Glancing at Ebony Throat and Loki who were thrown on the floor, Fury was startled, and then set his eyes on Ebony Throat!

From the appearance of Ebony Throat, one can tell that he is not from Earth anymore!

"Hmph, you don't understand the greatness of Lord Thanos, you shouldn't stop him, but you should be grateful!"

Although the waist is broken, and the ebony throat looks like a cripple, but he has no sense of being a prisoner at all, on the contrary, his mouth is still screaming!

"Take both of them down, and interrogate them carefully, I want to know everything about Thanos!" Fury said!

That's all for Loki, but this Ebony Maw is Thanos' capable man, so of course Fury has to pry all the news about Thanos out of his mouth!

Ebony Maw and Loki, locked up again!

And what about Luo Hang?After I brought him back, I also felt a little tired.

After all, thousands of shadow clones were dispatched together, even if there was no fighting, no cultivation, but with the shadow clone withdrawn, Luo Hang still felt a deep sense of fatigue.

No wonder the technique of multiple shadow clones is regarded as a forbidden technique!

On the other side, Luo Hang's shadow clone went out with his own eyes, and now that Luo Hang has successfully captured everyone back, the US team and the others secretly sighed in their hearts that Luo Hang's ability is indeed powerful.

Luo Ji was rescued, and it only took so little time before and after, Luo Hang captured both of them back!

However, the Avengers became calm again, and even the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. began to pry out the information they wanted from the ebony throat.

In the depths of the universe, Thanos is still quietly sitting on his throne!

In front of Thanos, many of Thanos' subordinates lowered their heads, panicking in their hearts, and everyone could clearly feel the anger on Thanos!

It's no wonder that Thanos felt angry, took out the spiritual scepter, and handed it to Loki, wanting him to test the power of the earth.

Well, as soon as Loki arrived on Earth, he became a prisoner, and his spiritual scepter was taken away!

143 Immediately afterwards, he dispatched his most powerful general, Ebony Throat, to rescue Loki and let him continue his plan!

But what?Not long after Ebony Throat arrived on Earth, he became a prisoner!

Originally, I had the idea of ​​invading the earth, so I went there.

However, Thanos now also feels that his act of sending someone over is almost like delivering food!

Thanos secretly doubted himself in his heart, was there something wrong with his actions?

It has always been because the protoss of Asgard control the earth, and there is also a supreme mage on the earth.

Therefore, even Thanos would not dare to invade the earth, and letting Loki go now is just to test the situation of Odin.

After all, Odin is old, and Loki is his adopted child, so it is perfect to use him as a tester!

But now, Thanos thinks why the earth looks more terrifying than he imagined?

Without Odin's shot, and without the Supreme Mage's shot, the Loki and Ebony Maw that were sent successively were all broken?

If this is the case, it seems that I can only give up my delusions about the earth for a short time!

In this way, Thanos' ambitions are put away for the time being, let's wait and see what happens!

On Thanos' side, the thought of wanting to invade was overwhelmed for a moment, and he didn't dare to interfere in the affairs of the earth anymore. Luo Hang and the others didn't know it.

At this time, many forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. are still thinking about how to arrange the battle situation and deal with the emergence of Thanos!

However, after that, seven or eight days passed in the blink of an eye, and the earth was peaceful, as if nothing happened!

However, after seven or eight days, suddenly, near New York in the United States, a beam of seven-colored light suddenly fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a blond man with a strong figure, wearing a cloak, and holding a silver hammer appeared on the earth!

Chapter 216: The moment when Thor was slapped in the face

"Earth, I'm back again, and I don't know what's going on with Jane!"

Looking at the surrounding situation, Thor whispered secretly in his heart.

Thinking of the last time I came to Earth, I was deprived of my divine power by Odin and left behind. At that time, I even had a girlfriend!

It's a pity that I broke the Rainbow Bridge later, so I couldn't come back.

This time, Heimdall acted cheaply and used dark magic to teleport himself to Earth!

Thor reflexively wants to see Jane!

However, now Loki is still in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., and his primary purpose is to bring Loki back.

Therefore, let's put aside the matter of love for children, and go to business first!

Heimdall's eyes can see almost any corner of the nine universes.

Therefore, where Loki was locked up in S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor also got the news from Heimdall!

Although he can use the hammer to master the power of thunder and lightning, Thor never thinks he is a mage, on the contrary, he thinks he is a warrior.

Therefore, after he had a goal, he didn't have the so-called combat strategy at all, and directly rushed towards the S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Stop, who are you? Stop!"

Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not easy to break into. What's more, Thor's appearance in armor and cloak is too eye-catching, and security personnel immediately blocked his way!

However, without saying a word, Thor rushed in like a tiger.

How can ordinary humans stop Thor?

However, the current Avengers has not been separated from S.H.I.E.L.D., so several members of the Avengers are still staying at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Aware of Thor's movement here, Captain America, holding a shield, happened to be nearby, so he stopped in front of the prison!

"Humans, get out of the way!" Thor said to the US team with a menacing appearance!

"This is an important prisoner, please stand down!" Captain America said seriously with a shield in his hand!

"Human, do you know? You are challenging the dignity of God!" Thor said something very pretentious, and then punched Captain America!

Captain America also raised his fist and greeted Thor!

Afterwards, Thor's figure remained motionless, but Captain America's figure was sent flying by a punch!

In terms of strength, Thor obviously has a crushing advantage!

For Thor, it's a normal operation that one punch can send Captain America flying!

However, Captain America, who was knocked out, also realized the strength of the person in front of him, gritted his teeth, and a powerful aura burst out of his body!

"Open the door, open it!"

"Shut the door, open it!"

"Shengmen, open"! "

"Injury door, open!"

"Dumen, open!"

As expected of the existence that even Luo Hang was amazed by, after only a few days of practicing Bamen Dunjia, he opened the first door, and in about half a month, he said that the second door was loose!

Now, it has been about four months to practice Bamen Dunjia, and Captain America's Bamen Dunjia has directly pushed to the fifth door!

"Huh?" Thor was about to move on when he punched Captain America away, but he found that Captain America got up again, and the aura on his body seemed very unusual!

"It looks fancy, but I don't know how much power it can have!" Thor said in his mouth.

No nonsense, just another punch in the direction of Captain America!

Similarly, Captain America also raised his fist to meet him!

With a bang, the fists of the two collided fiercely. Gritting their teeth, Captain America actually blocked Thor's punch, but only took half a step back!

"You managed to piss me off!" My fist was actually blocked by a human?Thor was shocked and angry!

Several consecutive punches were thrown at the US team!

However, the US team also raised their fists. Although the strength is slightly inferior, there is still no problem for the US team to entangle Thor!

In this way, after fighting seven or eight moves, Thor found that it was not so easy for him to easily defeat the US team.

Immediately, the hammer in his hand rose and smashed towards Captain America!

Thor has a hammer, and Captain America has a shield!

Facing the incoming hammer and even those violent lightning bolts, Captain America used his shield to resist, blocking all his attacks with ease!

"Hey, Captain Rogers, do you need help?" With a flash, Kuaiyin suddenly appeared and said to Captain America!

Although he was asking, but before Captain America could answer, Quicksilver flew by in a flash!

At the same time, Thor's face was hit hard, and his whole body retreated a lot!

A US team can entangle Thor. Now, another Kuaiyin is here to help. The speed is so fast that the naked eye can't see it clearly. It is indeed a very BUG ability!

Facing this kind of warrior-type existence, Kuaiyin, a highly agile assassin, can restrain him perfectly.

All the speeds can't catch up with Kuaiyin. Naturally, only Kuaiyin is playing his part, not him!

Now Thor is a little suspicious of life!

Before, Loki opened the space channel with full confidence and came to the earth, and then he was caught by Luo Hang in seconds, and was locked up!

What now?

Thor also came to the earth to save people with confidence, and he was aggressive. In his opinion, the people on the earth are not enough to stop him!

But now, the United States team and Ruyi teamed up, but it was so overwhelming that he couldn't lift his head.

Now Thor has tasted the same feeling as Loki!There are also some doubts about life!

"Yeah? Isn't he Thor?" After a while, Hawkeye also came over, of course he recognized Thor, and said!

"It's you!" Thor also looked at Hawkeye, and also recognized him!

After all, when Thor was deprived of his divine power by Odin and thrown to the earth, he had already met with S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"No matter who it is, you can't just sit back and do nothing!" Captain America said seriously!

Following his words, the Scarlet Witch next to him also made a move, and Chaos Magic was thrown towards Thor, immediately making his spirit become tranced!

This time there is no need for Luo Hang to take action. Thor, the God of Thunder who attacked S.H.I.E.L.D., was also defeated by the team of the US team.

Immediately afterwards, he was taken to the prison, and Thor was also thrown into the prison.

When the sound.

The confused Thor couldn't even grasp the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and fell to the ground directly!

Kuaiyin next to him was about to pick it up, but found that he couldn't lift it no matter what!

After being thrown into the prison, the Scarlet Witch stopped her chaos magic, and Thor woke up from his dazed state!

"Hi, we meet again!" Loki in the prison said hello to Thor, and the two have become cellmates!

"Loki, you are not dead!" Seeing Loki, Thor's face showed joy.

"." What are you doing here? "Loki spoke, interrupting Thor's joy!

"I'm here to take you back, back to Asgard, father and queen, they are all waiting for you!" Thor replied!

"The one who took me back? You'd better figure out how to get out by yourself first!" Loki said sarcastically without being polite.

"This..." Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Loki's words still made sense.

Thor opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Indeed, the self who came to the earth will one day become a prisoner!

"What's the matter with this hammer? Why is it so heavy that you can't lift it!" Kuaiyin said strangely at the door of the prison, after working hard for a long time, but couldn't lift the hammer that fell on the ground!

"No need to try, this hammer, others can't lift it!" Hawkeye looked at it and said!

When Thor's Hammer fell on the earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. even built a base on top of the hammer to study it. Hawkeye certainly understood how powerful this hammer is!

"Really? Let me give it a try!" The Scarlet Witch next to her also came forward curiously and scratched.

Well, again, this Thor's hammer didn't budge.

"Hmph, mortal, my hammer is called Mjolnir, and it is made from the core of a dying planet. This is not something that mortals can handle!" ) Scarlet Witch can hardly shake her hammer, Thor said mockingly and proudly!

"Let me try it too!" Ignoring Thor's taunt, Captain America came over and said!

While talking, the US team tried it!

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