Luo Hang also took off the soul gem, and said: "Besides, this soul gem is on our side, and it is my trophy, so if you want to use it, I want to come and see how it is used!"

"That's good, the Soul Gem can be returned to you directly!" Captain America said, nodding his head!

The other Avengers beside them also nodded one after another!

The US team only said to return the Soul Stone to him, but did not say that he should take back all six Infinity Stones.

Everyone understands what this means!

What if Luo Hang didn't return the six infinity gems after returning?

Doesn't this mean that he has harmed that universe?

Everyone in this timeline has no friendship with Luo Hang, so naturally they won't trust Luo Hang so easily!

Of course, Luo Hang also understood what the American team and the others meant, so they didn't mean to force it!

It's almost the same, and the six infinite gems have been successfully collected.

Next, it is natural to inlay infinite gems, and to snap that terrible finger!

Everyone looked dignified, suppressed all their thoughts for the time being, and came to the laboratory!

Here, Tony Stark recreates an Infinity Gauntlet modeled after Thanos' almost destroyed Infinity Gauntlet!

Then, six infinity gems were inlaid on this bright red glove one by one!

"Successful!" After all the six infinity stones were inlaid, the glove was taken out!

"Then, who will snap this finger next?" Holding the gloves, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay!

"Let me come! I will come!" How depraved these years have been, how much pain Thor has, how much he blames himself!

If my own ax had chopped down the head.

If I had been more cautious at the time, I would have prevented Thanos from snapping his fingers in front of me!

If he can prevent Thanos from leaving after snapping his fingers.

in case……

Over the years, with so many what-ifs in his mind, Thor lives deeply in self-blame!

Now that the Infinity Gauntlets are finally collected and able to bring everyone back, Thor is of course very excited, and even more so excited that he wants to snap his fingers in person!

"Wait, Thor, your current state is not good!" However, seeing Thor excitedly going to get the Infinity Gauntlet, everyone around him stopped him!

Admittedly, the previous Thor was really fierce, especially when he first got the Storm Axe, he was so fierce that even Thanos was no match for him!

But now Thor?Look at his two hundred catties?

Forget it, although it hasn't been charged yet, it is already in a half-waste state!

"No, no, let me come, let me come, do you know what is flowing in my blood? It's lightning!" Thor looked at his companions beside him with pleading eyes, and said!

"I think it's beer and cheese!" However, the little Rocket Raccoon next to him unceremoniously demolished Thor's platform!

Glaring at the little raccoon angrily, Thor still wants to talk!

"Let me do it!" At this time, Hulk stepped forward and said!

"Gamma rays are mainly emitted by the Infinity Gems, and I was the Hulk who was born after being irradiated with gamma rays. Perhaps, I was born to snap my fingers!" Hulk said!

Compared with Thor, indeed, everyone trusts Hulk more!

Therefore, the Infinity Gauntlet fell into Hulk's hands!

Well, Thor also trusts Hulk's power, so he didn't say anything!

Immediately afterwards, the defense mechanism started at the Avengers base.

Stark raised his hand, and the pure energy turned into a shield in front of his eyes, and everyone focused on getting ready!

After all, with a snap of the fingers, the power of the six infinite gems explodes, which can bring back half of the life in the universe. . …ask for flowers.

This kind of energy is simply incalculable, and it is only natural to make any careful defensive preparations!

Hulk stretched out his hand and sensed Hulk's palm. The infinity glove was humanized and automatically enlarged to fit the palm of Hulk!

Then, the Infinity Gauntlet was put on Hulk's hand, and in an instant, these powers began to activate!

"Ah!" Even Hulk couldn't resist the power of the six infinite gems, and he couldn't help crying out in pain.

The incomparably gorgeous power, as if condensed into substance, quickly spread from the palm, and even spread to the arms and shoulders!

Amid the painful yells, Hulk barely lifted his spirits, snapped his fingers like this!

Then, Hulk fell to the ground as if his whole body was useless!

The person next to him immediately helped him take off the Infinity Gauntlet, and even kicked it far away like kicking garbage!

Seeing that one of Hulk's arms seemed to be completely useless, Tony hurriedly shot out a large amount of cold air, cooling his arm and relieving Hulk's pain!

"Successful, we all succeeded!"

Immediately afterwards, Hawkeye walked to the window, saw the birds chirping in pairs outside, and his mobile phone rang, and the incoming call displayed on the mobile phone was exactly the call from his wife, which made Hawkeye excited Incomparable, and shouted with joy in his mouth!

"Successful!?" Hearing Hawkeye's shout, Thor and the others beside him were also ecstatic!

Did it really work?

On the other side, all the Avengers, because of the snapping of the Infinity Gauntlet, successfully saved those lost lives.

However, Xingyun didn't attract anyone's attention, and quietly walked towards the big platform!

Xing Yun wants to take this opportunity to open the passage through time and space again, and let the army of Thanos descend! "Well……"

However, when Nebula came to the platform, holding Pym Particles, suddenly, her footsteps stopped slightly!

Because next to the platform, Luo Hang was sitting cross-legged, as if asleep!

"Coming?" Sensing Xingyun's arrival, Luo Hang, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes and said!

"You, why are you here?" He was secretly nervous in his heart, but Xingyun forced himself to be calm on the surface, and asked!

That's right, on the side where you snapped your fingers, didn't Luo Hang follow everyone to witness that all those lost people came back?

But why did he appear here?

"What are you doing here?" Without answering Xingyun's words, Luo Hang asked instead!

"I just came out for a walk!" Of course Xing Yun would not confess!

"Well, okay, hand over the Pym particles in your hand, if you have anything to say, explain it to everyone..." Luo Hang said.

"You, what are you talking about!?" With Luo Hang's words, Xingyun's defense was instantly broken!

Has Luo Hang seen through his purpose?

"Really? This Luo Hang's power is too terrifying, not just pure destructive power, but also the appearance that seems to control everything in his hands!" Looking at Luo Hang in amazement, Xing Yun's heart was secretly shocked Go!

No nonsense, Luo Hang just opened his mouth and shouted: "Friday? Contact Stark and the others and let them all come over? Just say, there is a traitor here!" Dead body.

Chapter 224: Scared!Fortunately, Luo Hang traveled through time.

Tony and the others heard Friday's reminder that there was a conflict between Xingyun and Luo Hang, and Luo Hang said that Xingyun was a traitor!

This news brought all the members of the Avengers Alliance to the front of Luo Hang and the others!

"Hey, Luo Hang, you said Xingyun is a traitor, what's going on?" Tony asked Luo Hang!

Similarly, Thor and the others next to him also looked at Luo Hang, waiting for his answer!

After all, Luo Hang is a newcomer, relatively speaking, they still trust Xingyun a little more!

"As the name implies, this nebula is actually not the nebula you are familiar with, it is a nebula from another universe.

"The reason she came here just now was to open the time-space tunnel and let Thanos from another time-space come over!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to Tony and the others!

"Xingyun!?" Listening to Luo Hang's words, the complexions of Thor and the others changed slightly, and immediately looked at Xingyun with searching eyes.

Obviously, what Luo Hang said surprised them all!

"He is talking nonsense. I am the nebula in this time and space. Luo Hang is the one with evil intentions. He came here with an ulterior purpose. Don't be fooled by him!" Following Luo Hang's words, Xing Yun also followed suit, pointing at Luo Hang at "one four three" and spitting blood!

Now, it's really the public who says the public is right and the woman who says the woman is right!

Members of the Avengers, you look at me, I look at yours, obviously no one believes it!

Even, from a selfish point of view, after all, Nebula has fought side by side with them, so these Avengers would rather believe in Nebula's words!

"Luo Hang, you said that this nebula does not belong to our time and space, what proof do you have?" Tony asked Luo Hang!

Similarly, the people next to him also looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes!

"Evidence, it's very simple, just ask her a few questions!" Luo Hang said, and immediately asked Xingyun: "Who is Gamora, you should know?" "Of course!" In other words, Xingyun nodded simply!

The little raccoon and Thor next to him also stared at Luo Hang and Xing Yun curiously, wondering what question Luo Hang could ask to find out Xing Yun's identity!

"So, a very simple question, who is Gamora's future boyfriend? Can you answer it?" Luo Hang asked!

Luo Hang believed that Xingyun would not be able to answer this question.

After all, in the original book, Gamora, who came from another time and space, didn't even know that her boyfriend was Star-Lord!

"Isn't Gamora's boyfriend the two idiots of Xingjue?" However, after hearing Luo Hang's question, Xingyun replied without thinking!

"Well, it seems that I ignored the situation of the shared memory system between the two Nebulas!" Hearing that Nebula answered his question so directly, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart!

My own thinking is completely lost.

Gamora doesn't know, but it doesn't mean Nebula doesn't know.

After all, when two nebulas are in the same time and space, the memory systems are completely synchronized. , Then, apart from the difference in xinxing, the memory system of this nebula should be exactly the same as that of that nebula!

"and then?"

Seeing Xingyun clearly answered Luo Hang's question, the others looked at Luo Hang with questioning eyes again!

That's right, since Xing Yun has already answered everything, what's next?

Does Luo Hang have any other questions to prove that the nebula in front of him is not the nebula he is familiar with?

"It seems that I can only use illusion!" After a moment of silence, Luo Hang said.

"I don't agree with this. Who knows how true or false your illusion is!" Hearing this, Little Raccoon Rocket shook his head and was the first to express his rejection!

Similarly, other people also nodded in agreement!

Since the problem is not enough to prove that the nebula in front of me is fake, how can I use illusion?

What if what Nebula said is true?

What if Luo Hang's so-called illusion technique actually manipulated so that what Xing Yun said was not the truth?

"Okay, it's normal that you don't trust me very much, but you have to trust Doctor Strange, right? As the new Supreme Sorcerer, I believe he will be able to figure out Nebula's identity!"

Luo Hang said!

This remark made Tony and the others nod in agreement!

Although I trust Xingyun a little more, Luo Hang's words are too important.

If the Nebula in front of her is indeed fake, and her purpose is to let Thanos and his party travel through time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, it is still necessary for Doctor Strange to make a good distinction.

As the supreme mage, Doctor Strange should be able to tell whether Nebula is real or not!

"The snapping of the fingers has played a role, Lede, Doctor Strange should have been resurrected, let's find a way to contact him as soon as possible!"

In this way, everyone exchanged for a while, and felt that Luo Hang's proposal was reasonable!

Next, the Avengers, try to contact Doctor Strange!

On the other side, on Titan, Doctor Strange, Star-Lord, Little Spider Parker and other people who were annihilated a few years ago have recovered one after another.

Then, after Dr. Strange and others gathered together, he directly constructed the magic portal, and teleported directly from Titan to Earth's Avengers headquarters!

Now that he has recovered, the next step is naturally to go to the headquarters of the Avengers!

Seeing the little spiders who came back, Tony and others were overjoyed.

Sure enough, the people who were annihilated at the beginning have all been resurrected!

"I'm not happy now, Mage, do you see if this nebula is real? Luo Hang said, she is fake, he is not the nebula of our universe!"

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