Judging from the size of this thick mechanical arm, it gives people an unstoppable feeling!

Glancing at Kidd's attack, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly, and his hands formed seals.

Water Escape [-] - Explosive Water Rush!


Will Chambords be short of water?

The land cracked open, and the seawater under the ground was directly mobilized, turning into a terrifying shock wave and attacking Captain Kidd!


Although his fists are huge and his arms are also very thick, the water flow on Luohang's side is also like a flood that has burst a bank!

Afterwards, Kidd felt limp and powerless all over, and even the metal arms that were held together by his devil fruit ability scattered in all directions!

After the water dissipated, Kidd, who was still very arrogant just now, half-lyed on the ground like a dead dog that fell into the water!

Captain Kidd, one of the supernovas, was given a second by Luo Hang!

With such strength, Lao and Lufei next to him looked shocked!

Of course, in contrast, the atmosphere on the navy side is very high!

"The ability to control seawater battles, how can there be such a devil fruit ability in the world!?"

Seeing that Kidd was caught in one move, Lao's face next to him became even uglier.

This ability is not only powerful, but more importantly, it can restrain all devil fruit users!

"Go, handcuff him!" After killing Kidd with one move, Luo Hang said to the navy beside him!

"Yes, Lieutenant General!" The navy next to him responded loudly, and saluted Luo Hang respectfully!

Then he went over with Hailoushi handcuffs!

"Second gear!" Also aware of Luo Hang's strength, Luffy instantly entered the second gear state.

The body became flushed, and even water vapor could be seen coming from the body.

Immediately, his figure was as fast as a teleportation technique, and he came in front of Luo Hang in the blink of an eye!

Although the move of water escape just now was terrible, but, Lu Fei felt that Luo Hang's long-range attack method was powerful, and melee combat might be his weakness?

So, a snappy speed in second gear!

Water Dungeon—Water Formation Wall!

The speed of Luo Hang's seal formation was very fast. The big explosion just now filled the surrounding sea with sea water, and the water flow rose up, turning into a wall of water and appearing in front of Luo Hang.

Lu Fei punched the wall of the water formation, although the sea water splashed everywhere, but his fist was blocked!

"Slaughterhouse"! "

Seeing that Luffy made a move, Lao didn't have to stand idly by. Using his devil fruit ability, he swapped positions with a small stone at Luo Hang's feet.

This is real teleportation.

Then, the huge knife came out of its sheath and slashed towards Luo Hang!

The two shots were all water escapes, and Luo also felt that Luo Hang should be weak in melee combat, so he got close and used slashing to deal with Luo Hang!

At the same time, Lu Fei's fist also smashed towards Luo Hang like a storm.

Rubber-rubber machine guns!

Looking at Lao's slashing attack, and Luffy's intensive attack, the two supernova pirates set fire to themselves?

Luo Hang stretched out his hands, and then softly shouted: Shenluo Tianzheng!


The invisible repulsion centered on Luo Hang's body and burst out instantly.

Then Luffy and the two were directly sent flying out by Shenluo Tianzheng's attack.

The repulsive force of invisible matter is simply difficult to resist and dodge. The impact of this repulsive force is like being hit by a high-speed train.

Whether it is Law or Luffy, the injuries are not serious!

Afterwards, Luo Hang continued to make seals with both hands, and performed a water escape, fog concealment technique!

A large thick fog suddenly diffused out, covering a range of hundreds of meters!

"I, I suddenly feel so tired, is the injury just too serious?" Luffy said in the mist!

"It's not this. It's because of the fog. The so-called fog is actually small water droplets that are invisible to the naked eye, suspended in the air."

"The mist is all made of sea water. We are devil fruit capable users. Being in this mist is almost like being in sea water!"

In terms of knowledge, Law is obviously much better than Luffy, he explained.

Yes, water escape ninjutsu manipulates seawater, not just to restrain devil fruits, especially this technique of fog concealment, which almost makes seawater fly in mid-air.

Under the shroud of mist, all devil fruit users will be weakened!

To be honest, in the world of ninjas, Kirigakure was originally just a simple ninjutsu to cover up the eyes.

But in this world, it has a debilitating effect on those with devil fruit abilities.

This is really a different world, the situation is completely different!

"Water escape, the technique of the great waterfall!"

Luo Hang didn't pay attention to how Luffy and the two of them discussed in the fog. The eyes of reincarnation endowed Luo Hang with a strong visual effect, and Luo Hang made a seal with both hands again.

In an instant, a large expanse of sea water attacked Luffy and Lao again!

The turbulent waves swept away, it was not something the two of them could resist!

Lao reacted quickly. In the fog, he brought up his last system, used the ability of the slaughterhouse again, changed positions with a small object in the distance, and escaped from the enveloping range of the fog concealment technique.

Without stopping at all, he turned around and left quickly, and disappeared soon!

Only Luffy jumped, trying to escape the raging waves.

However, when Luo Hang raised his hand, the waves rose up following his movements.

In the end, Luffy, who fell from the body, still landed steadily in the sea water, and immediately seemed to have his bones removed, and his whole body was limp and powerless!

"Okay, let's handcuff it too!" Luo Hang said, and said to the navy beside him!

The three pirate supernovas who were originally unmatched were easily captured, two were captured, and one escaped.

The strength demonstrated by Luo Hang made all the surrounding navies dumbfounded!

Is this the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters?This strength is truly terrifying!

The lieutenant general is already so powerful, I really don't know what kind of strength the general of the navy headquarters is like!

"It's unbelievable, the strength of the Vice Admiral is too terrifying!"

Lao turned his head and watched from a distance that Kidd and Luffy were captured alive, and his heart was secretly shocked!

Both belong to the supernova, and the strength of Kidd and Luffy is recognized by Law.

But precisely because of this, seeing them captured so easily, my heart was secretly shaken.

When did such a powerful figure appear in the navy?

". "Okay, the task is completed, let's go!" "

After capturing Lu Fei, Luo Hang opened another magic portal.

On the other side of the portal, there is the general Huang Yuan, who is half lying on the recliner, resting! "Huh? Are you back so soon?"

Huang Yuan, who was lying down like a salted fish, sat up straight when he saw Luo Hang coming back!

"The mission is completed, of course I'm back!" Luo Hang pointed to Luffy who was handcuffed by Hai Loushi next to him and said!

"This is the straw hat kid Luffy? I heard that there has been a lot of commotion recently, and even two of the king's Shichibukai have been defeated by him!" Looking at Luffy curiously, Kizaru said Said.

"What's next? How to deal with it?" Luo Hang asked.

"What do you think?" Huang Yuan didn't rush to answer, but asked Luo Hang back!

"I think? Let's throw it in the promotion city first?" Luo Hang thought for a while and said!

"Push into the city? That's fine, then you can send him there!" Huang Yuan also nodded, agreeing to Luo Hang's proposal!

Then, he made another video phone bug to Magellan, the warden of Push City, and explained the situation!

Seeing this, Luo Hang nodded, and once again opened the magic portal to the Push City (Winning the King), and just pressed Lu Fei to the Push City! "Lieutenant General Luo Hang, I finally saw you in person!" Magellan said enthusiastically with a smile on his face!

As the warden of Jinjin City, he seems to have heard of Luo Hang's name!

"I've heard about Magellan's reputation for a long time!" Luo Hang said with a smile on his face!

As the warden of the advancing city, Magellan's strength should not be underestimated. It is not surprising that he has touched the level of a general!

It's just that he still wanted to get close to Luo Hang, but suddenly, Magellan's stomach rumbled.

Then he apologized, turned around and went to have diarrhea.

At the same time, Hanbanni, who has arranged for the deputy warden, is responsible for imprisoning Luffy!

Being handcuffed by Hai Loushi, Luffy couldn't use all his abilities. Even if he wanted to resist, he was powerless, so he was thrown into prison directly! "Luffy, don't even think about running away, I locked you up in Push City for your own good too!" Looking at Lu Fei, Luo Hang said. "Why?"

Luffy's brain circuit didn't feel like being a prisoner at all. Hearing this, he asked curiously.

"Because, in a short time, you will beg to enter the promotion city, and now I let you in ahead of time, you have to thank me!".

Chapter 242: Vegapunk, take a look at the technology of this Ark reactor?

What Luo Hang said was indeed true.

In the original book, in the early stage of the war, didn't Luffy desperately want to push into the city to save Ace?

Now that I let him in ahead of time, he has to thank himself, right?

However, because of his own intervention, Luffy can't go to Nine Snake Island, and there will be no emotional entanglement with the Empress, and I don't know if he will regret it!

However, looking at the appearance in the original book, Luffy doesn't seem to have any feeling for the love between men and women?

In any case, for Luo Hang, sending Luffy to Push City is considered a mission completed.

After chatting with Lu Fei for a few words, Luo Hang turned around and left Push City!

Back at the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Warring States gave Luo Hang a good credit!

After all, Tianlongren was beaten, and Luo Hang rushed over immediately with the magic portal.

Moreover, the straw hat kid Luffy was caught in a flash, and he was imprisoned in the advancing city. This move can be regarded as a big increase in the navy's face!

Of course, the straw hat kid who beat the Tianlongren was not killed, but was locked up in the city.

This incident just made the Tianlong people a little unhappy.

And these are the negotiations between the Marshal of the Warring States Period and the Tianlong people, and have nothing to do with Luohang!

Having nothing to do, Luo Hang ran to the Navy's scientific research department again!

After coming and going, Luo Hang is also very familiar with the scientific research department!

In the world of sailing, Luo Hang has also seen Vegapunk, which is known as a technology 500 years ahead of mankind.

However, this is just a person who is obsessed with science, and he doesn't seem to care about other things!

In the scientific research department, Luohang has indeed discovered many high-tech and even black-tech products.

However, some have defects, and some are too expensive to be mass-produced!

160 "By the way, Dr. Vegapunk, I have a technical document on energy here, would you like to see it?"

Also thinking about building a good relationship with Vegapunk, Luo Hang said!

"Oh? About energy? Let me see?"

Sooner or later, he will be promoted to admiral, and Vegapunk also attaches great importance to Luohang. Hearing this, he asked curiously!

Then, Luo Hang took out all the information about the Ark reactor!

"This is!?"

Although he is the chief scientist of the navy and even the world of sailing, the scientific and technological information of the Ark reactor caught Vegapunk's attention immediately!

Flipping through all the information about the Ark Reactor, all of Vegapunk's mind was immersed!

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