaken, right?" Coulson, who was next to him, said with emotion as he saw Luohang appearing in many screens.

"Yeah, this kind of ability is really shocking!" Even Fury nodded in agreement when he heard the words, with a look of sigh and emotion on his face!

Before, Luo Hang performed this technique of multiple shadow clones in front of his own face!

However, seeing so many Luo Hang searching for Loki's whereabouts on the big screen, Fury still feels shocked!

Luo Hang's strength is not just pure attack power, but more importantly, the uniqueness of his ability!

For example, this time is transformed into thousands of clones, and each clone is an entity with its own thoughts and ways of acting.

This made Fury feel deeply shocked!

Although it's just one person, Luo Hang has such a trick, it's almost as if one person can use it as a group of people, right?

While Fu Rui was still feeling over Luo Hang's ability, suddenly, all the Luo Hang on the screen disappeared without warning.

In the blink of an eye, all Luo Hang exploded into white smoke and disappeared, which made Fu Rui and the others stunned!

what happened?Just so suddenly, did all Luo Hang disappear?

"Could it be? Has Luo Hang found Loki's whereabouts!?" Fury guessed in his mind.

It seems that this is the only way to explain why so many Luohangs have disappeared, right?

This should be because Luo Hang found someone, so he put away this trick, right?

At this time, suddenly, a magic portal composed of bursts of small sparks suddenly appeared.

Then, Luo Hang stepped over the portal and walked over. At the same time, he held Luo Ji and Ebony Maw in his left and right hands respectively, and casually threw them on the floor!

"Loki? The other one, an alien? He is the murderer who rescued Loki!?"

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