"Kill him!" Thanos was being wrestled by Iron Man, and he couldn't do his best. However, he could also see Luo Hang's strength, so he pointed at Luo Hang!

All of a sudden, the alien creatures that looked like ferocious beasts rushed towards Luo Hang like a tide!

"Hey, is this trying to bully the widowed? If that's the case, then I won't be polite!" Luo Hang made seals with both hands, and sighed secretly in his heart!

Immediately, the technique of multiple shadow clones was cast! A series of shadow clones quickly appeared on the battlefield, but in a short while, hundreds of shadow clones were separated!

Such a method once again left everyone dumbfounded!hundreds?

Such an ability, is this also a magical ability?

"143 Hey, Curly, his move is stronger than yours!" Star-Lord stared at the hundreds of Luo Hang's shadow clones in a daze, and turned to Doctor Strange at the same time!

When fighting on Titan, Doctor Strange also showed off advanced magic, and it seemed that he had a similar method at that time.

However, Doctor Strange at that time only created a hundred or eighty clones, which is nothing compared to the current Luo Hang here!

"It's not Kama Taj's magic!" Doctor Strange also glanced at Luo Hang, thinking silently in his heart!

Of course Doctor Strange can recognize Karma Taj's magic, but Luo Hang's trick is absolutely not!

"This guy has so many tricks!" Staring at Luo Hang, staring at hundreds of Luo Hang's shadow clones, Thanos secretly complained in his heart.

Hundreds of shadow clones rushed towards the monsters of the Thanos army.

For a while, it was completely a melee situation, and each alien creature was either killed or injured. , Of course, occasionally some shadow clones will be attacked, so the number of hundreds of shadow clones is getting smaller and smaller. "Well, let's think of a way first, blow that one away? First steal the house and push the tower?"

As hundreds of shadow clones were killed one after another, Luo Hang's eyes turned to Thanos' spaceship in mid-air!

With this idea, it is natural to put it into action, Luo Hang took a deep breath, and instantly entered the caressing mode!

Then, powerful and profound forces began to gather, and it was Luo Hang's most destructive Tailed Beast Jade! "Stop him!"

The black dwarf in the Black Star Five saw this scene and shouted loudly!

They and Luo Hang traveled through the same time and space, and they have also learned about Luo Hang's information, so they are very clear about the destructive power of this beast jade!

Except for Ebony Throat, the four Hei Yao generals abandoned their opponents and rushed towards Luo Hang!

However, their movements are still slow!

Tailed Beast Jade blasted towards the spaceship in mid-air...

Chapter 226: Instant Kill Thanos

Tailed Beast Jade, one move is enough to flatten a hill.

This tailed beast jade hit the spaceship, although it was not enough to completely blow up the spaceship with one move.

However, the loud explosion caused a large part of the spaceship to be blown up!

It's like a car that blows up a chunk, can it keep going?

At this moment, in the shocking eyes of everyone, you can see that the huge spaceship is slowly falling, which makes everyone in the Thanos army dumbfounded!

This scene is simply too demoralizing! "Water escape, big explosion and water rush!"

After using the Tailed Beast Jade to cause Thanos' spaceship to fall, Luo Hang formed seals with both hands, and with Jifu's Chakra as the backing, Luo Hang raised his hand to perform the water escape ninjutsu!

In an instant, a terrible flood swept in the direction of Thanos' army! "Curly hair, this is magic, really large-scale magic!"

Xingjue's venomous tongue ability is also very good, after following the tailed beast jade, and then looking at the ninjutsu of the water escape, he said to Doctor Strange again!

"The abilities of these spells are indeed very strong, but why do you keep reminding me?" Doctor Strange rolled his eyes secretly after hearing Xingjue's words, and said very helplessly!

"Among our group, only you are a traditional mage. Who else can I remind you?" Xingjue said with a natural look!

Well, his words left Doctor Strange speechless.

In my heart, I have made up my mind, and I have to make a serious move.

Otherwise, there is a reference object for comparison, and as a mage of Kama Taj, he is completely inferior to others. Doesn't it look good?

Not to mention the thoughts of Doctor Strange next to him.

This seems to be the first time that Luo Hang has faced such a large battlefield since he traveled through many worlds!

On this large battlefield, Luo Hang's abilities seemed to be fully utilized.

Unable to keep hands together, all kinds of powerful water escape ninjutsu can be said to be at your fingertips.

The water flow that appeared out of thin air even made the members of the Civil Defense Avengers secretly shocked.

This kind of technique is simply a means of creating something out of nothing!

In the original book, whether it is Thanos or the Avengers, the core of the battle is the Infinity Gauntlet!

In the end, it was Tony who sacrificed his life as the price and snapped his fingers successfully!

But now, Thanos seems to have no intention of competing for the Infinity Gauntlet!

After all, even if he snapped his fingers, if it weren't for the opponents of these Avengers, they would snap their fingers back and fight back.

So what's the point of snapping your fingers?

So, defeating these Avengers guys, this is the most important thing!

Thanos is very fierce, holding a tyrant's butcher knife, even if he fights Iron Man alone, the three of them, Captain America and Thor, still have the upper hand and completely crush them!

Under the fierce attack of his Tyrant Butcher Knife, Captain America couldn't stop Thanos' power even with a shield!

Even Zhenjin's shield was chopped into pieces!

After taking a look at the situation here, seeing that the three of Tony were at a disadvantage, Luo Hang raised his hand and shot Xuanyuan Sword!

Glancing at the angle of the shot, Thanos turned his head slightly and dodged the sword!


However, the sword flying in mid-air suddenly exploded and turned into Luo Hang's appearance!

Luo Hang combined the throwing technique and the transformation technique, and used it as a flying thunder god!

Luo Hang, who had turned into the main body, stretched out his finger, and shot the sharp sword energy towards Thanos' head!

Luo Hang will never make a mistake like Thor's again!

Such a gaudy ability is indeed a little hard to guard against.

Thanos turned his head, and the sword qi slashed across his face, and blood flowed immediately!

With a shock, Thanos kicked Tony and the others away. Immediately afterwards, Thanos raised the tyrant's butcher knife in his hand, and slashed at Luo Hang viciously!

Sword 23!

With a slight movement of Luo Hang's mind, the ability of Sword 23 was activated, and everything around him immediately froze!

Even Tony, who was kicked away beside him, froze in mid-air!

Then, Luo Hang raised his hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword continued to appear in his hand.

At the same time, the sword pierced Thanos' head!

Thanos' movements were completely frozen, he couldn't move, he could only watch Luo Hang's sword stabbing towards his head!

The ability to directly freeze material time and space, as long as such an ability does not face the power of restraint, it is a completely unsolvable BUG ability!

To put it bluntly, when facing Sword 23, even Luo Xian from Fengyun World can use the way of Yuanshen out of his body, and has a certain ability to resist!

However, as strong as Thanos, the Titans have no power to resist this move at all!

No matter how powerful the energy is, it is difficult to play a role when the material time and space are frozen, so I can only watch Luo Hang's sword stabbing down towards my head!

Then, Thanos' head was directly pierced by Luo Hang!

Quiet, the entire battlefield became deathly silent!

No one thought that facing Luo Hang, Thanos didn't even have the power to fight back, so he was killed just like that?

Is this Thanos?Is it so strong that slapping a superhero is like a father beating a son like Thanos? "A pure fighter is not worthy to be my enemy"! "

One move sword 23, after killing Thanos, Luo Hang's mood is also quite good, at the same time, he secretly thought in his heart!

"Master Thanos!?" As for all the members of the Thanos Legion, they were dumbfounded when they saw everything in front of them, and they couldn't believe it.

Lord Thanos was killed so easily by others!

"Luo Hang, you, your strength..." Tony's mask slid down, and he looked at Luo Hang in astonishment!

"My ability can restrain almost all fighters!" Luo Hang explained!

"If we knew this earlier, why would we need to waste so much thought? With you, we can completely crush Thanos!" Tony said with emotion in his mouth!

"Those who can restrain Thanos, your ability is indeed very miraculous!" Doctor Strange also flew over and said in amazement!

The power of restraint is indeed very magical, and it is easy to defeat the strong with the weak!

The most famous is the relationship between the Uchiha Sasuke brothers of Naruto and Orochimaru!

To put it bluntly, every time he faced Itachi Uchiha, Orochimaru was easily killed in seconds!

But what about the result?Uchiha Sasuke actually went to Orochimaru to seek power, hoping to defeat Uchiha Itachi, can you believe it! ?

To be honest, Orochimaru's cards shouldn't be so easily killed by Itachi!

This is because of the restraint problem of strength!

Many reincarnations have reduced Orochimaru's spiritual and soul power, and his resistance to illusion is almost 0. And Uchiha Itachi's illusion ability is definitely the ceiling level of the Naruto world.

Therefore, he can be instantly killed by Uchiha Itachi's illusion every time!

Now Luohang's sword 23 is also like this!

In a real fight, Luo Hang is by no means an opponent of Thanos, even if the tyrant's butcher knife can cut him down, Luo Hang will definitely not be able to stop him!

However, Sword 23 restrains all warrior professions, and Xuanyuan Sword is extremely sharp, enough to break Thanos' physical defense!

Therefore, once Jian 23's move is released, even if it is as strong as Thanos, he can only watch Luo Hang's Xuanyuan sword fall down and kill him!

With Thanos being instantly killed by Luo Hang, this battle naturally has no intention of continuing!

Even the spaceship was blown up by Luohang, and these alien creatures from the Thanos Legion couldn't even escape!

Those who resisted in the corner were all mercilessly killed.

In the end, all that was left were signs of surrender!

Portals appeared one after another, and these surrendered aliens are now prisoners of war, arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for how these prisoners of war will be treated in the future, that is beyond Luo Hang's control!

The battle is over, and the next step is to deal with the aftermath of the war!

The Infinity Gauntlet is still in the hands of the Avengers. Regarding the use of the Time Stone, Doctor Strange has long been familiar with it. It stimulates the time magic and makes time go backwards!

The headquarters of the Avengers Alliance, which has been turned into ruins, is like a film rewinding, going back bit by bit, and thus restored to its original state again!

After everything is done, Luo Hang and the Avengers of this parallel universe have a good reunion, and then they will go back and return the Infinity Stones!

The Mind Stone returned to Luo Hang's hands.

As for the other five gems?Naturally, it was returned to its original owner!

In this way, starting time travel again, Luo Hang returned to the original parallel universe!

"."how?Did you see that shocking snap of fingers? Seeing Luo Hang coming back, Stark asked!

"See, I even killed Thanos!" Luo Hang nodded and said with a smile.

Then, he told Stark everything that happened to him in the parallel universe.

"Did the Thanos of this time and space actually travel back together? Sure enough, those who play with time will also be played by time!" Hearing what Luo Hang did in other parallel universes, Tony expressed emotion. Said brightly! "Hold the grass, the screen went black for a while, and finally turned on!" "The live broadcast of Zhinao has actually dropped, can you believe it?"

"For this world, it's only one second, but Brother Hang has stayed in the parallel universe for so long, and even killed Thanos?" "Brother Hang, YYDS, can you even kill Thanos?" ? Invincible!"

"Didn't Brother Hang say that? It's not that he is stronger than Thanos, but that Thanos was restrained by the sword 23 move!" "Whether it is restrained or not, Brother Hang can kill Thanos, this is a fact!"

"This time, Brother Hang is helping people in this time and space to eliminate the threat of Thanos together!"

"My husband is so caring. The screen is black. I'm afraid I might suspect that he is fooling around in other universes, so why don't you take the initiative to report the itinerary?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the audience was shocked because of the black screen in the live broadcast room!

Now, Luo Hang has returned, and he even elaborated on what he did in other parallel universes. Knowing that he actually killed Thanos, these audiences were even more shocked! .

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