"Huh? Sister Mo, what's the matter?" Luo Hang asked!

"You want to sneak out again, right?" Sister Mo asked Luo Hang.

Although it was a questioning sentence, but the tone was one that saw through Luo Hang!

The corners of Luo Hang's mouth twitched slightly, trying to make an excuse, but he seemed to be unable to say anything, and looked a little embarrassed!

"However, it's fine to go out!" However, at this moment, Sister Mo added another sentence!

"Oh?" This sentence surprised Luo Hang!

Logically speaking, shouldn't Sister Mo be of one mind with Lao Li and strictly prevent herself from running around outside?

Maybe there will be a sudden assassination from another country?

"You can let a shadow clone go out. Anyway, the experience of the shadow clone is the same as your own experience." "And, with your strength, it's okay for the shadow clone to run far!"

"Finally, and most importantly, you have mastered the magic portal now, even if you encounter any emergency, you can use the power of the magic portal to rush there in an instant!" Sister Mo reminded!

"Oh? That's right!" Hearing this, Luo Hang was startled for a while, and then nodded suddenly!

Sure enough, one person counts the short, and two count the long?

If that's the case, I can walk outside safely, and I don't need to be locked here anymore. Moreover, I can still guarantee my safety, right?

"Sister Mo, you are such a genius!" Luo Hang praised with joy on his face.

"I'm your life assistant. My job is to make your life easier and more comfortable. This is my job!" Hearing Luo Hang's praise, it's affirmation of my proposal, Sister Mo replied with a smile.corpse.

Chapter 234: Luo Hang Appears

On a bus, Luo Hang sat tightly by the window!

Not far away, a car suddenly lost control and rushed out.

A child on the side of the road lowered his head and counted the cards in his hand, as if he didn't see a car hitting him.

When he found out, his face changed in horror, and he was completely shocked!

Seeing this, Luo Hang's mind was concentrated, and he was ready to make a move.

However, a figure on the side of the road rushed out suddenly, stepped on the gossip position, and hugged the child nimbly.

As if the matador had escaped the collision of the bison, he narrowly avoided the out-of-control car!

"Good job!" Several frightened people shouted loudly by the side of the road!

"It just happened to be a few years of practicing Lingbo Weibu, and it's nothing more than a small success!"

It was a young man who saved the child, and he said with a humble face when he was praised by the people around him.

Seeing this scene, there was a smile on the corner of Luo Hang's mouth!

When he had nothing to do, Luo Hang wanted to run outside, not because Luo Hang really couldn't stay in the Expedition Department.

A large part of the reason is that I still want to come out and see what kind of changes have been made in this country because of the cultivation systems I brought from various worlds!

Not to mention, watching others use "one four three" Lingbo microsteps to save a child who was almost hit.

Luo Hang was also in a good mood seeing this situation!

I also feel that there are so many good changes in this world because of myself, and I feel a little complacent in my heart!

After getting off the bus and continuing to walk forward, I suddenly found a young and beautiful woman in very fashionable clothes.

And beside him, a middle-aged man raised his broom and chased after the woman!

Such a young and beautiful beauty was actually chased and beaten by a middle-aged man with a broom?

This naturally attracted the attention of many people nearby.

There was even a man who had practiced martial arts, and when he saw the injustice, he roared and protected the woman behind him!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" The man said to the woman behind him, posing as a hero to save the beauty!

"This, this is our family business, it's not up to you to take care of it!" The middle-aged man with the broom said angrily to the young man!

"Housework?" Hearing this, the man glanced at the fashionable beauty behind him!

"Dad, I, I..." The woman shrank behind the man and shouted timidly!

Well, it's hard for an upright official to decide on housework. This is other people's family affairs. Logically speaking, I shouldn't be in charge of it, right?

However, seeing the timid appearance of the beautiful woman behind him, the man couldn't stand by and watch.

"Uncle, even if she is your daughter, you shouldn't beat her like this!" Turning his head, the man said with a righteous look on his face!

"Female? Daughter?" However, the man's righteous words made the middle-aged man look very strange.Then he said: "I think you have misunderstood, this is not my daughter, he is my son!" "Son, son!?" Now, the young man was dumbfounded!

Such a beautiful woman dressed in such fashion, is this a boy?This is impossible, right?

"Hurry up and undo your transformation!?" Seeing that the young man misunderstood, the middle-aged man scolded the fashionable beauty!

With a bang, the beauty who was guarded by the man turned into a greasy and fat man in a puff of white smoke!

"Dad, I, I don't want to be a boy, I want to be a girl..." The fat and greasy boy shouted after canceling his transformation technique!

"You misunderstood. This is my son. I have always wanted to be a girl. Pity me for being such a son. I have recently learned the transformation technique and become even more lawless. I usually like to look like a beautiful woman, so I just Chase him!"

The middle-aged man said with a distressed expression!

"So that's how it is..." The people who were also watching the excitement at the side suddenly realized when they heard the middle-aged man's explanation.

And the young man who acted with the idea of ​​being a hero to save the beauty was even more embarrassed at the moment.

Who would have imagined that the hero who saved the beauty would actually save such a rough guy?

"Well, this handsome guy, thank you for making the move just now, can you leave me a WeChat message?"

The fat man was grabbed by his father and left, but before leaving, he said to the young man next to him!

If the person who said this was a fashionable beauty, she might be willing.

However, seeing that such a rough guy was speaking, the man who just responded with righteous words just felt a little chilly.

At the same time, he hurriedly shook his head: "Seeing injustice on the road, draw your sword to help, naturally you don't ask for anything in return, so, no need!"

… Luo Hang, who got off the bus next to him, also had a panoramic view of everything in front of him.

('!Recognize'?. Ruo.,, water..: first:;' send,,!! steal!'; book;::sell' money.; die,? Mom;,) Everyone felt a little embarrassed, let alone the man who just rescued someone!

It can only be said that the ninjutsu of the ninja system is still very practical, and it is understandable to encounter such an embarrassing situation!

For Luo Hang, whether it's the child who almost got into a car accident, or the embarrassment of being a hero who saves a beauty but saves a rough guy, these are just episodes!

He doesn't have any friends, Luo Hang walks around alone, and he has a panoramic view of the situation in Longguo!

I have traveled through four adventure worlds, so it has been more than three years since I returned from my first adventure world.

Many people have practiced martial arts for three years, and their martial arts are pretty good.

There are also some people with outstanding talents, and their training in ninjutsu is also quite good!

Walking on the road, you can see people walking like the wind!

I can see that some people are as big as cattle.

These martial arts and even ninjutsu abilities can be regarded as integrated into the lives of the people of the Dragon Kingdom!

This kind of atmosphere of national practice is still very good.

The secret books and ninjutsu knowledge I brought are top-notch, and the Dragon Kingdom is a populous country, so in terms of national luck, the development progress of the Dragon Kingdom is considered the best!


Luohang doesn't have any friends here, so after leaving the expedition department, his main focus is to see what kind of changes he has brought to Longguo. So far, the situation looks good!

However, not long after, there were bursts of terrified screams in the distance, and it seemed a little turbulent!

Seeing this, Luo Hang frowned slightly and leaned over!

It turned out that there was a man with a crazy look, and a bomb was tied to his body.

Beside him, a man was lying on the ground with his leg broken.

There was also a young woman who was tightly grabbed by him!

"I love you, I really love you, I don't want to break up with you!" The man with a bomb strapped to his body shouted like crazy.

There was a look of horror on the woman's face.

Beside, many people retreated far away, their expressions were very nervous...

There is a bomb strapped to his body. Once it explodes, the consequences will be unpredictable!

"I don't love you, we have already broken up!" The woman shouted loudly with a look of horror and pain on her face.

"But, it's only been half a year since we broke up, and you found a new boyfriend? I'm not happy, and you don't have to think about it, I love you, and I'm willing to go to hell with you!" The man shouted loudly.

Well, from the conversation between the man and the woman, Luo Hang can probably understand what's going on, it seems that the hatred is caused by love!

"Calm down, talk slowly if you have something to do, this will not solve any problems!" The policeman next to him shouted at the man!

Although these policemen have also practiced martial arts in the past few years, their skills are vigorous.

However, this man with a bomb strapped to his body was a bit too crazy, could he detonate the bomb on his body faster than him?

If you are not careful, this will cost a few lives, so these policemen dare not act rashly!

He has done the thing of strapping a bomb on his body, this man is indeed almost crazy.

He wanted to drag his ex-girlfriend to the underworld together with all his heart, so his expression became more and more excited, and finally, he directly triggered the bomb on his body!

With a bang, the bomb exploded, and the terrible flames exploded immediately!

"Hey, so it's a good thing if everyone practices martial arts, but everything has two sides, right?"

"There is an old saying that a chivalrous man uses martial arts to break the ban. This is true. When more and more people practice martial arts and have more power, there will indeed be a lot of chaos in terms of law and order!" "So , now is also the critical point for the re-establishment of a new order in the whole country, and even in the whole world!" Looking at the appearance of this man, Luo Hang sighed helplessly in his heart.

Sword 23!

Seeing that the bomb strapped to his body had already exploded, when Luo Hang was in a critical moment, Sword 23 was activated.

The invisible sword domain spread out, immediately freezing the material time and space.

The explosion of the bomb was also frozen, and the burst flame was frozen in mid-air and could not move!

After that, Luo Hang walked over and rescued all the men and women at 5.9 in the center of the explosion.

As for the man who detonated the bomb?Luo Hang ignored his thoughts!

Now that they are all crazy enough to cause trouble and detonate bombs, if such a person does something even crazier after saving him and hurts innocent people, isn't it because of himself?


With the explosion of the bomb, the maniac man didn't even have time to scream, and his whole body was blown to pieces!

"Ah!" Seeing that the man was blown to nothing, the people around all exclaimed reflexively! "Wait, the physical space just now was frozen? That trick is Sword 23!"

Although the tragedy in the world just appeared in front of everyone, but just now when the material time and space were frozen, everyone's consciousness was able to maintain their thinking, so all the people around recognized this sword 23!

At this moment, it can be said that all eyes are on Luo Hang, and everyone's eyes are on Luo Hang!

Just now the material time and space were frozen, only his figure was out of control.

Then, his identity is about to be revealed!

"Luo, Mr. Luo Hang? Is that you?" Looking at Luo Hang in the transformation state, the rescued woman's eyes were shining brightly. .

Chapter 235: The Fifth Adventure World

Well, sword 23 has been used, and his identity has been exposed, that is already a fact.

Therefore, Luo Hang simply unlocked the state of his transformation technique!

"Mr. Luo Hang, is it really you? I, I actually saw the legendary Luo Hang, the living Luo Hang!"

The woman who was rescued by Luo Hang had an excited look on her face, and her face was flushed with incomparable excitement.

Immediately afterwards, with a groan, he was so excited that he passed out directly!

"Well, quickly arrange for people to be rescued!"

Seeing that the woman had passed out and her new boyfriend was lying on the ground with broken legs, Luo Hang said.

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