It didn't look difficult, and Captain America grabbed the Thor's Hammer in one go!

He even weighed it in his hand and said, "This hammer is not very heavy, why can't you lift it?" Captain America looked at Kuaiyin and the others suspiciously and said!

"It's not us, is it you? Why are you able to pick it up?" Hawkeye's mouth twitched, and he asked with a dull look on his face!

"Isn't this just picking it up? It's so easy!" Captain America said with a puzzled look on his face!

"He can actually hold a hammer!?" Not to mention those people from the Avengers, Loki next to him also turned his head and glanced at the US team in surprise!

Not everyone can hold Thor's Hammer, Loki knows this very well.

At least once I tried it myself, I can't hold it!

As for the hardest hit, it is naturally Thor!

Seeing his hammer being easily held by the US team, he was completely dumbfounded, with a confused face, doubting his life.

I feel like I've been green....

Chapter 217: Loki's heart was gouged out, and a handful of salt was added!

Captain America held the hammer in his hand, and it felt quite smooth!

The Hawkeyes next to them are all staring at the US team curiously. No one else can pick it up, but only the US team can pick it up?

Is there anything different about this hammer?

"Captain Rogers, what's so special about this hammer?" After thinking about it, Kuaiyin asked Captain America curiously!

"Hmph, although I don't know why you can pick it up, but not everyone can grasp the power of my hammer!" Thor came to his senses after listening to Kuaiyin's words, and secretly said with a cold snort in his heart!

"This hammer is very strong, I can feel it, holding it in my hand, I can control the power of lightning!" Captain America replied!

"It's impossible!" Thor yelled reflexively.

Originally, he was thinking in his heart that it is impossible for a mortal to control his own thunder god power.

However, this idea has just arisen, and the US team said that he can master the power of thunder and lightning?

This slap in the face came too fast, right?

Glancing at Thor, Captain America didn't speak.

"Really? Hurry up, try it!" Kuaiyin was very curious, and said impatiently after hearing this!

"Okay, let me give it a try!" Hearing this, Captain America was also quite curious.

Nodding his head, he immediately raised the hammer in his hand, and there was a rumbling sound of thunder!

Although they couldn't see the outside situation through the roof, everyone could feel the thunder and thunder outside, which was very scary!

Then, Captain America walked to a side window, looked at an open space in the square outside, and pressed Thor's hammer down hard!

With a loud rumbling noise, a thunderbolt directly smashed down from the sky and struck the open space!

"Wow, it's amazing!" Seeing this kind of long-distance lightning attack, Ruyi next to him showed a look of surprise on his face, and said loudly!

"143 is really powerful, this hammer can control the power of lightning at will!"

The Scarlet Witch beside her also nodded, she could clearly feel the powerful power contained in the thunder!

"That's not all!" Captain America said, and immediately threw the hammer in his hand!

With a bang, a wall not far away was directly smashed through by the hammer!

Immediately afterwards, Captain America stretched out his hand, as if calling for a hammer!

Then, the hammer that flew out flew back automatically and fell into the hands of the US team!

"Amazing, this hammer can return automatically!" Kuaiyin who was next to him said, feeling extremely surprised!

Sure enough, this hammer is very strange!

Thor next to him, at this moment, already has an expression of lovelessness!

Not only was his hammer being played by others, but he even changed various positions?

It seems that his hammer seems to be very cooperative?

How is this green, it's almost green to black, right?

"My condolences..." Loki next to him looked at Thor's unlovely expression, and said a word of comfort!

Of course, Thor would be even more moved if he put away his schadenfreude expression when comforting him!chi chi chi...

Just when the US team was enjoying Thor's Hammer here, it was very novel, and in the void, a magic portal appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang and the little spider walked over!

"I stayed in Stark Tower for a while, and then I heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. was attacked?" Luo Hang, who came out, said!

"Where is the enemy? Where is it?" The little spider also looked impatient, looking around, looking for the invading enemy!

After practicing for so long, Little Spider has long wanted to fight super criminals and do more good deeds!

"It seems that you have already arrested him!" Of course, Luo Hang also saw Thor who was imprisoned in the prison, and understood, this is Thor, the god of thunder, invading S.H.I.E.L.D., so was he caught? ?

"Luo Hang, this hammer is very strange, and it has very powerful power!" Seeing Luo Hang approaching, Captain America said!

"Really? Is it fun? Play with me!" Hearing this, the little spider interjected with a very novel look!

"Son, this is not something you should play with. Besides, this is a weapon, not a toy!" Captain America shook his head.

The little spider looks twelve or thirteen years old, he is indeed just a child!

"Besides, not everyone can handle this hammer!" Hawkeye next to him also interjected!While speaking, Hawkeye looked at Luo Hang and said, "I don't know Luo Hang, can you pick it up?"

"I don't need to try it, this hammer won't help me much!" Luo Hang shook his head, looking down on Thor's Hammer!

Well, what can I do?

This hammer needs a person of high moral character to be able to hold it. Luo Hang knows very well that he should not be so capable!

However, think of a person of high moral character?

Luo Hang looked at the little spider beside him!

Speaking of the Marvel world, apart from Captain America, Little Spider is definitely one of the people with high moral character, right?

"Rogers, give the hammer to Peter to see if he can pick it up!" Since he was curious, Luo Hang spoke up and asked the little spider to try it!

"Him? Can he pick it up?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Captain America asked in surprise!

Similarly, Kuaiyin and the others next to him also looked suspicious!

They couldn't even pick it up, but now Luo Hang asked a child to try it?

"Okay, Peter, give it a try!" Handing Thor's Hammer to Little Spider, Captain America wanted him to try it too!

"Can't you pick it up? Is this hammer so strange?" The little spider asked curiously with a strange look on his face!

After the words fell, the little spider also grabbed the handle of Thor's Hammer (bcfj) and lifted it on the net!

"Huh? It doesn't look fancy, and it's not heavy!" Holding Thor's Hammer lightly and waving it in his hand, the little spider said with a very novel look!

"Unexpectedly, he can actually pick it up!?" Hawkeye and the others beside him were dumbfounded!

So many people couldn't pick it up, and it was picked up by the US team, which is already surprising.

Now, even the little spider Peter can pick it up?He's just a kid! "Wow, this hammer is really interesting!"

Not to mention the thoughts of Hawkeye and the others next to him, holding the hammer in his hand, the little spider also felt the power given to him by the hammer, and said very novelly!

Also like someone who got a new toy, holding the hammer and playing curiously.

At the same time, it also mobilized the thunder and lightning in the sky to fall, and the precise tears made the little spider feel cool!

As for Thor next to him, he was completely dumbfounded!

A US team already made him doubt his life.

Now, unexpectedly, a twelve or thirteen-year-old human child can afford his own Thor's Hammer?

For thousands of years, no one could hold his own hammer, but when he arrived on this earth, two of them suddenly appeared?

How can I be green here, it's like watching my hammer being rounded by someone.

Moreover, his hammer is still very cooperative?

Has the world view collapsed?

"Ahem, Thor, this thing happens twice once, maybe there will be three, four, five or six times in the future, just get used to it!"

Loki was also dumbfounded, but seeing Thor's appearance, Loki felt more at ease in his heart, and then pretended to be comforting, but actually mocked him!

"Shut up!" Thor glared at Loki with anger in his eyes.

It can be seen that his current mood is indeed very bad!

"Okay, stop playing, Peter, return the hammer to Thor!" It was also seen that Thor was in a very bad mood, after thinking about it, Luo Hang said to the little spider!

"Oh!" Hearing that, of course the little spider would not disobey Luo Hang's words, and nodded.

He tossed the hammer and threw it back to Thor in prison!

However, looking at the hammer falling at his feet, Thor didn't pick it up immediately.

Why does he always have the feeling that his hammer is returned to him after being tired of being played by several people in turn?

"Luo Hang, what is this?"

Seeing that Luo Hang actually asked the little spider to return the hammer to Thor, Hawkeye and the others looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

Anyway, Thor, the God of Thunder, attacked S.H.I.E.L.D., is he a prisoner now?

Returning the weapon to the prisoner, what kind of operation is this?

"What about mine!?"

Seeing that Thor's hammer was actually returned, Loki no longer wanted to mock him, and looked at Luo Hang expectantly, and said, "Where's my weapon?"

Yes, Luo Hang also took away his own weapon, the spiritual scepter.

Since Thor's hammer can be returned, then his scepter should also be able to be returned, right?

"Your? Yours has been confiscated!"

The current Loki hasn't been cleansed yet, so Luo Hang treats him as an evil villain boss. Hearing this, he bluntly said to Loki!

"I don't agree, you guys are treating me differently!" Hearing this, Loki was a little blown up!

As the saying goes, don't worry about the few, but the unevenness. Everyone is locked in this prison, so why should they be treated differently?

Thor's hammer can be returned to him, but his spiritual scepter will not be returned to himself?

"Ahem, let Thor out!" However, Luo Hang coughed dryly, ignored Loki's shout, and then said to the US team and the others!

Loki: "..."

This is not only unfair, it's completely on Loki's heart, a knife has been severely gouged out, and a handful of salt must be sprinkled on it! .

Chapter 218: The Avengers who traveled through time and space are confused

"It's impossible..." Staying in the prison, seeing Thor was actually released, Loki was dumbfounded!

He has been brothers with Thor for thousands of years, although in terms of combat ability, Loki thinks that Thor is indeed stronger than himself.

However, in terms of resourcefulness and emotional intelligence, Loki thinks he is far behind Thor!

Generally, if you go to a new place, Thor always messes up the relationship with the local people, and you have to come forward to rectify it~. If the two are separated, Thor will make life and death enemies with the locals at every turn- Enemy-like.

On the contrary, I was able to make a living by relying on my resourcefulness and emotional intelligence-water!

But now?

Everyone is a prisoner, why did this earthling release Thor, and even returned Thor's hammer to him?

That is Thor's Hammer, with it you can master the power of thunder.

Even, in a sense, it can be said to be Asgard's heir in line.

Just hand it over?

Not to mention how dissatisfied Loki was in the prison, and how his mentality burst.

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