"Yes, sir!" Hearing this, the policeman next to him saluted excitedly and shouted loudly!

"What sir, I'm not your chief, am I incoherent with excitement?" Looking at the attitude of the policeman next to him, Luo Hang secretly complained in his heart!

Although Luo Hang had already guessed how famous he was, but it was the first time that he revealed his identity in front of the public, and the situation was a little scary!

The people who were watching at the side all took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures of Luo Hang.

"Luo Hang, it's the legendary Luo Hang, he actually appeared!"

"Brother Hang, YYDS, we support you and thank you for what you have done for the whole country in Adventureland!"

"Brother Hang, you have the ability to calculate the past and the future, can you help me calculate when I can find my husband!"


The people around, looking at Luo Hang, collectively took out their mobile phones and took pictures of Luo Hang.

Then, for fear of falling behind, they all squeezed towards Luo Hang!

With that appearance, there was quite a sense of sight of a pack of wolves chasing sheep, and Luo Hang was a little horrified when he saw it.

"Ah, I touched Luo Hang, my whole life is worth it!"

"Brother Hang, I want to take a photo with you!"

"Husband, I can count on seeing you!"

Rushing to Luo Hang's side, these people played their hands up and down, even if they touched Luo Hang, they felt that they had made a lot of money and could brag about it for a lifetime!

Looking at the terrifyingly enthusiastic people around him, Luo Hang was also a little taken aback.

Just touch it, bold woman, what does it mean to touch yourself?

Horrified in his heart, Luo Hang instantly dispelled his shadow clone technique.

With a bang, it turned into a puff of white smoke, and Luo Hang's figure disappeared instantly!

Everyone who stayed in place was stunned, and then realized that this Luo Hang was just a shadow clone! ?

However, even though it's just a shadow clone, it's also Luo Hang, right?

Therefore, the news about Luo Hang's appearance on the street soon became the biggest hot news, and many people who saw it on the Internet felt extremely envious!

Although people all over the country, and even the whole world, are familiar with Luohang, it is through the screen after all.

Like this, seeing Luo Hang for real is really an enviable opportunity!

And the woman who was almost dragged to death by her ex-boyfriend, but saved by Luo Hang in the end, became even more famous.

It has even become the envy of countless people!

Can Luo Hang meet her and save her life?

Countless netizens said, did she save the galaxy in her previous life? "It's terrible!"

Luo Hang's true self, staying in the Expedition Department, was eating melon seeds in the drama of Salted Fish. With the disappearance of the shadow clone, Luo Hang naturally knew what happened there.

Thinking of the terrifying enthusiasm of those people, Luo Hang really felt a little scary!

Of course, the Exploration Department also pays attention to Luo Hang's every move.

Li Limin was angry and helpless when he heard that Luo Hang had actually appeared on the streets of the busy city.

Although being locked up every day, it is understandable to want to go out for a walk.

But now Luohang is the treasure of the entire Dragon Kingdom. If anything happens, he, the head of the expedition department, will apologize to the people of the whole country.

However, Li Limin was relieved when he learned that Luo Hang had just let a shadow clone go out when he went out for a stroll.

If it's just a shadow clone, then it's fine!

"It seems that this kid is not the one who insists on making trouble for me!"

Knowing that Luo Hang was just a shadow clone and left, Li Limin nodded and didn't say anything more.

Instead, he urged the scientific research department to speed up the research on energy weapons and armor!

Energy weapons and armor, this is technology found in Wakanda.

And Luo Hang has the Soul Gem, one of the infinite gems, in his hand, so, in Li Limin's opinion, it matches Luo Hang very well.

If the mind stone is used as the energy source, his weapons and armor don't need to use his own power, right?

As the person in charge of the expedition department, of course, he must do his best to ensure Luohang's logistics work in the adventure world!

In this way, in the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed!

These days, Luo Hang often plays the clone and goes out for a stroll, but he never encounters his identity exposed again!

Although the deity stayed in the exploration department and didn't go out, but the shadow clone went out for a walk, and it was no different from going out with his own body.

Therefore, Luo Hang can accept such a compromise, and so can Li Limin!

Just like that, Li Limin found Luohang again as the time for his fifth reincarnation world travel was getting closer and closer!

"Has Zhinao sorted out the basic information of the fifth world?" Luo Hang asked Li Limin!

"I came to you today not for this matter!" Hearing this, Li Limin shook his head and said!

"That's it?" Hearing this, Luo Hang was a little surprised!

"Here, this is a sample made by the scientific research department in combination with Wakanda's energy weapon data. Come and try it!"

No nonsense, Li Limin took out a sphere the size of an egg, full of science fiction, and showed it to Luo Hang!

"This is?" He reached out and grabbed the egg-sized sphere in his hand. He didn't see anything special about it. Luo Hang looked at Li Limin in surprise.

"You try to mobilize the power in the soul gem, inject it into it and try!" Li Limin reminded!

"Okay!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded, and took out his vibrating gold gloves.

The power of the mind gem is drawn and injected into this sphere!

With a buzzing sound, a translucent barrier suddenly appeared, covering Luo Hang's whole body.

It feels like a magic shield!

"The amount of energy injected is related to the range and strength of the shield!" Li Limin reminded him next to him!

Nodding slightly, Luo Hang's mind moved slightly, and continued to increase the energy infusion in the soul gem.

And the shield that originally wrapped around him also inflated like a balloon.

Two meters in diameter, a dozen meters, a hundred meters...

Until the end, this inflated shield included the entire scientific research department!

"It's a pity, the power I can mobilize is nothing more than that!" Finally, when the shield swelled to a diameter of more than 100 meters, Luo Hang stopped and shook his head regretfully!

The energy in the Infinity Gems, although it is infinite.

However, how much can be mobilized depends entirely on one's ability!

Just like a golden mountain, the golden mountain is here, inexhaustible.

However, how much you can move depends on your own strength!

Looking at the original Marvel novels, Ronan is only at that level with the gem of power embedded in the weapon, and he was defeated by Xingjue with an awkward dance!

But what about the Power Stone in the hands of Thanos?

It can even pull down a planet.

The energy of this control is strong or weak, and there is a 160 essential difference!

Theoretically, the power of the Mind Stone is infinite, even if it drives this shield, it would not be surprising to protect the entire earth!

However, Luo Hang's abilities are only so much, and the energy he can drive is only to this extent.

Therefore, the current limit of this shield can only support a shield with a diameter of [-] meters!

"It's not bad. If you really want to say it, this is also a growth-type armor!" After trying this energy shield equipment, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction!

Although the single-body defense itself has vibrating gold gloves, this technology can turn itself into a large-scale group defense!

More importantly, the energy consumed by this defense is not his own, isn't that delicious?

As I become stronger in the future and can mobilize more and more energy of the soul gem, the strength of this shield will increase, and the range will also increase with the tide, right?

Therefore, it is quite good to have the entire expedition department behind it to guarantee logistics for itself.

First the space storage belt, and then the energy shield equipment, Luo Hang is quite satisfied!

"Minister, Mr. Luo Hang!" At this moment, a staff member came over with a document in his hand!

"What's the matter?" Li Limin asked!

"Intellect has already sorted out the basic information about the fifth adventure world, and sent a copy to us. I will send it to Mr. Luo Hang immediately!" the staff member said!

"Then send it here quickly!" Li Limin nodded and said!

Luo Hang also curiously reached out and took the document, secretly curious in his heart.

The first world is Tianlong, the second world is Fengyun, the third world is Naruto, and the fourth world is Marvel!

So, where is this fifth world?

Luo Hang lowered his head and glanced at the information in his hand, and immediately understood it! .

Chapter 236: Luohang was targeted by the brain at the beginning?

"This is a magical world!"

"Here, there is a kind of magical fruit, known as the devil fruit. It is rumored that there is a devil in each fruit, and you can eat the devil fruit to gain magical powers!"

Looking at the information in his hand, the first sentence of the chapter made Luo Hang understand which world the fifth world he was going to was!

Isn't the world with devil fruit the world of sailing?

Read on.

Well, the fact that the world government, the pirates, and the revolutionary army stand together, also proves that Luo Hang's idea is correct.

After a careful look, some basic information given by Zhinao is still very correct.

Of course, some in-depth information will be gone, and Luo Hang doesn't need it either!

In this way, after carefully reading all the information in his hand, Luo Hang thought secretly in his heart.

I went to the world of sailing by myself, how should I collect the things I want?

Devil fruit?

Forget it, Luo Hang has no shortage of unique abilities, so why bother to eat Devil Fruits to add a weakness of fear of sea water to himself?

On the contrary, domineering things are worth studying!

Moreover, the systematic teaching, of course, is more mature on the navy side.

If you say you are in the pirate camp, you will have nowhere to learn if you want to learn domineering.

But if you join the navy camp yourself, the situation will be different!

Moreover, starting with the abilities of the Sixth Form of the Navy, after obtaining them, it will also make the people of the Dragon Kingdom more perfect in their cultivation, right?

After thinking about it, Luo Hang made a strategy in advance!

In addition, I can't eat devil fruit, but can Xuanyuan sword work?

There are still five grooves in the Xuanyuan Sword.

Moreover, in the world of sailing, there are also cases where weapons eat devil fruits!

"Oh my god, the world of sailing, if I go here, can I display 200% of my strength?"

Thinking that the next world would be the world of sailing, Luo Hang laughed again!

The ninja's system, what is his best escape technique?

Water escape!

Moreover, with Sanwei Isofu at his side, and with a huge chakra as the backing, Luo Hang's water escape can almost be used as a sea escape like the second generation of Hokage.

In a place like the sea, isn't Shuidun just a place where you can get twice the result with half the effort?

In addition, many devil fruit users are restrained by sea water!

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