Chapter 227: Resurrection

Because of Luo Hang's intervention, the New York War in this time and space did not appear, but the Avengers from the parallel universe traveled over!

Even, the Thanos of this time and space traveled together, and was slaughtered by Luo Hang in the parallel universe!

So, the situation in this universe has become completely different!

Even parallel universes are different.

Tony, who should have snapped his fingers and sacrificed himself, saved his own life!

The returning Luo Hang briefly introduced the situation of the parallel universe, which made Tony understand the situation of the parallel universe!

In the days that followed, things seemed to calm down.

Even Thanos has been killed, it seems that the biggest threat has been eliminated?

The next Luo Hang will focus on the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Jue!

There is still almost half a year to come back, and in this half a year, I don't know what to do!

In this timeline, it seems that no powerful villains will appear?

Death Goddess Hela?Or Dormammu, the evil god of the multiverse?It's not even time for them to show up!

Even Ragnarok is years away!

Therefore, Luo Hang didn't pay attention to so much, and put his mind on his own cultivation!

So far, his gains seem to be not small.

The technology of the Ark reactor, the high technology of Wakanda, as well as the mind gem and vibrating gold gloves, as well as the magic of Karma Taj, these are all my own huge gains!

As for the other gems?They have all been returned, and Luo Hang really doesn't know how to collect them!

143 "Duk, duk..." On this day, Luo Hang was practicing the Sacred Heart Art, when suddenly, someone knocked on his window from outside!

Hearing this, Luo Hang took a look, and it was the Hulk who was outside!

"Banner, have you reconciled with the Hulk yet?" Looking at Hulk's eyes, which was completely devoid of the tyranny before, Luo Hang asked in surprise!

"I'm from a parallel universe!" The Hulk explained!

"Oh, so it's you, why are you here?" Luo Hang asked in surprise!

"Come to return the soul gem! I deliberately chose a few days later!" Hulk explained!

These words made Luo Hang's heart move slightly, and he came to his senses: "You are for Natasha, right?"

Before, when I was in the parallel universe, I said that I would try to see if I could resurrect the Black Widow.

Therefore, Hulk chose to return the soul gem, and asked Luo Hang to try it!

"That's right, it's for Natasha. This is the scene of Vormir. Dr. Strange said that even if you don't have a spaceship, you can go there with this!" Nodding, Hulk took a picture The real oil painting was delivered to Luo Hang!

"All right, let's go for a walk!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said.

Immediately, I wrote down the scene in the oil painting, and at the same time constructed the magic portal to Vormir Star!

After all, this is an interstellar magic portal. It is not easy to construct it, and it consumes a lot of mental power.

After a full 5 minutes of construction, it was successful. Then, Luo Hang and Hulk came to Vormir Star together, and also came to the mountain where the soul gem was obtained!

"What are you doing here?" A red skull wearing a cloak appeared.

On Vormir Star, the appearance of the Red Skull makes people feel like the legendary god of death!

"We're here to return the soul gem, and at the same time, see if we can revive Natasha!" Hulk replied without hiding anything!

"You guys are delusional. You sacrificed your soul for the soul gem. How can you be resurrected?" The Red Skull shook his head, directly denying it!

"The acquisition of the soul gem is soul exchange. Now that we return the soul gem, can we get back Natasha's soul?" Luo Hang said.

In theory, this should be true!

"It seems good in theory, but no one has ever done it!" Red Skull continued to shake his head!

"No one has ever done it before. This also means that there is still the possibility of changing the soul back?" Luo Hang asked!

The Red Skull is speechless!

Indeed, the way to get the soul gem is to exchange the soul for the soul. Now, if the soul gem is returned, can it be exchanged for the previous soul?

No one can tell!

"However, the person is already dead, even if the soul can be exchanged, it is impossible to be resurrected!" So, after a moment of silence, the Red Skull followed up!

"This is my own business. Now, please take us to the cliff where the sacrifice was made!" Luo Hang said without explaining so much!

"Then follow me!" After a moment of silence, Red Skull nodded and said!

Following Red Skull, Luo Hang and Hulk soon arrived on the cliff!

For some unknown reason, Natasha's body was still at the bottom of the cliff, without any signs of decay!

Hulk jumped straight down and brought Natasha's body up from the bottom of the cliff!

Luo Hang's Sacred Heart Art was mobilized, power poured into Natasha's body, and he began to check her physical condition!

There was no serious damage, Natasha was like a normal car that ran out of gasoline and stalled!

After checking the situation, it is not difficult for me to restart the stalled car. The difficulty is that the car has no gasoline now!

As the saying goes, a clever woman can't cook without rice, if there is no (bcfj) gasoline, no matter how good a repairman is, it is impossible to restart the car!

And what is this gasoline, that is Natasha's soul!

"Oh, it seems that there is no way to save this soul gem!" After checking Natasha's situation, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart.

Originally, Luo Hang thought that if Natasha was in the situation, if he could be resurrected directly with the Sacred Heart Art, there would be no need to return the soul gem!

Now it seems that it is impossible!

Luo Hang nodded to Hulk, and Hulk also understood what Luo Hang was thinking.

He took out the soul gem, and then threw it directly towards the bottom of the cliff!

As the soul gem fell, the gem gradually disappeared, and at the same time, a breath of soul appeared out of thin air.

In the end, Luo Hang raised his hand, and his true energy surged, absorbing Natasha's soul power and putting it into her original corpse!

Afterwards, the Sacred Heart Technique started to work, and powerful and life-filled power was injected into Natasha's body and began to revive her body.

The car that was originally turned off also restarted!

The Hulk next to him watched nervously, can Natasha really be resurrected?

Hulk didn't have any confidence in his heart, so he was very nervous!

"Impossible? Does this guy have the ability to bring the dead back to life?" Red Skull also watched Luo Hang's actions, secretly shocked in his heart!

The ability to bring the dead back to life, is this power really a power that mortals can master?

A full hour passed, and Natasha's face became more and more rosy.

The corpse, which had no breath, gradually recovered its breathing!

It wasn't until then that Luo Hang stopped, his face pale and ugly!

Although it consumes a lot less than when Kushina was resurrected.

However, for Luo Hang, it is still not a small burden to bring someone who has been dead for many days back to life!

If you really want to resurrect people easily, you don't have any burdens. Maybe you have to wait for Luo Hang to have 2000 years of cultivation, and answer the level of Emperor Shitian, right?

Breathing has already appeared, and Natasha's resurrection is about the same at this time, and immediately, slowly opened his eyes!

"Hey, big guy, are you dead too?" Natasha opened her eyes, looked at Hulk, and asked!

"No, you're the one who came back to life!" Hulk shook his head and said!

"Okay, you two have a good get together, I won't eat dog food here!" Looking at the two people who are parting from each other, there must be a lot of things to say, Luo Hang said.

After saying those words, Luo Hang turned around and left.

Then, with the help of the magic portal that I had already built, I returned to Earth from Vormir Star!

If you really want to talk about it, the soul gem is in your hands, the soul gem is returned to Vormir Star, and the time gem belongs to the ancient one!

So, which of the remaining three infinite gems can I get?

Should the power gem be put back into the cosmic spirit ball?Did it even fall into the hands of Xingjue?

What about reality gems?Are you still in Asgard?

The last space gem was returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.

If possible, Luo Hang certainly hopes to collect all the infinite gems.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Hang came to S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Mr. Luo Hang, why is your face so ugly?" Seeing the pale Luo Hang coming back, Hill said in surprise!

"Space Gem, have you returned it?" Luo Hang nodded slightly, then asked Hill back!

"Yes, the space gem has returned!" Hill nodded, and Hill didn't mean to hide it!

"Okay, go get busy!" Luo Hang confirmed the situation of the space gem, and immediately walked to Fury's office!

"You're here? Do you want the space gem?"

Seeing Luo Hang, Fu Rui was not surprised, and even explained Luo Hang's purpose of coming to see him!

Chapter 228: Do you want to know how the US team obtained the Rubik's Cube?

Regarding his identity as an explorer, Luo Hang had already made a corresponding confession.

The information about the harvest and assessment has also been mentioned.

Therefore, Fury was not surprised that Luo Hang would appear in front of him after the space gem was recovered!

"That's right, I'm here for the space gem!" Luo Hang nodded and said~!

"To be honest, because of your appearance, New York has avoided a big battle with incalculable losses!"

"Because of your appearance, you killed Thanos who would have caused half of the universe to disappear!"

"Now, if you want the space gem, I should give it to you!"

"However, to prevent problems before they happen, and not to cause people to experience losses, people will not have a personal experience of pain. If I hand over the space gem to you, I will not be able to explain it to the council!"

Fury was also very frank, and said to Luo Hang!

"I can understand this too!" Luo Hang nodded with his expression still calm!

"But you still came, so what do you think? You think you can get the space gem!" Seeing Luo Hang's calm expression, Fu Rui became more interested in these things.

That's right, since he understands this truth, but he still came here to obtain the space gem, what is his trump card?

"A piece of news!" Luo Hang said!

"News? What kind of news? No matter how important the news is, it's not as important as the news that you stopped the Battle of New York?" Fury felt strange!

"My contribution to preventing the Battle of New York in advance is not too great, that's because I didn't experience the pain caused by the Battle of New York!"

"However, my news can make the council deeply understand the pain!" Luo Hang said!

"What's the news?" Hearing this, Fu Rui's expression became much more dignified!

"For example, how did Captain America in the parallel universe easily obtain the space gem? Don't you want to know the reason?" Luo Hang smiled slightly and asked back!

"What's the reason?" Fury asked!

In fact, this is what Fury has always wondered about!

Although the US team has a high reputation, after all, they are only a few people who became famous during World War II.

The current Avengers have never shown their faces in front of the public. Why can he easily deceive the Rubik's Cube?

Such an important thing, why did Rumlow and his group give it to the US team?

"Because Captain America said something!" Luo Hang said!

"A word? What spell?" Fury asked, secretly surprised.

Could it be that the American team in the parallel universe also knows some magical spells?

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