As Lieutenant General Garp said, from now on, the world of the navy will belong to Luohang, right?

After all, his current strength is already so terrifying, what's more, he is still young!

"Okay, this battle is not completely fruitless!"

Looking at the navy around him, Luo Hang nodded secretly.

In this case, it will be easier to become an admiral himself, right?

Moreover, through this battle with Garp, Luo Hang also has a clearer idea of ​​his position in the Pirate World!

In the case of Jifu mode + Bamen Dunjia, Garp is overwhelmed.

But this is only about strength.

In terms of comprehensive strength, if all my equipment and magic skills are displayed, it should be regarded as the level of the ceiling of Pirate World. Can it be compared with Garp and the four emperors?

"How? Warring States, let me find a reason to test Luo Hang's full strength, and now I have tested it!"

In the marshal's office, Kapu sat down, grabbed the senbei and bit it.

"Well, I saw that such power is really very powerful!" Zhan Guo nodded and said!

"What? Do you have any worries about Luo Hang?" Garp asked casually!

"A combat power comparable to that of an admiral, willing to join the navy, I naturally want to investigate his background!"

"But it turns out that nothing can be investigated, as if this Luo Hang appeared out of thin air!"

"So, I'm not at ease!" Zhan Guo explained!

"What now?" Garp asked.

"Now I'm relieved, if you become a pirate with such strength, you will be at the level of the Four Emperors!"

"If you are in the Revolutionary Army, is it enough to be the leader of the Revolutionary Army?"

"If it is really a traitor from another organization who broke into the navy, he will never use such a strong person!"

"It's like if our navy wants to send a traitor to the revolutionary army, it's impossible for me, as the admiral of the navy, to go there myself?"

"So, I believe it now, Luo Hang should really be just a mysterious strongman who has never made a move in the sea!"

(PS: Five updates every day, each chapter has more than 3000 words, am I trying too hard? 嘤嘤嘻~~~~).

Chapter 245: Domineering cultivation

"I see you, although you are called a wise general, but you are too suspicious!"

Hearing what Warring States said, Garp picked his nostrils with a disrespectful godly hand and said!

"As the admiral of the navy, I have to consider this, right? An admiral-level combat force with unknown origin has joined, so don't we need to investigate thoroughly?"

Hearing what Garp said, Sengoku's face turned dark, and he argued with reason.

"Why do you care so much? As long as you don't dare to threaten the navy!" Garp still didn't care much!

I don't mean to argue more in this regard, I have known each other for many years, and I also know that it is impossible to argue for a result in this regard. , Changed the topic, and said: "Garp, your hand eating senbei, can you stop picking your nose, it looks disgusting!"

Garp, who was picking his nose, froze.

"By the way, with Luohang's current strength and such a reputation, shouldn't it be time to nominate him as an admiral!"

Although rough-headed, Garp was not stupid, and asked to change the subject.

"Should I nominate the Fourth Admiral of the Navy? This matter is not so easy..." When it came to business, Sengoku's expression became much more serious.

The general-level strength is indeed there, Luo Hang has proved his own strength, and even the entire Marin Fando has seen his general-level strength.

However, his military exploits are far from enough, right?

"When a person's strength has reached the stage of a general, but you insist on not letting others become a general, I think this will make people feel chilling?" 12 poured the last bit of senbei in the bag into his mouth , after Garp made a fuss about it, he patted some debris on his body, stood up and left!

"Garp, where are you going?" Seeing him walking out, Zhan Guo shouted!

"The old man has nothing to do anyway, so let's go to Jinjin City and have a look!" Karp replied without turning his head.

"Look, don't forget your identity!" Hearing this, Zhan Guo shouted seriously!

However, Garp's figure has gone away, and he didn't answer.

I don't know if I heard it, or if I heard it but didn't bother to answer it!

As Garp left, Zhan Guo thought about it, and then sent an application to Wu Lao Xing.

The general's application naturally requires the nod of the five old stars!

If Luo Hang has only initially touched the threshold of the general level, then the strength has reached, and military merits are indeed needed!

However, what if Luo Hang's strength is also top-notch at the general level?

The so-called military merits are becoming less and less important, right?

Who would have thought that Luo Hang's strength could actually make Garp feel a little embarrassed?

Now, all the marines of Marin Fando know that Luo Hang's strength should be slightly stronger than the three generals.

So, if you insist on not letting Luo Hang become a general, it will really make the minds of other navies float, right?

Possess the ability but not get the corresponding status?How does this motivate people to train?

This application form for a general soon arrived in the room of power, before Wu Laoxing!

"What do you all think about this matter?" The Great Elder told the others what was on the application form and asked!

Admiral, this is indeed a very important matter that requires serious consideration!

"From the description of strength, it is indeed enough, but without any military achievements, I am afraid that it will make Taotu and other generals feel dissatisfied!"

"However, according to Sengoku, his strength has surpassed Akainu and the three of them. Presumably those generals will replace him, so they can't say anything?"

"It's just that the most important thing is the Tianlong people!"

"On the side of Tianlong people, because Lu Fei who beat people was only imprisoned in the promotion city, he was not executed on the spot. He complained a lot to Luo Hang!"

"In this way, the sparring between Garp and Luo Hang may be the result of Garp's intentional release?"

"Okay, if that's the case, then temporarily suppress this application, don't agree with it, don't reject it, and let's see it!"

Wu Laoxing, you and I talked about each other, and after discussing the application of General Luo Hang, a decision was made!

As for the situation in the power room, Luo Hang naturally didn't know.

At this time, Luo Hang came to the training institution of the navy, saying that he came to see the information!

With Luo Hang's current status as a vice admiral, even promotion to admiral is a certainty.

His actions in the navy naturally have many advantages.

Just looking at the questions about the cultivation of the navy, naturally no one would stop him, so soon Luo Hang saw the information about the cultivation in this world.

First of all, there is information about Devil Fruits!

As the most distinctive devil fruit in the world, of course there is a detailed introduction here in the navy!

The nature department, the superhuman department and the animal department, as well as the development and awakening of the devil fruit, all aspects of information are written in great detail.

There is also a devil fruit illustration book, which records the abilities and pictures of all the devil fruits discovered so far!

As for the devil fruit, Luo Hang just glanced roughly, then put it down.

(Recognized; Accurate: If! Water; Head.'; Hair!", ':; Stealing, book? Selling "money"; Die, mother.'?) After all, the side effects of devil fruit are too great, Luo Hang's main purpose is still to cultivate.

Regarding the situation of Devil Fruits, just pay attention to yourself a little bit!

As for your ninjutsu?However, many navies think it is the ability of devil fruit.

After all, if it wasn't a devil fruit, who could manipulate sea water to fight at will?

Regarding this misunderstanding, Luo Hang didn't intend to clarify it either!

After putting down the information about the devil fruit, he followed Luo Hang and picked up the training about the sixth form of the navy!

To be honest, the Navy's sixth style is still very strong, and this is a skill that many middle-level navy will learn!

Moreover, after learning the six styles of the navy, many generals will develop extended uses of tactics that are more suitable for them.

This Navy Six seems to have been invented by Karp, thus popularizing the Navy.

Needless to say, Luo Hang took a closer look at the usage skills of the Navy's sixth style, and found that it is still very good!

It's just that the six moves don't have much effect on Luo Hang!

For example, shaved, by stepping on the ground dozens of times in an instant to obtain extremely fast speed.

However, Luo Hang's Lingbo Weibo is enough, and even more flexible when moving, otherwise, the world of ninjas would have learned the teleportation technique!

As for the defensive ability of the iron block?Isn't it good to have a protective energy?

There are also long-range attack capabilities such as Lanjiao and finger guns?

Isn't the sword energy of the holy spirit sword technique not good?

As for paper painting, it's just a superb dodging technique. Lingbo Weibu can be regarded as a combination of moving and dodging effects!

Therefore, with regard to the cultivation techniques of the six forms, Luo Hang just memorized them, and did not intend to waste his energy on cultivation!

Even Yuebu, a skill that can step on the air and run in the air, Luo Hang has no intention of practicing it!

Although I don't understand the ability to fly now.

However, at the point of refining Qi and turning into a god, I should have the qualifications to practice imperial weapon flying!

Wouldn't it be nice to just learn how to fly an imperial weapon?

In Fengyun's original novel, when Emperor Shitian Qiwu slayed the dragon, Bu Jingyun and the others showed their ability to fly with imperial weapons against the dragon that could fly in the air!

Otherwise, if Shenlong flew directly into the sky, if it was condescending, wouldn't Bu Jingyun and the others just watch?

Therefore, the Sixth Form of the Navy really does not have much effect on Luohang.

It took some time to memorize the cultivation methods and knowledge of the six styles, and that's it!

As if he had turned into a studious student, Luo Hang spent time here, carefully watching and memorizing all the knowledge he had learned in cultivation!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang went to the domineering area again!

Also as the ability that must be mastered by the high-end combat power of Pirate World, everyone must master at least one, two, or even three of the three-color domineering abilities, right?

Domineering and domineering, this is innate, not something that can be obtained through cultivation.

Therefore, Luo Hang simply looked at it.

Moreover, with regard to the development of the domineering overlord color, there are not many records in this database for 160 years!

After all, although there are quite a few people in the sea who have the domineering look, in the navy, there is none of them!

Owners of domineering domineering colors have a very special feature, that is lawlessness!

Without this kind of lawless courage, it is impossible to have domineering aura!

Of course, the navy, and even the world government cannot tolerate such lawless people.

Therefore, there is no domineering owner in the navy!

What Luo Hang focused on was to look at the situation of armed-colored domineering and knowledge-colored domineering!

To be honest, if this two-color domineering spirit is cultivated to the extreme, it will be very powerful!

Not to mention the domineering armed color, simply speaking, it has gained an increase in attack power and defense power. Even if a technique like Liuying, no matter how subtle, is also an increase in destructive power!

What about the domineering look?

Cultivated to the top level, you can listen to the voice of all things. In the original book, it seems that only Roger the One Piece and Luffy the future One Piece have this ability!

There is also the ability to predict the future in a short period of time. Katakuri in the original book has such an ability. It seems that Luffy also has it?

For example, during the battle on the top, facing Hawkeye, it seemed that he saw the future of his hands being cut off after making a move, so the move hit the ground instead of hitting Hawkeye!

So, is he worthy of being the future One Piece?His talent is already frighteningly high in terms of knowledge and domineering!

And the domineering look is also very powerful!

During the battle on the top, the domineering look that erupted unconsciously can shock the navy and many big pirates, which can be seen! "Okay, let's see how the armed domineering and knowledge-colored domineering are cultivated!"

Knowing the power of the two-color domineering, and also thinking about Wang Lufei's aptitude, Luo Hang murmured to himself, is Wang Lufei really worthy of the protagonist of Destiny?

With great anticipation, I looked carefully at the information in my hand! .

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