Of course, taking Luo Hang to the scientific research team for a walk is also to let Luo Hang meet with the marines of the scientific research team.

"You are Lieutenant General Luo Hang. Although I have never seen your battle, your reputation has spread throughout the navy! Hello, my name is Zhan Taowan!"

Here in the research team, Luo Hang also received a warm welcome.

After all, Luo Hang's reputation in the navy is very high now, even known as the fourth invisible general!

On Luohang's side, they are still visiting the research team.

And on the other side of the Chambord Islands, an auction is being organized!

The auction has now reached its climax. On the stage, a mermaid is being locked in a sink for auction.

A Tianlong man shouted arrogantly.

All the people in the auction house lowered their heads, and dared not speak out against the clamor of the Tianlong people!

However, the boy wearing the straw hat walked towards the Tianlongren step by step at this moment, with a calm breath and firm steps!

Bang bang bang!

The gun in Tianlongren's hand fired several shots at the young man, but he dodged them all.

Then, when he came to the Tianlongren, he punched the Tianlongren...

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 240: Pirate Wang Lufei

It's fried. At this time, the Chambord Islands are all fried.

Countless people in the auction venue all scattered and fled in panic!

The Tianlong people were beaten, and the Tianlong people, who are called the descendants of the gods, were beaten severely.

This thing is terrible!

After all, the Tianlong people were beaten, which means that the navy will be dispatched.

At that time, this place is bound to become a terrifying battlefield.

Naturally, all ordinary people and even pirates fled in all directions.

Even many pirates are still secretly cursing the Straw Hat Boys in their hearts.

No matter how willful this is, there must be a limit, right?Actually beat the Celestial Dragon?

If this admiral is attracted, aren't they also bound to die?

Can't you just think about the consequences?

Let's not talk about the turmoil in the Chambord Islands.

The news that the Tianlong people were beaten here is naturally known to the navy stationed in the Chambord Islands.

Then, the faces of these navies also changed in horror, and they hurriedly made a phone call to Marlin Fando, and notified Marlin Fando of this shocking news! "What? Straw hat kid? Attacked the Celestial Dragon!?"

Suddenly, Sengoku, the admiral of the navy, was a little dumbfounded when he heard this bad incident.

With anger on his face, he thought about it, then called Huang Yuan and told him to go there!

After all, this matter needs to be dealt with quickly, and the shining fruit of the yellow monkey can be said to be the fastest man in the world!

Ahem, this speed only refers to the speed of movement, and has no other meaning! "Okay, Marshal 12, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

On the other end of the phone bug, after learning about the mission given to him by the Warring States Period, Huang Yuan said with a straight face!

"Why is he so motivated?" Huang Yuan's answer stunned Zhan Guo.

This is completely different from the yellow ape in my usual impression!

However, Sengoku reacted immediately and patted himself on the head.

Are you really old?Forgot all this?That kid Luo Hang is now under Huang Yuan's command.

On the surface, Huang Yuan nodded and accepted the task, but in fact, Huang Yuan assigned this task to Luo Hang, right?

Shaking his head, Zhan Guo complained weakly in his heart!

However, with a general-level combat power, Luo Hang can really earn a lot of military merits now. If he is promoted to the fourth general, it will also have a good positive effect on the reputation of the navy.

Therefore, the Warring States Period itself is not disgusted with this!

"Luo Hang, get ready, we are going to the Chambord Islands!"

When answering the Warring States, Huang Yuan looked full of energy, but after hanging up the phone, he returned to his lazy look!

"Oh, do you need to prepare anything else?" Hearing this, Luo Hang asked back!

"Old man, I heard that when you came to Marin Fando, you came here with the ability of some kind of space fruit. You won't tell me, it's just someone else's ability, right?" Huang Yuan asked Luo Hang lazily. road!

"So, is this really treating me as a tool man?" Hearing Huang Yuan's words, Luo Hang secretly complained in his heart!

As the owner of the shining fruit, Huang Yuan's speed is unrivaled in the world, but he is too lazy to run himself like this?

"Well, do you have any photos of the Chambord Islands? With my ability, I need to visualize the place I want to open in my mind!" Although he complained secretly in his heart, Luo Hang did not refuse.

A picture of the Chambord islands?Isn't it easy?

Soon, Huang Yuan asked the navy of the Chambord Islands to make a phone call directly from the video phone bug, so that Luo Hang could clearly see the scene on the other side!

After taking a look, Luo Hang nodded and then raised his hand, but in just a few breaths, countless small sparks turned into a huge circle.

On the other side, it is the scene of the naval station in the Chambord Islands!

Huang Yuan took the scientific research team headed by Luohang and Zhan Taowan, stepped through the magic portal, and appeared directly in the Chambord Islands! "Well, this ability is very convenient!"

In the blink of an eye, he went from Marin Fanduo to the Chambord Islands, which is much more convenient than the fruit ability of Tyrant Bear.

Huang Yuan nodded silently, and spoke highly of Luo Hang's ability!

"Indeed, this ability is too powerful. Mr. Luo Hang is not just powerful!" Zhan Taowan, who was next to him, looked at Luo Hang and said with a look of amazement! "Okay, it's not too late, you guys go and split things up, Luo Hang, I'll hand over the straw hat boy who beat up the Tianlongren, and I'll leave it to you, you must catch him!" When he arrived at the naval station, Huang Yuan said lazily. Leaning on the reclining chair next to him, he said to Luo Hang and the others. "Old man, you..."

Seeing Huang Yuan's advantage, the subordinates are doing it, and they have nothing to do. Uh, that's what it means anyway, and Zhan Taowan next to him can't stand it anymore.

"By the way, general, then Luffy, can I rectify the Fa on the spot?" After Zhan Taowan and others left, Luo Hang suddenly paused, turned his head and asked Huang Yuan! "Although these pirates are all evil, the Straw Hat Pirates are a little special. They have sailed all the way, and have done nothing evil, and even done many good things, so let's capture them alive!" After hearing Luo Hang's words, Huang The ape still looks so lazy! "That's fine, I understand!"

It can be said that Huang Yuan's answer was within Luo Hang's expectation. Luo Hang nodded, turned and left!

"This kid, what do you mean by saying this on purpose? Did you ask casually? Or did he see something?" Seeing Luo Hang's back turning and leaving, Huang Yuan muttered secretly in his heart!

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. After muttering such a sentence, Huang Yuan turned over and stretched himself!

This day is really comfortable enough.

With a capable subordinate like Luo Hang, it's perfect for him to do all hands-on tasks.

If you can't even beat him, then it's pointless to go up by yourself, isn't it?

Therefore, this paddling is so reassuring!

Senmomaru leads the pacifist robots to capture other pirates.

Now that I have come to the Chambord Islands once, of course it is not just a matter of dealing with the Straw Hat Boys and his party.

Here, there are many other pirates who are ready to be coated.

Take this opportunity to catch all the other pirates!

On the other side, Luo Hang took a map and walked towards the auction!

Speaking of which, I will finally meet your legendary pirate.Is Wang Lufei yet?

Although I am now in the navy, the protagonist in the original book, if nothing else, will be the future One Piece, Luo Hang is still quite interested!

Moreover, in his original time and space, rumors spread that Huang Yuan was also an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army in the Navy?

Some people even say that Huang Yuan is Lu Fei's uncle?

I don't know if this statement is true.

I just tried it casually, and it seems that nothing came out of the test. Is it because Huang Yuan is hiding too well?

Secretly muttering in his heart, Luo Hang continued to walk forward!

"Boss, there is a navy there. It's a bit scary. You're young. It shows on the epaulettes that it's a vice admiral!?" On the way, Hawkins' pirate group happened to meet Luo Hang, and the pirate next to him said in surprise !

Although the navy cloaks are the same, the epaulettes carried on the shoulders of the navies of different ranks are naturally completely different!

"By the way, Vice Admiral, he is so young, and he has never heard of it before. Maybe he is an unknown, just promoted from Rear Admiral?" "If we can defeat or even kill each other, the reputation of our pirate group will be greatly reduced Is it bigger?" Some pirates grinned and said, licking the corners of their mouths!

"Boss, let's see first, if we make a move, what is the success rate?" Before making a move, the pirates all looked at Hawkins.

They really have the divination ability to predict the future, these pirates still trust Hawkins' ability very much!

160 "Well, let me take a look!"

The vice admirals are all well-known figures, but the person in front of him is so strange?

Hawkins was also a little curious, so he immediately took out his own card and did some divination!

"Let's go!"

Divination came and went quickly, just looking at the results of the divination, Hawkins' pupils shrank slightly, and he continued!

"Boss, what's the result?"

Although the members of the Pirates can roughly guess what's going on from Hawkins' reaction, they are still a little curious!

"If we make a move, the whole army will be wiped out!" Hawkins answered, turned around and left first!


As soon as this remark came out, all the pirates present took a deep breath.

real or fake?completely annihilated?

This vice admiral seems to be alone, is it really so scary?

It's fine if it's an admiral, but does a vice admiral have such power?

This is a little scary!

"Hawkins' pirate group? Forget it, I'm just a kid..."

Of course Luo Hang also noticed Hawkins and the others, glanced at them, and then silently shook his head!

Indeed, as far as Luo Hang is concerned, Hawkins and his group are really just young people, and it is not worth stopping by themselves!

I am not a yellow ape, so I want to take a shot at these little guys, deliberately delaying time!

Continuing to walk forward, when Luo Hang came around the auction venue, he saw a large group of marines and surrounded the auction venue.

And in the middle, there are three pirates surrounded!

Kidd, Trafalgar.labor!And there are pirates.Wang Lufei is gone!

Among the surrounding navies, the most powerful ones are only at the colonel level. How can they be the opponents of these three supernovas.

Although a group of navies temporarily entangled the three of them by relying on their superiority in numbers.

However, Luo Hang could tell at a glance that it was nothing more than a herd of sheep surrounding three fierce tigers! .

Chapter 241: Luffy, you have to thank me for imprisoning you in Push City

"Lord Lieutenant General!"

Outside the auction house, seeing Luo Hang approaching, the surrounding marines shouted in unison!

Many navies knew that they couldn't beat Luffy and the three of them, but they still didn't leave. Isn't it because of the word "justice" on their shoulders, they were fighting and waiting for the high-end combat power of the navies to come?

Seeing Luohang come over now, the navy is very happy!

Although Luohang's reputation has not spread from the Navy headquarters in a short time.

However, seeing that his epaulettes represent the rank of lieutenant general, the navy secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

Vice admiral, this is second only to the strength of the admiral!

"Vice Admiral, here comes a troublesome guy!" He glanced at Luohang, and Trafalgar next to him.Lao's eyes became more serious.

"What about the lieutenant general? A lieutenant general I've never heard of, look at me!" The captain Kidd next to him said with a look of indifference!

As soon as the words fell, his magnetic force attracted countless metal products, turned into an extremely thick arm, and struck in the direction of Luo Hang.

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