It is because the energy of the space gem is infinite, this is what Loki said in the original book!

Secondly, the space gem can cross space and go to any place you want!

However, for Luohang, these two characteristics are rather tasteless!

The first is infinite energy. As one of the infinite gems, the mind stone also contains infinite energy, and the situation is the same.

Secondly, your own magic portal can also achieve space spanning, even interstellar spanning, which largely overlaps with the ability of space gems!

So, as the heaviest space Rubik's Cube in the Marvel world, it is actually the one with the least effect on Luo Hang among the six Infinity Gems...

Since it is difficult for him to collect all six infinite gems, then this space gem is not very useful, why not use it to make a business!

"No!" However, after hearing what Luo Hang said, Odin shook his head and refused without thinking.

"The value of the Eternal Flame is even higher than that of the Space Gem. Moreover, the Eternal Flame will be useful to us in Asgard in the future, so it cannot be traded to you!" Odin followed up and explained!

Luo Hang could understand what Odin meant. What he said should be referring to the Ragnarok event, right?

Hela appeared, and the two Thor brothers were not her opponents. In the end, they could only throw Surtur's crown into the eternal flame, and let Surtur merge with the power of the eternal flame, which was strong enough to overwhelm the entire Ahmad. Sgarder is destroyed!

So, in a sense, the Eternal Flame is the future of Asgard.

Odin's refusal to trade is also reasonable!

"So, you don't need all the eternal flame, but only a part?" Luo Hang asked after understanding Odin's thoughts!

Since it is a flame, it must be able to split part of it!

It can make Surtur's power countless times stronger, and even resurrect the dead undead. Both Odin and Hela have personally said that the value of the eternal fire is above the infinite gems.

Moreover, even a part of it is very strong. Didn't Hela in the original book just grab a handful of flames and resurrect so many undead?

Luo Hang was indeed very excited!

"This..." Hearing what Luo Hang said, only a part was needed, Odin hesitated.

It seems that if you really give out part of it, it won't have much impact?

However, this idea just flashed in his mind for a moment, and Odin continued to shake his head, indicating that 5.9 rejected it!

After all, the Eternal Flame is too important, if you can not move it, try not to move it!

"This..." Seeing Odin's resolute appearance, Luo Hang secretly murmured in his heart.

If it is true that the Eternal Flame cannot be traded, then what else is worth trading by yourself?

After many years of fighting in the Nine Realms, there must be countless treasures in Odin's treasury, but the original book didn't show too much!

"If you don't dislike it, can I exchange it with you for the Frost Treasure Box?"

When Luo Hang was thinking secretly, suddenly, Odin spoke and asked a suggestion!

Frost treasure box?What it is! ?

Hearing this, Luo Hang was startled for a while.

But then I reacted!

The Frost Treasure Box is a sacred object of the Frost Giants. When Thor 1, it came out of the cutscene.

Loki once used the power of the Frost Box to freeze Heimdall!It can be seen how powerful the Frost Treasure Box is!

Even, according to legend, if all the cold air in the Frost Treasure Box was released, it would be enough to freeze a planet!

Speaking of which, the power of this Frost Treasure Box cannot be underestimated! .

Chapter 230: Xuanyuan Sword Enchanted, Growing Weapon

Really speaking, as the sacred object of the Frost Giants, can the Frost Treasure Box be as valuable as the Space Gem?

Doesn't seem to be comparable?

Even if the Frost Treasure Box can really freeze a planet, the cold air inside is limited after all.

The energy in the Infinity Stones is, after all, infinite.

Although from my own personal point of view, the Space Gem is a bit tasteless, and it is not as practical as the Frost Treasure Box.

But just because the practicality is not high, are the things of higher value sold cheaply?

Isn't this the mind of a prodigal?

"The energy contained in the Frost Treasure Box is limited after all, but the energy contained in the Space Gem should be infinite, right?"

What kind of thoughts are in his mind, of course Luo Hang will say what he wants!

"Well, your words are indeed reasonable. If that's the case, then I can enchant your weapon again, how about it?" Odin said simply after hearing that!

"Enchanting? Do you mean that the dwarves will enchant me?" Hearing this, Luo Hang's eyes lit up slightly!

Thor's hammer and Storm Axe were both made from the dwarves.

Luo Hang would be very happy if he could really enchant his weapon!

"Good!" Odin nodded.

"If that's the case, then the deal is concluded!"

Luo Hang didn't care too much, and handed over his 12 Xuanyuan Sword and Space Gem to Odin!

Odin then asked someone to take out the Frost Treasure Box and sent it to Luo Hang, and then ordered the soldiers of Asgard to send the Xuanyuan Sword to the Dwarf King for him to enchant it himself!

He just mentioned enchanting, but Luo Hang didn't ask him the details of how to enchant, which shows that he still trusts himself.

Therefore, Odin naturally did not mean to be stingy!

"By the way, how long will this enchantment take?" Luo Hang asked after thinking that he would return in half a year.

"To simply build a weapon, if the materials are ready, it may only take a few days. Enchanting is relatively more difficult, and it will probably take a few more days!"

Hearing this, Luo Hang breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and said nothing more.

In the following days, Luo Hang stayed in Asgard!

The legendary Asgard is a huge treasure land.

This treasure land of existence is just suspended in the depths of the universe, which is very in line with the legendary concept of a round sky and a place.

And following Luo Hang's perspective, the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room also took a good look at Asgard, which is known as the domain of the gods.

It has to be said that the strength of the people in Asgard is generally not bad.

Moreover, in the so-called God's Domain, the people living here seem to be no different from the people on Earth.

They all have their own birth, old age, sickness and death, their own joys, anger, sorrows and joys. At most, it can only be regarded as a different living environment!

It's like a person living in a poor and closed mountain village, and a person living in a bustling metropolis!

These days, Luo Hang stayed in Asgard and also saw a lot.

Powerful warriors and peculiar magic seem to be perfectly integrated into the life of Asgard.

In this way, after staying in Asgard for about two months, Odin sent someone to inform Luo Hang that the enchantment of the weapon had been completed!

Didn't it say before that the enchantment can end in a few days?

This took more than two months.

"Luo Hang, I kept you waiting for a long time. The Rainbow Bridge has not been repaired yet, and it is only sailed by a spaceship, so it took an extra month and a half to go back and forth!" Odin explained in the Asgard Hall!

These words made Luo Hang nodded suddenly.

If so, it would make sense!

"It doesn't matter, it's okay to be idle anyway, it's not bad to see the sights of Asgard!" Luo Hang replied with a slight smile!

"Look, is it easy?" Odin said as he handed the Xuanyuan Sword to Luo Hang!

Luo Hang held his Xuanyuan Sword with both hands.

There is no need for any tests, just simply holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, Luo Hang can clearly feel the power contained in the Xuanyuan Sword!

In terms of appearance, the Xuanyuan Sword has become lighter and slender, and there are many mysterious inscriptions on it, giving people a strange beauty.

In addition, there are six grooves on the body of the sword like nine stars in a row!

After being enchanted, Xuanyuan Sword had two changes!

One is that you can follow your own mind and devour six special things to obtain corresponding abilities!

In short, this Xuanyuan Sword is now a growth weapon!

Items and materials can be devoured to obtain the corresponding power, and the six grooves are prepared for six times of devouring!

Second, this Xuanyuan Sword now has the same settings as Thor's Hammer.

It's not that noble-minded people can't pick it up.

And no matter where he is, he can summon Xuanyuan Sword back to his hand from a long distance.

As long as you master the Xuanyuan Sword, you can control the power contained in the Xuanyuan Sword!

The dwarf king is the one with the best casting skills among the dwarves, and this Xuanyuan sword was enchanted by Odin himself, so naturally he made it with all his heart and soul!

"Satisfied, thank you!" The effect after the enchantment really surprised Luo Hang!

Without meaning to talk nonsense, Luo Hang wiped his hand on his waist, and immediately took out the Frost Treasure Box.

Then, Xuanyuan Sword stabbed the Frost Treasure Box!

In an instant, the entire Frost Treasure Box turned into countless fine powders and scattered, which were absorbed by Xuanyuan Sword.

After a while, the Frost Treasure Box disappeared, but on the Xuanyuan Sword, one of the six grooves formed the shape of a light blue gemstone!

With a casual wave of the Xuanyuan Sword in Luo Hang's hand, a dark blue frosty sword qi slashed out!

"In this way, my Xuanyuan Sword has a frost effect. If all the power of frost inside is erupted, can it freeze a planet?" After swallowing the frost treasure box with Xuanyuan Sword, Luo Hang was satisfied. nod!

what's next?Do you want to swallow the mind gem too?

After thinking about it, forget it, wearing a glove in his left hand and holding Xuanyuan Sword in his right hand is not in the way.

This soul gem can also function on the vibrating gold gloves, so why occupy a groove on the Xuanyuan sword?

"Okay, Luo Hang, are you planning to stay in Asgard for a longer period of time, or are you planning to go back?" Odin asked with a slight nod of his head! "In the past two months, there has been a lot of trouble in Asgard!"

Luo Hang didn't want to stay any longer. After saying goodbye to Odin and Thor, he directly built a magic portal. Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang returned to Earth! "Come here, brother Hang's Xuanyuan Sword enchantment is complete!"

"Enchanting? It looks like a game. Is this Xuanyuan Sword enhanced by +1?" "It seems that Xuanyuan Sword has changed a lot!"

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me? Look carefully, the Xuanyuan Sword doesn't seem to be enchanted yet, and there are still six grooves on it!" "Six grooves? What do you mean? Could it be for the six infinite gems? Are you ready?"

"Looking at Brother Hang's expression, he seems very happy. I don't know what effect the Xuanyuan Sword has now?"

"Just wait for Brother Hang to demonstrate it to us. In the game, if you get new awesome equipment, don't try it out. Can you bear it?" "Indeed, it's like buying new clothes but not rushing to wear them. They are all ruthless!" "Huh? Brother Hang, isn't he going to try his sword? Why did you take out his frost treasure box?" "Hold the grass, Brother Hang, what are you doing?" Well? Don’t destroy the Frost Treasure Box if you want to try the sword, don’t be impulsive!” “It’s over, the Frost Treasure Box has been annihilated in flying ashes, you prodigal lords!” “Wait, look carefully, this Frost Treasure Box The box was not destroyed, but absorbed by Xuanyuanjian!"

"Yeah? Is it absorbed? Look carefully, it is indeed so, you see, one of the six grooves has been filled!"

"Hold the grass, this Xuanyuan Sword now has the Frost attribute? In other words, the special effects of the Frost Treasure Box have been transferred to Xuanyuan Sword!?" "

"It's so fragrant!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers have been waiting for two months. Seeing that the enchantment of Xuanyuan Sword is over, they are very happy and looking forward to it!

Seeing Luo Hang stab the Frost Treasure Box with the Xuanyuan Sword, he was shocked!

But in the end, after Xuanyuan Sword possessed the characteristics of the Frost Treasure Box, these audiences all understood the current effect of Xuanyuan Sword, and they all expressed their true fragrance!

Xuanyuan Sword has become a growing weapon, which naturally makes many viewers happy!

After returning to Earth, counting the days, it seems that there are still about three months before I have to return to Blue Star?

Luo Hang thought about it, and went to see Dr. Banner first!

Almost half a year has passed, and I don't know what happened to the reconciliation between Dr. Banner and Hulk!

His own dragon veins are still in his hands. From Luo Hang's point of view, it's not long since he returned, and it's time to find a time to get them back!

Of course, there is also the century-old skill in the little spider's body, which should be recovered!

By the way, there is also Mieko, how about the acquisition of Extremis virus?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I still have some finishing touches! .

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