"A devil fruit user who used space-like abilities suddenly appeared in Marin Vanduo's square, saying that he wanted to join the navy, and wanted to be an admiral?"

"Even defeated Major General Enze with one move!?"

In a few words, the Marshal of the Warring States Period also understood the whole story, and there was a touch of surprise in his expression.

This is the first time I have encountered such a situation.

After thinking about it, he also felt that the opponent was at least as strong as a lieutenant general, so Marshal Warring States nodded and walked out.

If such a strong person wants to join the navy, he really should go and see for himself!

Luo Hang stood quietly and waited, with a calm expression and no sign of impatience.

In this way, after waiting for about 5 minutes, the admiral of the Warring States of Buddha came to Luohang.

After staring at Luo Hang for a while, he secretly sighed for Luo Hang's youth.

Then he said: "I am the admiral of the navy, Warring States period, young man, do you want to join the navy? As the admiral of the navy, you are welcome, but you want to be the admiral of the navy, this is not so easy!"

"You can call me Luo Hang, it's not easy, it means there are still promotion channels, right? Tell me?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and asked Zhan Guo!

"It's a young and energetic guy!"

Seeing Luo Hang so straightforwardly shouting out that he wants to be a general, and he also needs to know the specific and exact promotion method, Zhan Guo didn't mean to be disgusted, on the contrary, he appreciated it very much!

After all, as a boss, who would not like such a motivated employee?

"First of all, you have to prove your strength and convince the entire navy that you have the strength of an admiral!"

(bcfj) "Secondly, you have to have military merits, that is to say, you have to have enough merits to become an admiral through my recommendation and the appointment of the Five Elder Stars!"

The Marshal of the Warring States Period opened his mouth and stated two conditions for becoming an admiral of the navy!

"Okay, these two conditions are reasonable!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded, agreeing to these two conditions!

"Then, let me start with the first condition!? To prove that I have the strength of a general, how can I prove it?" Luo Hang asked directly to the Marshal of the Warring States Period!

"Now, there are three generals in the navy. Let's see who among them is willing to fight you. You are not required to defeat them. As long as you can remain undefeated under their hands, it will be enough to prove your strength!" Warring States said Said!

"Yes, very reasonable!" Luo Hang nodded in agreement!

Next, Warring States contacted the three navy generals to see which of them had the time to be the examiner!

At this time, Marin Fando also became lively!

Someone came to the headquarters of the navy, saying that he wanted to join the navy, or even challenge the admiral?

The news was thrown out, and the entire Marin Fando was shocked.

Then, everyone who had some free time came towards the square.

You have to take a good look at what this general-level combat power will be like!

The admiral personally made a move, but he couldn't see it at any time!

"Oh? Is there a newcomer who wants to challenge the admiral? Since he dares to say such a thing, it must be a terrible monster. I still don't want to be ashamed!"

This is the words of Huang Yuan, um, it is not something that anyone can do to be able to talk about fishing at work so refreshingly!

"I want to rest, this matter is not of interest!"

Aokiji looked lazily, lying on a chair basking in the sun, and shook his head when he heard this, expressing his refusal!

"Hmph, have the two of them rejected? Then let me weigh how much this newcomer weighs!"

Knowing that the other two refused, Akainu snorted a little unhappily, and immediately got up!

After all, Warring States is the admiral of the navy, so he still has to give face.

Now that his order has come down, if the three admirals of the navy refuse, then there is no room for the Marshal of the Warring States Period to save face, right?

Akainu walked directly to the square of Marin Fando.

And at this time, hundreds of navies have already surrounded them one after another!

Someone wants to challenge the admiral. Such a situation makes all the navy feel surprised!

"Boy, are you the one who wants to challenge the admiral? Very good, I'll let you see how big the world is!" Akainu said after glancing at Luo Hang's young appearance! "It's Admiral Akainu, I didn't expect him to do it himself!"

"Although the strengths of the three generals are almost the same, it is rumored that the strength of the generals is the strongest among the three generals, right?" Say, how long can this rookie last under the hands of Admiral Akainu?"

As Akainu walked over, the navy watching the battle began to discuss in a low voice!

To challenge the admiral of the navy, he met Akainu, who is known as the strongest in the navy, and no one thought that Luo Hang could win.

Even if he supports it for too long, he won't be able to do it. The difference lies in how long it takes for him to lose!

"Red Dog, only wins and loses, not life or death!" Really afraid that Red Dog would attack and kill Luo Hang, Zhan Guo gave a warning!

It is a good thing that the other party is willing to join the navy on his own initiative, and having at least the strength of a vice-admiral is even more talent.

If you killed someone today, who would dare to offer to join the navy in the future!

"Understood, Marshal, don't worry, I will show mercy!" Akakenu nodded and said after hearing this! "Be merciful!?"

However, listening to the conversation between Chiquan and Sengoku, the corner of Luo Hang's mouth twitched slightly!

"I think you all underestimated my strength, don't be merciful, otherwise, I'm afraid I will win by force!" Luo Hang said to Chiquan!

After the voice fell, there was no nonsense, both hands formed seals, and the first move was a move of water escape.

Water dragon bomb technique! .

Chapter 238: Luo Hang VS Red Dog

In other words, if you want to use the water escape, where is the most suitable place?The most effective?

Of course it is where there is water!

This square of Marin Vanduo is close to the seaside, and the technique of water dragon bomb is used here. You don't need to produce water out of thin air like land, you only need to mobilize the surrounding seawater!

As Luo Hang made seals with both hands, in an instant, a water dragon with a length of hundreds of meters appeared, and slammed into the red dog fiercely~!

In front of this huge water dragon, the other water dragons seemed to be just water snakes!

Seeing a thick water dragon appear, Akainu's face froze slightly, his fists turned into huge lava, and hit the water dragon fiercely!

As a lava fruit capable user, facing Luo Hang's attack, although he didn't feel as disgusted as he did facing Qingzhi's frozen fruit.

However, the relationship between lava and water is also opposite. This fighting style alone makes Akainu feel very uncomfortable!

What's more, what Luohang controls is not ordinary water, but sea water!

The scorching lava and the thick water dragon collided fiercely, and for a while, aroused water vapor all over the sky!

A trick of water dragon bomb is just a start.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Luo Hang will be blocked by the red dog.

Moreover, after blocking the attack of the water dragon bullet, Akainu followed up the victory and pursued.

Both fists turned into two crimson lava, attacking Luo Hang from the left and right respectively, preventing him from dodging!

Seeing this, Luo Hang simply jumped back, and immediately landed on the sea next to Marin Vanduo Square!

Follow the mudra with both hands.

Water Dungeon—Water Formation Wall!


The sea water rose and turned into a water wall, protecting Luo Hang's figure in it.

As soon as the so-called expert makes a move, you will know if there is any.

Luo Hang's raising his hand is a two-stroke ninjutsu of water escape, and the manipulation is also sea water, which makes all the navy shake!

"Hey, what kind of devil fruit ability is this? Can it control seawater battles?"

"A natural-type devil fruit? That's not quite right. A natural-type devil fruit can be elementalized by itself. This one named Luo Hang is not elementalized, but he is manipulating the sea water to fight!"

"Sea water, on the sea, isn't it his natural main battlefield? Moreover, such an ability naturally restrains all devil fruit users, right?"

"It's amazing, let's not talk about restraint, at least, it can control seawater attack and defense. Judging from the momentum, this guy named Luohang is indeed very strong!"

The surrounding navy chattered a lot.

Not only is Luo Hang's strength strong, but the most important thing is that he can control sea water to fight.

No one has ever seen such a fighting style!

Even the Warring States next to him were secretly surprised, what kind of method is this?

I have never heard of any devil fruit, which can have such an effect!

Sea water, to a certain extent, such an ability is indeed able to restrain all devil fruits!

Don't look at the current Chiquan's astonishing momentum, even stronger than Luohang.However, what if the seawater he controlled falls on Akainu...

It doesn't need to be hit much, just simply sprinkled on his body, is it enough to cause a weakening effect on him?

Not to mention the thoughts of the people next to him.

At this time, the battle between Luohang and Akainu is still going on!

As a magma man who ate the lava fruit, Akainu's strength is indeed very strong, and the lava has this scorching power with every gesture.

Just relying on water escape ninjutsu, Luo Hang was no match at all, he was suppressed and beaten all the way!

Water seems to be able to restrain fire, but if the heat of lava is strong enough, it can restrain water in turn!

"Brother Hang is about to make a move, just to see what kind of power this so-called general with the highest combat power in the navy has!"

"Yeah, Zhinao took this world after the world of ninjas and the world of black technology, which means that in the eyes of Zhinao, the force value of this world is very high?" "However, Brother Hang, YYDS! My brother Hang never fights unsure, no matter how strong this red dog general is, he can't be my opponent!" "Shacao, what's the matter with this red dog's ability, not only can he use lava The power, even the body can be turned into lava?" "This is a bit like the Blood Successor Limit of the Ghost Lamp Clan in Wunin Village!" "Here, is our Brother Hang being suppressed? This water escape is not from that lava Opponent!"

"What's the rush? My brother Hang is only using his own true energy to refine chakra, and he hasn't entered the Jifu mode yet, and he hasn't even brought out the Xuanyuan sword!" Do your best!"

At this time, Longguo's live broadcast room was very lively!

It's not just the audience of Dragon Kingdom, there are also many crooked audiences. At this time, they all squeezed into the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room to watch the battle between Luohang and Chigou!

After all, how high is the force value in this world?What is the force system like?

People all over the world don't know about it!

Moreover, explorers from all over the world have just crossed into this world, and there is a high-quality battle coming from Luohang?

This is the earliest battle for all audiences to understand the force system of this world, right?

Naturally, those who got the news all came to Longguo's live broadcast room to watch the battle between Luohang and the admiral!

On the surface, it seems that Luo Hang is now being suppressed, but in fact, everyone understands that Luo Hang is far from doing his best!

However, Akainu's lava fruit has been developed to a very high level, powerful, and the lava is extremely blazing!

Luo Hang's various water escape ninjutsu emerge in endlessly!

Water dragon bomb, big waterfall, water cut, water blade cut, hard vortex water blade, water wall and so on.

In front of Luo Hang, the sea water seemed to be under his control. This feeling was also a visual feast!

Although in the current battle situation, all the navies can see that it is Akainu who suppressed Luohang.

However, at least judging from the strength that Luohang has demonstrated now, the level of strength of a lieutenant general is safe!

"What's the matter? Is this the strength you want to challenge the general? If this is the only way, then this is the only way for you!"

Another terrible lava eruption sent Luohang flying, and the red dog's figure was suspended at the junction of Marin Vanduo Square and the sea!

Luo Hang's figure is standing on the sea, and the sea is his home field. As a devil fruit capable user, even Akainu is unwilling to take the risk easily!

"Okay, the warm-up is over, now we get down to business?"

Luo Hang has been fighting until now, but he just wants to simply test the strength of Akainu.

Therefore, in the world of pirates, the strength of the shadow level can only be regarded as the rank of lieutenant general? . …ask for flowers.

From the current point of view, Akainu's strength already belongs to the best in the movie class!

These words made Akagi's face turn serious.

Sure enough?Didn't he use all his strength in the battle just now?

To be able to challenge the general, as expected, there are still two brushes!

"What power do you have, show it all!" Chiquan stared at Luo Hang and said!

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