Since it is not the technique of shadow clone, then the answer is ready to come out.

In addition, the S.H.I.E.L.D. side said that the Rubik's Cube was taken away by the US team!

"Are you? Tony from the parallel universe. Stark?" After a moment of silence, Luo Hang spoke to another Tony!

Although the sentence is an interrogative sentence, the tone is that of an affirmative sentence!

"Not only can you know the battle in New York in advance, but can you even know my identity? Sure enough, can the mages of Karma Taj see the future in advance?"

Knowing that Luo Hang has mastered the magic of Karma Taj, and thinking that Doctor Strange can peek into more than 1000 million futures, Tony is terrified, but he can accept it!

And his answer was an admission that Luo Hang's guess was indeed correct!

"Really? It's actually Tony from another time and space who came here!" Luo Hang, who got the answer, said secretly in his heart!

Immediately, there was another smile in his heart. 143 Because of his intervention, everything in this universe is completely different from the history he knows.

Presumably, Tony, who came to this world, looked confused, right?

"Excited, is the fusion of the Soul Gem and Vibrating Gold Gloves finally complete?"

"Oh? Tony actually knew that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from S.H.I.E.L.D. has been stolen? What's going on here?"

"Hold the grass, two Tonys. Stark? What's going on here?"

"Come from a parallel universe? I'm dumbfounded!"

"In this world, do these people actually have the ability to travel through parallel universes?"

"Is the other Tony from the parallel universe in the timeline ten years later?"

"His purpose is for the six infinite stones?"

"However, looking at Brother Hang's appearance, I'm not surprised. Could it be that Brother Hang can even calculate this in advance? He already knew the existence of parallel universes?"

"Wait, Tony talked about Karma Taj?"

"By the way, Karma Taj's Ancient One mage also got the script a long time ago, so Tony thinks that Luo Hang's advance knowledge is due to the power of Karma Taj?"

"Unfortunately, my brother Hang has such power himself, and it is definitely not because of Kama Taj's power!"

"No wonder Stark knew in advance that SHIELD's Cosmic Rubik's Cube was lost!"

"So, Captain America really took it? But, it's Captain America from another parallel universe!"

"Hahaha, poor Captain America, are you taking the blame for yourself?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, this (bcfj) exploded!

Originally, following Luo Hang's perspective, Stark made a phone call.

These people all know that the fusion of the Soul Gem and Vibrating Gloves should have been completed, and they all feel very excited!

However, when I got to the Stark Tower, I saw two Tonys.

Then I learned that the other one actually came from the parallel universe ten years later, and all these audiences were dumbfounded!

Although it has long been known that the water in this universe is very deep, who would have thought that it would be this deep?

"So? What is the purpose of asking me to come?" Luo Hang probably guessed why he asked himself to come here, but on the surface, he pretended not to know!

"The situation is like this. We need to use your six infinite gems to rescue those who have been eliminated. The soul gem is yours now, so I want to ask for your permission!"

Tony didn't mean to talk nonsense, so he spoke!

"This? I can agree, but I also want to see it!" After thinking about it, Luo Hang said!

"You want to go too?"

Hearing this, Tony frowned slightly, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "It's not that I don't want to promise you, it's just that we don't have many Pym particles in our hands, so..."

"Traveling forward for a few decades, there must be a lot of Pym particles in some places!" Luo Hang followed up and reminded!

"This, it's true!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Tony thought about it, and understood what he meant!

"Okay, go, I'll wait for you here, I can see the future, you can successfully get the Pym particles, if you are lucky, maybe you can meet your father!"

Luo Hang followed suit, not giving Tony a chance to refuse at all!

Originally, I could leave after taking the Soul Gem, which is quite good.

But now you want to take the risk and travel back decades to find Pym particles?

What if you fail?Don't you want to be trapped in time and space decades ago?

But Luo Hang's attitude is very firm, he can't snatch it by himself, right?

Besides, since Luo Hang said that he saw the future and that he would succeed, Tony believed him for the time being!

"So, wait for me, I'll be back in a second!" Nodding, Tony said.

Immediately, he used his last share of Pym particles to activate the time-traveling device, atomized and disappeared in an instant!

Almost at the same time, the disappeared Tony reappeared.

For this time and space, Tony just left.

However, for Tony, he should have been in time and space decades ago for a long time!

"Okay, we can start at any time!" There is no need to ask any more questions, since Tony can come back, it means that he has successfully obtained the Pym particles!

(.!'Recognize;? Accurate.: If; Water "; First., Send",,: Steal!? Book! Sell'; Money! Die "Mom') "Okay, let's go together! "Nodding his head, seeing that Luohang had already taken over the Vibrating Gold Gloves and Soul Gem from this time and space, Tony also nodded and said!

Having already had production experience, it would not be difficult for Tony to make another instrument!

There is no need to explain anything, for this time and space, it is only a moment for him to leave.

With the start-up of the instrument, Luo Hang and Tony instantly atomized and disappeared, and traveled through time and space to the parallel universe of another timeline ten years later!

It is worth mentioning that, as Luo Hang disappeared in an instant, the Longguo live broadcast room became dark in an instant, and Luo Hang's image was lost!

"Hold the grass, why is my screen black here?"

"Upstairs, it's not just you, my screen is black too!"

"Zhinao, come out and explain, what's going on?"

"I probably understand that the live broadcast of Zhinao follows Brother Hang's perspective, and it is in the current universe! However, Brother Hang has traveled across the universe and left, so the signal is suddenly interrupted?"

"Although I don't quite understand it, it feels so powerful!"

"It can cut off the live broadcast of Zhinao, only my Hang brother can do this, right?"

"Brother Hang, YYDS!"

"It's coming, it's coming, the picture is coming! Sure enough, when you travel through time and space, no matter how long you go, you will come back in a second!"

"I don't know what my brother Hang has experienced when he went to a universe in another timeline?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, a black screen appeared for a moment. Such a situation caused the live broadcast room to explode, and the barrage flew up!

Fortunately, the black screen was only for a moment.

Because in the Marvel world, Luo Hang, who traveled through time and space and came back, only disappeared for a second!

As time moved forward, Luo Hang felt his body shrinking rapidly, entering an atomized state, and everything in the whole world became completely different.

However, immediately after he returned to his normal body shape, he reappeared, already on a circular platform.

At this time, the circular platform was full of people!

Luo Hang, Tony, Hulk, Nebula, Hawkeye, the Fat House version of Thor...

"Oh? Who is this person!?"

The people who appeared looked at each other, Luo Hang's existence naturally attracted the attention of all of them!

That's right, I traveled through time and space to find the six infinite gems. Now, why is there a stranger I don't know?

"Oh no, it's Luo Hang? He actually followed here!?"

Others didn't recognize Luo Hang, but Xingyun did, which made her feel horrified!

In the original universe, it was because of Luo Hang's existence that Thanos' invasion of the earth died prematurely.

Who would have thought that when traveling through time and space, Luo Hang also traveled through time and space! ?

"Where's Natasha!?" Although all the Avengers were surprised at who Luo Hang was and why he came, before Tony could introduce him, Hulk opened his mouth and asked Hawkeye!

Faced with Hulk's questioning, Hawkeye's face showed grief, but he just lowered his head and didn't speak!

At this time, looking at Hawkeye's expression, the Avengers seemed to have realized something, and their attention was shifted from Luo Hang to Hawkeye!

Yes, it is important to have a stranger come.

However, the life and death of partners is more important, right? .

Chapter 223: Shocking Finger Snapping

The atmosphere in the entire headquarters of the Avengers has become very heavy!

Everyone realized that Natasha, the black widow, should have been killed!

And Hawkeye didn't say too much, just said that the person who should be damned should be his own!

Hawkeye is indeed very remorseful!

After Thanos successfully snapped his fingers, Thor fell, and Hawkeye also fell.

In Hawkeye's view, since someone needs to sacrifice to get the soul gem, it should be sacrificed by himself, so that it can be regarded as atonement.

However, Natasha the Black Widow jumped off!

Perhaps, in Natasha's view, if she really succeeds in saving all the dead with a snap of her fingers.

Hawkeye's wife and children must be taken care of by Hawkeye, and he is alone after all~!

Therefore, Natasha the Black Widow jumped-down without hesitation!

The entire base of the Avengers has become heavy at this moment!

Everyone mourns the sacrifice of Natasha the Black Widow!

"Okay, everyone, don't be so sad. When the time comes, I'll go back and see if I can revive her!"

Seeing that everyone's atmosphere was so dignified, Luo Hang suddenly interrupted and said!

Yes, the sacrifice of the soul gem, what's going on?

I don't know.

However, the Sacred Heart Art itself has the ability to resurrect the dead, and there is also the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

Regardless of whether it can be achieved, at least this is a hope.

If you try it at that time, there is still no problem!

"You, can you bring Natasha back to life?"

Hulk is the saddest one. Hearing this, Hulk is like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw!

"I can't give you an absolute guarantee, but I can give it a try!" Luo Hang said!

I don't know what the sacrifice of the soul gem is like, so Luo Hang naturally won't talk too much!

"Okay, even if there is only one percent hope, it's okay!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Hulk said hastily!

Indeed, as long as there is hope, it is good, which is much better than no hope at all!

"By the way, Tony, are you sure you don't want to introduce this one?"

The atmosphere of the other people next to him also recovered a little bit, and then, Captain America asked Tony!

"This is Luo Hang, as you can see, he is the one who came back from the universe just now!" Tony opened his mouth and introduced everyone.

Listening to Tony's words, Captain America and the others didn't speak, but their eyes continued to focus on Luo Hang and Tony!

Obviously, the goal this time is to bring back the Infinity Stones, but Tony brought someone here, why! ?

There must be a reason, right?

Everyone is still waiting for Tony to tell the reason!

"It's nothing, it's just that I heard that you guys are going to snap your fingers here to rescue all the annihilated people, so I'm curious to follow and have a look!" Hearing this, Luo Hang replied!

While speaking, he raised his hand, and vibrating gold gloves appeared.

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