Tony hugged the little spider for a while, feeling his return, and then said to Doctor Strange!

"Luo Hang? Who are you?"

However, upon hearing Tony's words, Doctor Strange was not in a hurry to look at Nebula, but looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes!

"Luo Hang is the person we brought back from another time and space when we traveled through time and space!" Tony explained!

"But, among the more than 1400 million endings I've seen, I've never seen you before!" Doctor Strange continued, with a startled expression on his face!

Doctor Strange's words made Thor and the others next to him stare at Luo Hang solemnly!

Even Doctor Strange said that there are more than 1400 million endings, and Luo Hang has never been seen.

Speaking of it this way, the origin of this Luo Hang is indeed too mysterious!

"In my original time and space, Master Gu Yi also said the same. She has never seen me in the multiverse!" Luo Hang's expression was calm!

After the voice fell, he raised his hand, hung the ring in his hand, and drew a magic portal directly to prove himself.

"However, Ancient One still chose to believe in me, and even taught me magic in person!"

This magic portal is the unique magic of Karma Taj, and Luo Hang can indeed prove his identity by being able to cast this magic!

"Mage Gu Yi is the supreme mage who has commanded Karma Taj for an unknown number of years. Since she has chosen to trust you, then you must have something worthy of her trust!"

Nodding his head, Doctor Strange also chose to trust Luo Hang.

Of course, to be more precise, he chose to believe in the judgment of Master Ancient One.

It's like Hulk went to the Ancient One to borrow the Time Stone, and the Ancient One also unconditionally believed in Doctor Strange's judgment!

Luo Hang's problem, here it is, it's over!

Immediately afterwards, Doctor Strange looked at Nebula next to him!

As a mage, and even Karma Taj's new supreme mage, what Doctor Strange sees is naturally completely different from ordinary people!

Under Doctor Strange's gaze, Nebula felt very uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to make too many changes!

Just like that, Doctor Strange stared at Nebula for a while, and said, "This Nebula, she is indeed not from our universe!"


Hearing what Doctor Strange said, his identity was indeed exposed. Nebula moved very quickly, immediately took out his weapon, and at the same time ran away at high speed like lightning!

"Want to escape!?" Seeing this, how could Tony and the others not understand that this nebula is really fake?

Thor yelled, and threw his hammer directly at it!

Although Xing Yun's strength is good, it is absolutely impossible for her to escape in front of many Avengers members alone!

After a while, Nebula was captured by members of the Avengers!

"I didn't expect to be mixed in by nebulae from other universes. If Luo Hang's eyes hadn't seen through her, the consequences would have been unimaginable! 5.9"

After Xing Yun was captured, Tony and the others were both afraid and even more fortunate!

Especially Tony is even more grateful!

Fortunately, I let Luo Hang come to my own universe with me.

Otherwise, if this nebula really opened up the space-time channel and Thanos really appeared, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Luo Hang, thank you, we shouldn't have doubted you just now!" After being scared, the US team came to Luo Hang and said to Luo Hang!

"There is no need to apologize, after all, you are more willing to believe in Xingyun, this is human nature, I can understand!" Luo Hang said indifferently!

"No wonder Tony is willing to bring you here!" Seeing Luo Hang's reasonable appearance, the US team said with emotion!

In another time and space, in a room, Mr. Ant-Man Lang is conducting an atomization experiment, and the Wasp is assisting him!

However, at this moment, the other four generals of the Obsidian Five suddenly appeared!

After a fight, both Ant-Man and Wasp died under their hands!

"found it!"

After killing Ant-Man and the Wasp, General Obsidian searched for a while, and soon found a few Pym particles, and left quickly. .

Chapter 225: Thanos strikes, Tailed Beast Jade steals home first

"Xingyun has returned. It stands to reason that the space-time channel should be opened in the next second to take us to the parallel universe, but it didn't. It seems that she was exposed?"

"Sure enough, if you want to achieve great things, there are always ups and downs!"

"However, fortunately, I have two hands ready!"

On the desolate planet, Thanos sat on his throne with a calm expression, but his heart was full of thoughts.

Holding an instrument in his hand, this instrument is modeled after Xingyun's space-time instrument!

Tony.Stark is indeed a genius. He was able to make such an instrument that can travel through parallel universes.

However, as a well-known overlord in the universe, Thanos' subordinates naturally gathered a group of talented people.

After getting this instrument, it is not difficult to imitate and make finished products.

What is lacking now are only Pym particles!

"Master Thanos, this is a Pym particle!"

After waiting for a long time, the two men came to Thanos and took out the Pym Particles they had won from the Wasp and Ant-Man!

"Very well, there is no hope for Xingyun, now, we will handle it ourselves!" Thanos said with a satisfied look, nodding his head!

The scientific personnel next to them took over the Pym particles and the instrument, and started to activate it!

As for the army marching into the parallel universe?Thanos has been prepared for a long time!

With the opening of the space-time instrument, a huge channel appeared.

Then, Thanos' spaceship went directly through the tunnel to the parallel universe!

"Luo Hang, it's a good thing you came with us, otherwise, the last 12 would be unimaginable!"

The headquarters of the Avengers, Tony said happily!

The other Avengers beside him nodded.

indeed so!Who would have thought that when he went there, he was fine, but when he came back, this Nebula would not be the Nebula he knew before?

"Now, the things on your side are over, and it's time for me to go back!"

For Luo Hang, being able to witness the shocking finger snapping with his own eyes, and helping the members of the Avengers Alliance to eliminate the consequences of Thanos' attack, this trip through the parallel universe is worthwhile!


However, at this moment, suddenly, several shells quickly blasted towards the base of the Avengers!


Without warning, the base of the Avengers Alliance was attacked, and in an instant, the entire base collapsed!

This sudden situation caught people off guard!

"Who is this, attacking the base of the Avengers? Thanos? But, hasn't Nebula been stopped by himself?"

The fact that the entire base of the Avengers Alliance collapsed made Luo Hang also stunned.

I just feel that the plot is completely out of my control!

However, although the attack came unexpectedly, Luo Hang's reaction was quick.

Seeing countless building wreckage falling down, about to bury himself alive, Luo Hang stretched out his hands, and the eyes of reincarnation burst into purple light at this moment: Shenluo Tianzheng!

With a bang, the invisible repulsive force, centered on Luo Hang's body, exploded in an instant, blowing away all the surrounding building wreckage!

Afterwards, Luo Hang flew out from among the ruins.

You can see the huge spaceship in mid-air, and the huge dragon-shaped monster.

There are endless kinds of alien monsters on the ground, emerging one after another!

"It's really Thanos? Why?" Looking at this lineup, Luo Hang certainly understood that it was Thanos' attack!

However, Nebula has been taken down, why can Thanos come over?

"Oh, sure enough, things are not that simple!"

Next to him, Doctor Strange in a cloak also flew out, with a serious look on his face, and at the same time glanced at Luo Hang next to him!

Originally, I saw one of the 1400 million future fragments that could win.

However, because of the appearance of Luo Hang, has the future become unknown again?

Although Luo Hang's appearance was indeed helping the Avengers, but his appearance may have done bad things with good intentions!

"What's going on here? Thanos? How did he come here!?"

One after another, Tony and the US team also came out, looking at Thanos' army, their faces became extremely dignified!


When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, watching the appearance of Thanos, Thor's eyes were filled with monstrous anger, and then, bright lightning appeared in his eyes.

With a hammer in one hand and a storm ax in the other, Thor rushed towards Thanos!

For Thor, it doesn't matter why Thanos came into being.

The important thing is that since he has appeared, then kill him!

Holding the tyrant's butcher's knife, Thanos pointed in this direction!

Immediately, the Thanos army also appeared, rushing towards Luo Hang and the others!

"Okay, it's come to this point, I can't stand by and watch, right!?" With a hand on his waist, Xuanyuan Sword appeared in Luo Hang's hand!

Seeing Luo Hang take out the sword, Doctor Strange and the others looked at him in astonishment.

Isn't he a mage?Actually took out the sword?What does it mean! ?

Swish swish!

No nonsense, the holy spirit sword technique is very smooth, and the sword energy is shot out with Luo Hang's movements!

These sharp sword qi are emitted by the Xuanyuan sword, giving people a feeling of being unstoppable!

Under the attack of this sword qi, each and every one of the Thanos army was either dead or maimed, with broken limbs flying all over the place!

"How fierce!"

Seeing Luo Hang holding the Xuanyuan Sword, rushing into Thanos' army like a tiger in a herd, the little spider next to him looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

Sword five, sword eight, sword 22...

With the last sword 22 being unleashed, hundreds of sword qi erupted instantly, centering on Luo Hang's body, as if turning into a meat grinder.

Within tens of meters around, all the alien creatures fell to the ground with the burst of sword energy!


At this moment, suddenly, taking advantage of the strong wind pressure, Luo Hang raised his head, his face changed slightly!

It turned out that it was a flying dragon in Thanos' army, who seemed to have sensed his own strength, and was diving towards him!

Seeing the flying dragon pressing down like a train, Luo Hang's expression remained unchanged, he raised his left hand, and the left hand with the vibrating gold glove was right in front of him, thinking slightly: "Block!"

Although the flying dragon was aggressive, in front of him, Luo Hang looked very small.

However, when the palm touched the flying dragon, the ability to block was activated, and the flying dragon stopped as if it had hit an iron mountain.

Then, Luo Hang said silently again in his heart: Counterattack!

Loud bang!The impact of the flying dragon completely bounced back at this moment.

Then, under everyone's shocking eyes, the huge flying dragon actually flew back upside down, landed on the ground from mid-air, and even rolled several times on the ground.


This blow, the deterrence caused, instantly shocked all the members of the Avengers and Thanos' lineup!

"Hey, Tony, this friend you found isn't bad!" Seeing that Luo Hang's move blocked and counterattacked, the shock of this power was almost three points stronger than that of the Hulk, Thor said!

"That's natural, and I don't look at anyone's eyes!" Tony said with a proud face.

He seemed to have selectively forgotten that he didn't really want Luo Hang to come, it was Luo Hang himself who asked for it!

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