"This, this technology, if it is applied to pacifists, it will allow pacifists to have a greater supply of energy!" It took more than half an hour to read the information on the Ark reactor. , Vegapunk followed up!

"No, I have to make it by myself. Besides, is there a brand new element? Use the power of mortals to create an element that has never appeared in the world!" Vegapunk's attention , were all attracted by the technology of the Ark Reactor.

Immediately afterwards, I put all my thoughts on it, and I couldn't wait to make a reactor and take a good look at it!

In this scientific research department, Dr. Vegapunk's right to speak is naturally absolute. If he wants to make it, there will never be a second voice!

The various materials needed were quickly prepared, and then, Vegapunk built a huge reactor according to the information on the reactor, and first used the big one to practice (bcfj)!

In this way, it took about ten days, and as the reactor started, the reactor, like a small sun, began to operate.

At the same time, a large amount of energy is delivered to the entire scientific research department!

Seeing the stable operation of the reactor, and calculating the energy value that the reactor can deliver, a smile appeared on Vegapunk's face!

Next, it's time to make a portable reactor!

Then, find a way to use that energy on pacifists!

In the past few days, Luo Hang stayed in the scientific research department, watching Vegapunk build a cold fusion reactor with his own eyes.

Such a method made Luo Hang secretly sigh with emotion!

Although you are a scientist, the world of sailing, the scientific skill tree and the technology in the real world are completely different, right?

Just get the corresponding technical information, can you make the finished product so quickly?

It can only be said that Vegapunk's scientific research ability is indeed top-notch!

Also, a portable reactor on a pacifist?

Is this going to bring the pacifists of the seafaring world closer to the Iron Armor side of the Marvel universe?

These days, Luo Hang spends his time in the scientific research laboratory, and lives a relaxed and comfortable life, and has a good relationship with Vegapunk!

However, these days, the people of the Straw Hat Pirates are suffering!

They were not beaten by the bear like in the original book, but the captain is gone!How can this pirate group continue?

The Wanli Sunshine floated quietly on the sea, and everyone on board felt aimless at the moment!

Although I thought Luffy was unreliable, and sometimes even very sand sculpture.

But without Luffy, the Straw Hat Pirates really seem to have lost their backbone!

"Usopp, what's the situation? Have you found any news?" Nami asked Usopp next to her!

"I found out, Luffy was captured by the Vice Admiral, and then he was imprisoned in Advance City!" Usopp nodded and said!

"Advance City? Where is it? Let's rescue him now!"

Sauron was holding a huge barbell at the moment to practice the movement of swinging the knife, sweating profusely, and said!

"We don't even know where Jinjin City is, so we're going to save people?" Nami said, thinking that Sauron's words were a little too reckless, right?

"Advancing the city? This is a bit troublesome!"

Robin next to him grabbed his chin and said solemnly!

"Robin, do you know where the city is?" Chopper and the others next to him all looked at Robin!

If you really want to say it, Robin, who is a scholar, is indeed the most knowledgeable person in the pirate group.

Therefore, if there are some questions that you don't understand, it is quite appropriate to ask Robin!

"This City of Advancement is the place where the Navy uses to detain criminals, and it's too difficult to escape from the City of Advancement!" Robin replied!

"So, has anyone successfully escaped from prison?" Sauron asked after hearing this!

"There are indeed, one of which is the Golden Lion, the leader of the Flying Pirates."

"He is a strong man of the same era as Pirate King Roger, and he can compete with One Piece King himself. He paid the price of his legs and escaped from the promotion city!"

"Secondly, Kaido, one of the Four Emperors today, has attacked the Navy Headquarters several times. After being caught, he will be imprisoned in the city of advancement!"

"But, no one can kill him. After he regains his strength, he can run out of the city again!"

"As far as I know, these two people are the only ones who can escape from the city!"

Robin followed!As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the Straw Hat Pirates became even uglier!

"So, if you want to escape from the promotion city, you need the strength of the Four Emperors to be able to do it?"

Usopp's complexion collapsed, and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates also looked very ugly!

"It's hard, it's hard, One Piece should sail on the sea, not be locked in the push city!"

When the atmosphere on the boat was tense, Sauron put away his barbell, brought a bath towel, wiped the sweat off his body, and said calmly!

Having said that, Zoro glanced at Sanji next to him again, and said, "You stinky cook, aren't you afraid?"

"You green algae head, Lu Chi, I think you are scared, right?"

Sanji and Zoro seemed to be at odds from beginning to end. Hearing this, he couldn't help cursing.

"It's good not to be afraid, I thought you were afraid!" Sauron retorted with a dark face.

"Okay, Zoro, Sanji, you two, stop arguing!" Usopp and Chopper next to them persuaded after seeing the two quarreling!

"Okay, let them quarrel. In fact, Luffy is gone now, and no one is arguing. On the contrary, I don't feel used to it!"

Luo Hang next to him spoke, but stopped Usopp and Chopper from speaking!

"Now, let's think of a way, how to rescue Luffy!" Ignoring the noisy two, Nami spoke, and discussed with Robin and the others how to rescue Luffy!

On Marin Fanduo's side, Luo Hang stayed in the scientific research department as usual.

Suddenly, a navy came over and said that Lieutenant General Garp was looking for him!

"Lieutenant General Garp?" Hearing this, Luo Hang was startled!

This is a legendary sailor, and even a hero in the navy.

In ancient times, he defeated the overlord of the sea, Rocks, and even pushed the Pirate King Roger into desperation many times!

At this time, Karp suddenly came to find him?Why?

"It seems that it's because of Luffy, right?"

After thinking for a while, Luo Hang probably understood Garp's thoughts!

Nodded, the place where Kapuyolo Airlines met is also very interesting, it is in the square of Marin Vanduo!

"Lieutenant General Garp, your name is really impressive, we finally met today!" Luo Hang greeted him.

"These days, your reputation is like thunder to my ears!"

Garp took off the dog hat on his head, clenched his fists and said!

"Lieutenant General, who are you?" Seeing Karp's appearance, Luo Hang's heart tightened!

"I heard that you want to be a general, and you're even as good as that boy Akainu? Recently, I've also had some itchy hands, so I want to compete with you!" Garp said!

Luo Hang couldn't laugh or cry when he said this.

Well, I dare to say that I grabbed his grandson and pushed him into the city, and I was upset, so I asked myself to vent my anger? .

Chapter 243: The Strength Ceiling of One Piece World, Karp

"Well, can I say that I don't want to fight?" Looking at Garp in front of him, Luo Hang said helplessly!


If someone else saw Luo Hang's refusal, he might be ashamed, but Garp didn't have these thoughts, so he resolutely refused.

Then, with a movement of his body, he rushed towards Luo Hang as fast as lightning, and punched Luo Hang down!

"What a fast speed!" Looking at Garp's movements, Luo Hang was shocked.

That is to say, the eyes of reincarnation have powerful vision, so they can see his movements. Otherwise, if someone else was beaten, they would really be unable to react to it, right?

It's no wonder that after the incident in the capital of seven waters in the original book, when Luffy was asleep, Garp moved so fast that even Sanji and the others couldn't react, and Garp broke through in an instant and punched him on the head!

Although shocked in his heart, Luo Hang's movements were not slow, he quickly crossed his hands and assumed a defensive posture.

The powerful true essence is focused on the arms. With such a fast speed, there is really no time for myself to form seals. It is too late to use ninjutsu~!

With a bang, Karp's fist hit Luo Hang's arm firmly.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang felt as if he had been hit by a train, and his figure was directly blown away.

Flying a full hundred meters away, Luo Hang managed to stabilize his figure, and his legs wiped two long marks on the ground.

At the same time, both arms trembled slightly, and I felt that both arms were numb, as if they didn't belong to me!

"This is indeed a strong man at the ceiling level of the Pirate World's combat power. This kind of power is simply terrifying!"

Nothing fancy, just a punch, this punch made Luo Hang clearly feel Garp's strength!

"Not bad, it's good to be able to receive a punch from the old man!"

Seeing that Luo Hang was punched and flew a hundred meters away, but he didn't look injured, Karp nodded and said.

At the same time, his figure was like lightning, and he rushed towards Luohang again!

"Hey, hey, how can this be able to catch your punch, I was blown out, okay?"

Seeing Garp pounced towards him again, Luo Hang secretly complained in his heart!

However, Garp at this time was like an old hooligan, not giving Luo Hang a chance to refuse at all.

In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Luo Hang!


Facing Garp's attack, Luo Hang's mind moved, and the substitute technique was cast in an instant!


Garp punched Luo Hang again!

Then, Luo Hang's figure turned into a wooden stake in a burst of white smoke, and the wooden stake turned into powder!

Yes, powder.

The wooden stake of the Substitution Technique turned into powder and dissipated. It can be seen how destructive this punch has reached!

"Huh?" Seeing Luo Hang in front of him turned into a smashed wooden stake, Garp frowned slightly!

Looking at Luo Hang again, he retreated even further, the whole person retreated to the sea outside the square, just standing on the sea!

"Do you think I can't do anything about you if you're on the sea water?" Looking at Luo Hang, Garp said, raising his fist for the third time!

"The rocky caressing mode!" Helpless, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly, and he entered the rocky caressing mode.

The chakra of the three tails immediately filled the whole body!

However, Luo Hang is also clear that in Jifu mode, he can only compete with Akainu.

As for Karp?

Forget it, Luo Hang never expected to be able to beat Karp in Jifu mode!

It can be seen from the situation of the war on the top!

In a state of serious illness + serious injury + exhaustion, Whitebeard's strength is estimated to be only [-]-[-]% of his heyday, right?

However, it can hang and beat the red dog!

The white beard of the strongest man is self-evident!

And Karp?In Luo Hang's view, his strength is definitely comparable to that of Whitebeard in his heyday!

So, if I can compete with Akainu in Isofu mode, can I fight Garp?

Luo Hang doesn't have such a sense of expansion!

"Is this the transformation state that is said to be able to fight that kid Akainu? It seems that you have become serious too. It's good, so the warm-up is over!"

Clenching his fists and moving his arms, Karp said!

"Wait, Lieutenant General Garp, if you want me to do it because of your grandson Luffy's situation, you don't have to, you..."

Luo Hang hurriedly opened his mouth, wanting to explain!

The strength just now is just a warm-up for Garp?

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