"What do you mean?" Killian sensed that something was wrong!

"Because I said before that I am a little interested in the Extremis virus, so Mieko's Extremis virus is for me!" Luo Hang said frankly without talking nonsense!

Luo Hang's words made Killian's mouth twitch.

Thinking about my words and deeds just now, I really wish I could find a crack in the ground and sneak in!

However, after a moment of silence, Killian put a smile on his face again: "Mr. Luo Hang, if you want the Extremis virus, you can tell me, as long as you give me the technology of the Ark reactor..."" What if I don't want to?" Without waiting for Killian to finish speaking, Luo Hang interrupted him!

"Mr. Luo Hang's words, it's hard to go on. If this is the case, our AIM is not so easy to handle!" It can be seen that Luo Hang is not a good person, and Killian's face is slightly condensed. shook his head.

"Really? I am indeed a little interested in the Extremis virus. It seems that you want to show it to me yourself? All right, let's do it!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

Having said that, I have no intention of continuing.

Killian's body turned red in an instant, as if there were endless lava rolling in his whole body!

Luo Hang also raised his hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand, pointing in the direction of Killian!


Opening his mouth, a large piece of hot flame appeared in Killian's mouth, as if the whole person turned into a Pyro Man!

However, on Xuanyuan Sword, endless cold air spread out quickly!

A Song of Ice and Fire!

The flames spouted from Killian's mouth collided with the cold air in Luohang's Xuanyuan sword, and in an instant, the two sides collided fiercely!

It's just that Killian's strength is good, although he is much stronger than him in the original book.

However, if the cold energy contained in Xuanyuan Sword is fully released, it is enough to freeze the entire planet.

No matter how strong the individual is, can Killian still be able to contend with such a natural disaster?

Therefore, in just half a minute, Killian's flames were extinguished, and even his body began to freeze!

If the original Killian seemed to have countless lava rolling in his body, he himself was like an active volcano about to erupt.

So now, Luo Hang has frozen his volcano and turned it into an iceberg!

"Okay!" After glancing at Killian whose whole body was frozen by himself, Luo Hang took back his Xuanyuan Sword and nodded secretly satisfied. , this enchanted Xuanyuan Sword is really powerful!

With a wave of the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, a sky-shattering sword energy appeared, cutting off everything in front of him, revealing a large passage.

Although it was said that he was alone, seeing that Kilian was easily turned into an ice sculpture by Luo Hang.

In the AIM, no one dared to attack Luo Hang anymore, and could only watch Luo Hang enter the secret room!

Mieko in the secret room is bound by chains, looking very miserable!

With a light wave of the Xuanyuan Sword in Luo Hang's hand, the chain snapped!

With a cry, Mieko's body softened and she collapsed to the ground!

"Oh, he, is he really hard-hearted?"

Half-true and half-fake fell to the ground, seeing that Luo Hang didn't come to help her, Mieko secretly complained in her heart!

According to normal logic, if a weak woman like him is about to fall, shouldn't he come to help him, or even help him a few times?

Unexpectedly, he just stood by and watched!

Remembering the first expedition to the world, he was also indifferent to his own beauty.

Mieko really doubts whether Luo Hang is not interested in women?

"How is it? Are you okay?" Luo Hang walked over and said to Mieko!

"Do you think I'm okay? You won't show a gentleman's demeanor and help me a little?" Mieko said to Luo Hang resentfully, looking like she was about to cry!

"If you want to help, you should help me a few times. How can I help you?" Luo Hang shook his head.

"Ah? What do you mean?" Mieko didn't understand what Luo Hang meant by driving a car for a while, and was taken aback!

"Okay, have you got all the information about the Extremis virus?"

It was just a casual remark, Luo Hang didn't bother with this issue, and after his face straightened, he brought the topic to the main topic!

"I got it, I hid it, that's why Killian beat me up and wanted me to hand over all the information!" Hearing this, Mieko nodded.

Then, at a corner of the AIM, he took out a mobile hard drive with copied data!

Luo Hang reached out and took the mobile hard drive.

It is not bad for Luo Hang to put it in the storage belt and get all the information about the Extremis virus from Mieko.

Even if it is only semi-finished information, there are still many biological scientists who can continue to study in the Dragon Country of Blue Star!

Leaving aside the ability to allow people to have extraordinary power, at least, after it is produced, it can make people regenerate from severed limbs. This is also a very practical ability!

"Okay, with this cooperation, we have initially established some friendship with Luo Hang-jun. There will be a long time in Japan, and maybe we will have the opportunity to continue to cooperate in the future?" This cooperation is considered a success, and Mieko is quite satisfied. nodded!

Next, according to the previous agreement, Luohang helped Mieko get rid of the side effects caused by the Extremis virus, and brought her directly to Tony!

The little pepper in the original book was also injected with the Extremis virus, but he recovered in the end.

Therefore, Tony should be able to help her eliminate these side effects!

As for whether there is enough time, it depends on Mieko's own luck!

After all, it was her own choice to hand over the Extremis virus to herself this day!

In the days that followed, Luo Hang quietly waited for the time of his final return!

In this way, after waiting for a few days, Tony and the members of the Avengers finally organized a banquet, which was regarded as a farewell banquet for Luo Hang.

At the banquet, everyone ate and drank well, and the atmosphere was very harmonious!

Finally, Luo Hang used spiritism to summon the Fire Qilin to his side!

As the last time comes, the portal of time and space appears.

Luo Hang took the fire unicorn into the gate of time and space, and left the Marvel world! .

Chapter 233: Talking about the BUG of brain travel

As usual, I have been in the Marvel world for a year, and I have been fighting for the fate of the entire Dragon Kingdom for a year.

When Luo Hang returns, the Expedition Department has already lined up, and the people headed by Li Limin are all at the Gate of Time and Space to welcome Luo Hang's return! "It contains the technology of the Ark reactor, the technology of energy weapons and armor, the detailed explanation of Karma Taj's magic training, and all the information about the Extremis virus..." Seeing Li Limin, Luo Hang threw away everything he could give Gave it to Li Limin.

Of course, he will hand over these things to the country!

Magical knowledge and super-high black technology, these are what Luo Hang can hand over.

As for Xuanyuan Sword, Soul Gem and Vibrating Gold Gloves, it is naturally impossible for Luo Hang to hand them over.

"Very good, this time the world is still our Dragon Kingdom's biggest harvest, and, with these things, we can achieve a wider lead in all aspects!" Putting away these things as if they were treasures, Li Limin said excitedly~!

"This is not the first time I have come back with the biggest harvest, why are you more excited this time?" Seeing Li Limin's excited appearance, Luo Hang felt a little surprised!

"Before, we mainly focused on the method of cultivation. Our method of cultivation is better and the number of people is larger, but after all, it is only a few years of cultivation. In a short period of time, the gap between countries is not obvious!" "However, these But it's different!"

"In recent days, many countries have expressed their goodwill to establish friendship with our Dragon Kingdom!" Li Limin said, raising the information in his hands! "Oh? Tell me?"

Regarding how these technologies can achieve a leap in national power in a short period of time, Luo Hang has never really considered carefully!

"Let's not talk about the energy field of the Ark reactor. There are also energy weapons and armor. You must know what these mean to a country!" Facing Luohang, Li Limin was of course very calm. .

"Well, not bad!" Luo Hang nodded.

Even if he doesn't delve into it, Luo Hang knows what the cold fusion technology of Ark Reactions means.

"The most important thing is the ability of the magic portal!" Then, Li Limin said again! "Tell me?"

Luo Hang is a little curious, the ability of the magic portal is more important than the technology of the ark reactor?

"First of all, it is in the field of aerospace. After learning this ability, for example, the moon landing plan, landing on Mars, etc., all you need to do is open a portal. Do you know how much money this can save in spaceflight?" "Secondly, In daily life, with this technology, airplane flights, high-speed rail, and even the subway and bus systems in the city can gradually be replaced!" "Finally, it is military. Think about it, the Dragon Kingdom wants to attack a certain country If so, just open a magic portal and throw shells and the like over there!"

Li Limin opened his mouth and explained the practicability and function of the magic portal from the aspects of aerospace, people's livelihood and military!

His words made Luo Hang feel suddenly enlightened!

Indeed, if the magic portal is used well, the value seems to be more important than these technologies such as the ark reactor! ?

"It seems that in the near future, it will be time for all the people to learn the magic portal!" Luo Hang thought for a while, nodded and said!

"Yes, this is also something that has been discussed at the top of the country recently, despite the application of the ability of the magic portal to various fields."

"After all, this magic does not need to be maintained after it is cast. In addition, he is still a beginner skill in the Karma Taj magic system, which also means that the threshold for learning is the lowest!" Li Limin nodded and said!

Just like Naruto's Transformation Art and Substitution Art, these abilities are also basic ninjutsu.

But to be honest, the more basic ninjutsu, the more practical it is!

"Okay, I've been busy for a year, and it's rare to come back. I want to eat salted fish for a month!"

After briefly understanding the country's plans for the capabilities of the magic portal, Luo Hang waved his hand and said. "Wait, I have another very important thing to tell you, it's about the BUG in the brain travel situation!" Luo Hang wanted salted fish, but Li Limin didn't follow his mind!

"BUG!? What do you mean?" Hearing this, Luo Hang was startled, with a look of surprise on his face!

Brain travels through other worlds to explore, but there is a bug?

I didn't feel it at all!

"First of all, let me ask you, how long have you been in another universe when you traveled with people from parallel universes in other timelines?" Li Limin asked Luo Hang first!

"About three days!" After thinking for a while, Luo Hang replied.

"Then do you know that when you crossed over and left, the screen of your live broadcast room went black, but when you returned a second later, the screen of the live broadcast room reappeared!" Li Limin said! "Is this understandable? After all, I have gone to a parallel universe. My brain can't take pictures of me, and even if I take pictures of me, I can't send them back. This is normal!" Luo Hang didn't think Li Limin's words were right. Nothing to be surprised about! "That's not what I'm going to say!"

Li Limin realized that Luo Hang was focusing on the wrong place, and said, "The problem is that you and the other explorers went to the different world at the same time and came back at the same time, but you stayed in the parallel universe for three more days!" ? That's right!" Hearing Li Limin's words, Luo Hang also came to his senses!

Traveling through the Marvel world, for the current universe, I am indeed the same as other explorers.

But, in fact, I stayed for three more days!

"So, this should be a loophole in the brain, a BUG, ​​as long as the time limit of one year in the world you travel to has not changed, even if you travel to other worlds and stay for ten or eight years, it will not be a problem !” Li Limin followed up!

"Understood, so what I regret the most is that I didn't master the technology of Pym particles!" Hearing Li Limin's words, Luo Hang came back to his senses and said suddenly!

That's right, if you get the Pym particle technology, you can master Tony's technology to travel through parallel universes.

In the future, when I go to the universe of exploration, I can directly travel to another parallel universe for the second time, so I can stay as long as I want?

But, I didn't think of this in advance!

"So, haven't you got the Pym particles and the technology to travel through parallel universes?"

Hearing what Luo Hang said, he also knew that he really didn't get the corresponding technology, and Li Limin also felt very sorry!

"By the way..." In addition to regretting, Luo Hang also came back to his senses!

My original world and this blue star should be parallel universes, right? . …ask for flowers.

If I get the Pym particle and can travel through the parallel universe, is there a chance to return to the original earth?

However, if it can be done, the people on the blue star will have communication with the people from their original earth.

Haven't the works of Tianlong, Naruto, and Marvel been exposed?

If you think about it this way, it seems that not getting Pym particles is not a bad thing! ?

In the future, if you encounter this kind of ability that can travel through time and space, just be more careful!

"Luo Hang, Luo Hang, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Luo Hang's eyes were dull and he didn't know what he was thinking, Li Limin asked next to him.

"Oh, it's nothing but some regrets. If I had known earlier, I should have collected Pym particles and Tony's parallel universe instrument technology at that time!"

After recovering, Luo Hang said regretfully.

This pity is half-truth and half-false!

"There's no need to regret it. After all, you're just one person, and we're a whole team here. It's human nature for you to make mistakes."

"Besides, with your harvest, you have already crushed other explorers by far!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Li Limin comforted him!

Everything that needs to be talked has been talked about, and everything that needs to be said has been said.

Li Limin chatted with Luo Hang for a few more words, and then specifically told Luo Hang not to run around, and then turned around to hand over to the high-level officials of the country!

"Don't run around? Do you believe it?" The words should be good, but Luo Hang secretly rolled his eyes.

"Luo Hang!" Next to him, in Luo Hang's lounge, the life assistant, Sister Mo, was mopping the floor, and shouted at Luo Hang!

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