At this time, Thor has been invited out, and he is staying in a great hall!

"Okay, Earthlings, tell me, what's the matter!?"

Although Thor's Hammer was in his hand, Thor didn't feel safe, so he spoke to Luo Hang!

He could also see that Luo Hang's prestige seemed to be the highest among this group of people!

"It's nothing, Thor. Odinson, the future king of Asgard, you are different from Loki."

"The conflict between us and him cannot be negotiated with words, but the conflict between us and you can be negotiated with words."

"So, we let you out!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth to express his kindness first, at least, he didn't have any malicious intentions!

"in addition……"

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Luo Hang continued: "You seem to have stolen my lines, what you said is exactly what we want to ask you, you suddenly attacked our S.H.I.E.L.D., what is your purpose? "

"My purpose is very simple, to bring Loki and the Rubik's Cube back to Asgard!" Thor said with a straight temper and no intention of hiding it!

"So that's it, the purpose is the same as in the original book!" Hearing Thor's words, Luo Hang nodded secretly.

On the plot line of Avengers 1 in the original book, when Thor first appeared on the stage, his purpose was the same.

It was also from the hands of the Avengers team that Loki was rescued.


Hearing what Thor said, Hawkeye next to him spoke and said, "He wants to attack our earth, and now he is a war criminal on our earth. He must not be handed over to you so easily!" "Earthlings, you have to figure out, Loki is from our Asgard, and even more my brother, you should weigh the relationship between the earth and Asgard!" Thor said with force!

Luo Hang raised his hand, stopped Hawkeye's words, and then said to Thor: "Loki, we can give it to you, but I hope you Asgard can keep him under good control." "After all, he , came to Earth to be a vanguard officer with the idea of ​​destroying a tyrant, if we hadn’t been prepared, maybe the whole earth would be reduced to a battlefield in a short time!” “This, Loki was adopted!” Ting Luo What Hang said, Thor was a little embarrassed, and immediately separated the relationship!

"However, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube cannot be given to you!" Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang continued!

"That's our Asgard's treasure!" Thor frowned and emphasized!

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is one of the six infinity gems. It is something that appeared with the birth of the universe. It was not owned by anyone in the first place!" "Even if it was once in your Asgard's treasure house, it only represents the It's your spoils!" Luo Hang corrected him!

Well, what Luo Hang said made Thor speechless!

Indeed, cosmic magic is not artificially created, and naturally, there is no such thing as saying who originally created it!

It used to be the spoils of Asgard, but now it is the spoils of the earthlings, which makes sense. "Earthlings, cosmic magic, we Asgardians are determined to win!"

In terms of mouth escape, even if he lived for thousands of years, Thor is still very poor, but Luo Hang is also reasonable.

However, he didn't mean to shrink back because of this, and continued to speak, emphasizing his own wishes!

"If so, why don't we give it?" Seeing Thor's attitude, Luo Hang frowned slightly, and said!

"Then I can only use my method to deal with this matter!" Thor raised Thor's hammer in his hand!

After the words fell, he looked at the American team and Kuaiyin who were next to them. They had suffered a loss in the hands of these people just now.

Thor followed up and said: "If it's a man, you can fight me one-on-one. If I win, the Universe Rubik's Cube will be mine!" "Do it?" Hearing this, Luo Hang hesitated!

To be honest, there seems to be no benefit in fighting Thor!

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is not in my hands now, even if I win, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube will not be my own in name!

Since there is no benefit, Luo Hang is naturally unwilling to fight this battle!

However, after thinking about it, if you want to maintain a good relationship with other Avengers, you only need to help them.

However, if you want to maintain a good relationship with a stubborn person like Thor, in addition to helping the other party to gain favor, the faster way is to fight him and let the other party recognize you in terms of strength!

"Mr. Luo Hang, do it, beat him!" The little spider next to him opened his mouth and shouted at Luo Hang.

It is obvious that he has great confidence in Luohang!

"It's not good to fight with someone, but I want to fight with Luo Hang!" Even the American team next to him secretly shook his head! "By the way, let's bet ten dollars, how long will it take for Luo Hang to defeat him? I'll bet for five minutes!" The most outrageous thing was Kuaiyin, who took out a ten-dollar bill and said!

"I'll bet 3 minutes!" Even Hawkeye took out a dollar to join in!

I haven't done anything yet, looking at the attitudes of these people, Thor's face is very ugly!

"You people on earth, you underestimate the power of Prince Asgard too much. I will let you understand what kind of power the god of Asgard possesses!" Thor shouted with an ugly face.

"Okay, don't damage things if you want to do it, find a place to do it!" Luo Hang nodded and said.

Immediately opened a mirror space, walked in! "Let's go, let's go and see together!"

Luo Hang is going to do it himself, to slap the protoss from Asgard?Hawkeye and the others were happy to see such a situation, and they all followed Luo Hang into the mirror space! "Hmph, just go, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed!?"... Begging for flowers.

Although I don't quite understand what this mirror space is, but, as the prince of Asgard, I can't be too scared to go in, right?

After snorting so coldly, Thor followed into the mirror space!

Let's not talk about the situation here in the mirror space!

In a remote alley in New York City, the space twisted for a while.

Immediately afterwards, several figures appeared in the alley!

One is Captain America in a suit.

One is Tony.Stark!

One is the Hulk who wears glasses and looks quite refined.

There is another one, Ant-Man!

"Hey? What's going on here? Isn't the timeline we came here wrong?"

Appeared in this small alley, but the scene of chaos in New York did not appear as expected. After Mr. Ant-Man poked his head out to take a look, he was stunned!

Not just Ant-Man, Tony and the others came out with a dazed look on their faces.

The whole of New York looks very peaceful, without any turmoil!

"Wow, monster!"

Just when Tony and the others looked at the peaceful New York City with dazed faces, suddenly, a figure came over, saw the Hulk, turned around and ran for his life with strange screams in his mouth!

Captain America and Tony exchanged glances, and immediately, Captain America rushed out!

Still in the alley, the young man who screamed strangely just now was arrested!

"I ask, you answer..." Thor said with a threatening face.

"Oh, Iron Man, Tony. Stark, if you have anything to ask, just ask!" The captured man, who obviously recognized Tony, nodded in agreement.

"Look, it's so troublesome to be famous. You don't know each other, but you know me..."

When he saw the Hulk just now, the man ran away in fright, but now he recognized him, which made Tony feel very proud, and said proudly.

"However, you look a little older than the one on TV. It seems that you have been too busy with women recently?" The man changed the subject, and said with an envious look on his face!

To what extent does it take to make Tony look seven or eight years old all of a sudden!

This kind of hard-working life really makes people...

I cried with envy!

"Uh..." Listening to this man's words, Tony froze with complacency!

Although from the timeline, it is normal for me to be older.

However, it feels different when someone says that!

"Okay, Tony, let's get down to business!" The American team next to him reminded him!

"Okay, let me ask, what time is it, what time?" Taking a deep breath, Tony nodded and asked.

"It's September 16th, 27:[-] in the afternoon!" the man opened his mouth and replied to Tony!

"The day is right!" Hearing the man's answer, Tony and Captain America exchanged glances again, and Tony said!

"And, even the time is right, right now is the critical moment of the battle!?" Captain America also nodded and said!

This is how weird the game is!

Isn't it time travel?It's time for the New York War.

How is it that nothing is happening in New York?corpse.

Chapter 219: Who is Luo Hang? There is no such person in the original universe!

"Tony, are you sure we came through time and space?"

The scene in front of him was completely different from the one in history, and Captain America looked at Tony.Stark!

Indeed, this time-traveling machine was mainly made by Tony, so if there is a problem, of course it is to ask Tony!

"We have made a plan long ago, saying that history must not be changed. However, the current history is completely different from what we know. Is it necessary to maintain the original history?"

Mr. Ant-Man Lang next to him also said!


Tony.After pondering for a moment, Stark said, "It seems that the time and space we travel through is not our original time and space, but a parallel universe that is similar to our world with minor differences!"

"Parallel universe?" Hearing this, the faces of the people present all changed slightly!

"Understood, so it is like this!" The elegant Hulk nodded, suddenly realizing it!

"Parallel universe, I probably understand!" After thinking for a moment, Mr. Lang next to him also nodded, understanding what Tony meant!

"Well, am I the only one who doesn't know?" Looking at the three partners around him, Captain America's expression was a little weird!

Yes, everyone knows it, but you don't know about "one four three"?Doesn't this make you look stupid?

"Oh, so that's the case!" After thinking for a while, Captain America also nodded and said!

"Well, you actually know the concept of parallel universes? Tell me, what do you understand?" Captain America pretended to understand, causing Tony to roll his eyes at him.

"This..." Well, Captain America couldn't answer, and his expression became much more embarrassing!

"I knew..." Seeing that Captain America couldn't answer, Tony shook his head dumbfounded.

Immediately, he roughly explained the concept of parallel universes to the US team!

The so-called parallel universe is a universe that is similar to my original universe with minor differences. It is generally similar, but there are some small differences!

It is exactly the same, but the progress of the timeline is different!

Two universes that seem to be similar, or even identical, actually do not affect each other!

"Understood, in other words, it doesn't matter if you do something that changes history in this world?" Listening to Tony's explanation, Captain America felt that he understood most of it, and also grasped the point!

"I think the focus now is not whether history can be changed, but the six infinite gems. This is our goal!" Hulk next to him spoke up, reminding everyone!

"That's right! The Space Gem and the Time Gem are fine, but what about the Mind Gem!?"

Hearing this, Tony's expression also changed.

The American team beside them understood what Tony's words meant, and immediately their faces changed drastically!

Why do you travel to this time point of the New York War?That's because at this time node, the three soul gems, space gems and time gems are all on the earth!

Forget about space and time!The Mind Stone was brought from Thanos when Loki attacked the Earth!

However, now that the New York War has not even broken out, doesn't it mean that the Soul Stone is not on the earth, and it is even in the hands of Thanos?

If this is the case, then the situation will be very difficult!

"It's fine if the Mind Gem is in the hands of Thanos. I'm afraid of the changes in this universe. Not only that, Rhodes' Power Gem, Thor's Reality Gem, and Natasha's Soul Gem, there will also be accidents! "Tony followed up and said again!"

And these words once again made Hulk's faces much ugly!

It is true that originally he came here with the aim of winning, but who would have thought that the situation would have such a change?

"Now, our primary purpose is to find out what happened, or in other words, what is the situation in this universe that is different from our original universe!" After thinking about it, Tony said, with a Roughly planned!

This statement made everyone around nod their heads in agreement!

"Secondly, let's find a way to collect infinite gems as much as possible! No matter what difficulties there are, all we can do is to solve them instead of giving up!" Tony followed up!

Similarly, the person next to him nodded again in agreement!

"In that case, I have an idea, that is to search for the confidential information of SHIELD. After all, the database of SHIELD may not have changed much from our universe!" Tony then had an idea!

In short, in terms of strategy, everyone still trusts Tony.

Now that he has a plan, of course everyone agrees and is even willing to cooperate!

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