"Who knows, the father behind him is the fourth Hokage, is there a proper prince?" "Mother is the previous Kyuubi Jinchuriki!"

"Even, I am the reincarnation of the son of the Immortal of the Six Paths, and I am in a proper rhythm of fighting for my father!" "Luo Hang, don't be angry, this matter..."

After all, Luo Hang was the one who caught him, and now he was rescued for no apparent reason. He was really afraid that Luo Hang would be emotional, so Zhan Guo comforted him!

Boo boo boo!

However, at this moment, the phone bug in front of Sengoku rang! "Wait, I'll answer the phone first!"

Glancing at Luohang, Zhan Guo said!Immediately picked up the phone bug!

"Hello, is it the Warring States Period?" On the other end of the phone, a high-ranking, domineering voice rang out.

"You are?" Zhan Guo frowned slightly and asked!

"I'm St. Charles Rose. I heard that the vicious pirate who attacked me was rescued!?" The voice on the phone was obviously questioning! "This situation is indeed a little unexpected..."

Although he was also very unhappy with the attitude of the other Tianlongren, he was the admiral of the navy after all, and his words and deeds represented the attitude of the navy, so he couldn't be as capricious as Garp.

Therefore, Warring States patiently explained.

"Hmph, what's the accident? Your navy is too incompetent, isn't it? The captured criminals can also be run away? They are all a bunch of trash!" Saint Charles Rose on the other end of the phone shouted angrily!

"Actually, Lieutenant General Garp was also advancing to the city at that time. Why don't you ask Garp about the details of this incident?"

After a moment of silence, Sengoku spoke and threw Garp out!

To be honest, Garp wouldn't give Tianlongren any good looks, and Tianlongren didn't dare to touch him.

After all, Karp's reputation and strength have reached their peak in the Navy.

Sure enough, after hearing that Warring States had thrown Garp out, Saint Charles Rose on the other end of the phone seemed to be choked for a while, and he didn't speak for a while!

"Hmph, where's that guy named Luo Hang!?" So, after a moment of silence, Saint Charlos hummed again!

"Me? What the hell? The tantrum suddenly came to me?"

Originally stayed quietly by the side, feeling that the matter had nothing to do with him.

However, in the blink of an eye, the voice on the phone was talking about himself?

This made Luo Hang confused!

People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky?

"Luo Hang? I don't know what you mean by asking Luo Hang?" After glancing at Luo Hang beside him, the Marshal of the Warring States Period followed suit and asked!

"Let Luo Hang be responsible for all of this!"

"At that time in the Chambord Islands, couldn't he just kill him? He just wanted to capture him alive and send him to Jinjin City!?"

"Is it alright now? It's because he sent people to Jinjin City, so they escaped!"

"The responsibility for all this must be borne by this guy named Luo Hang!". …ask for flowers.

"I'll be waiting in the holy land of Mariejoa, let him come to plead guilty!"

St. Charles Rose on the other end of the phone, still in the domineering look, announced!

When Luo Hang next to him heard this, his face darkened, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!

To be honest, Luo Hang already knew the nature of Tianlong people from the original work of Pirates.

But you know one thing, as long as you don't mess with yourself, Luo Hang doesn't bother to care about it!

However, it seems that according to Murphy's Law, the more you don't want to cause trouble, the trouble will come to you instead?

"Tianlong people? I saw it from other live broadcast rooms, this Tianlong people are known as the nobles of the world, and they are the descendants of the founder of the world government!"

"It seems that they don't want to breathe the same air as ordinary mortals, so they all wear the same masks as astronauts!"

"Besides, the Celestial Dragons are protected by the high standard of the World Government. It was because Luffy hit the Celestial Dragons before that the admiral had to do it himself!"

"These Tianlong people are all arrogant. Now that the giant Luffy has been rescued, I don't know if Brother Hang is angry, but the Tianlong people are definitely angry!"

... 0 "Tsk tsk tsk, you really are superior, the admiral of the navy, dare to call directly to reprimand him?"

"This Warring States was reprimanded by the Tianlong people, and they actually threw Karp out as a shield?"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, it's a real dog!"

"The most frightening thing is that the Tianlong people dare to reprimand the admiral, but dare not speak ill of Garp?"

"Hold the grass, I have always had no concept of Garp's strength, and now I know!"

"This Garp's card is too big, isn't it? Is it even bigger than the Admiral's card?"

"Wait, are you going to dump the blame on our Brother Hang now?"

"Is Tianlong looking for death? Don't dare to mess with Karp, do you think our Brother Hang is a soft persimmon?"

"This is to find someone who is responsible for the blame, so did you find our Brother Hang?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, these audiences were chatting about Tianlong people in a good atmosphere.

Seeing that the Warring States of the Admiral of the Navy is actually being ordinary by the Tianlong people, I am happy to see it!

But as the Warring States brought Capra out, the Tianlong people didn't dare to trouble Capra.

These audiences were all shocked, and for the first time understood Karp's cards, it was too big!

However, what no one expected was that, not daring to trouble Garp, the Tianlongren finally wanted Luo Hang to take the blame?

For a moment, the audience of Dragon Kingdom in the entire live broadcast room were filled with righteous indignation!

Of course, other crooked viewers were very excited!

That's great, no matter how exhaustive Luo Hang's strategy is, there will always be accidents, right?

Now is the time for the unexpected!

This day the dragon man wants him to take the blame, does he dare to resist?

"St. Charles Rose, this matter has little to do with Luohang, right?"

He also understood that St. Charles Ross wanted Luo Hang to take the blame, Zhan Guo hurriedly said!

"Hmph, this matter is so decided!"

However, St. Charles Rose didn't give Warring States a chance to say anything more. After shouting, he hung up the phone!corpse.

Chapter 249: Announcement of withdrawal from the navy, adding another hundred years of skill

"Luo Hang, don't be so busy getting angry, this matter is not a foregone conclusion here, I will go to Wu Laoxing to explain the situation!"

After St. Charles Rose hung up the phone, Zhan Guo turned his head, saw Luo Hang's face was very dark, and hurriedly comforted him!

Really need some reassurance.

After all, with the existence of Luohang, this is the future of the Navy, so they are treated unfairly like this?No matter who it is on, they will not be reconciled, right?

"Okay, I hope the marshal can give me a satisfactory answer!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Luo Hang nodded and said!

Anger is a must. I believe that whoever is treated like this by Luo Hang will be very angry, right?

After all, Luo Hang thought he had never done anything wrong!

Throwing the blame to Karp, the Tianlongren dare not trouble Karp this day.

So, do you feel that you are a soft persimmon?

After Zhan Guo put down the phone bug in his hand, he left quickly, apparently to find Wulaoxing!

As the controllers of the world government, the Five Old Stars are the only ones who can command the Celestial Dragons!

Things haven't reached the worst point yet, even though Luo Hang is annoyed in his heart, he doesn't intend to tear his face apart in a hurry!

Now that Warring States has already dealt with it for himself, then, for the time being, be patient and see how the result of the deal is "[-]"!

After leaving the Warring States office, Luo Hang found a place to sit cross-legged, quietly practicing his Sacred Heart Art!

In other words, when I went to Sengoku by myself, I was just curious to ask how Luffy's protagonist's halo works and how he escaped from the promotion city.

Who would have thought that he just happened to hear a phone call from the Tianlong people who were going to make him take the blame?

Putting his mind down to practice the Sacred Heart Jue, Luo Hang tried his best to free his mind.

In this way, after practicing for half an hour, Luo Hang opened his eyes and sighed helplessly: "So, if you can't relax your mind, is this practice more effective than half the effort?"

"It's really a step back, the more you think about it, the more you get angry, and the more you think about it for a while, the more you suffer!"

"Weakness is the original sin? Don't dare to offend Garp, so, do you think I'm easier to deal with?"

Luo Hang muttered in a low voice, the more he thought about it, the more he felt a violent thought in his heart!

"I'm so angry, no matter what plans Brother Hang has in the navy, I won't serve you anymore!"

"Yes, you can feel the grievances my Brother Hang has suffered through the screen!"

"My husband was really wronged, and I feel sorry for ing..."

In Longguo's live broadcast room, many viewers also exploded at this time.

Especially looking at Luo Hang's wronged and angry look, these audiences are even more united and filled with righteous indignation!

Really, no matter who encounters Luo Hang's situation, they will feel very annoyed, right?

On the other side, in the room of power, the five old stars still stay in the room of power.

At this time, the Warring States came to the front of Wulaoxing!

Then, the Warring States Period explained the specific situation to the five old stars in detail!

"Five Old Stars, this Luo Hang's strength is very strong, even if it's not as good as Garp's, it's at least [-]% of Garp's strength."

"He is still so young, and he will definitely become an important combat force for the navy and even the entire world government in the future!"

"In this way, it is not worth sacrificing him to let the Tianlong people calm down!"

In the end, Zhan Guo opened his mouth to let the five old stars deeply understand the value of Luo Hang!

"Oh? It's not just about being able to fight Akainu? It's actually [-]% of Garp's strength!?"

Hearing what the Warring States had said, the five old stars looked at each other with astonishment on their faces!

At the general level, every point is very difficult to improve your strength!

It's like the college entrance examination, when you reach 600 points, if you want to continue to improve, every 10 points is a completely different grade!

However, Luo Hang's strength can match Garp's.

Or even say, at least [-]% of Karp's strength?

The value of Luohang has skyrocketed a lot!

"It seems that we have underestimated the value of Luohang! What the Warring States period said is reasonable. Such a talent is the future of the navy and even the world government. Therefore, we can't let him be wronged like this just to please the Tianlong people! "This is what the Fifth Elder said!

"That's right, we have to re-evaluate Luo Hang's value!" The third elder next to him also nodded!

"If that's the case, we have to warn Charles Rose!" These were the words of the second elder!

"However, I have a different idea. Don't forget, we have been searching for so long, but we haven't found any information about Luo Hang's origin. He seems to have appeared out of thin air!"

At this time, the Great Elder suddenly spoke up and proposed a completely different idea!

These words made the faces of the other elders present and Zhan Guo slightly changed!

Indeed, no matter what, Luo Hang's origin can't be found out, which really can't make people feel completely at ease about him!

"So, what do you mean?" The Fourth Elder asked the First Elder.

At the same time, the eyes of all the people present were also focused on the Great Elder.

Indeed, nothing about Luo Hang's origins can be found out, so bringing it up at this time shows that the Great Elder has ideas, right?

"It's easy!"

The Great Elder looked around at all the people present, and said, "What we want is Luo Hang's loyalty. If we can prove his loyalty, then it doesn't matter even if we can't find out his background!" "Loyalty ? How to prove this?" Hearing this, all the people stared at the Great Elder curiously! "This time, it is an excellent opportunity!"

The Great Elder opened his mouth and said, "We ask Luo Hang to take responsibility for this matter, and we will see how he responds!" "If he is willing to bear the grievances himself, it will prove his loyalty to the navy."

"If he was wronged this time, we can immediately promote him to the rank of admiral, and we can even trust him in the future!" "But if he is not willing to be wronged, it proves that his loyalty to the navy is only to this extent." "Then, there is nothing wrong with eliminating such a potential threat!" The Great Elder spoke up and expressed his thoughts!

"Well, this remark is reasonable. It's not bad to use this matter to test it out!"

"Indeed, the admiral will even use him more in the future, so it is only natural that he should be strictly tested!" "I agree!"

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