Well, when someone said this, Luo Hang might feel that the other party was pretending to be B. But if the person who said this was Garp, then it was not pretending to be B, but a real B!

"Who said it was because of Luffy? I just want to weigh the strength of the young people in the navy!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Garp interrupted him directly, denying it!

"Do you believe what you said?" Luo Hang's face turned dark, and he complained!

"I don't believe it, hahaha..." Karp himself shook his head.

After the words fell, no matter what Luo Hang was thinking, he jumped again and rushed towards Luo Hang's direction.

This time, faster and stronger!

"Eight doors of Dunjia, third door, life door, open!"

Taking a deep breath, Luo Hang opened the eight doors of the Dunjia!

From the world of ninjas to Marvel, and now to the world of sailing.

It has been two years since I have studied the eight gates of dunjia, and now I can barely open the third gate.

To be honest, the progress of this cultivation is not fast.

However, when facing Karp, Luo Hang has used all the strength he can now!

With the boost of Bamen Dunjia and Jifu mode, when Luo Hang raised his hand, a water dragon bomb blasted towards Karp!

Fortunately, the distance just now was far enough, so Luo Hang had some time to use ninjutsu!

Bang, with a punch, the huge water dragon collapsed in mid-air!

Garp landed on the water, but he didn't sink, but ran quickly and rushed towards Luohang!

"Water escape, water blade slash!"

Luo Hang's handprints fluttered, another water escape ninjutsu!

However, Garp punched it down again, and this water escape ninjutsu was also shattered by Garp!

Whatever you change, I have certain rules.

That's what Cap said.

There are not so many bells and whistles, no matter what kind of attack you hit, I will smash it with one punch, it's that simple!

Fast and powerful!

Water escape, water formation wall!

In the blink of an eye, Garp was in front of him, and Luo Hang used the defensive ninjutsu of the water wall again!

However, it was still punched down, and the raised water wall, the sea water splashed everywhere, and instantly collapsed!

At this time, more and more navies surrounded us.

Seeing the battle between Garp and Luohang, everyone was secretly shocked!

Lieutenant General Luo Hang's strength is really strong, as can be seen in the battle with General Akainu a few days ago. .  …Ask for flowers.

But now, is he still being beaten by Lieutenant General Garp?

Sure enough, Lieutenant Admiral Garp deserves to be Lieutenant Admiral Garp, a legendary sailor, a hero in the navy!

"What's the matter with Lieutenant General Garp? Ask our Brother Hang to compete? Are you looking for death?" "Grandpa, retire well when you get old, don't come out to dance with knives and guns!"

"Navy Headquarters, who doesn't know that although our brother Hang is only a lieutenant general, his combat power is comparable to that of a general? This lieutenant general Karp looks like a fool!" "Wait, I heard from another live broadcast room , I seem to have just heard that this guy named Lieutenant General Garp is not simple, I heard that he is a naval hero!" "So what about a hero? It's just a name, after all, he's just a lieutenant general Is it?" "Okay, let's do it, hold the grass!? What did I see? Brother Hang was punched and flew out!?"

"Okay, okay, not counting just now, brother Hang is now in the Jifu mode, and there are eight doors of armor. In this state, the general can do nothing, right?"

"I, why do I feel that something is not right? When facing General Akainu, it was only in the Isofu mode, but now it has added the Eight Door Dunjia!?"... 0 "Hold the grass, is it true or not? I Is there something wrong with your eyes? In this state, Brother Hang is still suppressed?" "Brother Hang's ninjutsu can be smashed with a fist, can you believe that?"

"What's going on with this guy named Karp? Isn't his strength too terrifying? Just like that, why is he still only a lieutenant general?" , so the clown is actually us? Brother Hang has known the other party's strength for a long time, and we are the only ones who don't know?" "So it turns out that this guy named Garp is Luffy's grandfather? Brother Hang has started!" "Public revenge, this is definitely public revenge!"

Almost everyone in Longguo's live broadcast room was dumbfounded at this time!

Originally, Garp was looking for Luo Hang to discuss, but he was just a lieutenant general, and all the audience felt that Garp was making himself uncomfortable!

However, when they really started to fight, seeing Luo Hang being suppressed by Garp from the beginning to the end, the audience were all dumbfounded! "Brother Hang, don't hide it, take out your big sword!" "Yes, it's time to take out the Xuanyuan Sword!" "Even if it's not good enough, there are vibrating gold gloves!" "There are also parry swords!" The magical skill of counterattack!" "There is also Sword 23!" "Why don't you use these?"

"Brother Hang deliberately didn't use these abilities, and he used purely the power system of the ninja world. What's going on?"

Although through the live broadcast, all viewers could see that Luo Hang was suppressed.

However, the magical skills of Zhenjin Gloves, Xuanyuan Sword, Blocking Counterattack and Sword 23 have never been used.

Many viewers also know that Luo Hang is not really incapable of fighting back!

However, Luo Hang didn't use it?

How is this going?It seems that there is a plan, right?


With another punch, Luo Hang was sent flying out again.

Looking at Garp who can run freely on the sea due to his fast speed, Luo Hang's expression froze slightly.

Tailed Beast Jade is ready!corpse.

Chapter 244: Luo Hang's Strength Positioning in the Pirate World

The tailed beast jade gathered bit by bit, and the power contained in it made people feel deeply shocked!

Marin Fanduo is the headquarters of the Navy. Here, there is no shortage of well-informed and domineering masters.

What's more, even people who are not proficient in knowledge and domineering can feel the terrifying aura contained in that beast jade at this moment! "This force, this blow, is enough to destroy an island!?"

Feeling the terrifying aura contained in this beast jade, Garp's face also became serious!

The power in the tailed beast jade made him feel palpitations.

However, such a powerful force has been compressed to such a small size, the destructive power is naturally self-evident!

Garp's face became more dignified than ever before, and at the same time, all the armed domineering energy in his body was also mobilized, and they were all poured into his iron fist!


After gathering to the extreme, the tailed beast jade blasted out directly, Garp's figure also jumped high, and rushed to the huge tailed beast jade in mid-air.

Then, he punched out again!

It seems that Garp's fist is only that big.

However, the incomparably powerful aura, mixed with the domineering look of the armed force, was thrown out. The strength of this punch gave everyone an illusion.

It seems that "[-]" Karp's fist is becoming very huge at this moment, as huge as an island!


This punch hit the Tailed Beast Jade fiercely, and a terrible explosion erupted immediately.

Even though it only exploded in mid-air, the explosion still produced a huge mushroom cloud, almost like a nuclear bomb explosion.

At the same time, a tsunami hundreds of meters high was rolled up and spread in all directions! "It's over, it's over, what a terrifying power..."

On the square of Marin Vanduo, countless marines watched the hundreds of meters high waves crushing down, and all of them showed shocking expressions on their faces!

Terrible, the power here is really terrifying, it didn't even hit Marin Vanduo, just the breath of the explosion, can actually roll up such a terrible tsunami?

Is this the power Lieutenant General Garp and Lieutenant General Luo Hang have?

call out!

However, seeing that the hundreds of meters high tsunami was about to hit Marin Fando hard, a figure quickly came into the air.

At the same time, the extremely cold air fell on the huge waves, causing the shocking waves to condense quickly!

It was the general Aokiji who made the move, and once he made the move, it was the Ice Age!

Maintaining a shocking tsunami appearance, this huge wave just froze in mid-air, as if a huge wall blocked Marin Vanduo! "This, isn't it a little exaggerated? Lieutenant General Garp is fine. Didn't you expect Lieutenant General Luohang to be so powerful?" After freezing the huge tsunami, Aokiji showed a look of surprise on his face!

"Hmph!" On the other side, such a fierce battle scene naturally attracted the attention of Akainu early.

Seeing this, Akainu snorted angrily, looking very upset!

When fighting with him before, the strength Luo Hang showed didn't seem to be so strong.

Especially the last trick has never been used.

However, it was used when fighting Garp.

how?Is Luo Hang looking down on himself?

Although, I do have to admit that Lieutenant General Karp is stronger than himself! "Not bad, boy, your last move is really powerful!"

As the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Garp stood on the frozen giant wave and spoke to Luo Hang.

"So, is it really Garp? Can you believe it when you blocked the tailed beast jade with your fist? It just didn't get hurt, but it just looked a little embarrassed!" Garp was marveling at Luo Hang's strength. , in Luo Hang's view, Karp isn't terrifyingly powerful! ? "Hold the grass, what the hell did I see? The tailed beast jade actually blocked it with my fist?"

"The attack of Tailed Beast Jade could blow up a small mountain in the last world, but here, it was blocked with fists? Is this something that humans can do?" "What the hell? In the navy, the lieutenant general Should the strength of the general be stronger than that of the general?"

"The attack of that tailed beast jade is comparable to a nuclear bomb. It just looks a little embarrassed, but it is not actually injured?"

In the live broadcast room, many viewers thought Luo Hang should have won after watching Luo Hang use the Tailed Beast Jade trick, and Karp should be injured at worst, right?

Who would have thought that the final result would be like this?

"Oh, this kind of strength is a bit scary. How can you even fight Lieutenant General Garp to this extent?" Huang Yuan appeared at some point, with a look of amazement on his face!

The original battle with Akainu was shocking to Luo Hang's strength.

Now, after fighting Karp, everyone discovered that Luo Hang's real strength is stronger than what he showed before?

Such a strength, even at the level of an admiral, is definitely an outstanding existence, right?

Even, it is not impossible to say that his strength can directly catch up with the Four Emperors among the pirates, right? "Lieutenant General, there is no need to continue fighting to this point, right?"

Luo Hang stood on the sea, looked up at Karp who was standing on the waves of the ice cave, and said!

It's all come to this point, if Garp still wants to do something, Luo Hang feels that he has to take out Xuanyuan Sword and Zhenjin Gloves!

"Okay, it's enough for the sparring to this point, let's count it as a tie this time!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Garp nodded and said!

"Huh..." Hearing this, Luo Hang heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time, the Jifu mode was also put away!

In this fight, Luo Hang really didn't want to fight.

Apart from showing a wave of strength and making the navy feel stronger, there will be no benefit!

"Boy, thank you for your mercy!" After Luo Hang retreated from the caressing mode, Garp suddenly spoke and said to Luo Hang!

"Ah? Show mercy? Lieutenant General, you think highly of me. There is no one in this world who can fight you back?" Hearing this, Luo Hang said in a daze!

As the ceiling level of this world's strength, Garp actually thinks that his subordinates are showing mercy?

How did he come up with this idea? "What the old man said was not about me!"

However, after hearing what Luo Hang said, Garp shook his head and said, "What I mean is, when you and Lu Fei fought, thank you for your mercy, otherwise, his life would be lost!" "Oh, that's it, you shouldn't thank me for this, you should thank General Huang Yuan."

"It's he who said that Luffy went out to sea and didn't do anything evil. He's different from other pirates, so let me focus on catching him alive!" Hearing Garp explain the reason, Luo Hang then threw the yellow ape out!

It is rumored on the Internet that Huang Yuan is the traitor of the Revolutionary Army among the pirates. So, as the father of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, does Garp know something?

While throwing the yellow ape, Luo Hang carefully stared at Karp's face!

"Yellow ape?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Garp's face showed a look of doubt!

In Karp's view, the yellow ape should not have a deep friendship with him, right?

If this matter is explained by Qingzhi, it can be justified, after all, when Qingzhi was a lieutenant general, he was under his command! "Okay, boy, from now on, the world of the navy will be yours!"

After a moment of silence, Karp is also a person with rough nerves. He didn't think about this kind of problem that consumes brain cells. He waved his hand and said...

With a leap, he jumped off the frozen waves and landed firmly on the square of Marin Fando!

In the square, many marines stared at Karp in awe!

Is this the legendary naval hero?

Although he is already very old, this strength does not seem to have weakened with his age at all!

Similarly, after Garp, Luo Hang also fell to the square of Marin Fando.

The marines in Marin Vanduo Square also stared at Luo Hang in awe!

Can he compete with Lieutenant General Garp?

Although it's just a few tricks in a sparring manner, the power displayed is still shocking!

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