Then, the primary purpose of Tony and others is to use the ability of artificial intelligence Friday to crack the S.H.I.E.L.D. treasury!

Not to mention, most of SHIELD's databases are the same as their original universe.

Therefore, it is very easy to crack, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Then, let Friday do some research on Infinity Stones!

Soon, the S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation on the Infinity Stones was clearly investigated, and it was revealed in front of Tony and others! "This? Loki has been captured? He was captured as soon as he arrived on Earth?" "Is the Mind Stone in Stark Tower now?"

"Also, Thor came to S.H.I.E.L.D. to save people, but was also caught and locked up?"

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. knew the news that the New York War was about to start in advance, so it made arrangements in advance? Did it kill the danger of the New York War in the bud?" "The root of all this is because of a guy named Luo Hang?"

Tony and the others looked at each other in blank dismay when they saw the information from the investigation, with shocked expressions on their faces!

"Who is this Luo Hang? He actually foresaw the news of the battle in New York in advance? Moreover, he asked S.H.I.E.L.D. to prepare in advance?"

"His power, my God, is this the power a man can have?"

Aware of the difference in this universe, it seems that it is mainly due to the change of Luohang. Naturally, Tony searched for Luohang's information again!

In the obtained video, thousands of Luo Hang's avatars appeared at the same time.

There is also the video of the beast jade blowing up a mountain.

All these made Tony and the others realize that Luo Hang's strength was too strong.

And more importantly, in his original universe, there is no such person as Luo Hang!

"Okay, Tony, now it's a turn of events. Although history has changed a bit, it's a great thing that the three Infinity Stones are still on Earth!" Hulk said, bringing the topic back to the situation of the Infinity Stones. superior!

That's right, I thought the situation was going to be difficult, but I didn't expect that the Soul Gem is still on Earth. "Okay, indeed, these are not important now, the most important thing is how to get the three infinity gems!" Nodding, Tony also shifted his attention away from Luo Hang!

Then, after some discussion!Since the Mind Stone is now in Stark Tower, of course it is up to Tony to go to Stark Tower to steal the Mind Stone...

After all, is there anyone more familiar with Stark Tower than he?

On the other side of the Time Stone, Hulk will find the Supreme Mage!

What about the final space gem?Then Mr. Ant-Man Lang and Captain America went to get it!

After everyone made a plan and a time and place to meet together, they separated and started to act!

The Hulk went directly to the direction of the New York Temple, and asked to see the Supreme Mage from the New York Temple!

Seeing that Hulk is not an ordinary person, and his words are considered reasonable, since he wanted to see the supreme mage, the mage of the New York Temple, he notified Maca Taj!

Hearing that the Hulk wanted to see him, Ancient One thought for a while and came to the New York Temple!

There is no difference from the original book, the hands are not the opponent of Master Gu Yi.

In the end, after telling the truth that Doctor Strange offered the time gem on his own initiative, Mage Ancient One was also stunned.

Immediately, he willingly lent the Time Stone to Hulk.

This gem is very easy to get!

For S.H.I.E.L.D., Ant-Man has become very small. Searching for information in S.H.I.E.L.D. is very easy, like entering no one's land!

And it just so happened that Thor, who learned of Asgard, also aimed at the space gem, and Luo Hang used the space gem as a bet to fight Thor.

The previous director of S.H.I.E.L.D. asked Rumlow and his confidants to find Fury and transfer the space gem away from him!

Captain America, who was about to steal the space gem, had a strange smile on his face when he heard that the gem was in the hands of these traitors of Hydra!

Then blocked the opponent's way!

"Captain? I thought you should be watching the battle!" Seeing the 5.9 US team appear in front of him, Rumlow said!

"I'm here to pick up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The higher-ups said, leave the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to me for safekeeping!" Said the US team!

"Captain, I have to ask for instructions on this matter!" Hearing this, Rumlow shook his head, and at the same time, the other members beside him also secretly made preparations!

"Don't worry, trust me!"

The captain spoke, and immediately whispered in Rumlow's ear: "Long live Hydra!"

As soon as this remark came out, Rumlow was stunned, and looked at Captain America in disbelief, and immediately, he looked stunned and delighted!

Captain America is actually a Hydra organization?

This wave, steady!

Then, Rumlow handed over the Rubik's Cube to Captain America with confidence!

With a smile on his face, Captain America turned and left holding the Rubik's Cube, with a happy smile on his face as well!

Since then, the second Infinity Stone's Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been obtained.

Well, it's also very easy!

On the other side, at Stark Tower, Tony came like a thief!

"Hey, this seems to be the first time I have sneaked into Stark Tower. This feeling is so strange!"

It's obviously my home, but I want to come here secretly...

Chapter 220: The Two Tony Starks Meet

In the depths of the universe, there is a fool who wears headphones and a Walkman on his waist.

The explosive music came, and the two fools followed the music, dancing alone in a desolate place with no human relations!

In the dark, the black Rhodes and Xingyun were peeping secretly. Seeing that he was also very excited by himself, his horns twitched, and he turned his head immediately, and said to Xingyun beside him, "So, is this a fool?"

Xing Yun, who was asked, felt extremely embarrassed, and wished he could find a crack in the ground.

He lowered his head and nodded silently!

And in another corner of the universe, Thanos sat quietly on his chair, thinking about collecting the six infinite gems!

Thanos is in a very bad mood recently. The earth seems to be more difficult to deal with than before! ?

And more importantly, instead of successfully collecting the gems, they even lost a soul gem.

Is this really a steal?Lost his wife and lost his army?

In the lower part of Thanos, Nebula, and the other four of the Black Lunar Five generals all lowered their heads, trying to minimize their sense of presence.

Everyone seemed to be able to clearly feel the condensed anger on Thanos!

"Ah..." However, at this moment, Xing Yun suddenly let out a painful voice.

Then, the body half-kneeled on the ground.

At the same time, the eyes turned into projectors, and some pictures that did not belong to his own memory were released!

When everyone was quiet, the situation of Xingyun naturally attracted the attention of everyone including Thanos 12!

Opening his mouth, Thanos was about to ask what happened to Nebula, when suddenly, he saw a picture of himself snapping his fingers and randomly destroying half of the universe.

I also saw the scene where my head was chopped off by the Storm Axe.

These all made Thanos feel dignified!

What are these pictures?

"Master Thanos, these images belong to Nebula, but they are not hers, but another nebula, which comes from another time and space. It seems that there are nebulae from other time and space appearing here, which caused the two people's database Shared!"

The person next to him opened his mouth and replied to Thanos!

"Another time and space? Did Wu of another time and space succeed? But how did I collect all six infinite gems?"

"If I can know the problems of another time and space, I can copy the successful plan of another time and space!"

"As for the situation where I was killed in the end, if I knew it in advance, it would be able to change the ending, right?"

Thanos' eyes flickered, and the idea of ​​going to another time and space to learn scriptures was born in his mind!

Figure out why you are successful!Then, avoid the situation where you are killed in the end!

I was still distressed at first, but I didn't expect, is this a turn of events?

With an idea in mind, Thanos immediately started his plan to capture the nebula in another time and space!

Meanwhile, Earth, SHIELD!

In a big training room, Thor and Captain America are dueling again.

However, Captain America's shield is on the table next to it, and Thor's hammer is also hanging on the wall, no one intends to use weapons!

"Come on, come on..." The little spider next to him looked like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and shouted loudly, and he didn't know who he was cheering on.

In short, just do your best!

With the five doors open, the back-and-forth battle between Captain America and Thor looks very intense!

In this way, both sides took a few steps back after punching each other on the shoulder!

"By the way, Peter, who are you cheering for?" Thor turned his head and asked the little spider!

"Of course I'm cheering on Captain Rogers!" Little Spider replied without even thinking about it!

"Why? Just because I'm not from Earth?" Thor's face turned dark!

"No, Captain Rogers' strength is slightly weaker, and his combat experience is not as good as yours, of course I'm cheering for the weaker!" Little Spider shook his head and explained!

"Hahaha, that's right, I like you very much!" The little spider's explanation made Thor's unhappiness disappear immediately, and he laughed and said out loud!

"Oops, something happened, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is gone!" At this moment, suddenly, Agent Hill came over and said!

While talking, he even took a weird look at Captain America!

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is gone, why are you looking at me like that?" Captain America was a little uncomfortable seeing Agent Hill.

Hearing that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was lost, Thor, the God of Thunder, was also taken aback, and was about to ask how it was lost.

But listening to Captain America's words, he also found that something was wrong with Hill's eyes staring at Captain America, and Thor didn't speak for the time being!

"I heard from the person who lost the Rubik's Cube, Captain Rogers, you took the Rubik's Cube!" Agent Hill replied!

"This is impossible!"

Hearing this, the little spider next to him was the first to call out, proving his innocence to Captain America, saying: "Captain Rogers has always been here and never left!"

"However, from the monitoring point of view, Captain Rogers indeed took the Rubik's Cube!" Agent Hill continued.

"No matter what the truth is, the most important thing is to find the Rubik's Cube first!" Hearing this, Captain America didn't pay too much attention to the matter of being slandered, and said hastily!

After the words fell, Captain America hurriedly got his shield!

And next to it?Thor is also going to get his hammer hanging on the wall!

However, before Thor reached out, the hammer hanging on the wall suddenly flew away!

Breaking through the wall directly, turning into a shooting star, time disappeared into the distance!

"What, what's going on!?" Thor was completely dumbfounded seeing his hammer fly away like this, clearly being summoned to leave by someone else!

First a Captain America can pick up his own hammer!Followed by Another Child works just as well!

Now, is there anyone who can summon his own hammer from a distance?

What's going on?

At first, he thought that the hammer belonged to him alone, but now he suddenly discovered that so many people can use his own hammer! ?

Or in other words, his own hammer allows so many people to use it?

So, is it such a hammer?

Far away, Asgard.

The fat house version of Thor raised his hand and grabbed the flying hammer. He was so excited that he even wept with joy!

Ever since Thanos was killed by himself in his own universe, he has lived a depraved life, thinking that he is really useless and cannot be recognized by the hammer.

Unexpectedly, Hammer still recognized him, which made Thor weep with joy!

It seems that I am not useless, right?

"Sir, have you also practiced the shadow clone technique?"

On the Stark Tower, Tony sneaked in. However, Jarvis, the artificial intelligence butler, suddenly spoke, which shocked Tony!

"Jarvis?" Hearing this, Tony called out with some doubts.

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