Taking a deep breath, Luo Hang shouted in his heart!

Mio Isofu's chakra completely exploded at this moment, completing the transformation of Isofu's mode.

The aura on Luo Hang's body became even bigger, and the whole appearance also looked more handsome!

"Oh my god, the newcomers are really scary. With the fighting level just now, it's just a warm-up?"

At some point, Huang Yuan appeared on a tall building, occupied a VIP position condescendingly, and said!

"Being able to control seawater battles, this kind of ability will greatly increase the effect in the sea, and even have a great restraint effect on devil fruit ability users!"

... 0 Frost flashed by, and Aokiji also appeared beside Huang Yuan, and said in a concentrated voice!

"Let's not talk about restraint for now, let's talk about it right now. This guy's strength has indeed become more terrifying. He just said it was a warm-up. It seems that he is not just bragging!"

"Keep reading, perhaps, this is really the fourth general of the navy!" Aokiji nodded concentratingly!

The two paddling generals, although on the surface, are not interested in this side.

However, with the huge movement of the battle here, the two of them were still a little curious, so they came over to take a look!

If the battle is over quickly, it's not much to look at.

But after fighting for so long, with such a big commotion, I can't sit still!

Sure enough, after taking a look, I happened to see the climax!

The battle just now can only be regarded as a warm-up?

What's more, with the opening of the rocky caressing mode, even from a distance, the yellow ape and the green pheasant can feel the powerful aura emanating from Luo Hang's body!

After entering the Jifu mode, although Luo Hang is still classified as a shadow class according to the division of the ninja world.

However, the increase in power and strength is too great!

After all, Kazekage, who is also a strong Kage, was easily assassinated, and Nagato, who destroyed Konoha with one move in the original book, can it be the same?

After entering the Jifu mode, Luo Hang raised it casually.

In an instant, it seemed that the entire ocean shook, and then, another water dragon bomb appeared!

This time, a thousand-meter-long water dragon flew directly into the air.

The pressure of this figure alone is jaw-dropping!

In the original work of Ninja World, a fire-fighting fire escape can be played by Uchiha Madara to become a super S-class esoteric ninjutsu!

The current Luohang is similar.

With the water dragon bomb technique, ordinary ninjas can only release water dragons several meters long, but with Luo Hang's move, water dragons that are thousands of meters long are jaw-dropping!

Then, this water dragon slammed into the direction of Akainu fiercely!

"Fire-breathing!" Seeing Luo Hang's terrifying water dragon bomb technique, Akainu's face became extremely solemn.

Immediately, there was no intention of holding back, and the huge lava rushed forward like a volcanic eruption!corpse.

Chapter 239: The incident of Tianlongren being beaten

A huge water dragon swooped down from the sky.

The hot lava rushed forward like a volcanic eruption.

The collision between the lava and the water dragon, in an instant, the lava evaporated the seawater, and the seawater also extinguished the lava.

There are even some fragmented lava and sea water splashing and falling down!

Luo Hang was fine, with a slight movement in his mind, the protective qi appeared, blocking all the falling sea water and lava!

However, Akainu is not so good.

Dense lava and sea water fall down!

Forget about the lava, it's nothing to him.

However, these bits and pieces of sea water fell on Akainu's body like rain, which made him feel that his physical strength was disappearing rapidly, and his fatigue was slowly climbing up!

This feeling is like an ordinary person having a high fever, always feeling limp and powerless!

Akainu understands that these are all because of the restraint of sea water on devil fruit users!

Taking a deep breath, Akainu's body turned into rolling lava, and the anger in his eyes almost condensed into substance!

Feeling the weakening effect of the sea water on him, Akainu obviously wanted to unleash all his strength, and put the victory and defeat on this last move!

Feeling that the power of Chiquan's last move cannot be underestimated, Luo Hang's mind "[-]" is also concentrated, ready to condense the tail beast jade!

Since you want to prove that you have the strength of a general, you can't be defeated by Akainu!

"That's enough, Akainu, as I said, it's only about winning and losing, not about life and death, it's enough at this point!"

At this moment, Sengoku, who had been watching the battle beside him, suddenly yelled loudly, standing between Luohang and Chiken!

Seeing that Marshal Sengoku personally took action to stop it, Akainu's originally surging lava was slowly put away.

However, his face is very ugly!

Marshal of the Warring States Period, what's going on?Tell yourself to stop?Said he was afraid that he would kill Luo Hang?

Could it be that he didn't see it?Luo Hang's strength is not weaker than his own.

If he really kept his hand, he should be the one who had an accident in the end, right?

Not to mention what kind of thoughts Akainu has in mind.

Seeing that the Warring States Period came out and blocked between him and Chiquan, the tailed beast jade that Luohang was about to condense also disappeared, and at the same time, he also exited the state of Jifu mode!

"Okay, Luo Hang, now you have proved your strength. You do have the strength of a general, but you don't have any military achievements, so I can only give you the title of lieutenant general for the time being, how about it?"

Zhan Guo turned his head, looked at Luo Hang, and said!

"Thank you Marshal!" Luo Hang stood at attention and saluted, entering the scene very quickly!

"Awesome, this is another lieutenant general in the headquarters!"

"Although he is a lieutenant general, his strength has reached the level of a general!"

"If you just wait for the accumulation of military achievements in the future, I'm afraid you will be promoted to the fourth general right away?"

In the square of Marin Vanduo, the Marshal of the Warring States Period directly awarded the title of Lieutenant General to Luohang, and the surrounding navies began to discuss in a low voice!

However, no one in Marin Fando's navy felt dissatisfied with Luo Hang's step into the sky and immediately reached the level of a lieutenant general!

After all, in the battle just now, everyone saw Luo Hang's strength with their own eyes.

After fighting with Admiral Akainu for so long, he is still not weak at the disadvantage. This is a proper general-level combat power.

Being assigned the rank of lieutenant general, who can say more?

In addition, the naval headquarters has an additional general-level powerhouse, which also boosts the morale of the navy.

This represents the highest combat power of the navy, is there another one?

"Okay, all lieutenant generals, except Lieutenant General He and Lieutenant General Karp, are all under the command of the three generals!" After Luo Hang accepted the rank of lieutenant general, Marshal Warring States followed suit.

When these words came out, Akainu next to him looked a little embarrassed!

With such a combat power comparable to that of a general, Akainu certainly wants to be included under his command.

However, in the previous battle, he did not have the upper hand, so it seems unreasonable to include him under his command!

"Marshal, let him be included under my command, his ability and mine can just complement each other!"

Aokiji standing far away, did you hear this? With a flash, he came to Sengoku and said!

These words made the Marshal of the Warring States Period and the other navies beside him nod secretly!

That's true. Luohang can control sea water, and Qingzhi can freeze it. Can the power of water and freezing really complement each other?


However, before Zhan Guo opened his mouth to announce, a golden light flashed, and the yellow ape followed.

Said urgently: "Let Luo Hang join me!"

"You?" Zhan Guo glanced at the yellow ape, and his face turned dark.

Then, he complained, "The reason why you are so eager to get Luo Hang to join your team is because you want to paddle more safely, right?"

It can be said that the entire navy is very aware of Huang Yuan's laziness.

The Warring States period had reason to suspect that Huang Yuan's reason for letting Luo Hang join his command was to leave all the combat work to Luo Hang and just want to paddle with peace of mind!

Needless to say, Huang Yuan didn't mean to defend himself against the complaints made by Marshal of the Warring States Period, but instead nodded his head cheekily.

"What Luo Hang needs most now is military merit. If he follows me, he can get a lot of military merit!"

Yes, I paddled with peace of mind, if I hand over some combat missions to Luo Hang in the future, he will naturally gain military merit very quickly!

Needless to say, although my own idea is to hope that Luo Hang will join Qingzhi's command, the ability to manipulate sea water and freeze is indeed very suitable.

However, Huang Yuan's words also have some truth.

Besides, everyone knows about the relationship between Aokiji and Akainu.

Chickens and dogs are restless, water and fire are incompatible.

If Luo Hang and Qingzhi were really allowed to stay together, wouldn't it be a situation where two generals would suppress one general in the future?

After thinking about it, the outcome of the battle still feels, let's see how Luo Hang handles it!

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo looked at Luo Hang and said, "Okay, Luo Hang, what do you think? Are you willing to join Qingzhi's subordinates, or Huang Yuan's subordinates!?"

"Thank you General Qingzhi for your favor!" Luo Hang walked up to Qingzhi first, and bowed seriously.

Then he walked in front of Huang Yuan and said: "General Huang Yuan, please take care of me in the future!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I will take good care of you!"

Seeing that Luo Hang chose him, Huang Yuan showed a happy smile on his face, nodded and said!

Isn't Luo Hang choosing his purpose to earn military merit?

And he asked himself to take good care of him, didn't he just want to get more opportunities to earn military merits?

For the lazy yellow ape, this is what he wished for!

"Oh, well, if he is with Huang Yuan, it will prevent the balance from being broken in the future..."

Seeing that Luo Hang chose Huang Yuan in the end, Zhan Guo secretly sighed a little disappointed, and finally he could only comfort himself like this!

What can be done?Luo Hang's original purpose was to become an admiral of the navy...

Therefore, following Huang Yuan's words, he can gain more military merits and be called admiral as soon as possible, which is also in line with his original purpose!

Of course, everyone believed that the reason why Luo Hang chose Huang Yuan was to gain military merit and become an admiral as soon as possible.

But Luohang didn't think so in his heart!

Why did I choose Huang Yuan?

Because Huang Yuan is in charge of the navy's scientific research force!

In other words, all the scientific research forces of the navy, even the legendary Vegapunk, are under the control of the yellow ape!

If I can get some high-tech of Pirate World by the way, it will be most in line with my purpose of exploring and collecting resources, right?

Luo Hang's most essential thoughts are unknown to others.

After Luo Hang made his choice, the fact that Luo Hang came to the Navy headquarters to challenge the general this time is considered to be over.

And with this battle, Luo Hang's reputation has resounded through the entire navy!

Although he is only a lieutenant general now, being able to fight against Admiral Akainu without being inferior shows that Luo Hang has the combat power of an admiral!

Next, Luo Hang received his navy uniform and a navy cloak with the word "Justice" embroidered on it.

Looking in the mirror, not to mention, wearing a military uniform and a navy cloak, Luo Hang still looks very handsome!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang found Huang Yuan, and under his personal leadership, he personally visited the scientific research team and got to know it.

Especially the pacifists that are being mass-produced by the scientific research force recently, Luo Hang pays more attention to them!

It is based on the appearance of the Tyrant Bear and the ability of the Ape Glitter Fruit, which has the power to fire laser cannons.

The strength of this pacifist 5.9 is still very strong, comparable to pirates with hundreds of millions of bounties!

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