Chapter 231: The Killing Killian

"Hey, Hill, where's Dr. Banner?" Luo Hang asked after seeing Hill in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Mr. Luo Hang, you're back? The Avengers have gone out independently, and the new address is XXX." Seeing Luo Hang, Hill said!

"Have gone out independently, are you no longer with S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Hearing this, Luo Hang was startled, and immediately came to his senses, and asked, "Is it because of the investigation of Hydra's undercover work recently?"

"You, how do you know? Oh, that's right, Mr. Luo Hang's intelligence ability itself is the best in the world!"

They have been missing for so long, yet they still know about the recent affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Hill was surprised at first, and then reacted!

These words made Luo Hang roll his eyes secretly.

There is a traitor of Hydra in the S.H.I.E.L.D. He told Fury himself, of course he knew it!

However, what he said was meaningless, Luo Hang asked casually: "Two months have passed, have all the undercover agents of Hydra been investigated?"

"Well, the investigation of the traitor has ended half a month ago!" Hill nodded.

"Okay then, I'm leaving!"

Luo Hang didn't mean to ask in detail about the method Fu Rui used to troubleshoot Hydra's traitor, as long as he knew the general result.

Waving his hand, Luo Hang turned and left S.H.I.E.L.D.

Good guy, the base of the Avengers is not small. When Luo Hang came here, he found that all the members of the Avengers were there, even the little spider!

At this time, the little spider is competing with the US team!

Eight doors of Dunjia directly opened to the sixth door, the strength of the US team is very strong!

And what about the little spider?On the other hand, it is based on agility, coupled with an incomparably extravagant battle suit made of vibrating gold, even if it is hit by the US team, it will not be injured.

Therefore, the way you come and go is very lively.

"How is it? Why don't you go up and try it?" Quicksilver next to him asked Dr. Banner casually!

"I won't go up!" Dr. Banner responded with some belatedness!

"What's the matter? Dr. Banner, isn't he in a good state of mind?" Luo Hang came to sit down beside Kuaiyin and asked casually.

"I don't know. Recently, Dr. Banner has always been out of his mind!" Seeing Luo Hang's appearance, Kuaiyin was also very happy, and at the same time, he shook his head and replied.

After thinking about it, Luo Hang walked up to Dr. Banner and asked about the situation!

Well, it turns out that Dr. Banner has been trying to talk to Hulk recently!

Although Hulk's temper is very violent, Dr. Banner insisted on chatting with Hulk every day.

I have a dialogue with Hulk's personality in my heart, so I seem to be aware of the things around me!

Hearing Banner's explanation, Luo Hang nodded clearly!

However, at this moment, Banner suddenly transformed into Hulk without warning.

Here Hulk suddenly transformed, causing the American team and the little spider next to him to stop.

"Hey, Luo Hang, you're here"||! "It's just that after Hulk appeared, he didn't mean to go crazy and do something. Instead, he opened his mouth to say hello to Luo Hang!

"It seems that you and Banner have gotten along pretty well recently!" Luo Hang said with a smile.

"Hulk, I don't like Banner!" Hearing this, he shook his head and said like a child of three or four years old!

With a slight smile, Luo Hang didn't say much on this topic.

The matter between Hulk and Banner can only be resolved by themselves, and no one else can help!

The little spiders next to them, seeing that Hulk didn't run away, were secretly relieved.

Immediately, the little spider happily walked over and greeted Luo Hang.

Luo Hang asked again, what happened to the base of the Avengers?

It turned out that it was Stark who directly bought this large area, and after a little renovation, it became the headquarters of the Avengers!

All right, Luo Hang still expressed his admiration for Stark's banknote ability!

After chatting with everyone in the Avengers, Luo Hang stayed at the headquarters of the Avengers base for the time being!

I had a good understanding of Hulk's situation, and also learned about the progress of the little spider's cultivation.

In this way, after about half a month, Luo Hang found Mieko!

"Boss Luohang, regarding the Extremis virus, the current AIM is trying its best to conquer it, and it seems that we have some clues." "Look, if I can successfully break through, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"If there is no breakthrough at the last moment, I will sweep all the information and hand it over to you!" Mieko replied after hearing that Luo Hang asked about the Extremis virus! "Okay, many people watch my live broadcast room, and the same is true for your live broadcast room. If I find out that you lied to me, the next world you explore will be your death date!" Luo Hang nodded, with no words Forget the threat!

Yes, if Mieko is deceiving herself, there must be a lot of Dragon Country viewers staring at the island country's live broadcast room!

"Yes, yes, of course I dare not!" Hearing this, Mieko hurriedly lowered her head and said!

Only then did Luo Hang wave his hand and let Mieko leave!

In this way, Luo Hang's next time will be mainly devoted to the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Art.

Along with his practice, the true energy in his body became more and more pure and condensed!

What's more, the illusory core transformed by the true essence in the body seems to be getting thicker and thicker!

In this way, more than two months have passed in the blink of an eye!

Under Luo Hang's attention, Banner and Hulk are in frequent contact these days, and it's not as noisy as before.

It can be seen that Banner and Hulk are unwilling when they become one!

Luo Hang took back the dragon veins, and there was no threat anymore!

In addition, Luo Hang also found the little spider, and used the Beiming Divine Art to suck back the hundred-year-old skill that he had lent to him!

Needless to say, after more than half a year of practice, Little Spider's internal strength has also grown to a good level.

Even though Luo Hang has absorbed a hundred years of energy and came back, the little spider still has a lot of energy in his body!

With the return of his century-old skills, Luo Hang could feel that his true energy had increased a lot!

With regard to the Shocking Eye Tribulation and Evil Blood Tribulation, it can also be performed more easily!

Finally, it's Mieko's side!

Luohang contacted Mieko, and Mieko simply made an appointment to meet each other in a week's time!

Seeing that there are only about ten days and a half months left, it is the day of return, and the time after a week is not too bad!

After waiting for a week, Luohang arrived at the agreed place.

Looking at the time, well, Mieko didn't come, which made Luo Hang's brows slightly frowned!

So, is this Mieko letting her pigeons go?

Could it be?Did she think she could protect herself by hiding on AIM?

No way, I still have to go to AIM for a trip!

With a thought, Luo Hang got up and went to AIM.

As a member of the Avengers, Luo Hang has already investigated the location of AIM clearly!

At the same time, in a secret room of AIM, Mieko was firmly handcuffed by electric shock chains.

From the appearance, there are many scars on his body, it seems that he has suffered some inhuman torture!

". "Hey, Mieko, I think that these days, I treat you pretty well. You stole all the information on the Extremis virus and wanted to escape. Isn't that embarrassing me?If I don't punish you well, how can I lead this AIM team in the future? "

Killian pretended to be helpless, and said to Mieko with a long sigh!

"Killian, Luohang and I have an appointment to meet, the best time is almost over, if he comes, you can't afford to go around!" Although Mieko was caught, but, in her mouth But he said bluntly!

"Okay, okay, I know you and Luo Hang are friends, okay? But, half a year has passed, and I haven't seen him here, so it shows that your friendship is not very good!" Waving his hands, Kiri Ann said in a nonchalant manner!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Killian continued: "Also, so what if he comes? Now that our Extremis virus has made a more important breakthrough, even if he really came, maybe Or sent a research material to the door!"

"You underestimate Luo Hang's strength!"

I didn't expect that pulling out Luo Hang's banner this time would not scare Kirian, and he even had the intention to do something to Luo Hang, which actually frightened Mieko a little! "Hey, our brother Hang has waited for so long at the agreed place, so Mieko is so bold, she dared to let our brother Hang wait?" Are you not afraid that the next adventure world will die in the hands of our Brother Hang?"

(Did it be good) "Brothers, it's not that Mieko wanted to let the pigeons go on purpose, but she couldn't come!" "Oh? The one upstairs, what do you say?"

"Mie Keiko stole all the information about the Extremis virus, even the samples, and she was going to look for Brother Hang, but was discovered by the people of AIM, and she is being severely beaten now!" "What? Then go to the live broadcast room of the island country to see !"

"Poor Mieko-chan, this guy named Kirian is so ignorant of pity!" "Why hasn't Luo Hang from the Dragon Kingdom come here yet! We, Mieko-chan, are here for the information he stole!"

"Don't worry, everyone, the agreed time has come. Luohang from the Dragon Kingdom has come to AIM. It seems that he is here to save us Mei Huizi!" "Really? Is the hero here to save Mei? This is really romantic !" "Long Kingdom's Luo Hang has a bit of a conscience!"

"Oh? This Mieko was really beaten up so badly? All right, wait for our Brother Hang to avenge her!" "What? This Killian, why doesn't he take our Brother Hang seriously? This is too arrogant Right?" "Even Odin, the God King of Asgard, is very polite to our Brother Hang!" "Okay, just wait and see how Killian is beaten by Brother Hang!" "The ignorant are fearless!" , Is this the fearlessness of the ignorant? He is ignorant of our Brother Hang's strength!"

Chapter 232: The Return

"Boss, Luo Hang is here!"

In the secret room of AIM, a member trotted to Killian!

"Luo Hang?" Hearing this, Killian was slightly taken aback, as if Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived!

I just said something pretending to be B, and Luo Hang really appeared?

"Hey hey hey, let's see how you deal with him!" Mieko said with a mocking look on her face when she heard that Luo Hang had arrived!

"Go, go out and meet!" Ignoring Mieko's ridicule, Killian thought for a while, turned and left the secret room!

Luo Hang stood in the middle of the AIM base, surrounded by people, but his expression was very calm.

It doesn't feel like being surrounded by yourself, but it's like a kind of calmness that surrounds the whole AIM by yourself!

"Mr. Luo Hang, I've heard of your name for a long time. It's a great honor to meet you today!" Killian walked out with a smile on his face, giving off a very warm feeling!

"I don't know why Mr. Luo Hang came to my AIM?" Killian asked.

"Is Mieko from your place? Hand her over!" Luo Hang's expression was calm, but his words were very domineering!

"Oh? Mr. Luo Hang, is there some trouble between you and Mieko?" Seeing that Luo Hang's face seemed not in a good mood, Kilian asked.

He glanced at Killian, perhaps because he was a villain in the original book, so Luo Hang didn't have a good impression of him.

Although he is a pitiful person, he naturally has his hatred!

"Looks right, Mr. Luo Hang thinks the same as me. There is also some trouble between me and Mieko. She dared to steal our AIM information. She was caught by me and is being tortured. !"

Looking at Luo Hang's appearance, it is true that Hemei 143 Keiko is a little unhappy, and Kirian feels that he has found a common topic with Luo Hang!

"Brother Hang, it looks like he's still angry with Mieko!"

"Brother Hang, you will know when you arrive at AIM. Mieko didn't let you go, but you can't come!"

"Killian's ability to observe words and emotions is pretty good. It can be seen that Brother Hang is a little angry with Mieko!"

"However, his last words are simply flattering on the horse's legs!?"

"It's over, these are really embarrassing!"

"Through the screen, I have committed embarrassing cancer!"

Killian's smart words made many viewers in the live broadcast room happy to hear them!

He also triumphantly told Luo Hang that Mei Huizi was caught by her?

Was Mieko caught because she stole all information on Extremis?

This is playing yourself to death, right?

"Uh, so that's the case, no wonder!" Luo Hang was also taken aback by hearing Killian's clever words, and suddenly realized!

No wonder I said where did Mieko get the courage to let her own pigeons go.

So, was it because she was arrested?

"You have the ability to catch her!" Luo Hang glanced at Killian and said!

"Although Mieko's ability is good, mine is not bad either. It's not difficult to catch her!" Thinking that Luo Hang was really praising himself, Kilian was in a good mood and expressed it Check out your abilities!

"Then, do you know why Mieko wanted to obtain information on the Extremis virus?" Luo Hang asked!


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