If you think about it carefully, in the world of sailing, if you use this water escape ninjutsu, you can really exert 200% of your power, right?

Thinking of this, Luohang is very much looking forward to the next adventure trip!

Not only did Luo Hang get the corresponding information, but also explorers from other countries got the information they wanted.

I have been studying carefully these days, and I have read the information given by Zhinao dozens of times.

There is even a professional team to help them analyze the situation of this fifth adventure world!

In this way, in the blink of an eye, three days have passed!

At the time point, a time-space gate appeared in front of Luo Hang!

"Didn't you bring the fire unicorn with you for this time travel?" " Li Limin asked!

"No, I should mainly stay at sea in this world, and Huo Qilin wouldn't like such an environment!" Luo Hang shook his head and said!

"That's fine, then I wish you smooth sailing. Remember, our Dragon Kingdom has already gained a lot. The world you explore takes self-protection as the top priority. As for the acquisition of resources, it is only on the second place!" Li Limin reminded him.

"Don't worry, I understand!" Luo Hang nodded in response!

Not to mention, Li Limin's words, or Long Guo's attitude, are still very touching!

With a wave of his hand, Luo Hang directly stepped into the gate of time and space.

"The world of the fifth expedition begins!"

"I don't know what the world is like, I'm really curious!"

"The water in the last world was too deep, even the brain didn't know about it? Interstellar navigation, the overlord of the universe, the Asgard of the Protoss, what kind of situation does this world not know?"

"Okay, the screen is on, I haven't seen Brother Hang for a month, I'm really not used to it!"

"Wait, brother Hang, where did you come from? Is this being targeted by the brain?"

The live broadcast room of Longguo also knows that today is Luohang, or the day when explorers from all over the world continue to explore and travel.

Therefore, there were a lot of viewers on this day, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was also very lively!

However, as the live broadcast came on, following Luo Hang's perspective, after seeing the situation in the fifth world of exploration, many viewers couldn't help complaining!

It's no wonder that these audiences will look like this. Looking around, Luo Hang crossed the gate of time and space, and the place where he appeared happened to be on a deserted island.

Why can it be seen at a glance that it is a desert island?

Because the island is too small, at best it is only three or four hundred square meters.

It is a bare stone mountain without a single weed.

Appearing in such a place, the audience of the Dragon Kingdom naturally thought that Luo Hang was being targeted by the brain!

On the sea, at a glance, there is no one, what should Luo Hang do?

Standing on the island waiting to die?Even if you want to use the magic portal, you can't use it, right?

It's the first time I came to this world, I haven't seen anywhere, I can't form a clear picture in my mind, and I can't open this magic portal!

"My luck is too bad, right? Zhinao just threw me on a desert island like this?"

Not to mention the people in the live broadcast room, even Luo Hang looked at the surrounding environment, and secretly complained in his heart about the situation he was in now!

"By the way, I haven't learned how to fly with an imperial weapon yet. Do I have to run away on the water?"

Standing on the barren bare island, Luo Hang looked at the endless sea, muttering to himself!

Yes, it is not reduced to the situation of swimming in sea water. In Hokage's system, isn't treading water and running a routine operation?

However, you don't even know where you are, so you just run around on the sea with your eyes closed?

That's not right, is it?

"Okay, let's try to see if we can build a magic portal!"

In this way, after thinking for a while, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly, and he had an idea!

Putting the ring on his hand, Luo Hang started to cast the magic portal, imagining the scene of Marlin Vandor in his mind!

what else can we do?Marin Fando himself had seen it in anime.

In other words, can the scenes in the anime really materialize and open the magic portal?

Luo Hang is really not sure!

However, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, just try it!

The construction speed of the magic portal, in addition to its own proficiency in this magic, also has a clearer picture in the mind, the faster the portal opens!

It is not so difficult to open the portal just relying on the anime I have watched.

So, after a full minute, the small sparks flickered in midair, but it was difficult to completely construct the portal!

In this way, it took a full 5 minutes, and finally, these countless small sparks formed a circular aperture.

Then, on the other side of the aperture, the scene changed, and it was the square of Marin Vanduo!

Seeing that the structure of the magic portal was completed, Luo Hang naturally stepped over!

". "It's not fair, this brain has left our Brother Hang in this inaccessible place for so long! "

"Run? Although you don't need to swim, if you run in this endless sea, you might run for ten days and a half months without seeing anyone, right?"

"Wait, Brother Hang, what are you doing?"

"Building a magic portal? Isn't it necessary to visualize where you are going in your mind before you can build it?"

"Hahaha, you explorers of the Dragon Kingdom, it's really funny. Have you forgotten even the most basic settings of the magic you learned? It's the first time you came to this world, and you still want to build a magic portal !?"

"Hmph, if you don't want to watch it, you can get out. Brother Hang must have his own ideas for doing this!"

"What a fart, don't think about washing the floor forcibly. Everyone is very clear about the construction conditions of the magic portal. When I first came to this world, I wanted to construct a portal? Isn't this a joke?"

"I'm going to put my words here today. If he really succeeds, I'll live stream him peeing upside down!"

"Hmph, wait until you get slapped in the face!"

"However, although I also want to trust Brother Hang, he just appeared and wanted to build a portal. Is this really impossible?" (Wang Wang's)

"It's been almost 5 minutes, and it hasn't succeeded yet. It seems that the structure is indeed not working?"

"Wait, look, the magic portal is formed!"

"This, this is impossible, how did this succeed!"

"How did you succeed? It's not important. The important purpose is that you have already succeeded. What about the foreigners who just said they want to live broadcast the truth and piss? Hurry up and come out!"

"My mother asked me why I knelt down to watch the live broadcast. I knelt down. Can anyone explain why?"

"It doesn't matter, my Hang brother Niu B is done!"

"Smart brain targeting? I'm sorry, even the smart brain can't target our brother Hang, it's just so awesome!"

"Brother Hang, YYDS!"

The Longguo live broadcast room really exploded at this time.

Originally seeing Luo Hang appearing on an uninhabited desert island, many viewers were still filled with righteous indignation, feeling that this was targeted by the brain!

Then, seeing that Luo Hang actually wanted to build a magic portal, the audience was also dumbfounded.

Of course they also understand what the conditions for successfully constructing a portal are!

When the crooked audience clamored that Luohang couldn't successfully build the portal, even if the Dragon Kingdom audience refuted it, they couldn't find a reason.

However, who would have thought that Luo Hang would actually succeed?

Theoretically impossible, he actually did it? .

Chapter 237: What should I do if I want to be an admiral?

Let's not talk about the shock of the Longguo live broadcast room!

At this time, the live broadcast is still going on.

After all, Marin Fanduo is the base of the Navy Headquarters. Here, the scene of the magic portal naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Luo Hang stepped out from the magic portal, and a dozen marines pointed at him with guns in their hands!

"Everyone, I don't have any malice in coming here, I want to join the navy!" Luo Hang raised his hands, making a gesture of surrender, and at the same time explained his purpose of coming!

"You want to join the navy, what skills do you have?" A general in a navy cloak walked over and asked Luo Hang.

"I have a lot of skills. Speaking of which, if I want to join the navy and become an admiral, what should I do?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and put forward his own idea!

Since you want to join the navy, you have to show off your strength so that you can be reused.

Therefore, Luo Hang directly said that he wanted to become an admiral of the navy!

However, when Luo Hang said this, all the surrounding marines were stunned.

Immediately, many navy couldn't help laughing out loud!

Admiral?A random guy came and said he wanted to be an admiral?

Does he really know what an admiral means?

"Looking at your appearance, I thought you were capable, but I didn't expect you to be a lunatic!"

The general was also stunned, and immediately shook his head and said.

"At first I admired the navy, but now it seems that I have come to the wrong place? Perhaps, I should go to the revolutionary army?" Luo Hang was not angry at being underestimated, but just mocked him calmly. One sentence!

"You are presumptuous!"

Didn't Luo Hang make it clear that the navy is inferior to the revolutionary army?How can this be tolerated?

The general of the 160th Marine Corps shouted loudly, and immediately rushed towards Luo Hang!

"If you want to become an admiral, you can, but you can defeat me first before you talk nonsense!"

After the words fell, the general had already arrived in front of Luo Hang.

At the same time, he punched Luo Hang.

This punch is menacing.

However, although the general's movements were fast and imposing, Luo Hang's movements were faster than him.

Without too many bells and whistles, Luo Hang raised his hand directly.

With a snap, the palm precisely grasped the general's wrist.

Then with force, the general was thrown out by Luo Hang in an instant, and smashed hard on the wall not far away, and the whole person directly smashed through the wall!

The sailors beside him who were mocking Luo Hang all stared wide-eyed.

After looking at Luo Hang, he looked at the general next to him who had smashed through the wall, and then exclaimed: "Master Major General!"

Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, this is definitely the backbone of the Navy, but, just like this, he was killed in seconds?

This guy who clamored to become an admiral turned out not to be pretending to be a B, but a real B! ?

"Okay, now that I have defeated you, I can now say, if I want to be an admiral, what should I do?"

After defeating the major general of the navy headquarters in one move, Luo Hang followed suit!

"You, you wait, you still haven't informed the Warring States Marshal!?"

Now, the defeated major general also looked at Luo Hang with fear, and immediately said to the navy next to him!

I am also a major general anyway, can I beat myself in one move?

Not to mention that he has really reached the level of a general, at least he is also a lieutenant general, right?

If such a strong man wants to join the navy, it is indeed worth letting the Marshal of the Warring States personally receive him!

After the major general's words fell, the navy next to him came back to his senses, and then, a navy quickly turned around and ran to the office of the Marshal of the Warring States Period!

"Did something happen?" In the office, the major general was thrown out and smashed through the wall, and the marshal of the Warring States period vaguely heard the shouts outside, and was secretly surprised.

Originally stood up, Marshal Warring States was about to go to the window to have a look.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door: "Marshal, I have something important to report!"

"Come in!" Marshal Warring States said.

Immediately, the door was pushed back, and a navy walked in, explaining the situation concisely!

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