"Yes, sir!" Jarvis responded!

"What do you mean by the technique of shadow clone?" Tony asked in surprise.

In my own universe, I don't have any shadow clone technique!

"So, sir, did you use a shapeshifting spell to seize the Ark's reactor?"

As Tony's words came out, Jarvis's voice suddenly became much sharper!

Immediately afterwards, the defense mechanism of the entire Stark Tower was instantly activated, and at the same time, a sharp siren sounded!

Jarvis couldn't distinguish the ability of the transformation technique, so it was easy for those explorers to use the transformation technique to mix in before!

However, Jarvis also has the ability to think independently after all.

Seeing that Tony in front of him didn't know what the Shadow Clone Technique was, Jarvis came to his senses. The Tony in front of him must have used the Transformation Technique to sneak in again, right?

With the sound of a sharp siren, several steel battle armors stored in the Stark Tower flew out and surrounded Tony firmly!

"Sir, I advise you to cancel the transformation and surrender!" Several steel suits surrounded Tony, and pointed their palms at him. At the same time, Jarvis' voice sounded!

Tony was also a little scared. Jarvis's reaction was too intense, right?

143 reflexively, the nano armor activated and quickly covered his whole body. Tony was also alert to the steel armor around him: "Wait, Jarvis, don't be impulsive, you have something to say!" "Huh?"

Upstairs, Tony, who had just entered the Stark Building not long ago, was recognized by Jarvis as an intruder. Downstairs, in the laboratory, Stark, who was embedding the Mind Stone into the vibrating gold glove, heard that he was in the building. The alarm sounded, and his expression also changed.

Ignore the siren, and focus on the mosaic work!

It took another ten seconds or so, and the setting of the gemstones was finally completed. Then Stark took off the vibrating gold gloves and went upstairs!

Walking upstairs, Stark, of course, saw another steel suit surrounded by his own steel suit!

"Hey, you don't think you can sneak in with such a steel suit, do you?" Stark said, staring at the strange steel suit in front of him.

At the same time, I secretly complained in my heart, even if I want to pretend to be myself, I have to pretend to be a set of steel armor that I have, right?

I have so many sets of steel armor, but none of them looks like the one in front of me!

"Sir, take off your, um, costume!" Stark said!

"No, no, I believe you don't want to see my face!" Tony from another time and space shook his head.

"Sir, I don't have that much patience, say it one last time, take off your costume, otherwise, I will do it!" Stark issued a final warning! "All right!"

I also understand my own nature. Tony understood the last warning and nodded helplessly. Then, the nano armor was put away!

As the nano armor was put away, Stark's face changed slightly.

Is this nanotechnology?Haven't developed it yet?This person in front of him actually did it?This seems to be more than just costumes?

When the nano armor was completely put away, revealing the appearance of Tony inside, Stark's expression changed drastically.

The people in this nano armor?It turned out to be me! ?How is this possible! ? .

Chapter 221: Luohang is the key to the difference between the two universes

"Who the hell are you!?" Staring at Tony in front of him, Stark in this time and space was a little scared!

After all, no matter who it is, they will be frightened when they suddenly see another self, right?

"I am you!" Tony said!

"Another me? What do you mean?" Stark suppressed the turmoil in his heart and asked calmly!

"The literal meaning, of course, to be more accurate, it should be that I come from the future you, the future of the parallel universe!" Tony replied without hiding anything!

"Do you have anything to prove?" Stark still didn't believe the other party so easily!

"This is my latest nano-armor technology. You should have some clues at this time, right? This is a fully mature technology!" To prove himself, Tony took off his armor and handed it over to the Stark.

"You, chest..." Looking at the opponent's chest, there was no ark reactor embedded in it, Stark asked intently!

Tony also tore open his clothes very simply, revealing a scar on his chest: "The threat of shrapnel from the heart, I have already lifted it a few years ago!" Looking at the scar on the opponent's chest, Stark nodded slightly , Immediately, with the technology of the nanotechnology armor, the test went!

This detection is very fast. After all, Stark has indeed dabbled in this technology for a long time.

And after some testing, this can be regarded as clearing the sky for Stark!

It turns out that the technology of nano armor should finally develop in this direction!

It only took 10 minutes to understand these corresponding techniques, and I copied it!

Then, Stark returned the armor to Tony: "Well, now I completely believe in your identity. No one in this world can develop the technology of nano armor except me!" , this arrogant look..." Hearing what he said, the corners of Tony's mouth twitched slightly.

If it's normal for me to talk to others like this, I won't feel anything.

However, when facing himself, the former self spoke to himself like this, Tony felt a little weird.

Is it any wonder that many people in the past always felt uncomfortable when they listened to their own words?

Listen to Two Tonys.In the conversation between Stark, Jarvis also knew the identity of the other Tony, so he silently lifted the alarm.

Those remote-controlled iron suits were also put away!

Tony didn't mean to be polite, and took out a bottle of fine wine from a corner of the wine cabinet with ease.

"Sure enough, in this era, this bottle of wine is still hidden!" Holding the bottle of fine wine, Tony said with a smile on his face! "Don't move, you drank that time and space, don't hold back mine"! "

Seeing that the private collection of wine was taken out so easily, Stark was even more sure of Tony's identity!

"Okay, let's talk about it, why did you come here from another parallel universe?" Stark asked after asking the other party to pour a drink again!

"My purpose is to collect six infinite gems!" Tony didn't mean to hide it!

"What do you want to do? Do you also want to destroy half of the life in the universe?" Hearing this topic, Stark's face froze slightly! "It seems that you already know the functions of the six infinite gems!"

Hearing this, Tony was not surprised, and continued, "On the contrary, our purpose is not to destroy half of the universe's creatures, but to save the half of them!" "So, did your time and space fail? Thanos snapped that shocking finger?" Hearing this, Stark roughly understood the situation! "Yes, it is indeed so!"

Since it is a parallel universe and its history is different from his own, Tony has no intention of hiding it.

He told about his experience in that time and space, as well as his plan to collect the six infinite gems this time!

"I just got the news that the captain has already got the Rubik's Cube, and Hulk has also got the Time Stone, so my goal is the Mind Stone, is it in your hands now?" At the end, Tony looked at himself in this time and space .

"If the Mind Stone was mine, I could give it to you now, but it belongs to Luo Hang, so I have to ask his opinion!" Stark understood what it meant to be himself in another time and space. Said! "Luo Hang!? Speaking of Luo Hang, he is a very important person in your time and space!" Hearing Luo Hang's name again, Tony said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Stark looked at Tony strangely.

Luo Hang, is there something wrong?

"As far as I know, the news of the battle in New York was disclosed to you in advance by Luo Hang. Let me tell you, in our time and space, there was no such person as Luo Hang!" Tony replied!

"So that's the case, is this the place where our two time-spaces deviate?" Stark reacted and nodded suddenly!

"Okay, I'm also very interested in this Luo Hang, you should inform him, since he knew about the New York War in advance, he must also understand my purpose!" Nodding his head, Tony followed suit!

Since the Soul Gem is the loot of Luo Hang, Tony also knows that it is impossible for Stark in this time and space to make decisions and give it to himself!

"Jarvis, contact Luohang!" Hearing this, Stark said!

At this time, on the SHIELD side, Luo Hang also learned about the theft of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and he was secretly puzzled!

Judging from the surveillance system, is Captain America taking the Rubik's Cube?

But Little Spider and the others can testify that Captain America has been with them all along!

This made Luo Hang puzzled. Although the US team has learned Bamen Dunjia, he has never taught him ninjutsu. He doesn't know shadow clone!

Besides, with Captain America's character, Luo Hang still believes in him. If he really got the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he will definitely admit it! "Could it be? Is it the other explorers who used the transformation technique to become the captain and stole the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

After thinking secretly for a moment, Luo Hang whispered in his heart.

It seems that only this explanation can make sense!

"Drip drip..."

Just when Luo Hang was thinking about the situation, suddenly, the phone rang!

"What? Are the inlays of my gloves and the Soul Gem finished?" Luo Hang picked up the phone, and this was the first thing he said!

"So? If this job is not completed, I can't call you?" Stark on the other end of the phone complained to Luo Hang angrily.

"No, you're right, aren't you very busy every day? You said yourself, when you have nothing to do, have you ever called and chatted with me?"

Luo Hang denied it, and at the same time threw the blame back on the other party!

"."this……. "

Well, Luo Hang's words seem to make sense?

Stark was speechless for a while, speechless!

"You are a man, for no reason, why should I call and chat with a man?" After a moment of silence, Stark said angrily.

My own behavior style is not the kind of person who will call and chat with men for no reason!

"Okay, tell me, what's going on! The S.H.I.E.L.D. is messing around now!"

Without getting too entangled in this question, Luo Hang followed the question to the point!

"What's wrong? Is the Rubik's Cube missing?" Stark on the other side of the phone suddenly asked!

"Oh? How did you know?" Stark's words really surprised Luo Hang!

How could Stark know about the theft of the Rubik's Cube here?

This is unreasonable!

"Okay, come to Stark Tower, you will know when you come!"

Without saying anything, Stark hung up the phone after saying this!

"What's going on?" Putting away his phone, Luo Hang murmured to himself!

After the voice fell, Luo Hang didn't talk nonsense, and with a slight thought, he directly opened the magic portal, and then appeared at the door of Stark Tower!

"Sir, please come in!" With the appearance of Luo Hang, Jarvis kindly opened the door for Luo Hang, so that he can go all the way unimpeded!

"It seems that the relationship between you and Luo Hang is very good!"

I still know myself. From the conversation between Stark and Luo Hang on the phone, Tony can tell that their relationship is very good!

"Well, it's okay! Otherwise, he wouldn't have given me the Soul Stone with confidence, would he?" Stark replied with a nod.

As soon as the words fell, it sounded like Jarvis's voice: "Sir, Mr. Luo Hang has arrived at the door, and he will be there in one minute!"

"As expected of someone who has mastered the magic of Karma Taj?"

He also remembered that in the video, the first time Luo Hang publicly showed his strength was because of the fire unicorn.

At that time, he showed off a wave of magic portal abilities.

Therefore, Tony can understand!

Walking all the way, Luo Hang thought secretly in his heart!

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube of S.H.I.E.L.D. was stolen, and even I couldn't figure out who the murderer was, but Stark knew?

What's happening here?

Has there been a change in the plot of the Marvel world that I don't know about?

With doubts, Luo Hang came to Stark.

Also saw two Tonys.Stark! .

Chapter 222: Shocking, the screen of the Longguo live broadcast room is actually black?

"Yo? Stark, did you learn the technique of shadow clone yourself?"

Look at the two Tonys.Stark, Luo Hang was startled, and said with a smile!

"Oh, that's not right!" However, as soon as the words fell, Luo Hang shook his head.

If it is the technique of shadow clone, the two Starks should be exactly the same, right?

However, the other Stark looks noticeably older!

If the Stark I knew was about 40 years old, then the other one is at least in his 50s, and his hair is gray in some places!

Moreover, the dress is different!

The most important thing is that Luo Hang himself has the power of the Naruto world, so Luo Hang can still tell the difference with the simple shadow clone technique!

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